
6532 户外运动和娱乐向导 Outdoor sport and recreational guides NOC


6532 户外运动和娱乐向导 Outdoor sport and recreational guides NOC - LEVEL C


Outdoor sport and recreational guides organize and conduct trips or expeditions for sports enthusiasts, adventurers, tourists and resort guests. They are employed by private companies and resorts or may be self-employed.

6532 户外运动和娱乐向导头衔范例

皮划艇向导 canoeing guide

花花公子牧马人 dude wrangler

钓鱼向导 fishing guide

热气球运动员 hot air balloonist

狩猎向导 hunting guide

登山向导 mountain climbing guide

户外向导 outdoor guide

旅行用品商 outfitter

漂流向导 rafting guide

6532 户外运动和娱乐向导主要职责


Plan itinerary for trip or expedition and arrange transportation or transport individuals or group to site


Assemble and inspect necessary equipment and supplies, such as camping gear, rafts, life jackets, fishing tackle and food


Lead or escort individuals or groups and advise on safety and emergency measures, techniques and the use of equipment


Provide instruction for activities such as canoeing, rafting and mountain climbing


Advise on specific regulations such as hunting and fishing laws and boating regulations, follow environmental guidelines and prevent violations


Provide first aid in emergency situations


May prepare meals for group and set up camp.

6532 户外运动和娱乐向导任职要求


Knowledge of a particular terrain or body of water, demonstrated ability in the guided activity and relevant licences are required for employment in this group.


Hot air balloon pilots require completion of 10 hours of ground school, 16 hours of pilot-in-command experience and a Balloon Pilot Licence issued by Transport Canada.


Certification in first aid and CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) may be required.

6532 户外运动和娱乐向导附加信息 Additional information


Outdoor sport and recreational guides usually work on a seasonal basis.

6532 户外运动和娱乐向导其他分类

娱乐,体育和健身计划领导人和教官 Program leaders and instructors in recreation, sport and fitness [5254](5254)

旅游和旅行向导 Tour and travel guides [6531](6531)

6532 户外运动和娱乐向导职称头衔

飞艇驾驶员 airship pilot

高山向导 alpine guide

气球飞行员 balloon pilot

皮划艇向导 canoeing guide

飞船飞行员 dirigible pilot

狗拉雪橇向导 dogsledding guide

花花公子牧马人 dude wrangler

钓鱼向导 fishing guide

淡水钓鱼向导 freshwater angling guide

导游,狩猎和捕鱼 guide, hunting and fishing

登山向导 guide, mountain climbing

导游,户外 guide, outdoor

向导,舾装 guide, outfitting

向导,泛舟 guide, rafting

向导,泛舟 guide, whitewater rafting

登山向导 hiking guide

骑马向导 horseback riding guide

热空气气球 hot air balloonist

狩猎和捕鱼向导 hunting and fishing guide

狩猎和捕鱼的运动用品 hunting and fishing outfitter

狩猎向导 hunting guide

登山向导 mountain climbing guide

登山向导 mountain guide

登山向导 mountaineering guide

户外向导 outdoor guide

旅行用品 outfitter

舾装向导 outfitting guide

漂流向导 rafting guide

攀岩向导 rock climbing guide

雪地车操作向导 snowmobile operations guide

诱捕向导 trapping guide

泛舟向导 whitewater rafting guide

冬季露营向导 winter camping guide

牧马人,度假牧场 wrangler, dude ranch













6531 旅游和旅行导游 Tour and travel guides NOC

6531 旅游和旅行导游 Tour and travel guides NOC - LEVEL C


Tour and travel guides escort individuals and groups on trips, on sightseeing tours of cities and on tours of historical sites and establishments such as famous buildings, manufacturing plants, cathedrals and theme parks. They also provide descriptions and background information on interesting features. Tour and travel guides are employed by tour operators, resorts and other establishments or may be self-employed.

6531 旅游和旅行导游头衔范例

探险旅游现场传译员 adventure travel site interpreter

自行车旅行导游 bicycle tour guide

四轮马车司机 calche driver

工厂参观向导 factory tour guide

工业现场传译员 industrial site interpreter

导游 tour guide

旅游向导 travel guide

6531 旅游和旅行导游主要职责

导游执行部分或全部下列职责Tour guides perform some or all of the following duties:


Transport or escort individuals or groups on tours of cities, waterways and industrial and other establishments


Describe points of interest, answer questions and supply information


Provide historical and cultural facts related to the site


May collect admission fees and sell souvenirs.

旅游向导执行部分或全部下列职责Travel guides perform some or all of the following duties:


Escort individuals and groups on vacation and business trips


Ensure that reservations for transportation and accommodations are confirmed and that prepared itineraries are met


Visit and describe points of interest and plan and carry out recreational activities


Resolve problems with itineraries, service and accommodations.

6531 旅游和旅行导游任职要求


On-the-job training is provided.


Knowledge of both official languages or an additional language may be required for some positions in this group.

6531 旅游和旅行导游其他分类

博物馆的导游和对历史和文物的口译员(技术职业相关的博物馆和艺术画廊) Museum guides and historical and heritage interpreters (in [5212](5212) Technical occupations related to museums and art galleries )

户外运动和休闲向导 Outdoor sport and recreational guides [6532](6532)

旅游经营者(客户经理及个人服务业,NEC) Tour operators (in [0651](0651) Managers in customer and personal services, n.e.c. )

6531 旅游和旅行导游职称头衔

探险旅游现场传译员 adventure travel site interpreter

自行车旅行导游 bicycle tour guide

乘船游览导游 boat tour guide

巴士导游 bus tour guide

四轮马车驾驶员 calche driver

四轮马车运营商 calche operator

旅游保驾护航 escort, tour

保驾护航,旅游 escort, travel

机构导游 establishment guide

工厂参观向导 factory tour guide

向导,建立 guide, establishment

向导,马车观光旅游 guide, horse-drawn vehicle sightseeing tours

观光导游 guide, sightseeing

旅游导游 guide, travel

马车观光导游 horse-drawn vehicle sightseeing tour guide

主持人/女主持人,滑雪胜地 host/hostess, ski resort

工业现场传译员 industrial site interpreter

翻译,冒险网站 interpreter, adventure site

翻译,工业用地 interpreter, industrial site

当地导游 local tour guide

矿山导游 mine guide

植物导游 plant tour guide

观光导游 sightseeing guide

观光导游,马拉的车 sightseeing tour guide, horse-drawn vehicles

现场传译员,探险旅游 site interpreter, adventure travel

主持人/女主持人-滑雪胜地 ski resort host/hostess

旅游主任 tour director

旅游保驾护航 tour escort

导游 tour guide

导游 tourist guide

出行保驾护航 travel escort

旅游导游 travel guide

步行导游 walking tour guide












5251 运动员 Athletes NOC

5251 运动员 Athletes NOC - LEVEL B


Athletes participate in competitive sports events on an amateur or professional basis. They play team sports such as hockey, baseball, football and lacrosse; or compete in individual sports such as skiing, figure skating, boxing or track and field; or in games such as poker or chess. Athletes are employed by professional team organizations or they may be self-employed. This unit group also includes competitors such as chess players and poker players.

5251 运动员头衔范例

运动员 athlete

棒球选手 baseball player

拳击手 boxer

花样滑冰运动员 figure skater

足球运动员 football player

球手 golfer

线束车手 harness race driver

冰球运动员 hockey player

骑师 jockey

专业运动员 professional athlete

滑雪人 skier

短跑 sprinter

田径运动员 track athlete

5251 运动员主要职责


Train under the direction of a coach or trainer to qualify for competition


Attend scheduled practice and training sessions


Participate in local, regional, provincial, national or international competitions and sporting events


Assess performance after an event to identify strengths and weaknesses.

5251 运动员任职要求


Demonstrated ability in a particular sport, or type of game, is required.


Extensive training under the supervision of a coach is required.


Certification with a particular sports federation may be required.


A background combining athletic training and college or university studies is strongly recommended.

5251 运动员其他分类

教练 Coaches [5252](5252)

体育指导员(项目领导人和教官在娱乐,体育和健身) Sports instructors (in [5254](5254) Program leaders and instructors in recreation, sport and fitness )

体育官员和裁判 Sports officials and referees [5253](5253)

5251 运动员职称头衔

业余运动员 amateur athlete

弓箭手 archer

运动员 athlete

汽车赛车手 automobile racer

羽毛球运动员 badminton player

棒球选手 baseball player

篮球运动员 basketball player

台球球员 billiard player

投球手 bowler

拳击手 boxer

划独木舟的人 canoeist

棋手 chess player

流动炊事车司机 chuckwagon driver

流动炊事车赛车 - 踩踏 chuckwagon racer – stampede

竞争对手 - 国际象棋 competitor – chess

竞争对手 - 赌博 competitor – gambling

舵手 coxswain

卷发人 curler

骑自行车者 cyclist

拆迁司机 demolition driver

掷铁饼者 discus thrower

潜水员,奥林匹克运动 diver, olympic sport

流动炊事车司机,CHUCKWAGON driver, chuckwagon

司机,拆卸 driver, demolition

司机,线束比赛 driver, harness race

司机,线束赛车 driver, harness racing

司机,赛车 driver, race car

司机,双轮马车 driver, sulky

击剑 fencer

花样滑冰运动员 figure skater

足球运动员 football player

足球运动员 footballer

玩家 - 视频游戏 gamer – video games

高尔夫球员 golf player

球手 golfer

体操运动员 gymnast

链球运动员 hammer thrower

手球运动员 handball player

线束车手 harness race driver

轻驾车赛马司机 harness racing driver

舵手 - 体育 helmsman – sports

冰球运动员 hockey player

标枪运动员 javelin thrower

骑师 jockey

柔道 judoka

跨接器 jumper

运动员 pentathlete

表演者,圈地 performer, rodeo

表演,踩踏 performer, stampede

乒乓播放器 ping-pong player

扑克玩家 poker player

奖品战斗机 prize fighter

专业运动员 professional athlete

职业拳击手 professional boxer

专业游泳池播放器 professional pool player

职业运动员/男/女 professional sportsman/woman

赛车手 race car driver

赛车手,汽车 racer, automobile

赛车手,踩踏 racer, stampede

赛车手,库存车 racer, stock car

骑士 rider

牛仔竞技表演 rodeo performer

划手 rower

冲浪者 sailboarder

短距离亚军 short-distance runner

铅球 shot put

溜冰者 skater

滑雪的人 skier

滑雪板 snowboarder

足球运动员 soccer player

短跑 sprinter

踩踏表演 stampede performer

踩踏赛车 stampede racer

标准竞赛用马溜蹄 standardbred pacer

股票赛车手 stock car racer

双轮马车司机 sulky driver

游泳 swimmer

乒乓球运动员 table tennis player

网球选手 tennis player

田径运动员 track athlete

排球运动员 volleyball player

水球运动员 water-polo player

举重运动员 weight-lifter

摔跤手 wrestler












加拿大技术移民 NOC 0513 娱乐,体育和健身项目和服务董事

0513 娱乐,体育和健身项目和服务董事 Recreation, sports and fitness program and service directors NOC - LEVEL 0


This unit group includes managers who plan, organize, direct, control and evaluate the operations of comprehensive recreational, sports and fitness programs and services, national or provincial sports governing agencies and professional athletic teams. They are employed by municipalities, community and private recreational and fitness organizations, sports governing agencies and professional athletic team organizations.

0513 娱乐,体育和健身项目和服务董事头衔范例

YMCA(基督教青年会协会)项目主任 YMCA (Young Mens Christian Association) programs director

娱乐总监 director of recreation

职业橄榄球队经理 professional football team manager

专业曲棍球队经理 professional hockey team manager

专业田径队经理 professional track and field team manager

体育行政总监 - 政府 sports administration director – government

体育协会理事长 sports association director

运动联合会主任 sports federation director

体育节目总监 sports program director

0513 娱乐,体育和健身项目和服务董事主要职责


Plan, organize, direct, control and evaluate the operations of recreation, sports and fitness programs and services


Provide technical and professional advice on recreation, sports and fitness matters


Prepare budget estimates and develop policies and procedures to implement programs


Manage the operations of a sports governing agency


Organize and administer national and provincial training, coaching, officiating and other programs associated with a particular sport


Manage the operations of a professional athletic team


Recruit professional coaches and athletes


Direct fundraising drives and arrange for sponsorships from public and private organizations


Develop long range plans and negotiate business contracts.

0513 娱乐,体育和健身项目和服务董事任职要求


A university degree in recreology, physical education, sports administration or a related field


A college diploma in recreation management or sports administration is usually required.


Several years of experience in an occupation related to recreation and sports administration, consulting or programming are usually required.


Some directors of recreation may be required to have a Municipal Recreation Directors Certificate.


Executive directors of sports governing agencies may be required to have coaching certification in a particular sport.

0513 娱乐,体育和健身项目和服务董事其他分类

教练 Coaches [5252](5252)

项目领导人和教官 娱乐,体育和健身 Program leaders and instructors in recreation, sport and fitness [5254](5254)

娱乐,体育健身的政策研究人员,顾问和项目官员 Recreation, sports and fitness policy researchers, consultants and program officers [4167](4167)

体育官员和裁判 Sports officials and referees [5253](5253)

0513 娱乐,体育和健身项目和服务董事职称头衔

首席管理员,休闲 administrator in chief, leisure

首席管理员,娱乐 administrator in chief, recreation

管理员,休闲 administrator, leisure

管理员,娱乐 administrator, recreation

业余体育经理 amateur sport manager

首席管理员,休闲 chief administrator, leisure

首席管理员,娱乐 chief administrator, recreation

统筹,体育节目管理 co-ordinator, sport program administrative

运动联合会总干事 director general, sport federation

健身管理总监 - 政府 director of fitness administration – government

休闲主任 director of leisure

休闲和体育主任 director of leisure and sports

娱乐总监 director of recreation

康乐及体育主任 director of recreation and sports

运动管理主任- 政府 director of sports administration – government

运动和休闲主任 director of sports and leisure

体育和娱乐总监 director of sports and recreation

导演,娱乐,体育和休闲 director, entertainment, sports and leisure

导演,娱乐,体育和娱乐业 director, entertainment, sports and recreation

董事,健身管理 - 政府 director, fitness administration – government

董事,健身计划 director, fitness programs

董事,赛马 director, horse racing

董事,休闲 director, leisure

董事,休闲和体育 director, leisure and sports

董事,休闲中心 director, leisure centre

董事,休闲场所 director, leisure establishment

董事,休闲活动 director, leisure programs

董事,休闲服务 director, leisure service

董事,物理教育计划 director, physical education programs

董事,体能训练 director, physical training

董事,赛马场 director, racetrack

董事,娱乐 director, recreation

董事,娱乐和体育 director, recreation and sports

导演,娱乐中心 director, recreation centre

董事,休闲设施 director, recreation establishment

董事,娱乐节目 director, recreation programs

导演,娱乐服务 director, recreation service

主任,体育 director, sports

主任,体育管理 - 政府 director, sports administration – government

董事,运动和休闲 director, sports and leisure

主任,体育和娱乐业 director, sports and recreation

主任,体育协会 director, sports association

主任,体育协会 director, sports federation

导演,体育节目 director, sports programs

主任,体育服务的体育节目 director, sports-service sports programs

董事,田径 director, track and field

娱乐,体育和休闲董事 entertainment, sports and leisure director

娱乐,体育和娱乐总监 entertainment, sports and recreation director

执行董事,运动理事机构 executive director, sport governing agency

体育运动管理机构执行董事, executive director, sport governing body

健身行政总监 - 政府 fitness administration director – government

健身中心经理 fitness centre manager

健身俱乐部经理 fitness club manager

健身项目主管 fitness programs director

总导演,运动联合会 general director, sport federation

总导演,YMCA(基督教青年会协会) general director, YMCA (Young Mens Christian Association)

总经理,专业运动队 general manager, professional sport team

专业田径队总经理 general manager, professional track and field team

总书记,YMCA(基督教青年会协会) general secretary, YMCA (Young Mens Christian Association)

管理员,休闲 head administrator, leisure

管理员,娱乐 head administrator, recreation

健身俱乐部经理 health club manager

健康工作室经理 health studio manager

赛马主任 horse racing director

休闲管理员 leisure administrator

休闲首席管理员 leisure administrator in chief

休闲和体育总监 leisure and sports director

休闲中心主任 leisure centre director

休闲中心,体育总监 leisure centre sports director

休闲首席管理员 leisure chief administrator

休闲主任 leisure director

休闲设立主任 leisure establishment director

休闲场所管理主管 leisure establishment managing supervisor

休闲总管理员 leisure head administrator

康乐事务经理 leisure manager

休闲节目总监 leisure programs director

休闲项目经理 leisure programs manager

休闲服务总监 leisure service director

康乐事务经理 leisure service manager

健身中心经理, manager, fitness centre

健身俱乐部经理, manager, fitness club

健身俱乐部经理, manager, health club

经理,休闲 manager, leisure

经理,休闲计划 manager, leisure programs

经理,休闲服务 manager, leisure service

经理,专业运动员队伍 manager, professional athletes team

经理,职业橄榄球队 manager, professional football team

经理,专业曲棍球队 manager, professional hockey team

经理,专业运动队 manager, professional sport team

经理,专业田径队 manager, professional track and field team

经理,康乐 manager, recreation

经理,娱乐节目 manager, recreation programs

经理,娱乐服务 manager, recreation service

经理,团队的专业运动员 manager, team of professional athletes

常务监事,休闲场所 managing supervisor, leisure establishment

常务监事,娱乐成立 managing supervisor, recreation establishment

市政休闲董事 municipal director of leisure

市政娱乐董事 municipal director of recreation

市政董事,休闲 municipal director, leisure

市政董事,娱乐 municipal director, recreation

市政休闲董事 municipal leisure director

市政康乐事务经理 municipal leisure manager

市政经理的休闲 municipal manager of leisure

市政经理娱乐 municipal manager of recreation

市政经理,休闲 municipal manager, leisure

市政经理,娱乐 municipal manager, recreation

市政娱乐总监 municipal recreation director

市政娱乐经理 municipal recreation manager

体育节目总监 physical education programs director

体能训练总监 physical training director

专业运动员车队经理 professional athletes team manager

职业橄榄球队经理 professional football team manager

专业曲棍球队经理 professional hockey team manager

专业运动队总经理 professional sport team general manager

专业运动队经理 professional sport team manager

专业田径队总经理 professional track and field team general manager

专业田径队经理 professional track and field team manager

项目经理,休闲 programs manager, leisure

程序经理,康乐 programs manager, recreation

赛道总监 racetrack director

休闲管理员 recreation administrator

娱乐首席管理员 recreation administrator in chief

娱乐和体育总监 recreation and sports director

康乐中心主任 recreation centre director

娱乐中心,体育总监 recreation centre sports director

娱乐首席管理员 recreation chief administrator

娱乐总监 recreation director

休闲设施总监 recreation establishment director

娱乐成立管理主管 recreation establishment managing supervisor

娱乐头部管理员 recreation head administrator

娱乐经理 recreation manager

娱乐节目总监 recreation programs director

娱乐项目经理 recreation programs manager

娱乐服务总监 recreation service director

娱乐服务经理 recreation service manager

服务经理,休闲 service manager, leisure

服务经理,娱乐 service manager, recreation

体育总会总干事 sport federation director general

体育总会总干事 sport federation general director

体育管理机构执行董事 sport governing agency executive director

体育运动管理机构执行董事 sport governing body executive director

体育节目管理统筹 sport program administrative co-ordinator

体育行政总监 - 政府 sports administration director – government

运动和休闲董事的 sports and leisure director

体育和娱乐总监 sports and recreation director

体育协会理事长 sports association director

体育总监 sports director

体育部主任,休闲中心 sports director, leisure centre

体育总监,娱乐中心 sports director, recreation centre

运动联合会主任 sports federation director

体育节目总监 sports program director

体育服务体育节目总监 sports-service sports programs director

车队经理,专业运动员 team manager, professional athletes

车队经理,专业足球 team manager, professional football

专业曲棍球队经理, team manager, professional hockey

车队经理,专业田径 team manager, professional track and field

田径总监 track and field director

YMCA(基督教青年会协会)总导演 YMCA (Young Mens Christian Association) general director

YMCA(基督教青年会协会)秘书长 YMCA (Young Mens Christian Association) general secretary

YMCA(基督教青年会协会)计划主任 YMCA (Young Mens Christian Association) programs director























4167 娱乐,体育和健身政策研究人员,顾问和项目官员 Recreation, sports and fitness policy researchers, consultants and progr

4167 娱乐,体育和健身政策研究人员,顾问和项目官员 Recreation, sports and fitness policy researchers, consultants and program officers NOC - LEVEL A


This unit group includes those who oversee and administer recreation, sports and fitness programs and activities, provide consulting services, conduct research and develop programs and policies related to recreation, sports and physical fitness. They are employed by federal, provincial and municipal governments, recreation, sports, fitness and health care facilities, retirement homes, community centres, sports and fitness consulting firms and organizations, or they may be self-employed.

4167 娱乐,体育和健身政策研究人员,顾问和项目官员头衔范例

健身顾问 fitness consultant

健身策略分析师 fitness policy analyst

娱乐顾问 recreation consultant

recreologist recreologist

体育分析师 sports analyst

体育和娱乐顾问 sports and recreation consultant

体育顾问 sports consultant

体育策略分析师 sports policy analyst

体育节目主管 sports program supervisor

4167 娱乐,体育和健身政策研究人员,顾问和项目官员主要职责


Recreation, sports and fitness policy analysts conduct research and develop government policies related to recreation, sports, fitness and athletic safety and standards.


Sports program consultants provide expert advice and consulting services to sports associations and other organizations in the design, development and administration of sports programs and activities.


Fitness program consultants provide expert advice and consulting services to community groups, corporations, schools and other organizations in the design and development of fitness programs and activities. They may write proposals and press statements for corporations, industry and the fitness community.


Recreation program consultants provide expert advice and consulting services to communities, corporations, institutions and other organizations in the design and development of recreation programs and activities.


Recreation, sports and fitness program supervisors develop, plan and co-ordinate sports, fitness and recreation programs, and special sporting events.

4167 娱乐,体育和健身政策研究人员,顾问和项目官员任职要求


A university degree in recreation administration, sports administration, physical education, kinesiology or related discipline combined with some work experience in a related field


a college diploma in a recreation, sports or fitness program combined with some experience in a related field is required.


Recreation, sports and fitness program supervisors require experience as program leaders or instructors in recreation, sports and fitness. Certification in program specialization, such as fitness or lifesaving, may also be required.

4167 娱乐,体育和健身政策研究人员,顾问和项目官员附加信息


Mobility among recreation, sports and fitness consultants may be restricted within individual area of expertise.


Recreation, sports and fitness program supervisors may progress to recreation, sports and fitness management positions with experience.

4167 娱乐,体育和健身政策研究人员,顾问和项目官员其他分类

娱乐,体育和健身项目领导和教官 Program leaders and instructors in recreation, sport and fitness [5254](5254)

娱乐,体育和健身计划和服务董事 Recreation, sports and fitness program and service directors [0513](0513)

4167 娱乐,体育和健身政策研究人员,顾问和项目官员职称头衔

分析师健身 analyst, fitness

分析师,健身政策 analyst, fitness policy

分析师休闲 analyst, leisure

分析师,休闲政策 analyst, leisure policy

分析师娱乐 analyst, recreation

分析师,娱乐政策 analyst, recreation policy

分析师体育 analyst, sports

分析师体育政策 analyst, sports policy

水产品节目统筹 aquatic program co-ordinator

艺术和手工艺节目统筹 arts and crafts programs co-ordinator

社区娱乐和休闲顾问 community recreation and leisure consultant

社区娱乐和休闲辅导员 community recreation and leisure counsellor

社区康乐统筹 community recreation co-ordinator

社区娱乐和休闲项目顾问 community recreational and leisure programs consultant

社区娱乐和休闲项目辅导员 community recreational and leisure programs counsellor

顾问,社区娱乐休闲 consultant, community recreation and leisure

顾问,社区休闲和休闲活动 consultant, community recreational and leisure programs

顾问,雇员健身 consultant, employee fitness

顾问,老年娱乐和休闲活动 consultant, geriatric recreational and leisure activities

顾问,休闲 consultant, leisure

顾问,休闲活动 consultant, leisure activities

顾问,娱乐 consultant, recreation

顾问,休闲活动 consultant, recreational activities

顾问,体育 consultant, sports

顾问,运动和休闲 consultant, sports and leisure

顾问,体育和娱乐业 consultant, sports and recreation

顾问,青年娱乐和休闲活动 consultant, youth recreational and leisure activities

统筹,水产品方案 co-ordinator, aquatic programs

统筹,艺术和手工艺方案 co-ordinator, arts and crafts programs

统筹,健身 co-ordinator, fitness

统筹,老人活动 co-ordinator, geriatric activities

统筹,老人的娱乐和休闲活动 co-ordinator, geriatric recreational and leisure activities

统筹,休闲 co-ordinator, leisure

统筹,休闲活动方案 co-ordinator, leisure activities programs

统筹,休闲方案 co-ordinator, leisure programs

统筹,休闲服务; co-ordinator, leisure services

统筹,航海活动 co-ordinator, nautical activities

统筹,航海计划 co-ordinator, nautical programs

统筹,游泳池活动 co-ordinator, pool activities

统筹,娱乐 co-ordinator, recreation

统筹,娱乐服务 co-ordinator, recreation services

统筹,联谊活动 co-ordinator, recreational activities

统筹,休闲活动计划 co-ordinator, recreational activities programs

统筹,娱乐节目 co-ordinator, recreational programs

统筹,体育 co-ordinator, sports

统筹,体育活动 co-ordinator, sports activities

统筹,体育节目 co-ordinator, sports programs

统筹体育项目 - 体育和娱乐 co-ordinator, sports programs – sports and recreation

统筹,青少年俱乐部计划 co-ordinator, teen club programs

统筹,青年娱乐和休闲活动 co-ordinator, youth recreational and leisure activities program

辅导员,社区娱乐休闲 counsellor, community recreation and leisure

辅导员,社区娱乐和休闲项目 counsellor, community recreational and leisure programs

员工健身辅导员, counsellor, employee fitness

辅导员,老人的娱乐和休闲活动 counsellor, geriatric recreational and leisure activities

辅导员,休闲 counsellor, leisure

辅导员,休闲活动 counsellor, leisure activities

辅导员,娱乐 counsellor, recreation

辅导员,休闲活动 counsellor, recreational activities

辅导员,体育 counsellor, sports

辅导员,体育和休闲 counsellor, sports and leisure

辅导员,体育和娱乐业 counsellor, sports and recreation

辅导员,青年娱乐和休闲活动 counsellor, youth recreational and leisure activities

员工健身顾问 employee fitness consultant

员工健身辅导员 employee fitness counsellor

健身分析师 fitness analyst

健身顾问 fitness consultant

健身统筹 fitness co-ordinator

健身策略分析师 fitness policy analyst

健身计划顾问 fitness program consultant

健身项目主管 fitness programs supervisor

健身,娱乐或体育政策分析师 fitness, recreation or sports policy analyst

老年活动统筹 geriatric activities co-ordinator

老年娱乐和休闲活动顾问 geriatric recreational and leisure activities consultant

老年娱乐和休闲活动统筹 geriatric recreational and leisure activities co-ordinator

老年娱乐和休闲活动辅导员 geriatric recreational and leisure activities counsellor

休闲活动顾问 leisure activities consultant

休闲活动辅导员 leisure activities counsellor

休闲活动统筹 leisure activities program co-ordinator

休闲分析师 leisure analyst

休闲顾问 leisure consultant

休闲统筹 leisure co-ordinator

休闲辅导员 leisure counsellor

休闲策略分析师 leisure policy analyst

休闲节目统筹 leisure program co-ordinator

休闲服务统筹 leisure services co-ordinator

航海活动统筹 nautical activities co-ordinator

航海节目统筹 nautical programs co-ordinator

人员,运动项目 officer, sports projects

政策分析师,娱乐,体育或健身 policy analyst, recreation, sports or fitness

活动统筹 pool activities co-ordinator

节目统筹,工艺品 program co-ordinator, arts and crafts

节目统筹,休闲活动 program co-ordinator, leisure activities

节目统筹,娱乐 program co-ordinator, recreation

节目统筹,联谊活动 program co-ordinator, recreational activities

节目统筹,青少年俱乐部 program co-ordinator, teen clubs

计划主管 - 运动和休闲 program supervisor – sports and leisure

项目主管,健身 program supervisor, fitness

计划主管,娱乐和休闲 program supervisor, recreation and leisure

项目主管,体育 program supervisor, sports

项目主管,体育,娱乐和休闲 program supervisor, sports, recreation and leisure

娱乐分析师 recreation analyst

娱乐和休闲活动主管 recreation and leisure programs supervisor

娱乐和休闲主管 recreation and leisure supervisor

娱乐顾问 recreation consultant

康乐统筹 recreation co-ordinator

娱乐辅导员 recreation counsellor

休闲策略分析师 recreation policy analyst

娱乐程序员 recreation programmer

娱乐服务统筹 recreation services co-ordinator

康乐主管 recreation supervisor

娱乐,体育或健身策略分析师 recreation, sports or fitness policy analyst

休闲活动顾问 recreational activities consultant

休闲活动统筹 recreational activities co-ordinator

休闲活动辅导员 recreational activities counsellor

休闲活动统筹 recreational activities program co-ordinator

娱乐节目统筹 recreational programs co-ordinator

老年病学 recreationist – geriatrics

体育活动统筹 sports activities co-ordinator

体育分析师 sports analyst

体育和休闲顾问 sports and leisure consultant

体育和休闲辅导员 sports and leisure counsellor

体育和娱乐顾问 sports and recreation consultant

体育和娱乐辅导员 sports and recreation counsellor

体育顾问 sports consultant

体育统筹 sports co-ordinator

体育辅导员 sports counsellor

体育策略分析师 sports policy analyst

体育节目的合作人 - 体育和娱乐 sports program co-ordinator – sports and recreation

体育节目主管 sports program supervisor

体育节目统筹 sports programs co-ordinator

体育项目官员 sports projects officer

体育主管 sports supervisor

体育,健身或休闲策略分析师 sports, fitness or recreation policy analyst

体育,娱乐和休闲主管 sports, recreation and leisure supervisor

体育,娱乐和休闲项目主管 sports, recreational and leisure programs supervisor

主管,健身课程 supervisor, fitness programs

主管,方案 - 运动和休闲 supervisor, programs – sports and leisure

主管,娱乐和休闲 supervisor, recreation and leisure

主管,娱乐和休闲活动 supervisor, recreational and leisure programs

体育主管 supervisor, sports

主管,体育节目 supervisor, sports programs

主管,体育,娱乐和休闲 supervisor, sports, recreation and leisure

主管,体育,娱乐和休闲活动 supervisor, sports, recreational and leisure programs

青少年俱乐部节目统筹 teen club programs co-ordinator

青年娱乐和休闲活动顾问 youth recreational and leisure activities consultant

青春娱乐和休闲活动辅导员 youth recreational and leisure activities counsellor

青年娱乐和休闲活动计划统筹 youth recreational and leisure activities program co-ordinator












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