
1313 保险承销商 Insurance underwriters NOC


1313 保险承销商 Insurance underwriters NOC - LEVEL B


Insurance underwriters review and evaluate insurance applications to determine insurance risks, insurance premiums and extent of insurance coverage according to company policies. Insurance underwriters are employed at head and branch offices of insurance companies.

1313 保险承销商头衔范例

组承销商 group underwriter

承保人 insurance underwriter

责任承销商 liability underwriter

物业承销商 property underwriter

1313 保险承销商主要职责


Review individual and group applications for automobile, fire, health, liability, life, property, marine, aircraft and other insurance


Evaluate new and renewal applications to determine insurance risks, insurance premiums, extent of insurance coverage and other conditions of the insurance contract using medical reports, rate tables and other documents and reference materials; adjust premiums, coverage or risk itself to make acceptance of new and renewal applications possible


Approve sale of insurance policies and ensure compliance with government regulations


Provide recommendations on individual or group insurance plan designs


Provide underwriting advice and answer inquiries from clients and from insurance agents, consultants and other company personnel


Prepare underwriting reports and update insurance forms when necessary.

1313 保险承销商任职要求


Completion of secondary school and some general insurance experience


A bachelors degree, college diploma or some post-secondary education is required.


Several years of on-the-job training and completion of insurance industry underwriting courses and training programs are required.

1313 保险承销商附加信息


Progression to management positions in the insurance industry is possible with experience.


Completion of educational programs through the Insurance Institute of Canada or its provincial counterparts entitles insurance underwriters to professional recognition as a Chartered Insurance Professional (CIP) and, with additional university courses, as a Fellow, Chartered Insurance Professional (FCIP).

1313 保险承销商其他分类

保险代理人和经纪人 Insurance agents and brokers [6231](6231)

保险经理(保险,房地产和金融经纪经理) Insurance managers (in [0121](0121) Insurance, real estate and financial brokerage managers )

1313 保险承销商职称头衔

意外和疾病包销商 - 保险 accident and sickness underwriter – insurance

助理承销商 - 保险 assistant underwriter – insurance

汽车及家居保险顾问 automobile and home insurance consultant

汽车包销商 - 保险 automobile underwriter – insurance

锅炉及机械包销商 - 保险 boiler and machinery underwriter – insurance

人员伤亡保险产品分析师-设计师 casualty insurance products analyst-designer

伤亡承销商 - 保险 casualty underwriter – insurance

商业包销商 - 保险 commercial underwriter – insurance

农场承销商 - 保险 farm underwriter – insurance

火灾包销商 - 保险 fire underwriter – insurance

承销商 group underwriter

包销商 - 保险 group underwriter – insurance

总部办公室包销商 - 保险 head office underwriter – insurance

家庭办公室包销商 - 保险 home office underwriter – insurance

保险评级分析师 insurance rating analyst

保险承销商 insurance underwriter

初级包销商 - 保险 junior underwriter – insurance

责任承销商 liability underwriter

生命承销商 life underwriter

海洋和飞机的包销商 - 保险 marine and aircraft underwriter – insurance

海洋包销商 - 保险 marine underwriter – insurance

包销商 - 保险软件包 package underwriter – insurance

个人线承销商的 personal lines underwriter

物业承销商 property underwriter

物业承销商 - 保险 property underwriter – insurance

公众责任包销商 - 保险 public liability underwriter – insurance

再保险承销商 - 保险 reinsurance underwriter – insurance

高级包销商 - 保险 senior underwriter – insurance

作保承销商 - 保险 surety underwriter – insurance

包销商 - 保险 underwriter – insurance

承销商,意外险和病者 - 保险 underwriter, accident and sickness – insurance

包销商,汽车 - 保险 underwriter, automobile – insurance

包销商,锅炉及机器 - 保险的 underwriter, boiler and machinery – insurance

包销商,的伤亡 - 保险 underwriter, casualty – insurance

包销商,商业性 - 保险 underwriter, commercial – insurance

包销商,农场 - 保险 underwriter, farm – insurance

包销商,火灾 - 保险 underwriter, fire – insurance

承销商,团体 - 保险 underwriter, group – insurance

包销商,头部办公室 - 保险 underwriter, head office – insurance

承销商,家庭办公 - 保险 underwriter, home office – insurance

承销商,生活 underwriter, life

包销商,的海洋 - 保险 underwriter, marine – insurance

承销商,海洋和飞机 - 保险 underwriter, marine and aircraft – insurance

包销商,包 - 保险 underwriter, package – insurance

包销商,物业 - 保险 underwriter, property – insurance

包销商,公众负债 - 保险 underwriter, public liability – insurance

包销商,担保 - 保险 underwriter, surety – insurance













6231 保险代理人和经纪人 Insurance agents and brokers NOC

6231 保险代理人和经纪人 Insurance agents and brokers NOC - LEVEL B


Insurance agents and brokers sell life, automobile, property, health and other types of insurance to individuals, businesses and public institutions. Insurance agents are employed by individual insurance companies or are independent representatives of specific insurance companies. Insurance brokers are employed by brokerage firms, or may work in partnerships or hold sole proprietorship. Supervisors of insurance agents are included in this unit group.

6231 保险代理人和经纪人头衔范例

保险公司 insurance agent

保险经纪 insurance broker

保险销售代表 insurance sales representative

保险销售主管 insurance sales supervisor

6231 保险代理人和经纪人主要职责


Sell automobile, fire, health, life, property, marine, aircraft and other types of insurance to clients


Establish client insurance coverage, calculate premiums and establish method of payment


Provide information concerning group and individual insurance packages, the range of risk coverage, benefits paid and other policy features


Ensure appropriate forms, medical examinations and other policy requirements are completed


Monitor insurance claims and respond to clients enquiries


Identify and solicit potential clientele.

6231 保险代理人和经纪人任职要求


Completion of secondary school is usually required.


On-the-job training and insurance industry courses and training programs are provided and are required for employment.


Licensure by the insurance governing body in the province or territory of employment is required.

6231 保险代理人和经纪人附加信息


Progression to insurance management positions is possible through experience.


Completion of educational programs through the Insurance Institute of Canada or its provincial counterpart entitles agents to professional recognition as an Associate of the Insurance Institute of Canada (A.I.I.C.) or Fellow of the Insurance Institute of Canada (F.I.I.C.).


Completion of educational courses through the Canadian Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors allows for various levels of professional designations for insurance and financial advisors.

6231 保险代理人和经纪人其他分类

保险经理(保险,房地产和金融经纪经理) Insurance managers (in [0121](0121) Insurance, real estate and financial brokerage managers )

保险承销商 Insurance underwriters [1313](1313)

主管,金融和保险的上班族 Supervisors, finance and insurance office workers [1212](1212)

6231 保险代理人和经纪人职称头衔

汽车保险代理 automobile insurance agent

汽车保险推销员/男/女 automobile insurance salesman/woman

券商,保险 broker, insurance

区域主管,保险办公室 district supervisor, insurance office

现场代理 - 保险 field agent – insurance

火灾保险代理人 fire insurance agent

火灾保险推销员/男/女 fire insurance salesman/woman

一般保险代表 general insurance representative

团体保险代表 group insurance representative

保险公司 insurance agent

保险经纪 insurance broker

代理销售保险 insurance sales agent

保险销售代表 insurance sales representative

保险销售主管 insurance sales supervisor

保险推销员/男/女 insurance salesman/woman

寿险代理人 life insurance agent

寿险代表 life insurance representative

寿险业务员/男/女 life insurance salesman/woman

代理销售保险 sales agent, insurance

业务员/男/女,保险 salesman/woman, insurance

主管,保险代理人 supervisor, insurance agents












1312 保险理算员和索赔审查员 Insurance adjusters and claims examiners NOC

1312 保险理算员和索赔审查员 Insurance adjusters and claims examiners NOC - LEVEL B


Insurance adjusters investigate insurance claims and determine the amount of loss or damages covered by insurance policies. They are employed in claims departments of insurance companies or as independent adjusters. Insurance claims examiners examine claims investigated by insurance adjusters and authorize payments. They are employed at head offices or branches of insurance companies.

1312 保险理算员和索赔审查员头衔范例

理算员 adjuster

索赔审查员 claims examiner

索赔代表 claims representative

保险理算员 insurance adjuster

1312 保险理算员和索赔审查员主要职责

保险理算员执行部分或全部下列职责:Insurance adjusters perform some or all of the following duties:


Investigate circumstances surrounding insurance claims to determine validity of claim


Inspect automobile, home or other property damage


Take statements and consult with claimants, accident witnesses, doctors and other relevant individuals and examine records or reports


Determine amount of loss or damages covered by insurance policies


Negotiate settlement of claims


Prepare adjustment reports.

保险索赔检查员执行部分或全部下列职责Insurance claims examiners perform some or all of the following duties:


Review, examine, calculate and authorize insurance claims investigated by insurance adjusters


Examine adjusters reports and similar insurance claims or precedents to determine extent of insurance coverage


Ensure claims are valid and settlements are made according to company practices and procedures


Consult lawyers, doctors or other relevant individuals to discuss insurance claims


Approve automobile, fire, life, disability, dental or other insurance claims.

1312 保险理算员和索赔审查员任职要求


Completion of secondary school is required.


A bachelors degree, college diploma or some post-secondary education


Several years of experience as a clerk in the claims department or other general insurance experience are required.


Several years of on-the-job training and completion of insurance industry courses and training programs are required.


Independent adjusters require a provincial licence issued by the Superintendent of Insurance in the province or territory of employment.

1312 保险理算员和索赔审查员附加信息


Completion of educational programs through the Insurance Institute of Canada or its provincial counterparts entitles insurance adjusters and claims examiners to professional recognition as a Chartered Insurance Professional (CIP), and with additional university courses, as a Fellow Chartered Insurance Professional (FCIP).

1312 保险理算员和索赔审查员其他分类

主管,金融和保险工作人员 Supervisors, finance and insurance office workers [1212](1212)

1312 保险理算员和索赔审查员职称头衔

理算员 adjuster

理算员 - 保险 adjuster – insurance

见习理算员 - 保险 adjuster trainee – insurance

汽车索赔技术理算员 automobile claims technical adjuster

意外伤害保险理算员 casualty insurance adjuster

理赔 - 保险 claims adjuster – insurance

索赔审批 - 保险 claims approver – insurance

理赔顾问 claims consultant

索赔审查员 claims examiner

索赔审查员 - 保险 claims examiner – insurance

理赔调查员 claims investigator

理赔调查员 - 保险 claims investigator – insurance

代表 claims representative

保险代表 claims representative – insurance

伤残索赔检查员 - 保险 disability claims examiner – insurance

救灾理赔 - 保险 disaster relief claims adjuster – insurance

现场理算员 - 保险 field adjuster – insurance

火灾保险公估 fire insurance adjuster

货运理算员 - 保险 freight adjuster – insurance

团体寿险索赔审查员 - 保险 group life claims examiner – insurance

健康和牙科的索赔审查员 - 保险 health and dental claims examiner – insurance

保险理算员 insurance adjuster

保险巡视员 insurance inspector

负债理算员 - 保险 liability adjuster – insurance

损失检查员 - 保险 loss examiner – insurance

海洋理赔员 - 保险 marine claims adjuster – insurance

船舶保险公估 marine insurance adjuster

医疗估损 - 保险 medical claims assessor – insurance

机动车辆理赔 - 保险 motor vehicle claims adjuster – insurance

产品检查员 production examiner

物业理算员 - 保险 property adjuster – insurance

公共理算员 - 保险 public adjuster – insurance

铁路理赔员 - 保险 railroad claims adjuster – insurance

结算管理联营公司 settlement management associate

结算专家 settlement specialist

人员理算员 - 保险 staff adjuster – insurance

电话理算员 - 保险 telephone adjuster – insurance

见习理算员 - 保险 trainee adjuster – insurance

工人补偿理算员 - 保险 workers compensation adjuster – insurance












1434 银行,保险和其他财务人员 Banking, insurance and other financial clerks NOC

1434 银行,保险和其他财务人员 Banking, insurance and other financial clerks NOC - LEVEL C


Banking, insurance and other financial clerks compile, process and maintain banking, insurance and other financial information. They are employed by banks, credit companies, private and public insurance establishments, investment firms and other financial establishments throughout the private and public sectors.

1434 银行,保险和其他财务人员头衔范例

精算职员 actuarial clerk

银行职员 bank clerk

信贷业务员 credit clerk

牙科索赔职员的 dental claims clerk

股息计算职员 dividend calculation clerk

保险业务员 - 金融业 insurance clerk – financial sector

保险评价者 insurance rater

总账控制业务员 ledger control clerk

贷款业务员 - 金融业 loan clerk – financial sector

按揭职员 mortgage clerk

溢价评价者 - 保险 premium rater – insurance

房地产业务员 real estate clerk

证券业务员 - 金融业 securities clerk – financial sector

1434 银行,保险和其他财务人员主要职责

银行职员执行部分或全部下列职责Bank clerks perform some or all of the following duties:


Compile records of deposits, withdrawals, loan and mortgage payments, cheques and purchase, sale and exchange of securities


Process loan and mortgage applications, loan and mortgage payments, retirement savings plan applications, term deposits, drafts and money orders


Verify and balance automatic teller machine transactions and ledger entries, calculate service charges and interest payments and notify customers regarding account discrepancies and captured bank cards


Answer enquiries and provide information on banking products, policies and services


May sell drafts, money orders, travellers cheques and foreign currency, rent safety deposit boxes and open and close savings, chequing and other accounts.

保险办事员执行部分或全部下列职责Insurance clerks perform some or all of the following duties:


Process enrolments, cancellations, claims transactions, policy changes and premium payments


Review insurance applications and verify insurance coverage, premiums paid and other insurance information


Calculate insurance premiums, pension benefits and annuity payments


Compile and maintain claims data, rates and insurance data and records


Answer enquiries and provide information on insurance products, policies and services.

本单元组的其他财务人员执行部分或全部下列职责Other financial clerks in this unit group perform some or all of the following duties:


Compile and maintain rental, sale and other real estate listings


Compile and maintain stock, bond and other securities listings


Sort, verify and process real estate, securities and other financial transactions


Answer enquiries and reply to correspondence.

1434 银行,保险和其他财务人员任职要求


Completion of secondary school is required.


A business college diploma may be required.


On-the-job training and short-term training courses or programs specific to the financial establishment are usually required.

1434 银行,保险和其他财务人员附加信息


Progression to supervisory positions is possible with experience.

1434 银行,保险和其他财务人员其他分类

会计技师和簿记 Accounting technicians and bookkeepers [1311](1311)

客户服务代表 - 金融机构 Customer services representatives - financial institutions [6551](6551)

主管,金融和保险的上班族 Supervisors, finance and insurance office workers [1212](1212)

1434 银行,保险和其他财务人员职称头衔

会计文员 - 金融业 accounts clerk – financial sector

账户代表 - 金融业 accounts representative – financial sector

精算职员 actuarial clerk

申请评审员 - 保险 application reviewer – insurance

ATM(自动取款机)职员 ATM (automatic teller machine) clerk

自动取款机(ATM)职员 automatic teller machine (ATM) clerk

银行职员 bank clerk

福利和权利秘书 - 保险 benefits and entitlement clerk – insurance

经纪业务员 brokerage clerk

计算业务员 - 保险 calculation clerk – insurance

索赔员 - 保险 claims clerk – insurance

职员 - 金融业 clerk – financial sector

合同职员 - 金融业 contract clerk – financial sector

控制员 - 金融业 control clerk – financial sector

信贷申请办事员 - 金融部门 credit application clerk – financial sector

信用评估员 credit assessment clerk

信贷授权职员 credit authorization clerk

信贷业务员 credit clerk

信贷寄存器职员 credit register clerk

死亡福利职员 death benefits clerk

牙科索赔职员的 dental claims clerk

伤残津贴保险业务员 - disability benefits clerk – insurance

折扣业务员 - 金融业 discount clerk – financial sector

股息计算职员 dividend calculation clerk

的股息计算业务员 - 金融部门 dividend calculation clerk – financial sector

雇员保险业务员 employee insurance clerk

汇率职员 - 金融业 exchange rate clerk – financial sector

金融职员 - 金融业 financial clerk – financial sector

外币账户调整 - 金融业 foreign currency accounts adjuster – financial sector

外汇业务员 - 金融业 foreign exchange clerk – financial sector

国外汇款的职员 - 金融业 foreign remittance clerk – financial sector

团体保险业务员 group insurance clerk

医院保险业务员 hospital insurance clerk

保险业务员 - 金融业 insurance clerk – financial sector

保险评价者 insurance rater

利息职员 interest clerk

总账控制业务员 ledger control clerk

总账控制业务员 - 金融业 ledger control clerk – financial sector

统制官 - 金融业 ledger control officer – financial sector

责任职员 - 金融业 liability clerk – financial sector

贷款业务员 - 金融业 loan clerk – financial sector

保证金计算办事员 - 金融部门 margin calculation clerk – financial sector

按揭职员 mortgage clerk

养老管理员 - 保险公司 pension administrator – insurance company

退休金计划职员 - 保险 pension plans clerk – insurance

个人信贷额度职员 personal credit lines clerk

个人线员 - 保险 personal lines clerk – insurance

职员 - 保险政策变化 policy change clerk – insurance

政策职员 - 保险 policy clerk – insurance

职员 - 保险政策信息 policy information clerk – insurance

溢价评价者 - 保险 premium rater – insurance

证明业务员 - 金融业 proof clerk – financial sector

物业及设备保险业务员 property and equipment insurance clerk

物业职员 property clerk

评价者,保险 rater, insurance

房地产业务员 real estate clerk

房地产业务员 realty clerk

和解员 - 金融业 reconciliation clerk – financial sector

更新职员 - 金融业 renewal clerk – financial sector

储量计算职员 - 金融业 reserves calculation clerk – financial sector

保险箱职员 safety deposit box clerk

储蓄账户职员 - 金融业 savings accounts clerk – financial sector

证券业务员 - 金融业 securities clerk – financial sector

高级索赔职员 senior claims clerk

特别签注业务员 - 保险 special endorsement clerk – insurance

养老金书记 - 金融业 superannuation clerk – financial sector

手术医疗报销业务员 - 保险 surgical-medical claims clerk – insurance

估值职员 - 金融业 valuation clerk – financial sector

库服务员 - 金融业 vault attendant – financial sector












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