
3141 听力学家和语言病理学家 (3141 Audiologists and speech-language pathologists) -NOC


3141 听力学家和语言病理学家 (3141 Audiologists and speech-language pathologists) -NOC - LEVEL A


Audiologists diagnose, evaluate and treat individuals with peripheral and central hearing loss, tinnitus and balance problems. Speech-language pathologists diagnose, assess and treat human communication disorders including speech, fluency, language, voice and swallowing disorders. Audiologists and speech-language pathologists are employed in hospitals, community and public health centres, extended care facilities, day clinics, rehabilitation centres and educational institutions, or may work in private practice. Audiologists and speech-language pathologists who are supervisors are included in this unit group.

3141 听力学家和语言病理学家头衔范例

听力学家 audiologist

认证听力学家 certified audiologist

临床听力学家 clinical audiologist

教育语言语音病理学家 educational speech-language pathologist

听力师 research audiologist

言语治疗师 speech therapist

言语语言医生 speech-language clinician

3141 听力学家和语言病理学家主要职责

听力学家 Audiologists 主要职责


Develop and administer audiometric tests and examinations using specialized instruments and electronic equipment to diagnose and evaluate the degree and type of patients hearing impairment


Plan and implement habilitation/rehabilitation programs for patients, including selection, fitting and adjustment of amplification devices, such as hearing aids, and teaching speech (lip) reading

为患者及其家庭提供关于听力缺损及治疗的性质、程度、作用及影响等信息;Provide information to patients and families regarding the nature, extent, impact and implications of hearing loss and treatment


Establish personalized care plans working as a member of an interdisciplinary team


Conduct research related to hearing and hearing disorders


May instruct and supervise audiometric technicians, students and other health care personnel.

语言病理学家 Speech-language pathologists 主要职责


Administer tests and examinations and observe patients to diagnose and evaluate speech, voice, resonance, language, cognitive-linguistic and swallowing disorders


Develop, plan and implement remedial programs to correct speech, voice, language, resonance, cognitive-linguistic and swallowing disorders


Establish group and personalized care plans working as a member of an interdisciplinary team


Provide advice and educational services to patients and families regarding communication and swallowing disorders


Conduct research on speech and other communication disorders and on the development and design of diagnostic procedures and devices


May instruct and supervise communicative disorders assistants, students and other health care personnel.

3141 听力学家和语言病理学家任职要求


Audiologists require a masters degree in audiology.


Speech-language pathologists require a masters degree in speech-language pathology.


Registration with a regulatory body is required for audiologists and speech-language pathologists in New Brunswick, Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta and British Columbia.


Membership in the national association, Canadian Association of Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists, is usually required.


In some jurisdictions, audiologists may be required to obtain a separate licence to dispense hearing aids.

3141 听力学家和语言病理学家附加说明


Progression into management positions, such as chief audiologist or director of speech-language pathology, is possible with experience.

3141 听力学家和语言病理学家其他分类

语言学及语言技术助理 Audiology and speech-language technical and assisting occupations (in [3237](3237) Other technical occupations in therapy and assessment )

盲文、唇读及授予教师 Braille, lip-reading and sign language instructors (in [4215](4215) Instructors of persons with disabilities )

卫生保健经理 Managers in health care ([0311](0311))

语音矫正师 Phoniatricians (in [3111](3111) Specialist physicians )

3141 听力学家和语言病理学家职称头衔

扩增听力学家 amplification audiologist

听力学家 audiologist

听力学研究学者 audiologist, research

临床听力医师 audiology clinician

听力学专家 audiology specialist

认证听力学家 certified audiologist

认证助听器听力学家 certified hearing aid audiologist

临床听力学家 clinical audiologist

社区听力学家 community audiologist

社区语言病理学家 community speech-language pathologist

诊断听力学家 diagnostic audiologist

配药听力学家 dispensing audiologist

教育听力学家 educational audiologist

教育语言病理学家 educational speech-language pathologist

沟通障碍专家 human communication disorders specialist

工业听力学家 industrial audiologist

言语矫治学家 logopedist

言语病理学家 pathologist, speech

语言病理学家 pathologist, speech-language

儿科听力学家 pediatric audiologist

听力师 research audiologist

听力学专家 specialist, audiology

语听治疗师 speech and hearing therapist

语言病理医师 speech pathologist

语言治疗师 speech therapist

言语语言病医师 speech-language clinician

语言病理学家 speech-language pathologist

言语语言病理临床医生 speech-language pathologist clinician

言语语言病理学者 speech-language pathologist researcher

言语治疗师 therapist, speech

言语及听力治疗师 therapist, speech and hearing













2111 物理学家和天文学家 Physicists and astronomers NOC

2111 物理学家和天文学家 Physicists and astronomers NOC - LEVEL A


Physicists conduct theoretical and applied research to extend knowledge of natural phenomena and to develop new processes and devices in fields such as electronics, communications, power generation and distribution, aerodynamics, optics and lasers, remote sensing, biotechnology, medicine and health. They are employed by electronic, electrical and aerospace manufacturing companies, telecommunications companies, power utilities, university and government research laboratories, hospitals and by a wide range of other processing, manufacturing, and research and consulting firms. Astronomers conduct observational and theoretical research to extend knowledge of the universe. They are employed by government and universities.

2111 物理学家和天文学家头衔范例

声学物理学家 acoustics physicist

空气动力学者 aerodynamicist

天文学家 astronomer

天体物理学家 astrophysicist

大气物理学家 atmospheric physicist

生物物理学家 biophysicist

宇宙学家 cosmologist

实验物理学家 experimental physicist

健康物理学家 health physicist

医学物理学家 medical physicist

计量学家 metrologist

核物理学家 nuclear physicist

光学物理学家 optics physicist

等离子物理学家 plasma physicist

射电天文学家 radio astronomer

研究的科学家,航天 research scientist, aerospace

研究的科学家,电子 research scientist, electronics

物理学研究的科学家, research scientist, physics

遥感技术研究的科学家, research scientist, remote sensing

固态物理学家 solid-state physicist

2111 物理学家和天文学家主要职责

物理学家执行部分或全部下列职责Physicists perform some or all of the following duties:


Design and conduct research in experimental and theoretical physics


Carry out analysis of research data and prepare research reports


Participate as a member of a research or development team in the design and development of experimental, industrial or medical equipment, instrumentation and procedures.

天文学家执行部分或全部下列职责:Astronomers perform some or all of the following duties:


Design and conduct observational surveys, conduct detailed analyses and develop numerical models to extend knowledge of celestial bodies and cosmic radiation


Develop or participate in the development of instrumentation and software for astronomical observation and analysis.


Physicists may specialize in fields such as aeronomy and space, acoustics, atomic and molecular physics, biophysics, condensed matter or solid state physics, electromagnetics, fluids and aerodynamics, health physics, medical physics, metrology, particle physics, optics and laser physics, nuclear physics and plasma physics.Astronomers may specialize in fields such as astrophysics, observational or optical astronomy and radio astronomy.

2111 物理学家和天文学家任职要求


Physicists usually require a masters or doctoral degree in a field of physics, engineering physics, or in a related discipline.


Astronomers usually require a masters or doctoral degree in astronomy or in a related discipline.

2111 物理学家和天文学家附加信息


Mobility between specializations within physics and within astronomy is possible with experience.


Physicists may work closely with and perform some of the duties of engineers.


Mobility is possible to the fields of meteorology, geophysics and other fields of science.


Progression to management positions is possible with experience.

2111 物理学家和天文学家其他分类

建筑和科学管理者 Architecture and science managers [0212](0212)

大气物理学家(气象学家和气候) Atmospheric physicists (in [2114](2114) Meteorologists and climatologists )

电脑工程师(软件工程师和设计师除外) Computer engineers (except software engineers and designers) [2147](2147)

地球物理学家和物理海洋学家(地质学家和海洋) Geophysicists and physical oceanographers (in [2113](2113) Geoscientists and oceanographers )

2111 物理学家和天文学家职称头衔

声学物理学家 acoustics physicist

空气动力学者 aerodynamicist

空气物理学家 aerophysicist

航空航天研究的科学家 aerospace research scientist

天文学家 astronomer

天体物理学家 astrophysicist

大气物理学家 atmospheric physicist

生物物理学家 biophysicist

生物物理学家,辐射 biophysicist, radiation

化学物理学家 chemical physicist

通信研究科学家 communications research scientist

宇宙射线物理学家 cosmic ray physicist

宇宙学家 cosmologist

低温物理学家 cryogenics physicist

晶体物理学家 crystal physicist

电学和磁学物理学家 electricity and magnetism physicist

电子物理学家 electronics physicist

电子研究科学家 electronics research scientist

基本粒子物理学家 elementary particle physicist

基本粒子理论家 elementary particle theorist

实验物理学家 experimental physicist

流体物理学家 fluid physicist

健康物理学家 health physicist

高温物理学家 high-temperature physicist

激光物理学家 laser physicist

低温物理学家 low-temperature physicist

磁性物理学家 magnetism physicist

数学的生物物理学家 mathematical biophysicist

力学物理学家 mechanics physicist

医疗生物物理学家 medical biophysicist

医疗工程生物物理学家 medical engineering biophysicist

医学物理学家 medical physicist

金属物理学家 metal physicist

计量学家 metrologist

微波物理学家 microwave physicist

分子生物物理学家 molecular biophysicist

纳米技术的物理学家 nanotechnology physicist

核物理学家 nuclear physicist

核反应堆的物理学家 nuclear reactor physicist

光学物理学家 optics physicist

粒子加速器物理学家 particle accelerator physicist

粒子物理学家 particle physicist

光子物理学家 photonics physicist

物理学家 physicist

基本粒子物理学家, physicist, elementary particles

物理学研究的科学家 physics research scientist

等离子物理学家 plasma physicist

辐射的生物物理学家 radiation biophysicist

射电天文学家 radio astronomer

反应堆物理学家 reactor physicist

遥感研究科学家 remote sensing research scientist

研究的科学家,航天 research scientist, aerospace

研究科学家,通信 research scientist, communications

研究的科学家,电子 research scientist, electronics

物理学研究的科学家, research scientist, physics

遥感技术研究的科学家, research scientist, remote sensing

流变学家 rheologist

半导体物理学家 semiconductor physicist

固态物理学家 solid-state physicist

空间物理学家 space physicist

理论核物理学家 theoretical nuclear physicist

理论家,基本粒子 theorist, elementary particles

热物理学家 thermal physicist

X射线物理学家 X-ray physicist












4151 心理学家 Psychologists

4151 心理学家 Psychologists - FLYabroad NOC - LEVEL A


Psychologists assess and diagnose behavioural, emotional and cognitive disorders, counsel clients, provide therapy, conduct research and apply theory relating to behaviour and mental processes. Psychologists help clients work toward the maintenance and enhancement of psychological, physical, intellectual, emotional, social and interpersonal functioning. Psychologists work in private practice or in clinics, correctional facilities, hospitals, mental health facilities, rehabilitation centres, community service organizations, businesses, schools and universities, and in government and private research agencies.

4151 心理学家头衔范例

临床心理学家 clinical psychologist

实验心理学家 experimental psychologist

心理协会 psychological associate

心理学家 psychologist

研究心理学家 research psychologist

4151 心理学家主要职责


Examine and assess behaviour, diagnose behavioural, emotional and cognitive disorders, counsel clients and provide therapy


Help clients manage physical illness and disorders


Counsel individuals and groups to achieve more effective personal, social and vocational development and adjustment, and offer mediation services


Use standard psychological tests for assessment


Plan intervention programs and conduct program evaluation


Apply psychological theory and principles regarding behaviour and mental processes such as learning, language development, memory and perception to develop treatment programs


Formulate hypotheses and experimental designs, review literature, conduct studies and publish research papers, educational texts and articles


Deliver presentations at conferences, workshops or symposia


Provide consultation services to government and other organizations.


Psychologists may specialize in applied psychology or experimental research. Sub-specialties include behavioural psychology, child psychology, cognitive psychology, developmental psychology, educational psychology, industrial psychology, neuropsychology, social psychology or sports psychology.

4151 心理学家任职要求


A doctoral degree in psychology is required in order to use the designation "Psychologist" in Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba and British Columbia.


A masters degree in psychology is required for the designation "Psychologist" in Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Saskatchewan, Alberta and the Northwest Territories.


A masters degree in psychology is required in order to use the designation "Psychological Associate" in Ontario and Manitoba.


In Prince Edward Island, a doctoral degree is required to work in private practice, or a masters degree with practice limited to institutions and agencies.


A period of supervised practical experience is required in most jurisdictions.


Successful completion of the written Examination for Professional Practice in Psychology (EPPP) is required in most provinces.


Oral examinations and board interviews are required in some provinces.


Registration with a regulatory body is required in all provinces, Nunavut and the Northwest Territories.


Membership in the provincial professional association for psychologists is mandatory in all provinces, Nunavut and the Northwest Territories.


Psychologists can become specialized in a particular area through training and experience.

4151 心理学家附加信息


Psychological associates may be granted permission by provincial regulatory authorities to perform duties normally restricted to psychologists, specifically diagnosing psychological disorders and communicating diagnoses to clients.

4151 心理学家其他分类

家庭,婚姻和其他相关的辅导员 Family, marriage and other related counsellors [4153](4153)

精神科(专科医师) Psychiatrists (in [3111](3111) Specialist physicians )

大学任教心理学家(大学教授和讲师) Psychologists who teach at universities (in [4011](4011) University professors and lecturers )

心理学研究助理,非大学(社会政策研究人员,顾问和项目官员) Psychology research assistants, non-university (in [4164](4164) Social policy researchers, consultants and program officers )

心理学研究助理,大学(大专教学和研究助理) Psychology research assistants, university (in [4012](4012) Post-secondary teaching and research assistants )

心理计量学家(其他专业职业在社会科学中,NEC) Psychometrists (in [4169](4169) Other professional occupations in social science, n.e.c. )

4151 心理学家职称头衔

行为修正心理学家 behavioural modification psychologist

行为心理学家 behavioural psychologist

行为治疗师 behavioural therapist

行为主义者 behaviourist

生物心理学家 biopsychologist

特许心理学家 chartered psychologist

儿童心理学家 child psychologist

临床心理学家 clinical psychologist

认知心理学家 cognitive psychologist

社会心理学家 community psychologist

辅导心理学家 counselling psychologist

发展心理学家 developmental psychologist

教育心理学家 educational psychologist

实验心理学家 experimental psychologist

法医心理学家 forensic psychologist

人类发展心理学家 human development psychologist

工业心理学家 industrial psychologist

实习生心理学家 intern psychologist

神经心理学家 neuropsychologist

组织心理学家 organizational psychologist

生理心理学家 physiological psychologist

心理联营公司 psychological associate

心理学家 psychologist

心理学家 - 辅导 psychologist – counselling

心理学家,学校 psychologist, school

心理治疗师 psychotherapist

注册心理学家 registered psychologist

研究心理学家 research psychologist

学校心理学家 school psychologist

社会心理学家 social psychologist

运动心理学家 sports psychologist

职业心理学家 vocational psychologist












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