
4032 小学和幼儿园教师 Elementary school and kindergarten teachers NOC


4032 小学和幼儿园教师 Elementary school and kindergarten teachers NOC - LEVEL A


Elementary school and kindergarten teachers teach basic subjects such as reading, writing and arithmetic or specialized subjects such as English or French as a second language at public and private elementary schools.

4032 小学和幼儿园教师头衔范例

法语浸泡老师 - 小学 French immersion teacher – elementary school

小学教师,英语作为第二语言 elementary school teacher, English as a second language

小学教师,法语作为第二语言 elementary school teacher, French as a second language

幼儿园老师 kindergarten teacher

小学教师 primary school teacher

辅导老师 - 小学 remedial teacher – elementary school

特教老师 - 小学 special education teacher – elementary school

特教老师 - 小学 special education teacher – primary school

代课教师 - 小学 supply teacher – elementary school

图书管理员,小学 teacher-librarian, elementary school

4032 小学和幼儿园教师主要职责


Prepare courses for presentation to students according to approved curriculum


Teach students using a systematic plan of lessons, discussions, audio-visual presentations and field trips


Lead students in activities to promote their physical, mental and social development and their school readiness


Assign and correct homework


Prepare, administer and correct tests


Evaluate the progress of students and discuss results with students, parents and school officials


Identify childrens individual learning needs


Prepare and implement remedial programs for students requiring extra help


Participate in staff meetings, educational conferences and teacher training workshops


May supervise teachers aides and student teachers.


Elementary school and kindergarten teachers may special ize in such areas as special education or second language instruction.

4032 小学和幼儿园教师任职要求


A bachelors degree in education is required.


A bachelors degree in child development may be required.


Additional training is required to specialize in special education or second language instruction.


A provincial teaching certificate is required. Additional certification is required to teach English or French as a second language.


Membership in a provincial or territorial teachers association or federation is usually required.

4032 小学和幼儿园教师附加信息


Progression to education consultant or school principal is possible with experience.

4032 小学和幼儿园教师其他分类

幼儿教育工作者及助理 Early childhood educators and assistants [4214](4214)

小学和中学教师助理 Elementary and secondary school teacher assistants [4413](4413)

小学学校图书馆(图书馆和公共档案技师) Elementary school librarians (in [5211](5211) Library and public archive technicians )

Psychoeducators(家庭,婚姻和其他相关的辅导员) Psychoeducators (in [4153](4153) Family, marriage and other related counsellors )

初等和中等教育的学校校长和管理员 School principals and administrators of elementary and secondary education [0422](0422)

中学教师 Secondary school teachers [4031](4031)

教师发展残疾人士(指导员残疾人) Teachers of persons with developmental disabilities (in [4215](4215) Instructors of persons with disabilities )

4032 小学和幼儿园教师职称头衔

美术老师 - 小学 art teacher – elementary school

烹饪名师 - 小学 cooking teacher – elementary school

通信老师 - 小学 correspondence teacher – elementary school

工艺品老师 - 小学 crafts teacher – elementary school

幼儿教育服务的老师 - 小学 early childhood services teacher – elementary school

小学读临床 elementary school reading clinician

小学代课教师 elementary school substitute teacher

小学代课教师 elementary school supply teacher

小学老师 elementary school teacher

小学教师,英语作为第二语言 elementary school teacher, English as a second language

小学教师,法语作为第二语言 elementary school teacher, French as a second language

小学教师,特殊教育 elementary school teacher, special education

英语作为第二语言的老师 - 小学 English as a second language teacher – elementary school

英语老师 - 小学 English teacher – elementary school

法语作为第二语言的老师 - 小学 French as a second language teacher – elementary school

法语渗透老师 - 小学 French immersion teacher – elementary school

法语老师 - 小学 French teacher – elementary school

小学老师 grade school teacher

家政老师 - 小学 home economics teacher – elementary school

工业艺术老师 - 小学 industrial arts teacher – elementary school

初中教师 junior high school teacher

幼儿园老师 kindergarten teacher

语文老师 - 小学 language teacher – elementary school

馆员老师,小学 librarian-teacher, elementary school

音乐老师 - 小学 music teacher – elementary school

自然课老师 - 小学 nature study teacher – elementary school

体育老师 - 小学 physical education teacher – elementary school

小学教师 primary school teacher

阅读医生 - 小学 reading clinician – elementary school

辅导老师 - 小学 remedial teacher – elementary school

缝纫老师 - 小学 sewing teacher – elementary school

特教老师 - 小学 special education teacher – elementary school

特教老师 - 小学 special education teacher – primary school

特殊需要的老师 - 小学 special needs teacher – elementary school

代课老师 - 小学 substitute teacher – elementary school

代课教师 - 小学 supply teacher – elementary school

初中老师 - 幼儿园 teacher – junior kindergarten

老师,原住民学校 - 小学 teacher, Aboriginal school – elementary school

老师,小学 teacher, elementary school

老师,英语作为第二语言 - 小学 teacher, English as a second language – elementary school

老师,法语作为第二语言 - 小学 teacher, French as a second language – elementary school

教师,幼儿园 teacher, kindergarten

老师,小学 teacher, primary school

学校图书馆,小学 teacher-librarian, elementary school

探访教师 - 小学 visiting teacher – elementary school















其实每年学费都在增长,一般涨幅为$30 - $50/月。现在大多数的Daycare都有Part-time的计划,有4天的,3天的还有2天的,每天的收费为$70 -$80,相对于Full-time的稍微贵一点。Richmond城市的Daycare比较多,所以排队的时间也相对短一点;但在温哥华西区,尤其是UBC附近的Daycare,往往在怀孕的时候就要去排队,因为位子非常紧俏。Preschool(学前班)

学前班招收30个月(至少在12月31日前为3岁)到入小学年龄的孩子。最多为20个孩子,3岁、4岁各一个组,其他的混为一个组。学前班是半天的计划,一天最多为4个小时。大多数学前班的作息时间是根据小学的时间,9月开学,7月放假。一些学前班希望家长参与孩子的活动。教师需要有早期幼教证书。收费标准为每月$350 - $400之间。






























一个拥有健全法制的国家,就是对出国留学生的一种 * 保证。

澳大利亚是世界上 * 颁布国际留学生保护法《海外学生教育服务法案》的国家,意在保护持有学生签证到澳大利亚留学的每一个海外学生。



澳大利亚是全世界犯罪率 * 的国家之一。该国拥有良好的福利体系,社会冲突小,有些地区的治安甚至可以用路不拾遗来形容。




0422 初等和中等教育的学校校长和管理员 School principals and administrators of elementary and secondary education  NO

0422 初等和中等教育的学校校长和管理员 School principals and administrators of elementary and secondary education NOC - LEVEL 0


School principals plan, organize, direct, control and evaluate the activities of teachers and other staff of an elementary or secondary school. They are employed by public and private schools. Administrators of elementary and secondary education plan, organize, direct, control and evaluate the academic affairs of a school system. They are employed by school boards.

0422 初等和中等教育的学校校长和管理员头衔范例

管理员,教育委员会 administrator, board of education

总警司 - 学校 chief superintendent – schools

教育总监,惩教机构 director of education, correctional institution

听障学校主任 director of school for the hearing impaired

区督学 district school superintendent

校长/女校长,私立学校 headmaster/mistress, private school

学校校长 school principal

中学校长 secondary school principal

基础教育的管理者 superintendent of elementary education

中学管理者 superintendent of secondary schools

特殊教育管理者 superintendent of special education

副校长,学校 vice-principal, school

0422 初等和中等教育的学校校长和管理员主要职责

0422 校长执行部分或全部下列职责:School principals perform some or all of the following duties:


Plan, organize, direct, control and evaluate, through department heads or supervisors, the activities of teachers and support staff


Review programs to ensure conformance to school board or provincial standards and develop programs within limits of authority


Co-ordinate teaching activities of the institution by making personnel assignments, determining class size and preparing timetables


Organize and maintain procedures for the keeping of records


Prepare and administer institution or program budget


Direct and co-ordinate school maintenance services and the use of school facilities


May recruit and hire teachers and other staff


May teach.

0422 小学和中学教育的管理员执行部分或全部下列职责:Administrators of elementary and secondary education perform some or all of the following duties:


Plan, organize, direct, control and evaluate, through school principals, the academic affairs of a school district


Evaluate curriculum, teaching methods and community participation in programs for a school district and revise programs as required


Develop and administer programs for the education and training of students and adults


Make recommendations concerning the annual operating budget of a school district


Direct or supervise the recruitment, appointment, training, evaluation and promotion of teaching personnel.

0422 初等和中等教育的学校校长和管理员任职要求


A bachelors degree in education is required.


A masters degree in education may be required.


Several years of experience as a senior teacher or department head are required.


A teachers certificate for the province of employment is required.


School principals may require a principals certificate.


Administrators of elementary and secondary education may require a supervisory officer certificate.

0422 初等和中等教育的学校校长和管理员附加信息


There is little mobility between institutional settings, for example, between elementary and secondary schools.

0422 初等和中等教育的学校校长和管理员其他分类

管理员 - 中学后教育和职业培训 Administrators - post-secondary education and vocational training [0421](0421)

教育政策研究人员,顾问和项目官员 Education policy researchers, consultants and program officers [4166](4166)

政府管理者 - 制定教育政策和程序管理 Government managers - education policy development and program administration [0413](0413)

高级管理人员 - 卫生,教育,社会和​​社区服务及会员组织 Senior managers - health, education, social and community services and membership organizations [0014](0014)

0422 初等和中等教育的学校校长和管理员职称头衔

原住民学校校长 Aboriginal school principal

学术管理者 academic superintendent

管理员,教育委员会 administrator, board of education

区域管理者 - 学校 area superintendent – schools

区助理督学 assistant district school superintendent

校长助理 assistant principal

助理学区督学 assistant school district superintendent

助理督学 assistant superintendent of schools

联营公司管理者 - 学校 associate superintendent – schools

教育板管理员 board of education administrator

企业大学校长 business college principal

总警司 - 学校 chief superintendent – schools

大学校长 - 中学 college principal – secondary level

社区学校的校长 community school principal

副警司 - 学校 deputy superintendent – schools

教育总监,惩教机构 director of education, correctional institution

学校董事,聋哑学校 director of school for the blind or deaf

学校听障主任 director of school for the hearing impaired

视障学校总监 director of school for the visually impaired

学区的学校助理总监 district school assistant superintendent

区督学 district school superintendent

小学校长 elementary school principal

大厅校长 - 中学 hall principal – secondary school

校长/女校长,私立学校 headmaster/mistress, private school

高中校长 high school principal

原生学校校长 Native school principal

私立小学大学校长 private primary college principal

民办学校校长 private school headmaster/mistress

私立学校校长 private school principal

区域学校管理者 regional schools superintendent

区域管理者 - 学校 regional superintendent – schools

学校管理员 school board administrator

学区助理总监 school district assistant superintendent

学校学区总监 school district superintendent

学校校长 school principal

学校副校长 school vice-principal

中学校长 secondary school principal

教务主管 superintendent of academic affairs

教育服务的管理者 superintendent of educational services

基础教育的管理者 superintendent of elementary education

小学管理者 superintendent of elementary schools

经营管理者 - 学校 superintendent of operations – schools

管理者的专业发展 - 学校 superintendent of professional development – schools

中学管理者 superintendent of secondary schools

管理者特殊教育 superintendent of special education

学生服务的管理者 superintendent of student services

管理者,区域学校 superintendent, regional schools

学校管理者, superintendent, schools

技术高中校长 technical high school principal

副校长,学校 vice-principal, school

职业高中校长 vocational high school principal












4021 学院和其他职业教师 College and other vocational instructors NOC

4021 学院和其他职业教师 College and other vocational instructors NOC - LEVEL A


This unit group includes instructors who teach applied arts, academic, technical and vocational subjects to students at community colleges, CEGEPs, agricultural colleges, technical and vocational institutes, language schools and other college level schools. This unit group also includes trainers who are employed by private training establishments, companies, community agencies and governments to deliver internal training or development courses. College teachers who are heads of departments are included in this group.

4021 学院和其他职业教师头衔范例

CEGEP老师 CEGEP teacher

高校教师 college teacher

商业艺术讲师 commercial art instructor

社区学院的老师 community college teacher

企业培训师 company trainer

电脑培训讲师 computer training instructor

系主任 - 大学 department chairperson – college

部门主管 - CEGEP department head – CEGEP

消防教官 firefighting instructor

指导员 - 科技研究所 instructor – technology institute

语言学校讲师 language school instructor

大学讲师 - lecturer – college

老师 - 技术研究所 teacher – institute of technology

老师,法律助理项目 teacher, legal assistant program

培训人员 - 公司 training officer – company

职业学院老师 vocational institute teacher

4021 学院和其他职业教师主要职责


Teach students using a systematic plan of lectures, demonstrations, discussion groups, laboratory work, shop sessions, seminars, case studies, field assignments and independent or group projects


Develop curriculum and prepare teaching materials and outlines for courses


Prepare, administer and mark tests and papers to evaluate students progress


Advise students on program curricula and career decisions


Provide individualized tutorial or remedial instruction to students who require it


Supervise independent or group projects, field placements, laboratory work or hands-on training


Supervise teaching assistants


May provide consultation services to government, business and other organizations


May serve on committees concerned with matters such as budgets, curriculum revision, and course and diploma requirements.


These instructors specialize in particular fields or areas of study such as visual arts, dental hygiene, welding, engineering technology, policing, computer software, management and early childhood education.

4021 学院和其他职业教师任职要求


A bachelors degree, a college diploma or demonstrated expertise in the field of instruction is required.


A masters degree in the field of instruction may be required.


A certificate, diploma or degree in adult education may be required.


For instructors of trades, completion of apprenticeship training and industry or trade certification are required. Additional courses in teaching or a provincial teaching certificate may be required.

4021 学院和其他职业教师附加信息


In Qubec, trades training programs are offered in the secondary school system.


Progression to administrative positions in post-secondary education is possible with experience.

4021 学院和其他职业教师其他分类

管理员 - 中学后教育和职业培训 Administrators - post-secondary education and vocational training [0421](0421)

教师非学术或职业课程(其他教官) Instructors teaching non-academic or non-vocational courses (in [4216](4216) Other instructors )

中学教师 Secondary school teachers [4031](4031)

大学教授和讲师 University professors and lecturers [4011](4011)

4021 学院和其他职业教师职称头衔

学科老师 - 大学水平 academic subjects teacher – college level

会计教师 - 大专水平 accounting teacher – college level

管理老师 administration teacher

广告美术老师 advertising art teacher

农业高校教师 agricultural college teacher

农广校教师 agricultural school teacher

航空公司客户服务讲师 airline customer-service instructor

服装设计名师 apparel design teacher

家电维修教师 - 职业技术学院 appliance servicing teacher – vocational institute

应用艺术老师 - 大学水平 applied arts teacher – college level

建筑技术指导员 architectural technology instructor

汽车维修讲师 - 社区学院 automotive repair instructor – community college

圣经学院老师 Bible college teacher

圣经学校的老师 Bible school teacher

簿记老师 bookkeeping teacher

工商管理教师 business administration teacher

工商管理教师 - 大学水平 business administration teacher – college level

商业大学讲师 business college instructor

商学院的老师 business college teacher

商业法律教师 business law teacher

商业科目的老师 - 职业技术学院 business subjects teacher – vocational institute

普通教育和职业学院(CEGEP)教师 CEGEP (general and vocational college) teacher

CEGEP老师 CEGEP teacher

化学技术教师 chemical technology teacher

化学老师 - 农广校 chemistry teacher – agricultural school

托儿服务老师 child-care service teacher

托儿服务老师 - 大学水平 child-care service teacher – college level

服装设计名师 clothing design teacher

大学讲师 college instructor

讲师团 college lecturer

学院应用艺术和技术指导员 college of applied arts and technology instructor

学院应用艺术与技术教师 college of applied arts and technology teacher

高校教师 college teacher

商业的艺术讲师 commercial art instructor

商业美术老师 commercial art teacher

商业科目的老师 - 职业技术学院 commercial subjects teacher – vocational institute

商用车辆驾驶教练 commercial vehicle driver instructor

通信老师 - 大学水平 communications teacher – college level

社区大学讲师 community college instructor

社区学院的老师 community college teacher

社区规划师 - 大学水平 community planning teacher – college level

以社区为基础的教练 community-based trainer

企业培训师 company trainer

计算机编程指导员 - 大学水平 computer programming instructor – college level

计算机科学老师 - 大学水平 computer science teacher – college level

计算机教练机 computer trainer

电脑培训讲师 computer training instructor

电脑培训代表 computer training representative

电脑辅助绘图(CAD)讲师 computer-assisted drafting (CAD) instructor

基于计算机的培训师 computer-based trainer

对应学校讲师 correspondence school instructor

函授学院导师 correspondence school tutor

对应教师 - 大专水平 correspondence teacher – college level

法庭报告教官 court reporting instructor

数据处理老师 - 大学水平 data-processing teacher – college level

宗派学院老师 denominational institute teacher

牙医助理课程老师 - 社区学院 dental assistant program teacher – community college

牙科卫生员程序老师 dental hygienist program teacher

系主任/男/女 - 大专 department chairman/woman – college

系主任/男/女 - 社区学院 department chairman/woman – community college

系主任 - 大学 department chairperson – college

系主任 - 社区学院 department chairperson – community college

部门主管 - CEGEP department head – CEGEP

部门主管 - 大学 department head – college

部门负责人 - 社区学院 department head – community college

部门主管 - 技术学院 department head – institute of technology

部门负责人 - 私人培训机构 department head – private training institute

部门主管 - 技术学院 department head – technical institute

部门负责人 - 职业技术学院 department head – vocational institute

直销指导员 direct sales instructor

起草教练 drafting instructor

起草导师 - 大学水平 drafting instructor – college level

起草老师 drafting teacher

起草老师 - 大学水平 drafting teacher – college level

驾驶教练,商用车 driving instructor, commercial vehicles

幼儿教育导师 - 大学水平 early childhood education instructor – college level

幼儿教育老师 - 大学水平 early childhood education teacher – college level

经济学老师 - 大学水平 economics teacher – college level

电解教练 - 职业技术学院 electrolysis instructor – vocational institute

机电技术教师 - 大学水平 electromechanical technology teacher – college level

电子技术教师 - 大学水平 electronic technology teacher – college level

演说术的老师 - 非医疗 elocution teacher – non-medical

防腐老师 embalming teacher

英语作为第二语言的教师(ESL) - 大专以上水平 English as a second language teacher (ESL) – college level

英语老师 - 商学院 English teacher – business college

英语老师 - 大学水平 English teacher – college level

ESL(英语作为第二语言)教师 - 大学水平 ESL (English as a second language) teacher – college level

时装设计名师 - CEGEP fashion design teacher – CEGEP

时尚老师 - 大学水平 fashion teacher – college level

美术老师 - 大学水平 fine arts teacher – college level

消防队员教官 firefighters instructor

消防教官 firefighting instructor

空姐教练 flight attendants instructor

法语作为第二语言的教师(除小学,中学或大学) French as a second language teacher (except elementary, high school or university)

滑翔教练 gliding instructor

图形艺术老师 graphic arts teacher

平面设计讲师 graphic design instructor

地面学校教官 ground school instructor

美容导师 - 职业技术学院 hairdressing instructor – vocational institute

美发师 - 社区学院 hairdressing teacher – community college

健康和安全指导员 health and safety instructor

卫生技术教师 health technology teacher

重型设备操作员教练 - 社区学院 heavy equipment operators instructor – community college

历史老师 - CEGEP history teacher – CEGEP

园艺和园林绿化导师 - 的园艺学校 horticulture and landscaping instructor – school of horticulture

酒店管理师 - 大专 hotel management teacher – college

工业仪表教师 industrial instrumentation teacher

工业安全指导员 industrial safety instructor

基于行业的导师 Industry-based instructor

基于行业教练机 industry-based trainer

麻省理工学院的老师 institute of technology teacher

教练 - 商学院 instructor – business college

教练 - 商学院 instructor – commercial college

导师 - 公司 instructor – company

教练 - 产业 instructor – industry

教练 - 语言学校 instructor – language school

教练 - 私人培训机构 instructor – private training institute

教练 - 技校 instructor – technical school

指导员 - 科技研究所 instructor – technology institute

教练 - 职业学校 instructor – vocational school

指导员,大学生 instructor, college

指导员,应用艺术与技术学院 instructor, college of applied arts and technology

指导员,社区学院 instructor, community college

指导员,函授学校 instructor, correspondence school

教师,消防员 instructor, firefighters

指导员,消防 instructor, firefighting

教练,空姐 instructor, flight attendants

地面学校教官, instructor, ground school

指导员,健康和安全 instructor, health and safety

指导员,重型设备操作员 - 社区学院 instructor, heavy equipment operators – community college

指导员,工业安全 instructor, industrial safety

指导员,警察 instructor, police

指导员,pursers instructor, pursers

指导员,技术学院 instructor, technological institute

室内设计名师 interior design teacher

新闻老师 - 大学水平 journalism teacher – college level

美化教练 landscaping instructor

语文教师 - 语言学校 language instructor – language school

语言实验室的老师 - 大学水平 language laboratory teacher – college level

语言学校讲师 language school instructor

执法老师 law enforcement teacher

法学教师 - 警察学院 law teacher – police college

领导,管理研讨会 leader, management seminar

大学讲师 - lecturer – college

学院讲师 lecturer, college

法律助理项目老师 legal assistant program teacher

法律秘书的程序老师 - 社区学院 legal secretarial program teacher – community college

管理研讨会的领导者 management seminar leader

营销师 - 大学水平 marketing teacher – college level

数学老师 - 大学水平 mathematics teacher – college level

机械技术教师 - 大学水平 mechanical technology teacher – college level

病历管理计划教师 medical records management program teacher

医疗技术的老师 medical technology teacher

矿产技术应用艺术与技术学院的老师 - mineral technology teacher – college of applied arts and technology

矿山救援教官 mining rescue instructor

现代语言教师 - 大学水平 modern languages teacher – college level

现代语言教师 - 语言学校 modern languages tutor – language school

音乐老师 - 音乐学院 music teacher – conservatory of music

护理教育家 - 除了大学 nursing educator – except college

护理指导师 - 大学 nursing instructor – college

公安院校教师 police college teacher

派出所教导员 police instructor

印刷技术的老师 - CEGEP printing technology teacher – CEGEP

专业的培训讲师 professional training instructor

公开演说教练 public-speaking instructor

公共英语教师 public-speaking teacher

pursers教官 pursers instructor

康乐领导老师 recreational leadership teacher

辅导老师 - 大学水平 remedial teacher – college level

零售管理教师 retail management teacher

第二语言导师 - 语言学校 second-language instructor – language school

秘书服务老师 secretarial services teacher

速录师 - 商学院 shorthand teacher – business college

社会服务的老师 - 大学水平 social services teacher – college level

员工培训人员 - 产业 staff training officer – industry

老师 - 商学院 teacher – business college

老师 - 商业大学 teacher – commercial college

老师 - 技术研究所 teacher – institute of technology

老师 - 神学院 teacher – seminary

老师,农业大学 teacher, agricultural college

老师,农广校 teacher, agricultural school

老师,圣经学院 teacher, Bible college

老师,圣经学校 teacher, Bible school

老师(普通教育和职业学院,CEGEP) teacher, CEGEP (general and vocational college)

教师,大专 teacher, college

老师,应用艺术与技术学院 teacher, college of applied arts and technology

老师,社区学院 teacher, community college

老师,英语作为第二语言(ESL) - 大学水平 teacher, English as a second language (ESL) – college level

老师,英语作为第二语言(除了小学,中学或大学) teacher, English as a second language (except elementary, high school or university)

老师,法语作为第二语言(除了小学,中学或大学) teacher, French as a second language (except elementary, high school or university)

老师,法律助理项目 teacher, legal assistant program

老师,警察学院 teacher, police college

老师,公开演讲 teacher, public speaking

老师,技术学院 teacher, technological institute

教师,职业技术学院 teacher, vocational institute

技术科目教练 - 职业技术学院 technical subjects instructor – vocational institute

技术学院讲师 technological institute instructor

技术学院老师 technological institute teacher

科技科目教练 - 职业技术学院 technological subjects instructor – vocational institute

技术教师 - 大专水平 technology teacher – college level

工具和模具制作老师 - 社区学院 tool and die making teacher – community college

旅游教练机 tourism trainer

贸易指导员 - 社区学院 trade instructor – community college

见习讲师 trainee instructor

教练,公司 trainer, company

教练,电脑 trainer, computer

培训顾问 - 行业 training consultant – industry

培训讲师 - 大学水平 training instructor – college level

培训人员 - 公司 training officer – company

培训代表,计算机 training representative, computer

卡车司机教练 - 社区学院 truck driver trainer – community college

导师,函授学校 tutor, correspondence school

导师,现代语言 - 语言学校 tutor, modern languages – language school

打字老师 - 商学院 typing teacher – commercial college

职业学院的老师 vocational institute teacher

职业教练 vocational trainer

焊接教师 - 技术学院 welding teacher – technical institute














在澳洲,幼儿教师被称为Early Childhood Teacher, Pre-primary School Teacher,或者是Kindergarten Teacher。
















教育部负责证据、数据和知识的副秘书Craig Jones博士表示,该模型仅在未来两年内可靠,但此后则会受到不可预测的政策变化和经济状况的影响。

负责早期学习和学生成就方面的副秘书Ellen MacGregor-Reid表示,教育部将试图通过提升学员人数、吸引前任老师返回教师行业、吸引新西兰教师从海外归来任教、从海外招聘外籍教师的方式来缩小供需差距。



新西兰中学教育联合会Jack Boyle表示,这些预测存在缺陷,因为他们认为2017年的教师供求数据相等。


4214 幼儿教育工作者和助理 Early childhood educators and assistants NOC

4214 幼儿教育工作者和助理 Early childhood educators and assistants NOC - LEVEL B


Early childhood educators plan, organize and implement programs for children between the ages of infancy and 12 years. Early childhood educator assistants provide care for infants and preschool- to school-age children under the guidance of early childhood educators. Early childhood educators and assistants lead children in activities to stimulate and develop their intellectual, physical and emotional growth and ensure their security and well-being. They are employed in child-care centres, daycare centres, kindergartens, agencies for exceptional children and other settings where early childhood education services are provided. Supervisors of early childhood educators and assistants are included in this unit group.

4214 幼儿教育工作者和助理头衔范例

儿童护理员助理 child care worker assistant

幼儿工作者,日托 child care worker, daycare

日托帮手 daycare helper

托儿所主管 daycare supervisor

托儿所老师 daycare teacher

日托工作者 daycare worker

幼儿教育助理 early childhood assistant

早期儿童教育工作者 early childhood education worker

幼教(E.C.E.) early childhood educator (E.C.E.)

儿童早期教育 - 学前教育 early childhood educator – preschool

幼教助理 early childhood educator assistant

幼儿教育计划参谋助手 early childhood program staff assistant

幼儿教育主管 early childhood supervisor

学龄前帮手 preschool helper

学前教育主管 preschool supervisor

4214 幼儿教育工作者和助理主要职责

幼儿教育工作者执行部分或全部下列职责Early childhood educators perform some or all of the following duties:


Develop and implement child-care programs that support and promote the physical, cognitive, emotional and social development of children


Lead activities by telling or reading stories, teaching songs, taking children to local points of interest and providing opportunities to express creativity through the media of art, dramatic play, music and physical activity


Plan and maintain an environment that protects the health, security and well-being of children


Assess the abilities, interests and needs of children and discuss progress or problems with parents and other staff members


Observe children for signs of potential learning or behavioural problems and prepare reports for parents, guardians or supervisor


Guide and assist children in the development of proper eating, dressing and toilet habits


Establish and maintain collaborative relationships with co-workers and community service providers working with children


May plan and organize activities for school-age children in child-care programs before and after regular school hours


May supervise and co-ordinate activities of other early childhood educators and early childhood educator assistants.

幼教助理执行部分或全部下列职责Early childhood educator assistants perform some or all of the following duties:


Support early childhood educators in carrying out programs that promote the physical, cognitive, emotional and social development of children


Engage children in activities by telling stories, teaching songs and preparing crafts


Prepare snacks and arrange rooms or furniture for lunch and rest periods


Assist with proper eating, dressing and toilet habits


Submit written observations on children to early childhood educators or supervisors


Maintain daycare equipment and assist in housekeeping and cooking duties


Attend staff meetings to discuss progress and problems of children


May assist early childhood educators or supervisors in keeping records.

4214 幼儿教育工作者和助理任职要求


Early childhood educators


Completion of a two- to four-year college program in early childhood education


A bachelors degree in child development is required.


Licensing by a provincial or territorial association for early childhood educators (ECE) is usually required.

早期儿童教育工作者助理 、

Early childhood educator assistants


Completion of secondary school is required.


Experience in child care is required.


Completion of an early childhood education assistant certificate program or post-secondary courses in early childhood education may be required.


Licensing by a provincial or territorial association for early childhood educators (ECE) may be required.

4214 幼儿教育工作者和助理附加信息


Progression to senior positions, such as daycare supervisor, is possible with several years of experience or with experience and advanced ECE qualification levels.

4214 幼儿教育工作者和助理其他分类

儿童保健中心管理员(经理在社会,社区和惩教服务) Child-care centre administrators (in [0423](0423) Managers in social, community and correctional services )

小学和中学教师助理 Elementary and secondary school teacher assistants [4413](4413)

小学和幼儿园教师 Elementary school and kindergarten teachers [4032](4032)

4214 幼儿教育工作者和助理职称头衔

助手,日托 aide, daycare

助手,幼儿园; aide, nursery school

助理ECE assistant ECE

婴儿护理工作者 baby-care worker

婴儿护理工作者助理 baby-care worker assistant

婴儿护理工作者主管 baby-care workers supervisor

儿童保健工作者 - 日托 child care worker – daycare

儿童护理员助理 child care worker assistant

幼儿工作者,日托 child care worker, daycare

合作社日托统筹 co-op daycare co-ordinator

统筹,合作社日托 co-ordinator, co-op daycare

统筹,日托 co-ordinator, daycare

日托助手 daycare aide

日托服务员 daycare attendant

日托统筹 daycare co-ordinator

日托帮手 daycare helper

托儿所主管 daycare supervisor

托儿所老师 daycare teacher

日托工作者 daycare worker

日托工人助理 daycare worker assistant

幼儿教育助理 early childhood assistant

早期儿童教育工作者 early childhood education worker

儿童早期教育 - 初中幼儿园 early childhood educator – junior kindergarten

儿童早期教育 - 幼儿园 early childhood educator – kindergarten

儿童早期教育 - 学前教育 early childhood educator – preschool

幼教(E.C.E.) early childhood educator (E.C.E.)

幼教助理 early childhood educator assistant

幼教助理 - 初中幼儿园 early childhood educator assistant – junior kindergarten

幼教助理 - 幼儿园 early childhood educator assistant – kindergarten

幼儿教育计划参谋助手 early childhood program staff assistant

早期童年程序主管 early childhood program supervisor

幼儿教育主管 early childhood supervisor

ECE助理 ECE assistant

教育家助理 - 初中幼儿园 educator assistant – junior kindergarten

帮手,日托 helper, daycare

帮手,托儿所 helper, nursery school

婴幼儿日托职工监事 infant daycare workers supervisor

婴幼儿日托工人 infants daycare worker

幼儿园校助手 nursery school aide

托儿所帮手 nursery school helper

幼儿园老师 nursery school teacher

学龄前帮手 preschool helper

学前教育主管 preschool supervisor

教师,日托 teacher, daycare
















一些接纳海外教师的校长,例如接收了五名海外教师的Decile 1分学校Manurewa Intermediate的校长 Iain Taylor表示,即使新西兰没有出现教师短缺问题,他们学校也一样欢迎海外教师。


校长联合会主席Whetu Cormick表示,他担心海外教师接受的培训作用不大,因为培训大多是在网上进行,而且为时已晚。

Pakuranga Heights学校的校长Fintan Kelly说: “理想情况是,我们拥有的都是在新西兰接受培训且信心十足的老师,但现实是短缺问题存在,我们只能尽可能利用现有的资源。”


各学校也可申请最高3000纽币的补助以招收新教师。Taylor表示,他已把这笔补助金付给了教师招聘机构Education Personnel。

海外教师需接受培训的时间成本取决于每位老师的经验。但如果按照每人年薪六万来算,连续六个月每周培训半天, 相当于给教育部进一步增加了3000纽币的成本。

教育部副秘书Ellen MacGregor-Reid表示,奥塔哥大学自2010年以来一直为海外教师提供培训,但培训合同的内容已经扩充到包括“更多在线模块、区域研讨会和线上带领”的内容,费用“受商业敏感性影响”。

Manurewa Intermediate的五名“新兵”中有两名来自英国:同为25岁的Joe Hardern和Tom Morgan,他们目前正在一个毛利家庭中寄宿。


Esther Kim是一位35岁的美国韩裔数学教师。她曾在普通学校以及私立武术学校任教,还曾担任西点军校的课余家庭课程的助理主任。她的丈夫,一名武术指导员,多年前曾来过新西兰,而且“一直想回来”。

29岁的Shane Vallender曾是一名前私人教练,也是一名橄榄球球员,他和妻子一同从南非来到新西兰。目前,其妻子已经在Belmont Intermediate开始任教。

现年38岁的新西兰移民教师Ian Svela拥有12年的教学经验,曾在加拿大担任助理校长。但如今他已卖掉了自己的房子,带着妻子和两个儿子搬来了新西兰。他的妻子目前是Midmore医院的新生儿重症监护病房的护士。

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