
加拿大萨省技术移民 7371 起重机操作员


7371 起重机操作员 Crane operators NOC - LEVEL B


Crane operators operate cranes or draglines to lift, move, position or place machinery, equipment and other large objects at construction or industrial sites, ports, railway yards, surface mines and other similar locations. They are employed by construction, industrial, mining, cargo handling and railway companies.

7371 起重机操作员头衔范例

臂卡车起重机操作员 boom truck crane operator

桥式起重机操作员 bridge crane operator

攀登起重机操作员 climbing crane operator

建筑起重机操作员 construction crane operator

起重机操作员 crane operator

吊斗铲起重机操作员 dragline crane operator

龙门起重机操作员 gantry crane operator

吊车操作员(地下开采除外) hoist operator (except underground mining)

移动起重机操作员 mobile crane operator

塔式起重机操作员 tower crane operator

拖拉机起重机操作员 tractor crane operator

7371 起重机操作员主要职责


Operate mobile and tower cranes to lift, move, position or place equipment and materials


Perform pre-operational inspection, and calculate crane capacities and weight to prepare for rigging and hoisting


Operate pile driving cranes to drive pilings into earth to provide support for buildings and other structures


Operate cranes equipped with dredging attachments to dredge waterways and other areas


Operate gantry cranes to load and unload ship cargo at port side


Operate locomotive cranes to move objects and materials at railway yards


Operate offshore oil rig cranes to unload and reload supply vessels


Operate cranes mounted on boats or barges to lift, move and place equipment and materials


Operate dragline cranes to expose coal seams and ore deposits at open pit mines


May assemble tower cranes on site


Perform routine maintenance work such as cleaning and lubricating cranes.

7371 起重机操作员任职要求


Completion of secondary school is usually required.


Completion of a one- to three-year apprenticeship program


High school, college or industry courses in crane operating are usually required.


Mobile crane operator trade certification is compulsory in Nova Scotia, Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba and Alberta and available, but voluntary, in all other provinces and the Northwest Territories.


Tower crane operator trade certification is compulsory in Nova Scotia, Quebec, Ontario and Manitoba and available, but voluntary, in Prince Edward Island.


Mobile crane operator (hydraulic) trade certification is compulsory in Quebec and available, but voluntary, in Prince Edward Island.


Hoist operator trade certification, for specified types of cranes, is compulsory in Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba and Alberta and is available, but voluntary, in New Brunswick, Saskatchewan, British Columbia, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut.


Mobile crane operators may require a provincial licence to drive mobile cranes on public roads.


Internal company certification as a crane operator may be required by some employers.


Red Seal endorsement is also available to qualified mobile crane, tower crane and mobile crane (hydraulic) operators upon successful completion of the interprovincial Red Seal examination.

7371 起重机操作员附加信息


The Red Seal endorsement allows for interprovincial mobility.


Progression to supervisory positions is possible with experience.

7371 起重机操作员其他分类

重型设备操作员(除了起重机)Heavy equipment operators (except crane) [7521](7521)

吊车操作员 - 地下开采(地下生产和开发矿工)Hoist operators – underground mining (in [8231](8231) Underground production and development miners )

起重机操作员(承包商和主管,重型设备操作员人员团体)Supervisors of crane operators (in [7302](7302) Contractors and supervisors, heavy equipment operator crews )

7371 起重机操作员职称头衔

移动式起重机操作员学徒 apprentice mobile crane operator

学徒操作员,移动式起重机 apprentice operator, mobile crane

船起重机操作员 boat crane operator

动臂起重机操作员 boom crane operator

臂卡车起重机操作员 boom truck crane operator

吊臂货车葫芦操作员 boom truck hoist operator

桥式起重机操作员 bridge crane operator

悬臂式起重机操作员 cantilever crane operator

煤渣起重机操作员 cinder crane operator

攀登起重机操作员 climbing crane operator

爬塔式起重机操作员 climbing tower crane operator

建筑起重机操作员 construction crane operator

起重机和起重设备操作员工 crane and hoisting equipment operator

起重机电动吊车操作员 crane hoist operator

起重机操作员 crane operator

起重机操作员学徒 crane operator apprentice

起重机操作员,钻井平台 crane operator, drilling rig

履带式起重机操作员 crawler crane operator

拆迁起重机操作员 demolition crane operator

吊斗铲起重机操作员 dragline crane operator

吊斗铲操作员 - 起重机 dragline operator – crane

钻机起重机操作员 drilling rig crane operator

电动起重机操作员 electric crane operator

电动吊斗铲操作员 electric dragline operator

电动龙门吊操作员 electric gantry crane operator

电动单轨起重机操作员 electric monorail crane operator

电气设备操作员 - 井架 electrical equipment operator – derrick

浮动起重机操作员 floating crane operator

龙门起重机操作员 gantry crane operator

葫芦操作员 - 代工 hoist operator – foundry

葫芦操作员(地下开采除外) hoist operator (except underground mining)

葫芦操作员,吊臂车 hoist operator, boom truck

葫芦操作员,起重机 hoist operator, crane

铁水起重机操作员 hot metal crane operator

吊臂起重机操作员 jib crane operator

铸造起重机操作员 ladle crane operator

机车起重机操作员 locomotive crane operator

机车起重机操作员/男/女 locomotive craneman/woman

机械葫芦操作员 mechanical hoist operator

移动起重机操作员 mobile crane operator

单轨起重机操作员 monorail crane operator

操作员,起重架卡车吊车 operator, boom truck hoist

桥式起重机操作员 overhead crane operator

打桩起重机操作员 pile driving crane operator

电力起重机操作员 power crane operator

铁路起重机操作员 rail crane operator

铁路车牵引工 - 起重机 railway car puller – crane

起重装配工(造船和飞机总装除外) rigger (except shipbuilding and aircraft assembly)

船舶起重机操作员 ship crane operator

翻斗操作员 skip operator

塔式起重机操作员 tower crane operator

拖拉机起重机操作员 tractor crane operator

卡车起重机操作员 truck crane operator

步行桥起重机操作员 walking bridge crane operator

救援起重机操作员 wrecking crane operator













7381 印刷机操作员

7381 印刷机操作员 Printing press operators NOC - LEVEL B


Printing press operators set up and operate sheet and web-fed presses to print text, illustrations and designs on a wide variety of materials such as paper, plastic, glass, leather and metal. They are employed by commercial printing companies; newspapers, magazines, and other publishing companies; and establishments in the public and private sectors that have in-house printing departments.

7381 印刷机操作员头衔范例

印刷工学徒/男/女 apprentice pressman/woman

助理新闻记者/男/女 assistant pressman/woman

第一新闻记者/男/女 first pressman/woman

柔版印刷机操作员 flexographic press operator

胶印机操作者 offset press operator

印刷机操作员 printing press operator

凹版印刷新闻记者/男/女 - 印刷 rotogravure pressman/woman – printing

7381 印刷机操作员主要职责


Review job orders to determine job specifications such as production time, colour sequence and quantities required, and advise press crew of these specifications


Mount plates or cylinders and make necessary adjustments


Fill ink fountains and take measurements, make adjustments and determine settings to control colour and viscosity


Set up press and check samples for ink coverage, alignment and registration


Monitor regular press runs for quality and consistency using computer control console and make adjustments as required


Remove and clean plates and cylinders at end of press run


Direct activities of press crew and ensure that safety procedures are adhered to.

7381 印刷机操作员任职要求


Completion of secondary school is usually required.


Completion of a college program in printing technology


A combination of on-the-job training and specialized high school, college or industry courses is usually required.


Trade certification is available, but voluntary, in Qubec.

7381 印刷机操作员附加信息


Progression to supervisory positions, such as pressroom supervisor, is possible with experience.

7381 印刷机操作员其他分类

激光打印机,颜色和大型复印机和印刷机械的操作员( 无铅板印刷设备经营) Operators of laser printers, colour and large copiers and printing machines (in [9471](9471) Plateless printing equipment operators )

丝网印刷工匠( 工匠和工匠) Screen printing artisans (in [5244](5244) Artisans and craftspersons )

监事,印刷及相关行业 Supervisors, printing and related occupations [7303](7303)

纺织打印工人(纺织纤维和纱线,皮和毛皮加工机运营商和工人) Textile printers (in [9441](9441) Textile fibre and yarn, hide and pelt processing machine operators and workers )

7381 印刷机操作员职称头衔

学徒印刷机操作员 apprentice press operator

印刷机操作员学徒 - 印刷学徒 apprentice press operator – printing

印刷工学徒/男/女 apprentice pressman/woman

印刷工学徒/男/女 - 印刷的 apprentice pressman/woman – printing

学徒印刷机操作员 apprentice printing press operator

助理运营商,印刷机 assistant operator, printing press

助理记者运营商 - 印刷 assistant press operator – printing

助理新闻记者/男/女 assistant pressman/woman

新闻记者助理/男/女 - 印刷的 assistant pressman/woman – printing

商业印刷机操作员 commercial press operator

滚筒印刷机操作员 cylinder press operator – printing

滚筒印刷机运营商 cylinder press set-up operator

滚筒印刷机工人/男/女 - 印刷 cylinder pressman/woman – printing

滚筒印刷机设置操作员 cylinder printing press set-up operator

第一次印刷机运营商 - 印刷 first press operator – printing

第一新闻记者/男/女 first pressman/woman

第一新闻记者/男/女 - 印刷 first pressman/woman – printing

平床印刷机Set-up运营商 flat-bed press set-up operator

柔印机调节工 flexographic press adjuster

柔版印刷机操作员 flexographic press operator

柔版印刷机操作员 - 印刷 flexographic press operator – printing

柔印机设置技师 - 印刷 flexographic press set-up technician – printing

柔性版印刷工/男/女 flexographic pressman/woman

柔性版印刷工/男/女 - 印刷的 flexographic pressman/woman – printing

凹印机操作工 gravure press operator

凹印新闻记者/男/女 gravure pressman/woman

凹印机 - 印刷 gravure printer – printing

凹印印刷机操作员 gravure printing press operator

凹印打样机运营商 - 印刷 gravure proof press operator – printing

凹印防爆拉马 - 印刷 gravure proof puller – printing

凹印防爆壁纸拉马 gravure proof wallpaper puller

墨评估和印刷机操作员 - 印刷 ink evaluation and press operator – printing

墨评估新闻记者/男/女 - 印刷的 ink evaluation pressman/woman – printing

凹版印刷工 - 印刷 intaglio printer – printing

凹版印刷机操作员 intaglio printing press operator

打印机工作 job printer

凸版运营商 - 印刷 letterpress operator – printing

运营商 - 印刷凸版打样机 letterpress proof press operator – printing

拉马 - 印刷凸版证明 letterpress proof puller – printing

平版胶印打样机 lithographic offset proofer

平版胶印打样手 lithographic offset proofing hand

运营商 - 印刷平版印刷机 lithographic press operator – printing

平版印刷机的操作员,钣金 lithographic press operator, sheet metal

平版印刷工/男/女 - 印刷的 lithographic pressman/woman – printing

平版印刷工/男/女,钣金 lithographic pressman/woman, sheet metal

平版打印工 lithographic printer

报纸印刷机操作员 newspaper press operator

本报新闻记者/男/女 newspaper pressman/woman

平版印刷打样机运营商 - 印刷 offset lithographic proof press operator – printing

偏移机器操作员 offset machine operator

胶印机操作者 offset press operator

胶印机操作者 - 印刷 offset press operator – printing

偏移新闻记者/男/女 - 印刷 offset pressman/woman – printing

胶印机 offset printer

照相雕刻板打样机运营商 - 印刷 photoengraved plate proof press operator – printing

照相雕刻板防爆拉马 - 印刷 photoengraved plate proof puller – printing

塑料板材胶印机运营商 plastic sheet offset press operator

压板按运营商 - 印刷 platen press operator – printing

压板按招标 platen press tender

按运营商 - 印刷 press operator – printing

印刷机操作员,油墨评价 - 印刷 press operator, ink evaluation – printing

新闻记者/男/女 - 印刷 pressman/woman – printing

新闻记者/男/女,油墨评价 - 印刷 pressman/woman, ink evaluation – printing

打印机 printer

印刷机助理运营商 printing press assistant operator

印刷机操作员 printing press operator

印刷技师 printing technologist

防爆印刷机操作员 proof press operator

运营商 - 印刷打样机 proof press operator – printing

防爆印刷机操作员,凹印 - 印 proof press operator, gravure – printing

防爆印刷机操作员,凸版印刷 - 印刷 proof press operator, letterpress – printing

防爆印刷机操作员,平版印刷 - 印刷 proof press operator, offset lithographic – printing

防爆印刷机操作员, photoengraved板 - 印刷 proof press operator, photoengraved plates – printing

防爆新闻记者/男/女 - 印刷的 proof pressman/woman – printing

#NAME? proofer – printing

印刷打样的手 - proofing hand – printing

打样印刷机操作员 proofing press operator

轮转印刷机操作员 rotary press operator

凹版印刷机运营商 - 印刷 rotogravure press operator – printing

凹版印刷机运营商,墙纸 rotogravure press operator, wallpaper

凹版印刷新闻记者/男/女 - 印刷 rotogravure pressman/woman – printing

rotoprinter - 印刷 rotoprinter – printing

资深媒体运营商 - 印刷 senior press operator – printing

资深新闻记者/男/女 - 印刷 senior pressman/woman – printing

建立技师,柔版印刷机 - 印刷 set-up technician, flexographic presses – printing

钣金平版印刷机操作员 sheet metal lithographic press operator

钣金平版印刷工/男/女 sheet metal lithographic pressman/woman

热成像打印机 thermographic printer

壁纸凹印打样机运营商 wallpaper gravure proof press operator

壁纸凹版印刷机操作员 wallpaper rotogravure press operator

运营商 - 印刷卷筒纸印刷机 Web press operator – printing

网络新闻记者/男/女 - 印刷的 Web pressman/woman – printing












9416 金属加工和锻造机操作员

9416 金属加工和锻造机操作员 Metalworking and forging machine operators NOC - LEVEL C


Light metalworking machine operators operate metalworking machines which shape and form sheet or other light metal into parts or products. Heavy metalworking machine operators operate metalworking machines which shape and form steel or other heavy metal into parts or products. Forging machine operators operate forging machines to form and shape metal into various shapes and sizes and impart desired strength, hardness or other characteristics. Light metalworking machine operators are employed by sheet metal products manufacturing companies, sheet metal shops and other light metal products manufacturing establishments. Heavy metalworking machine operators are employed by structural steel fabrication, boiler and platework manufacturing companies, heavy machinery manufacturing companies and in the shipbuilding industry. Forging machine operators are employed primarily in the fabricated metal products, machinery and transportation equipment manufacturing industries.

9416 金属加工和锻造机操作员商头衔范例

压弯机运营商 - 金属加工 bending press operator – metal fabrication

冷压机运营商 - 金属锻造 cold press operator – metal forging

磁盘法兰运营商 - 金属加工 disk flange operator – metal fabrication

落锤运营商 - 金属锻造 drop hammer operator – metal forging

电弧切割工 - 金属制品制造业 electric arc cutter – metal products manufacturing

锻压运营商 forging press operator

金属成形机设置操作员 metal-forming machine set-up operator

金属加工机床操作员 metalworking machine operator

动力制动运营商 - 金属加工 power brake operator – metal fabrication

电源印刷机操作员 - 金属加工 power press operator – metal fabrication

冲床安装员 - 金工 punch press setter – metalworking

辊运营商 - 金属加工 roll operator – metal fabrication

锯运营商 - 金属加工 saw operator – metal fabrication

剪切安装员 - 金属加工 shear setter – metal fabrication

金属板材卷运营商 - 金属加工 sheet metal roll operator – metal fabrication


金属加工机床操作员执行部分或全部下列职责Metalworking machine operators perform some or all of the following duties:


Read specifications or follow verbal instructions

铺陈,设立和操作一个或多个轻型或重型金属加工机械,如剪板机,电动机,锯,板卷,钻,刹车,纵切机,冲床,电脑数值控制( CNC )设备,以及其他手工具切割,弯曲,轧辊,铰孔,打孔和钻孔,焊接或将金属塑造或形成部件或产品

Lay out, set up and operate one or more light or heavy metalworking machines such as shears, power presses, saws, plate rolls, drills, brakes, slitters, punch presses, computer numerically controlled (CNC) equipment, and other hand tools to cut, bend, roll, ream, punch and drill, weld or otherwise shape and form metal stock into parts or products


Operate machines or equipment which weld, solder, bolt, screw or rivet metal parts together


Check products for correct shapes, dimensions and other specifications


Troubleshoot and perform corrective action or minor repairs


May select and transport material to work area manually or using crane or hoist


May document work completed


May build staging or erect scaffolding as required for heavy metalworking jobs


May clean or lubricate equipment and replace parts as required.

锻压机运营商执行部分或全部下列职责Forging machine operators perform some or all of the following duties:


Operate gas or oil fired furnaces to heat metal to proper temperature prior to forging


Place metal pieces in furnace using hand tongs or overhead cranes and remove from furnace when colour of metal indicates proper forging temperature, or load and unload furnace with automatic conveyor


Position heated or cold metal pieces, on die of press or other forging machinery


Operate presses or other forging machines to perform hot or cold forging by flattening, straightening, twisting, forming, drawing, upsetting, splitting, cutting, punching, piercing, bending, coining, or other operations to shape or form metal


Position and adjust dies on anvil of forging machinery using overhead cranes or other hoisting devices and hand tools.

9416 金属加工和锻造机操作员任职要求


Completion of secondary school education may be required.


Previous experience as a labourer or helper in the same company may be required.


On-the-job training is usually provided.

附加信息 Additional information


There is little or no mobility between operators of light and heavy metalworking machines.


Progression to structural metal fabricator or supervisory positions is possible with experience for metalworking machine operators.


Progression to blacksmith, die setting, or supervisory positions is possible with experience for forging machine operators.

9416 金属加工和锻造机操作员其他分类

钣金工人 Sheet metal workers [7233](7233)

结构的金属和板制造商和装配工 Structural metal and platework fabricators and fitters [7235](7235)

主管金属加工机床操作员( 主管,其他机械和金属制品制造业) Supervisors of metalworking machine operators (in [9226](9226) Supervisors, other mechanical and metal products manufacturing )

9416 金属加工和锻造机操作员职称头衔

乙炔火炬运营商 - 金属加工 acetylene torch operator – metal fabrication

空气锤运营商 - 金属锻造 air hammer operator – metal forging

铝板切割工 - 管道 aluminum sheet cutter – ductwork

铝板切割工 - 金属加工 aluminum sheet cutter – metal fabrication

铝板微调 - 管道 aluminum sheet trimmer – ductwork

角剪运营商 - 金属加工 angle shear operator – metal fabrication

弧切割工 - 金属加工 arc cutter – metal fabrication

自动切断运营商 - 金属加工 automatic cut-off operator – metal fabrication

自动切割锯运营商 - 金属制品制造业 automatic cut-off saw operator – metal products manufacturing

弯管机设置运营商 - 金属制品制造业 bender set-up operator – metal products manufacturing

折弯机操作员 - 金属锻造 bending machine operator – metal forging

折弯机设置运营商 - 金属加工 bending machine set-up operator – metal fabrication

折弯机看管者 - 金属加工 bending machine tender – metal fabrication

折弯机看管者 - 金属制品制造业 bending machine tender – metal products manufacturing

压弯机运营商 - 金属加工 bending press operator – metal fabrication

弯辊运营商 - 金属加工 bending roll operator – metal fabrication

板落锤操作员 board drop hammer operator

板锤的运营商 - 金属锻造 board hammer operator – metal forging

制动安装员 - 金工 brake setter – metalworking

抛光线安装员 buffing line setter

抛光机设置运营商 - 金属加工 buffing machine set-up operator – metal fabrication

燃烧机操作员 - 金属加工 burning machine operator – metal fabrication

燃烧的表操作员 - 金属加工 burning table operator – metal fabrication

笼制造商 - 金属加工 cage builder – metal fabrication

CNC (电脑数控)制动印刷机操作员 CNC (computer numerically controlled) brake press operator

CNC (电脑数控)制动按设定操作员 CNC (computer numerically controlled) brake press set-up operator

冷拔运营商 - 金属锻造 cold drawn operator – metal forging

冷压机运营商 - 金属锻造 cold press operator – metal forging

波纹机器操作员,钣金 corrugation machine operator, sheet metal

皱眉钣金操作员 corrugator sheet metal operator

瓦楞纸板,金属板 corrugator, sheet metal

切割工,铝板 - 管道 cutter, aluminum sheet – ductwork

光盘翻边运营商 - 金属加工 disc flanging operator – metal fabrication

磁盘法兰运营商 disk flange operator

磁盘法兰运营商 - 金属加工 disk flange operator – metal fabrication

拖放锐意手 drop forge hand

拖放伪造运营商 drop forge operator

下降伪造运营商 - 金属锻造 drop forge operator – metal forging

下降伪造 drop forger

落锤伪造 drop hammer forger

落锤运营商 - 金属锻造 drop hammer operator – metal forging

双动锤运营商 - 金属锻造 dual action hammer operator – metal forging

复印机冲床运营商 - 金属加工 duplicator punch operator – metal fabrication

电弧切割工 - 金属制品制造业 electric arc cutter – metal products manufacturing

扩大机操作员 - 金属制品制造业 expanding machine operator – metal products manufacturing

火焰切割工操作员 - 金属加工 flame cutting machine operator – metal fabrication

火焰切割示踪机器操作员 - 金属加工 flame cutting tracer machine operator – metal fabrication

火焰淬火机安装员 flame hardening machine setter

飞剪运营商 - 金属加工 flying shear operator – metal fabrication

伪造机械臂操作员 forge manipulator operator

锻造空气锤运营商 forging air hammer operator

锻造机器操作员 forging machine operator

锻压机床安装员 forging machine setter

锻压机床安装员/男/女 forging machine set-up man/woman

锻压运营商 forging press operator

锻压看管者 forging press tender

辊锻机操作员 forging roll operator

成型机操作员 - 金属加工 forming machine operator – metal fabrication

成形压力机运营商 - 金属加工 forming press operator – metal fabrication

成形辊设置运营商 - 金属加工 forming roll set-up operator – metal fabrication

成形辊看管者 - 金属加工 forming roll tender – metal fabrication

组组长,锻造机操作员 group leader, forging machine operator

锻造锤驱动器 - hammer driver – forging

锤运营商 - 金属锻造 hammer operator – metal forging

加热器运营商 - 金属锻造 heater operator – metal forging

重伪造 heavy forger

重型按Set-up运营商 - 金属加工 heavy-duty press set-up operator – metal fabrication

箍弯管工 hoop bender

箍机机器操作员 - 金属加工 hoop-maker machine operator – metal fabrication

热压运营商 - 金属锻造 hot press operator – metal forging

液压机运营商 - 金属加工 hydraulic press operator – metal fabrication

的冲击锤运营商 - 金属锻造 impact hammer operator – metal forging

印象模压运营商 - 金属加工 impression die press operator – metal fabrication

检查员,板簧 inspector, leaf springs

督察,金属零件 inspector, metal parts

督察,板材制造 inspector, sheet fabricating

激光切割工 - 金属加工 laser cutter – metal fabrication

奠定标记员 - 金属制品制造业 lay-out marker – metal products manufacturing

铅制造者 lead fabricator

导致手,锻造机器操作员 lead hand, forging machine operators

钢板弹簧巡视员 leaf spring inspector

钢板弹簧生产商 - 金属加工 leaf spring maker – metal fabrication

机器操作员,金工 machine operator, metalworking

机动力锯运营商 machine power saw operator

机器安装员,金工 machine setter, metalworking

磁火焰切割工运营商 - 金属加工 magnetic flame cutting machine operator – metal fabrication

机械手操作员 - 金属锻造 manipulator operator – metal forging

机械压力机运营商 - 金属制品制造业 mechanical press operator – metal products manufacturing

金属切断锯运营商 metal cut-off saw operator

金属制造机器操作员 metal fabricating machine operator

金属零件督察 metal parts inspector

金属电锯运营商 metal power saw operator

金属锯床操作员 metal sawing machine operator

金属微调 metal spinner

金属表看到运营商 metal table saw operator

金属成形机设置操作员 metal-forming machine set-up operator

金属成型机看管者 metal-forming machine tender

金属冲压机操作员 metal-stamping press operator

金属加工机床操作员 metalworking machine operator

金属加工安装员 metalworking machine setter

金属加工集/男/女 metalworking machine set-up man/woman

金属加工设置操作员 metalworking machine set-up operator

多操作成型机看管者 multi-operation forming machine tender

多个冲床运营商 - 金属加工 multiple punch press operator – metal fabrication

乐器弯管机 musical instrument tube bender

嗑机器操作员 - 金属加工 nibbling machine operator – metal fabrication

观赏金属工人 - 金属加工 ornamental metal worker – metal fabrication

受电弓刻录机 - 金属加工 pantograph burner – metal fabrication

受电弓火焰切割工 - 金属加工 pantograph flame cutter – metal fabrication

弯管机操作员 - 金属加工 pipe-bending machine operator – metal fabrication

板燃烧器 - 金属加工 plate burner – metal fabrication

剪板机运营商 - 金属加工 plate shear operator – metal fabrication

动力制动运营商 - 金属加工 power brake operator – metal fabrication

的动力锤运营商 - 金属锻造 power hammer operator – metal forging

电力印刷机操作员 power press operator

电源印刷机操作员 - 金属加工 power press operator – metal fabrication

电源印刷机操作员 - 金属制品制造业 power press operator – metal products manufacturing

电源按设置运营商 - 金属加工 power press set-up operator – metal fabrication

电剪运营商 - 金属加工 power shear operator – metal fabrication

的电剪看管者 - 金属加工 power shear tender – metal fabrication

按制动操作员 press brake operator

折弯机操作员 - 金属制品制造业 press brake operator – metal products manufacturing

按看管者 - 皮尔斯和刮胡子 press tender – pierce and shave

冲床和剪切机运营商 - 金属加工 punch and shear machine operator – metal fabrication

冲床操作员 punch press operator

冲床运营商 - 金属加工 punch press operator – metal fabrication

冲床安装员 - 金工 punch press setter – metalworking

打孔机及采煤机 - 金属制品制造业 puncher and shearer – metal products manufacturing

重燃锤运营商 - 金属锻造 restrike hammer operator – metal forging

的环轧机操作员 - 金属锻造 ring mill operator – metal forging

杆弯曲机运营商 - 金属加工 rod-bending machine operator – metal fabrication

辊弯管机操作员 - 金属制品制造业 roll bender operator – metal products manufacturing

辊运营商 - 金属加工 roll operator – metal fabrication

轧辊成型机安装员 - 金工 roll-forming machine setter – metalworking

滚动机器操作员 - 金属锻造 rolling machine operator – metal forging

旋转剪切运营商 - 金属加工 rotary shear operator – metal fabrication

锯运营商 - 金属加工 saw operator – metal fabrication

剪运营商 shear operator

剪运营商 - 金属加工 shear operator – metal fabrication

剪切安装员 - 金属加工 shear setter – metal fabrication

采煤机 - 金属加工 shearer – metal working

钣金制动看管者的 sheet metal brake tender

钣金皱眉 sheet metal corrugator

金属板材切割工 - 金属加工 sheet metal cutter – metal fabrication

钣金督察 sheet metal fabrication inspector

金属板材卷运营商 - 金属加工 sheet metal roll operator – metal fabrication

的钣金微调 - 金属加工 sheet metal spinner – metal fabrication

片状金属压花机操作员 sheet-metal-embossing machine operator

金属薄板的工作机器操作员 - 金属制品制造 sheet-metal-working machine operator – metal products manufacturing

金属薄板的工作机器设置操作员 sheet-metal-working machine set-up operator

金属薄板的工作机看管者 - 金属加工 sheet-metal-working machine tender – metal fabrication

滑动成型机的安装员 - 金属制造 slide forming machine setter – metal fabrication

滑动成型机设置操作员 slide forming machine set-up operator

滑动成型机看管者 - 金属加工 slide forming machine tender – metal fabrication

微调,金属 spinner, metal

的蒸汽锤运营商 - 金属锻造 steam hammer operator – metal forging

钢丸机操作员 steel shot machine operator

直线新闻安装员 - 金属加工 straight line press setter – metal fabrication

矫直机手 - 金属加工 straightener hand – metal fabrication

矫直机操作员 - 金属加工 straightening press operator – metal fabrication

带辊成型机运营商 - 金属加工 strip-roll-forming machine operator – metal fabrication

带辊成型机看管者 - 金属加工 strip-roll-forming machine tender – metal fabrication

穿线 - 金属制品制造业 threader – metal products manufacturing

行程锤运营商 - 金属锻造 trip hammer operator – metal forging

弯管机操作员 - 金属加工 tube-bending machine operator – metal fabrication

管状金属制品制作者 tubular metal products fabricator

回转头压力机操作 turret press operator

回转头压力机设置操作员 turret press set-up operator

转塔冲床运营商 - 金属加工 turret punch press operator – metal fabrication

镦运营商 - 金属锻造 upsetter operator – metal forging

镦机操作员 - 金属锻造 upsetting machine operator – metal forging

汽车弹簧维修工 - 金属锻造 vehicle spring repairer – metal forging

垂直印刷机操作员 vertical press operator

垂直媒体运营商 - 金属加工 vertical press operator – metal fabrication

立辊运营商 - 金属加工 vertical roll operator – metal fabrication













5222 电影和视频摄像机操作员 Film and video camera operators NOC

5222 电影和视频摄像机操作员 Film and video camera operators NOC - LEVEL B


Film and video camera operators operate motion picture and video cameras and related equipment to record news, live events, films, videos and television broadcasts. They are employed by television networks and stations, motion picture and video production companies and in-house communications facilities of large corporations.

5222 电影和视频摄像机操作员头衔范例

摄像机操作员员助理 assistant camera operator

摄像机操作员员 camera operator

电子新闻采集(ENG)摄像机操作员员 electronic news gathering (ENG) camera operator

胶片相机操作员员 film camera operator

电影摄像机操作员员 motion picture camera operator

演播室摄像机操作员员 studio camera operator

电视摄像机操作员员 television camera operator

摄像机操作员员 video camera operator

5222 电影和视频摄像机操作员主要职责


Meet with director and senior members of camera crew to discuss assignment and determine filming sequences, camera movements and picture composition


Select and set up camera equipment to be used and attach lens, filters and film magazine to camera


Adjust focus, exposure, lighting and other camera settings


Operate film or video camera to record news, live events, films, videos and television broadcasts


Label and record contents of exposed film, and complete report sheets


Test, maintain and store equipment.

5222 电影和视频摄像机操作员任职要求


Completion of a college or technical program in broadcasting, audio-visual technology or a related field


Experience as an assistant camera operator are usually required.


Creative and technical ability, as demonstrated by a portfolio of work and experience, may be required.

5222 电影和视频摄像机操作员员附加信息


Progression to supervisory or director of photography positions is possible with additional training and experience.

5222 电影和视频摄像机操作员其他分类

音频和视频录制技术人员 Audio and video recording technicians [5225](5225)

AV(视听)助理(支持职业在电影,广播,摄影和表演艺术) AV (audiovisual) assistants (in [5227](5227) Support occupations in motion pictures, broadcasting, photography and the performing arts )

制片人和摄影导演(制片人,导演,编舞和相关的职业) Filmmakers and directors of photography (in [5131](5131) Producers, directors, choreographers and related occupations )

摄影师 Photographers [5221](5221)

视频艺术家(画家,雕塑家和其他视觉艺术家) Video artists (in [5136](5136) Painters, sculptors and other visual artists )

视频传输运营商(广播技术员) Video transmission operators (in [5224](5224) Broadcast technicians )

5222 电影和视频摄像机操作员职称头衔

辅助摄像机操作员 assistant camera operator

摄像机操作员 camera operator

摄像机操作员者,电影 camera operator, motion picture

摄像机操作员,视频 camera operator, video

舞蹈摄影师 dance videographer

EFP(电子现场节目制作)摄像机操作员 EFP (electronic field production) camera operator

电子现场制作(EFP)摄像机操作员 electronic field production (EFP) camera operator

电子新闻采集(ENG)摄像机操作员 electronic news gathering (ENG) camera operator

ENG(电子新闻采集)摄像机操作员 ENG (electronic news gathering) camera operator

胶片相机的运营商 film camera operator

电影摄影师/男/女 film cameraman/woman

运动画面的摄像机操作员 motion picture camera operator

新闻摄像机操作员 news camera operator

高级运动画面的摄像机操作员 senior motion picture camera operator

演播室摄像机操作员 studio camera operator

电视摄像机操作员 television camera operator

电视新闻摄像机操作员 television news camera operator

摄像机操作员员 video camera operator

摄影师 videographer












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