
5243 剧场,时尚,展览和其他创意设计师 Theatre, fashion, exhibit and other creative designers NOC


5243 剧场,时尚,展览和其他创意设计师 Theatre, fashion, exhibit and other creative designers NOC - LEVEL B


Designers in this unit group conceptualize and produce designs for film, television, theatre and video productions, garments and textiles, displays and exhibits, and for other creative items such as jewellery and trophies. Theatre designers are employed by performing arts and broadcasting companies and by festivals; fashion designers are employed by clothing and textiles companies or may be self-employed; and exhibit designers are employed by museums and retail establishments. Other creative designers in this unit group are employed by manufacturing establishments or may be self-employed.

5243 剧场,时尚,展览和其他创意设计师头衔范例

服装设计师 clothing designer

服装设计师 costume designer

服装设计师 - 高级时装 couturier – haute couture

展览设计师 display designer

面料设计师 fabric designer

时装设计师 fashion designer

皮草设计师 fur designer

珠宝设计师 jewellery designer

灯光设计师 lighting designer

博物馆展览设计师 museum exhibit designer

鞋设计师 shoe designer

奖杯设计师 trophy designer

橱窗陈列设计师 window display designer

5243 剧场,时尚,展览和其他创意设计师主要职责


Theatre designers design and create settings, scenic environments, properties, costumes and lighting for theatre, film and video productions, operas and ballets.


Fashion designers design and create clothing and accessories for men, women and children.


Exhibit designers plan and develop permanent and temporary or moveable exhibits and displays for museum exhibitions, trade shows, conventions, retail spaces and other exhibitions.


Theatre designers may specialize in costume, lighting or set design; fashion designers may specialize in mens, womens or childrens apparel or in different lines such as sportswear, footwear or formal wear.

5243 剧场,时尚,展览和其他创意设计师任职要求


A university degree in fine arts or visual arts with specialization in theatre design, clothing design or exhibit design


Completion of a college or art school program in theatre design, clothing design or exhibit design is required.


Creative ability, as demonstrated by a portfolio of work, is required.


Use of computer-aided design (CAD) software may be required.

5243 剧场,时尚,展览和其他创意设计师附加信息


Designers may advance to supervisory and management positions.

5243 剧场,时尚,展览和其他创意设计师其他分类

西洋镜制造商 - 博物馆和画廊(技术职业相关的博物馆和艺术画廊) Diorama makers – museums and galleries (in [5212](5212) Technical occupations related to museums and art galleries )

平面设计师和插画家 Graphic designers and illustrators [5241](5241)

工业设计师 Industrial designers [2252](2252)

室内设计师和室内装饰师 Interior designers and interior decorators [5242](5242)

打样 - 纺织,皮革和毛皮产品 Patternmakers - textile, leather and fur products [5245](5245)

裁缝,女装裁剪师,皮货和女帽 Tailors, dressmakers, furriers and milliners [6342](6342)

5243 剧场,时尚,展览和其他创意设计师职称头衔 All titles

助理服装设计师 assistant costume designer

服装设计师 clothing designer

服装设计师 costume designer

服装设计师 - 展品和剧院 costume designer – exhibits and theatre

服装设计师 - 高级时装 couturier – haute couture

波峰设计师 crest designer

设计师 - 剧院 designer – theatre

设计师,服装 designer, clothing

设计师,展览 designer, displays

设计师,展品 designer, exhibits

设计师,博物馆 designer, museum

设计师,纺织 designer, textile

展览设计主管 display design supervisor

展览设计师 display designer

展览设计师 - 博物馆和艺术画廊 display designer – museums and art galleries

展览设计师主管 display designers supervisor

刺绣设计师 embroidery designer

展览及展出设计师 exhibit and display designer

展览设计师 exhibit designer

展览设计师 - 博物馆和艺术画廊 exhibit designer – museums and art galleries

展示设计师主管 exhibit designers supervisor

展览设计师 - 博物馆和艺术画廊 exhibition designer – museums and art galleries

面料设计师 fabric designer

设施设计师 facilities designer

时尚统筹 fashion co-ordinator

时装设计师 fashion designer

时尚商品统筹 fashion goods co-ordinator

时尚商品展览统筹 fashion goods exhibit co-ordinator

时尚造型师 fashion stylist

时装设计师 fashion wear designer

鱼饵设计师 fishing lure designer

花卉设计师 flower designer

食品造型师 food stylist

皮草设计师 fur designer

服装设计师 garment designer

手套设计师 glove designer

手袋设计师 handbag designer

帽子设计师 hat designer

纹章学家 heraldist

夹克设计师 jacket designer

珠宝设计师 jewellery designer

灯光设计师 lighting designer

灯光设计师 - 展品 lighting designer – exhibits

箱包设计师 luggage designer

箱包设计师 luggage stylist

纪念设计师 memorial designer

博物馆的设计师 museum designer

博物馆展览设计师 museum exhibit designer

新奇造型师 novelties stylist

陶器设计师 pottery designer

地毯设计师 rug designer

场景设计师 scene designer

场景设计师助理 scene designer assistant

设置装饰 - 戏剧和运动图片 set decorator – theatre and motion pictures

布景设计师 - 剧院 set designer – theatre

鞋设计师 shoe designer

表演和示范设计师 show and demonstration designer

音响设计师 sound designer

舞台布景设计师 stage scenery designer

存储展览设计师 store display designer

主管,展示设计 supervisor, display design

游泳池设计师 swimming pool designer

纺织品设计师 textile designer

剧院设计师 theatre designer

瓷砖设计师 tile designer

玩具设计师 - 工艺美术品 toy designer – arts and crafts

奖杯设计师 trophy designer

视觉展览造型师 visual display stylist

服装陈列师 visual merchandiser

橱窗陈列设计师 window display designer

妇女时装设计师 womens fashion designer













5241 平面设计师和插画家 Graphic designers and illustrators NOC

5241 平面设计师和插画家 Graphic designers and illustrators NOC - LEVEL B


Graphic designers conceptualize and produce graphic art and visual materials to effectively communicate information for publications, advertising, films, packaging, posters, signs and interactive media such as Web sites and CDs. They are employed by advertising and graphic design firms, by establishments with advertising or communications departments and by multimedia production companies, or they may be self-employed. Graphic designers who are also supervisors, project managers or consultants are included in this unit group. Illustrators conceptualize and create illustrations to represent information through images. They are almost solely self-employed.

5241 平面设计师和插画家头衔范例

3D动画艺术家 3D animation artist

广告设计师 advertising designer

动画制作 - 动画电影 animator – animated films

钞票设计师 bank note designer

漫画家 cartoonist

商业艺术家 commercial artist

图形艺术家 graphic artist

平面设计师 graphic designer

平面设计师 - 多媒体 graphic designer – multimedia

插画 illustrator

布局设计 layout designer

医学插画 medical illustrator

多媒体插画 multimedia illustrator

科学插画 scientific illustrator

5241 平面设计师和插画家主要职责

平面设计师执行部分或全部下列职责:Graphic designers perform some or all of the following duties:


Consult with clients to establish the overall look, graphic elements and content of communications materials in order to meet their needs


Determine the medium best suited to produce the desired visual effect and the most appropriate vehicle for communication


Develop the graphic elements that meet the clients objectives


Prepare sketches, layouts and graphic elements of the subjects to be rendered using traditional tools, multimedia software and image processing, layout and design software


Estimate cost of materials and time to complete graphic design


Use existing photo and illustration banks and typography guides or hire an illustrator or photographer to produce images that meet clients communications needs


Establish guidelines for illustrators or photographers


Co-ordinate all aspects of production for print, audio-visual or electronic materials, such as Web sites, CDs and interactive terminals


Co-ordinate sub-contracting


Work in a multidisciplinary environment


Supervise other graphic designers or graphic arts technicians.

插画家执行部分或全部下列职责Illustrators perform some or all of the following duties:


Consult with clients to determine the nature and content of illustrations in order to meet their communications needs


Develop and produce realistic or representational sketches and final illustrations, by hand or using computer-assisted design (CAD) software, for printed materials such as books, magazines, packaging, greeting cards and stationery


Assist in developing storyboards for electronic productions such as multimedia, interactive and digital products and television advertising and productions


Produce 2-D and 3-D animated drawings or computer illustrations


May adapt existing illustrations.


Illustrators may specialize in a particular field such as illustrations for children, advertising, editorials, humour, or medical, scientific or technical illustration, or multimedia design.

5241 平面设计师和插画家任职要求


A university degree in visual arts with specialization in graphic design, commercial art, graphic communications or cartooning


Completion of a college diploma program in graphic arts is required.


Experience or training in multimedia design at a post-secondary, college or technical institution may be required.


In addition to the arts, training in biology, engineering, architecture or a scientific field is usually required for medical, technical and scientific illustrators.


Creative ability and artistic talent, as demonstrated by a portfolio of work, are required for graphic designers and illustrators.

5241 平面设计师和插画家附加信息


Progression to management or senior design positions is possible with experience.


The title "registered graphic designer" is recognized by law in Ontario.

5241 平面设计师和插画家其他分类

广告经理(广告,市场营销和公共关系经理) Advertising managers (in [0124](0124) Advertising, marketing and public relations managers )

图形艺术技术员 Graphic arts technicians [5223](5223)

室内设计师和室内装饰 Interior designers and interior decorators [5242](5242)

画家,雕塑家和其他视觉艺术家 Painters, sculptors and other visual artists [5136](5136)

5241 平面设计师和插画家职称头衔

2D动画艺术家 2D animation artist

2D动画师 2D animator

3D动画艺术家 3D animation artist

三维动画师 3D animator

广告公司艺术总监 advertising art director

广告艺术总监 advertising art supervisor

广告艺术家 advertising artist

广告设计师 advertising designer

广告插画 advertising illustrator

广告版面设计师 advertising layout designer

动画艺术家 animated cartoon artist

动画艺术家 - 视觉艺术 animated cartoon artist – visual arts

动画卡通配色 animated cartoon colourist

动画艺术家 animation artist

动画布局设计 animation layout designer

动画制作 - 动画电影 animator – animated films

动画师,平面设计和插图 animator, graphic design and illustration

艺术设计设计师 art layout designer

艺术家,故事情节 artist, storyboard

艺术插画 artistic illustrator

助理动画师 - 动画电影 assistant animator – animated films

背景艺术家 background artist

钞票设计师 bank note designer

生物插画 biological illustrator

业务形成设计师 business forms designer

书法家 calligrapher

书法艺术家 calligraphic artist

漫画家 caricaturist

卡通电影艺术家 cartoon film artist

漫画家 cartoonist

漫画家素描 cartoonist sketch

目录插画 catalogue illustrator

细胞漫画家 cell animator

角色动画师 character animator

首席,广告插画 chief, advertising illustrator

色彩的艺术家 - 漫画 colour artist – cartoons

配色 - 漫画 colourist – cartoons

商业艺术家 commercial artist

商业设计艺术家 commercial design artist

商业设计师 commercial designer

通信设计师 communication designer

电脑动画 computer animator

计算机图形专家 computer graphics specialist

内容总监 content director

内容战略家 content strategist

封面设计 cover designer

封面插画 cover page illustrator

cybergraphic设计师 cybergraphic designer

设计师,表单布局 designer, form layouts

数字动画师 - 艺术家 digital animator – artist

社论漫画家 editorial cartoonist

电子游戏设计师 electronic games designer

时尚插画 fashion illustrator

闪光设计师 flash designer

形成布局设计 form layout designer

表单设计工具 forms designer

图形艺术家 graphic artist

图形艺术监室 graphic arts room supervisor

平面设计和插图漫画家 graphic design and illustration animator

平面设计师 graphic designer

平面设计师 - 多媒体 graphic designer – multimedia

平面设计师 - 多媒体,互动新媒体 graphic designer – multimedia, interactive or new media

图形设计师和布局艺术家 graphic designer and layout artist

平面设计师,网页 graphic designer, Web

插画 illustrator

插画家和平面设计师 illustrator and graphic designer

互动媒体设计师 interactive media designer

互联网平面设计师 Internet graphic designer

布局艺术家 layout artist

布局设计 layout designer

布局设计,动画 layout designer, animation

光刻艺术家 litho artist

医学插画 medical illustrator

多媒体设计专家 multimedia design specialist

多媒体设计师 multimedia designer

多媒体插画 multimedia illustrator

多媒体教学设计师和Scriptor multimedia instructional designer and scriptor

多媒体产品设计师 multimedia products designer

多媒体产品designer-ideaman/woman的 multimedia products designer-ideaman/woman

新媒体图形设计师 new media graphics designer

报纸插画 newspaper illustrator

包装设计师 package designer

网页设计师 page designer

纸证券设计师 paper securities designer

象形文字专家 pictographist

政治漫画家 political caricaturist

政治漫画家 political cartoonist

海报艺术家 poster artist

注册平面设计师(RGD) registered graphic designer (RGD)

RGD(注册平面设计师) RGD (registered graphic designer)

科学插画 scientific illustrator

签署设计师 sign designer

体育漫画家 sports cartoonist

故事板艺术家 storyboard artist

主管,广告艺术 supervisor, advertising art

主管,图形艺术室 supervisor, graphic arts room

标题艺术家 title artist

用户体验设计师 user experience designer

壁纸配色 wallpaper colourist

壁纸设计师 wallpaper designer

网页设计师 - 平面设计 Web designer – graphic design

网页平面设计师 Web graphic designer

网页设计师 Web page designer












5242 室内设计师和室内装潢师 Interior designers and interior decorators NOC

5242 室内设计师和室内装潢师 Interior designers and interior decorators NOC - LEVEL B


Interior designers and interior decorators conceptualize and produce aesthetic, functional and safe designs for interior spaces in residential, commercial, cultural, institutional and industrial buildings. They are employed by architectural and interior design firms, retail establishments, construction companies, hospitals, airlines, hotel and restaurant chains, and other establishments, or they may be self-employed.

5242 室内设计师和室内装潢师头衔范例

飞机室内设计师 aircraft interior designer

室内装饰 interior decorator

室内设计技师 interior design technician

室内设计师 interior designer

厨房设计师 kitchen designer

办公空间规划师 office space planner

项目经理,室内设计 project manager, interior design

零售空间的规划师 retail space planner

5242 室内设计师和室内装潢师主要职责


Consult with clients to determine needs, preferences, safety requirements and purpose of space


Develop detailed plans and 3-D models showing arrangement of walls, dividers, displays, lighting and other fixtures using computer-assisted design (CAD) software and graphics software


Develop plans, elevations, cross sections and detailed drawings, and advise on selection of colours, finishes and materials, floor and wall coverings, window treatments, interior and exterior lighting, furniture and other items, taking into account ergonomic and occupational health standards


Estimate costs and materials required and may advise on leasing, real estate and marketing


Prepare plans and specifications for the final interior designs in accordance with current practices and codes


Work in a multidisciplinary environment


May direct site work crews and subcontractors.


Interior designers are experts in the area of interior architecture, construction materials and building codes. They may specialize in designing interiors for residential, commercial, institutional, cultural and industrial buildings and for aircraft, ships or trains, trade shows and exhibitions. Interior decorators may specialize in decorating residential or commercial interior spaces, home staging, colour consulting and home organizing.

5242 室内设计师和室内装潢师任职要求

室内设计师 Interior designers


A university degree or college diploma in interior design is usually required.


The National Council for Interior Design Qualification (NCIDQ) examination may be required after six years of combined study and experience.


Certification by a provincial institute or association is required to use the designation Interior Design Consultant (IDC) in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta and British Columbia.

室内装潢师 Interior decorators


A college certificate or diploma in interior decoration is usually required.


Membership in the Canadian Decorators Association is available to qualified decorators.

5242 室内设计师和室内装潢师其他分类

平面设计师和插画家 Graphic designers and illustrators [5241](5241)

工业设计师 Industrial designers [2252](2252)

照明设计师(剧场,时尚,展览和其他创意设计师) Lighting designers (in [5243](5243) Theatre, fashion, exhibit and other creative designers )

画家和装饰(室内装修除外) Painters and decorators (except interior decorators) [7294](7294)

剧院,时尚,展览和其他创意设计师 Theatre, fashion, exhibit and other creative designers [5243](5243)

5242 室内设计师和室内装潢师职称头衔

飞机室内设计师 aircraft interior designer

建筑空间的规划师 building space planner

商业飞机室内设计师 business aircraft interior designer

认证室内设计师 certified interior designer

色彩顾问 - 家居装饰 colour consultant – home decorating

装饰顾问 decorating consultant

设计师 - 室内设计 designer – interior design

绿色设计顾问 - 室内设计 green design consultant – interior design

家居装饰顾问 home decorating consultant

家居装饰 home decorator

家里组织者 home organizer

家庭内行 home stager

家庭分期顾问 home staging consultant

室内装潢顾问 interior decorating consultant

室内装饰 interior decorator

室内设计顾问 interior design consultant

室内设计项目经理 interior design project manager

室内设计技师 interior design technician

室内设计师 interior designer

室内设计师助理 interior designer assistant

室内空间设计师 interior space designer

厨房设计师 kitchen designer

行货室内设计师 licensed interior designer

办公空间规划师 office space planner

项目经理,室内设计 project manager, interior design

注册室内设计师 registered interior designer

零售空间的规划师 retail space planner

空间管理顾问 space management consultant












加拿大技术移民 NOC 2175 网页设计师和开发人员

2175 网页设计师和开发人员 Web designers and developers NOC - LEVEL A


Web designers and developers research, design, develop and produce Internet and Intranet sites. They are employed in computer software development firms, information technology consulting firms, information technology units throughout the private and public sectors, advertising agencies or they may be self-employed.

2175 网页设计师和开发人员头衔范例

互联网网站设计师 Internet site designer

互联网网站开发人员 Internet site developer

内联网网站设计师 Intranet site designer

网页设计师 Web designer

网页开发人员 Web developer

网络经理 Web manager

网站开发人员 Web site developer

站长 Webmaster

电子商务网站开发人员 e-business Web site developer

2175 网页设计师和开发人员主要职责


Consult with clients to develop and document Web site requirements


Prepare mock-ups and storyboards


Develop Web site architecture and determine hardware and software requirements


Source, select and organize information for inclusion and design the appearance, layout and flow of the Web site


Create and optimize content for the Web site using a variety of graphics, database, animation and other software


Plan, design, write, modify, integrate and test Web-site related code


Conduct tests and perform security and quality controls


May lead and co-ordinate multidisciplinary teams to develop Web site graphics, content, capacity and interactivity


May research and evaluate a variety of interactive media software products.

2175 网页设计师和开发人员任职要求


A bachelors degree, usually in computer science, communications or business


Completion of a college program in computer science, graphic arts, Web design or business is required.


Experience as a computer programmer or graphic designer is usually required.

2175 网页设计师和开发人员其他分类

计算机网络技术人员 Computer network technicians [2281](2281)

计算机程序员和互动媒体开发人员 Computer programmers and interactive media developers [2174](2174)

电子商务经理(广告,市场营销和公共关系经理) E-business managers (in [0124](0124) Advertising, marketing and public relations managers )

平面设计师和插画家 Graphic designers and illustrators [5241](5241)

信息系统分析师和顾问 Information systems analysts and consultants [2171](2171)

信息系统测试技术员 Information systems testing technicians [2283](2283)

网络系统工程师(在2147电脑工程师(软件工程师和设计师除外)) Network systems engineers (in [2147](2147) Computer engineers (except software engineers and designers) )

2175 网页设计师和开发人员职称头衔

企业网管 corporate Webmaster

电子商务(电子商务)网站开发 e-business (electronic business) Web site developer

电子商务网站开发人员 e-business Web site developer

电子商务(电子商务)网站开发人员 e-commerce (electronic commerce) Web site developer

电子商务网站开发人员 e-commerce Web site developer

互联网网站设计师 Internet site designer

互联网网站开发人员 Internet site developer

内联网网站设计师 Intranet site designer

Intranet站点开发人员 Intranet site developer

网页设计师 Web designer

Web开发 Web developer

网络经理 Web manager

网站设计师 Web site designer

网站开发人员 Web site developer

站长 Webmaster












4216 其他教官 Other instructors NOC

4216 其他教官 Other instructors NOC - LEVEL B


Instructors in this unit group teach courses, such as motor vehicle or motorcycle driving, sailing and navigation, sewing or other courses, which are outside of educational institutions and not primarily job-related. They are employed by driving schools, fabric retailers and other commercial establishments or they may be self-employed. This unit group also includes modelling and finishing school instructors, drivers licence examiners, who are employed by provincial governments and tutors who provide instruction in elementary or secondary school subjects.

4216 其他教官头衔范例

驾驶执照考官 drivers licence examiner

驾驶教练 driving instructor

讲师,造型和整理学校 instructor, modelling and finishing school

摩托车驾驶教练 motorcycle driving instructor

缝制教练 - 非职业 sewing instructor – non-vocational

4216 其他教官主要职责


Driving instructors instruct individuals on proper motor vehicle driving skills and traffic regulations, demonstrate and explain the handling and mechanical operation of motor vehicles and supervise individuals during practice driving.


Drivers licence examiners conduct road test examinations and evaluate the driving ability of applicants for drivers licences.


Sewing instructors give instruction to students in techniques and skills of sewing, tailoring and dressmaking.


Modelling and finishing school instructors give instruction on comportment, personal development, make-up application and modelling techniques for fashion shows and magazine advertising.

4216 其他教官任职要求


Expertise in the field of instruction must be demonstrated.


Driving instructors must obtain special licensing as a driving instructor in the province of employment.


Certification by the Canadian Yachting Association may be required for sailing and navigation instructors.

4216 其他教官其他分类

学院和其他职业指导员 College and other vocational instructors [4021](4021)

小学和幼儿园教师 Elementary school and kindergarten teachers [4032](4032)

中学教师 Secondary school teachers [4031](4031)

4216 其他教官职称头衔

自动驾驶教练 auto-driving instructor

美容文化学校讲师 beauty culture school instructor

儿童安全教育 child safety educator

驾驶执照考官 drivers licence examiner

驾驶考官 driving examiner

驾驶教练 driving instructor

驾校教练 driving school instructor

急救教练 first aid instructor

美食烹饪导师 - 非职业 gourmet cooking instructor – non-vocational

指导员,自动驾驶 instructor, auto-driving

讲师,美容文化学校 instructor, beauty culture school

教练,急救 instructor, first aid

指导员,美食烹饪 - 非职业 instructor, gourmet cooking – non-vocational

讲师,建模和整理学校 instructor, modelling and finishing school

指导员,摩托车驾驶 instructor, motorcycle driving

指导员,帆船 instructor, sailing

教练,自我改进课程 instructor, self-improvement course

指导员,缝纫 - 非职业 instructor, sewing – non-vocational

指导员,小船航行 instructor, small boat navigation

建模和整理学校讲师 modelling and finishing school instructor

摩托车驾驶教练 motorcycle driving instructor

帆船教练 sailing instructor

自我改进课程导师 self-improvement course instructor

缝制教练 - 非职业 sewing instructor – non-vocational

缝纫老师 - 非职业 sewing teacher – non-vocational

小小船导航指导员 small-boat navigation instructor

卡车驾驶教练 truck driving instructor

家教 - 小学科目 tutor – elementary school subjects

导师 - 中学科目 tutor – secondary school subjects












加拿大技术移民 NOC 2147 计算机工程师,不包括软件工程师及设计师

2147 计算机工程师,不包括软件工程师及设计师(2147 Computer Engineers (except software engineers and designers))NOC - LEVEL A


Computer engineers (except software engineers and designers) research, plan, design, develop, modify, evaluate and integrate computer and telecommunications hardware and related equipment, and information and communication system networks including mainframe systems, local and wide area networks, fibre-optic networks, wireless communication networks, intranets, the Internet and other data communications systems. They are employed by computer and telecommunication hardware manufacturers, by engineering, manufacturing and telecommunications firms, in information technology consulting firms, by governmental, educational and research institutions and in information technology units throughout the private and public sectors.

2147 计算机工程师头衔范例

计算机硬件工程师 computer hardware engineer

光纤网络设计师 fibre-optic network designer

硬件电路板设计师 hardware circuit board designer

硬件开发工程师 hardware development engineer

硬件技术架构师 hardware technical architect

网络测试工程师 network test engineer

系统设计师-硬件 systems designer – hardware

通信硬件设计师 telecommunications hardware engineer

无线通信网络工程师 wireless communications network engineer

2147 计算机工程师主要职责


Analyze users requirements, and design and develop system architecture and specifications


Research, design, develop and integrate computer and telecommunications hardware such as microprocessors, integrated circuit boards and semiconductor lasers


Develop and conduct design verification simulations and prototype bench tests of components


Supervise, inspect and provide design support during the manufacturing, installation and implementation of computer and telecommunications hardware


Establish and maintain relationships with suppliers and clients


May lead and co-ordinate teams of engineers, technologists, technicians and drafters in the design and development of computer and telecommunications hardware.


Network system and data communication engineers perform some or all of the following duties:


Research, design and develop information and communication system network architecture


Research, evaluate and integrate network system and data communication hardware and software


Assess, document and optimize the capacity and performance of information and communication system networks


May lead and co-ordinate teams of design professionals in the development and integration of information and communication system architecture, hardware and software.


Computer engineers may specialize in a number of areas including analog and digital signal processing, fibre optics, integrated circuits, lasers, microprocessors, microwaves and radio astronomy.

2147 计算机工程师职位的任职要求


Computer engineers require a bachelors degree in computer engineering, electrical or electronics engineering, engineering physics or computer science.


A masters or doctoral degree in a related engineering discipline may be required.


Licensing by a provincial or territorial association of professional engineers is required to approve engineering drawings and reports and to practise as a Professional Engineer (P.Eng.).


Engineers are eligible for registration following graduation from an accredited educational program, three or four years of supervised work experience in engineering and passing a professional practice examination.

2147 计算机工程师附加信息


Supervisory and senior positions in this unit group require experience.


Engineers often work in a multidisciplinary environment and acquire knowledge and skills through work experience that may allow them to practise in associated areas of science, engineering, sales, marketing or management.

2147 计算机工程师其他分类

计算机和信息系统经理 Computer and information systems managers (0213)

计算机程序员和互动媒体开发 Computer programmers and interactive media developers (2174)

电气和电子工程技术人员和技术人员 Electrical and electronics engineering technologists and technicians (2241)

电气和电子工程师 Electrical and electronics engineers (2133)

工程经理 Engineering managers (0211)

信息系统分析师和顾问 Information systems analysts and consultants (2171)

软件工程师和设计师 Software engineers and designers (2173)

网页设计师和开发员 Web designers and developers (2175)

2147 计算机工程师职称头衔

特定应用集成电路(ASIC)设计工程师 application specific integrated circuit (ASIC) design engineer

容量规划,网络 capacity planner, network

容量规划分析师 capacity planning analyst

计算机工程师 computer engineer

计算机工程师(软件除外) computer engineer (except software)

计算机硬件工程师 computer hardware engineer

计算机系统工程师 computer systems engineer

计算机通信专家 computer telecommunications specialist

数据通信专家 data communications specialist

工程师,计算机(软件除外) engineer, computer (except software)

工程师,计算机硬件; engineer, computer hardware

工程师,硬件 engineer, hardware

工程师,网络系统 engineer, network systems

工程师,光通信 engineer, optical communications

光通信硬件工程师, engineer, optical communications hardware

电信硬件工程师, engineer, telecommunications hardware

光纤网络设计者 fibre-optic network designer

硬件电路板设计 hardware circuit board designer

硬件设计工程师 hardware design engineer

硬件开发工程师 hardware development engineer

硬件工程师 hardware engineer

硬件专家,电信 hardware specialist, telecommunications

硬件技术架构师 hardware technical architect

微处理器设计人员和应用工程师 microprocessor designer and application engineer

微波系统工程师 microwave systems engineer

微波传输系统工程师 microwave transmission systems engineer

网络建筑师 – 计算机系统 network architect – computer systems

网络设计师 - 计算机系统 network designer – computer systems

网络工程师,通信硬件 network engineer, communication hardware

网络专家 - 计算机系统 network specialist – computer systems

网络系统工程师 network systems engineer

网络测试工程师 network test engineer

光通信工程师 optical communications engineer

光通信硬件工程师 optical communications hardware engineer

光学系统工程师 – 通信 optical systems engineer – telecommunications

无线电系统工程师 radio systems engineer

卫星数据传输工程师 satellite data transmission engineer

航天器的电子工程师 - 硬件 spacecraft electronics engineer – hardware

专家,通信硬件 specialist, telecommunications hardware

系统设计师 - 硬件 systems designer – hardware

通信工程师 technical architect – hardware

通信硬件工程师 telecommunications engineer

通信硬件专家 telecommunications hardware engineer

通信专家 - 计算机系统 telecommunications hardware specialist

通信系统专家 telecommunications specialist – computer systems

无线通信网络工程师 telecommunications systems specialist












4021 学院和其他职业教师 College and other vocational instructors NOC

4021 学院和其他职业教师 College and other vocational instructors NOC - LEVEL A


This unit group includes instructors who teach applied arts, academic, technical and vocational subjects to students at community colleges, CEGEPs, agricultural colleges, technical and vocational institutes, language schools and other college level schools. This unit group also includes trainers who are employed by private training establishments, companies, community agencies and governments to deliver internal training or development courses. College teachers who are heads of departments are included in this group.

4021 学院和其他职业教师头衔范例

CEGEP老师 CEGEP teacher

高校教师 college teacher

商业艺术讲师 commercial art instructor

社区学院的老师 community college teacher

企业培训师 company trainer

电脑培训讲师 computer training instructor

系主任 - 大学 department chairperson – college

部门主管 - CEGEP department head – CEGEP

消防教官 firefighting instructor

指导员 - 科技研究所 instructor – technology institute

语言学校讲师 language school instructor

大学讲师 - lecturer – college

老师 - 技术研究所 teacher – institute of technology

老师,法律助理项目 teacher, legal assistant program

培训人员 - 公司 training officer – company

职业学院老师 vocational institute teacher

4021 学院和其他职业教师主要职责


Teach students using a systematic plan of lectures, demonstrations, discussion groups, laboratory work, shop sessions, seminars, case studies, field assignments and independent or group projects


Develop curriculum and prepare teaching materials and outlines for courses


Prepare, administer and mark tests and papers to evaluate students progress


Advise students on program curricula and career decisions


Provide individualized tutorial or remedial instruction to students who require it


Supervise independent or group projects, field placements, laboratory work or hands-on training


Supervise teaching assistants


May provide consultation services to government, business and other organizations


May serve on committees concerned with matters such as budgets, curriculum revision, and course and diploma requirements.


These instructors specialize in particular fields or areas of study such as visual arts, dental hygiene, welding, engineering technology, policing, computer software, management and early childhood education.

4021 学院和其他职业教师任职要求


A bachelors degree, a college diploma or demonstrated expertise in the field of instruction is required.


A masters degree in the field of instruction may be required.


A certificate, diploma or degree in adult education may be required.


For instructors of trades, completion of apprenticeship training and industry or trade certification are required. Additional courses in teaching or a provincial teaching certificate may be required.

4021 学院和其他职业教师附加信息


In Qubec, trades training programs are offered in the secondary school system.


Progression to administrative positions in post-secondary education is possible with experience.

4021 学院和其他职业教师其他分类

管理员 - 中学后教育和职业培训 Administrators - post-secondary education and vocational training [0421](0421)

教师非学术或职业课程(其他教官) Instructors teaching non-academic or non-vocational courses (in [4216](4216) Other instructors )

中学教师 Secondary school teachers [4031](4031)

大学教授和讲师 University professors and lecturers [4011](4011)

4021 学院和其他职业教师职称头衔

学科老师 - 大学水平 academic subjects teacher – college level

会计教师 - 大专水平 accounting teacher – college level

管理老师 administration teacher

广告美术老师 advertising art teacher

农业高校教师 agricultural college teacher

农广校教师 agricultural school teacher

航空公司客户服务讲师 airline customer-service instructor

服装设计名师 apparel design teacher

家电维修教师 - 职业技术学院 appliance servicing teacher – vocational institute

应用艺术老师 - 大学水平 applied arts teacher – college level

建筑技术指导员 architectural technology instructor

汽车维修讲师 - 社区学院 automotive repair instructor – community college

圣经学院老师 Bible college teacher

圣经学校的老师 Bible school teacher

簿记老师 bookkeeping teacher

工商管理教师 business administration teacher

工商管理教师 - 大学水平 business administration teacher – college level

商业大学讲师 business college instructor

商学院的老师 business college teacher

商业法律教师 business law teacher

商业科目的老师 - 职业技术学院 business subjects teacher – vocational institute

普通教育和职业学院(CEGEP)教师 CEGEP (general and vocational college) teacher

CEGEP老师 CEGEP teacher

化学技术教师 chemical technology teacher

化学老师 - 农广校 chemistry teacher – agricultural school

托儿服务老师 child-care service teacher

托儿服务老师 - 大学水平 child-care service teacher – college level

服装设计名师 clothing design teacher

大学讲师 college instructor

讲师团 college lecturer

学院应用艺术和技术指导员 college of applied arts and technology instructor

学院应用艺术与技术教师 college of applied arts and technology teacher

高校教师 college teacher

商业的艺术讲师 commercial art instructor

商业美术老师 commercial art teacher

商业科目的老师 - 职业技术学院 commercial subjects teacher – vocational institute

商用车辆驾驶教练 commercial vehicle driver instructor

通信老师 - 大学水平 communications teacher – college level

社区大学讲师 community college instructor

社区学院的老师 community college teacher

社区规划师 - 大学水平 community planning teacher – college level

以社区为基础的教练 community-based trainer

企业培训师 company trainer

计算机编程指导员 - 大学水平 computer programming instructor – college level

计算机科学老师 - 大学水平 computer science teacher – college level

计算机教练机 computer trainer

电脑培训讲师 computer training instructor

电脑培训代表 computer training representative

电脑辅助绘图(CAD)讲师 computer-assisted drafting (CAD) instructor

基于计算机的培训师 computer-based trainer

对应学校讲师 correspondence school instructor

函授学院导师 correspondence school tutor

对应教师 - 大专水平 correspondence teacher – college level

法庭报告教官 court reporting instructor

数据处理老师 - 大学水平 data-processing teacher – college level

宗派学院老师 denominational institute teacher

牙医助理课程老师 - 社区学院 dental assistant program teacher – community college

牙科卫生员程序老师 dental hygienist program teacher

系主任/男/女 - 大专 department chairman/woman – college

系主任/男/女 - 社区学院 department chairman/woman – community college

系主任 - 大学 department chairperson – college

系主任 - 社区学院 department chairperson – community college

部门主管 - CEGEP department head – CEGEP

部门主管 - 大学 department head – college

部门负责人 - 社区学院 department head – community college

部门主管 - 技术学院 department head – institute of technology

部门负责人 - 私人培训机构 department head – private training institute

部门主管 - 技术学院 department head – technical institute

部门负责人 - 职业技术学院 department head – vocational institute

直销指导员 direct sales instructor

起草教练 drafting instructor

起草导师 - 大学水平 drafting instructor – college level

起草老师 drafting teacher

起草老师 - 大学水平 drafting teacher – college level

驾驶教练,商用车 driving instructor, commercial vehicles

幼儿教育导师 - 大学水平 early childhood education instructor – college level

幼儿教育老师 - 大学水平 early childhood education teacher – college level

经济学老师 - 大学水平 economics teacher – college level

电解教练 - 职业技术学院 electrolysis instructor – vocational institute

机电技术教师 - 大学水平 electromechanical technology teacher – college level

电子技术教师 - 大学水平 electronic technology teacher – college level

演说术的老师 - 非医疗 elocution teacher – non-medical

防腐老师 embalming teacher

英语作为第二语言的教师(ESL) - 大专以上水平 English as a second language teacher (ESL) – college level

英语老师 - 商学院 English teacher – business college

英语老师 - 大学水平 English teacher – college level

ESL(英语作为第二语言)教师 - 大学水平 ESL (English as a second language) teacher – college level

时装设计名师 - CEGEP fashion design teacher – CEGEP

时尚老师 - 大学水平 fashion teacher – college level

美术老师 - 大学水平 fine arts teacher – college level

消防队员教官 firefighters instructor

消防教官 firefighting instructor

空姐教练 flight attendants instructor

法语作为第二语言的教师(除小学,中学或大学) French as a second language teacher (except elementary, high school or university)

滑翔教练 gliding instructor

图形艺术老师 graphic arts teacher

平面设计讲师 graphic design instructor

地面学校教官 ground school instructor

美容导师 - 职业技术学院 hairdressing instructor – vocational institute

美发师 - 社区学院 hairdressing teacher – community college

健康和安全指导员 health and safety instructor

卫生技术教师 health technology teacher

重型设备操作员教练 - 社区学院 heavy equipment operators instructor – community college

历史老师 - CEGEP history teacher – CEGEP

园艺和园林绿化导师 - 的园艺学校 horticulture and landscaping instructor – school of horticulture

酒店管理师 - 大专 hotel management teacher – college

工业仪表教师 industrial instrumentation teacher

工业安全指导员 industrial safety instructor

基于行业的导师 Industry-based instructor

基于行业教练机 industry-based trainer

麻省理工学院的老师 institute of technology teacher

教练 - 商学院 instructor – business college

教练 - 商学院 instructor – commercial college

导师 - 公司 instructor – company

教练 - 产业 instructor – industry

教练 - 语言学校 instructor – language school

教练 - 私人培训机构 instructor – private training institute

教练 - 技校 instructor – technical school

指导员 - 科技研究所 instructor – technology institute

教练 - 职业学校 instructor – vocational school

指导员,大学生 instructor, college

指导员,应用艺术与技术学院 instructor, college of applied arts and technology

指导员,社区学院 instructor, community college

指导员,函授学校 instructor, correspondence school

教师,消防员 instructor, firefighters

指导员,消防 instructor, firefighting

教练,空姐 instructor, flight attendants

地面学校教官, instructor, ground school

指导员,健康和安全 instructor, health and safety

指导员,重型设备操作员 - 社区学院 instructor, heavy equipment operators – community college

指导员,工业安全 instructor, industrial safety

指导员,警察 instructor, police

指导员,pursers instructor, pursers

指导员,技术学院 instructor, technological institute

室内设计名师 interior design teacher

新闻老师 - 大学水平 journalism teacher – college level

美化教练 landscaping instructor

语文教师 - 语言学校 language instructor – language school

语言实验室的老师 - 大学水平 language laboratory teacher – college level

语言学校讲师 language school instructor

执法老师 law enforcement teacher

法学教师 - 警察学院 law teacher – police college

领导,管理研讨会 leader, management seminar

大学讲师 - lecturer – college

学院讲师 lecturer, college

法律助理项目老师 legal assistant program teacher

法律秘书的程序老师 - 社区学院 legal secretarial program teacher – community college

管理研讨会的领导者 management seminar leader

营销师 - 大学水平 marketing teacher – college level

数学老师 - 大学水平 mathematics teacher – college level

机械技术教师 - 大学水平 mechanical technology teacher – college level

病历管理计划教师 medical records management program teacher

医疗技术的老师 medical technology teacher

矿产技术应用艺术与技术学院的老师 - mineral technology teacher – college of applied arts and technology

矿山救援教官 mining rescue instructor

现代语言教师 - 大学水平 modern languages teacher – college level

现代语言教师 - 语言学校 modern languages tutor – language school

音乐老师 - 音乐学院 music teacher – conservatory of music

护理教育家 - 除了大学 nursing educator – except college

护理指导师 - 大学 nursing instructor – college

公安院校教师 police college teacher

派出所教导员 police instructor

印刷技术的老师 - CEGEP printing technology teacher – CEGEP

专业的培训讲师 professional training instructor

公开演说教练 public-speaking instructor

公共英语教师 public-speaking teacher

pursers教官 pursers instructor

康乐领导老师 recreational leadership teacher

辅导老师 - 大学水平 remedial teacher – college level

零售管理教师 retail management teacher

第二语言导师 - 语言学校 second-language instructor – language school

秘书服务老师 secretarial services teacher

速录师 - 商学院 shorthand teacher – business college

社会服务的老师 - 大学水平 social services teacher – college level

员工培训人员 - 产业 staff training officer – industry

老师 - 商学院 teacher – business college

老师 - 商业大学 teacher – commercial college

老师 - 技术研究所 teacher – institute of technology

老师 - 神学院 teacher – seminary

老师,农业大学 teacher, agricultural college

老师,农广校 teacher, agricultural school

老师,圣经学院 teacher, Bible college

老师,圣经学校 teacher, Bible school

老师(普通教育和职业学院,CEGEP) teacher, CEGEP (general and vocational college)

教师,大专 teacher, college

老师,应用艺术与技术学院 teacher, college of applied arts and technology

老师,社区学院 teacher, community college

老师,英语作为第二语言(ESL) - 大学水平 teacher, English as a second language (ESL) – college level

老师,英语作为第二语言(除了小学,中学或大学) teacher, English as a second language (except elementary, high school or university)

老师,法语作为第二语言(除了小学,中学或大学) teacher, French as a second language (except elementary, high school or university)

老师,法律助理项目 teacher, legal assistant program

老师,警察学院 teacher, police college

老师,公开演讲 teacher, public speaking

老师,技术学院 teacher, technological institute

教师,职业技术学院 teacher, vocational institute

技术科目教练 - 职业技术学院 technical subjects instructor – vocational institute

技术学院讲师 technological institute instructor

技术学院老师 technological institute teacher

科技科目教练 - 职业技术学院 technological subjects instructor – vocational institute

技术教师 - 大专水平 technology teacher – college level

工具和模具制作老师 - 社区学院 tool and die making teacher – community college

旅游教练机 tourism trainer

贸易指导员 - 社区学院 trade instructor – community college

见习讲师 trainee instructor

教练,公司 trainer, company

教练,电脑 trainer, computer

培训顾问 - 行业 training consultant – industry

培训讲师 - 大学水平 training instructor – college level

培训人员 - 公司 training officer – company

培训代表,计算机 training representative, computer

卡车司机教练 - 社区学院 truck driver trainer – community college

导师,函授学校 tutor, correspondence school

导师,现代语言 - 语言学校 tutor, modern languages – language school

打字老师 - 商学院 typing teacher – commercial college

职业学院的老师 vocational institute teacher

职业教练 vocational trainer

焊接教师 - 技术学院 welding teacher – technical institute












9472 相机,制版和其他印前职业 Camera, platemaking and other prepress occupations NOC

9472 相机,制版和其他印前职业 Camera, platemaking and other prepress occupations NOC - LEVEL C


This unit group includes prepress technicians who operate various computer controlled systems to perform prepress activities and workers who operate graphic arts cameras and scanners, assemble film and negatives and prepare, engrave and etch printing plates or cylinders for various types of printing presses. They are employed in firms that specialize in colour graphics or platemaking and cylinder preparation, commercial publishing and printing companies, newspapers, magazines, and in various establishments in the public and private sectors that have in-house printing departments.

9472 相机,制版和其他印前职业头衔范例

摄像机操作员 - 图形艺术 camera operator – graphic arts

缸编制者 - 印刷 cylinder preparer – printing

点蚀刻师 - 印刷 dot etcher – printing

文件编制操作员 file preparation operator

膜剥离安装员 film stripper-assembler

制版工 - 印刷 platemaker – printing

飞行前运营商 - 印刷 pre-flight operator – printing

印前技术人员 prepress technician

印刷板雕刻师 printing plate engraver

校验者 proofmaker

屏幕制造商 screenmaker

工作室图像处理系统操作员 studio-image-processing system operator

9472 相机,制版和其他印前职业主要职责


Graphic arts camera operators set up and adjust black and white or colour separation process cameras to convert graphic art and photographs into film for assembly and exposure onto printing plates or cylinders.


Cylinder preparers grind and polish press cylinders; expose and lay down carbon tissue; and etch or engrave cylinders using hand tools, etching machines, photogravure or laser processes to produce cylinders for gravure presses.


Film strippers and assemblers assemble and position, either using automated equipment or by hand, pieces of film containing all parts of a printing job to produce flats or composite negatives for preparing printing plates or cylinders.


Platemakers operate vacuum frames, plate processors and step and repeat machines to produce printing plates for various types of presses.


Prepress technicians operate various computer-controlled studio systems to perform colour separation, retouching and editing that allow changes to be made to a colour negative for printing purposes, plan page layouts and electronically alter shape, size and positions of illustrations and text.


Scanner operators operate computerized scanning machines or digital cameras to make colour separations and corrections from colour copy or transparencies for use in preparing film, digital files, printing plates or cylinders.


Proofmakers operate computerized equipment to prepare film, laser or dylux proofs for quality control purposes or for customers review.

9472 相机,制版和其他印前职业任职要求


Completion of secondary school is required.


Completion of a college program in graphic arts technology


A combination of on-the-job training and specialized college, industry or other courses is required.


Trade certification for some occupations in this group is available, but voluntary, in Ontario, Alberta, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut.

9472 相机,制版和其他印前职业其他分类

桌面出版经营者( 桌面出版运营商和相关的职业) Desktop publishing operators (in [1423](1423) Desktop publishing operators and related occupations )

图形艺术技术员 Graphic arts technicians [5223](5223)

平面设计师和插画家 Graphic designers and illustrators [5241](5241)

摄影和电影处理工 Photographic and film processors [9474](9474)

主管,印刷及相关行业 Supervisors, printing and related occupations [7303](7303)

9472 相机,制版和其他印前职业职称头衔

对准检察员 - 印刷 alignment examiner – printing

安装员,柔性版印刷滚筒 assembler, flexographic printing cylinders

报纸排版助理/男/女 assistant newspaper make-up man/woman

自动文字书写雕刻师 automated letterer-engraver

明亮型处理工 bright type processor

摄像机操作员 - 图形艺术 camera operator – graphic arts

摄像机操作员 - 印刷 camera operator – printing

摄像机操作者,分色 - 打印 camera operator, colour separation – printing

摄像师,照相 - 打印 camera operator, photogravure – printing

碳素纸滚筒的编制者 - 印刷 carbon tissue cylinder preparer – printing

夹持器 - 相机和制版 clamper – camera and platemaking

色彩校正扫描机器操作员 colour correction scanning machine operator

彩色版的编制者 - 印刷 colour edition preparer – printing

彩色打印机技术员 - 扩印 colour printer-technician – photographic processing

彩色扫描仪操作员 - 印刷 colour scanner operator – printing

分色扫描助手 - colour separation assistant – scanning

分色摄像机操作员 colour separation camera operator

运营商 - 印刷分色相机 colour separation camera operator – printing

电子扫描分色机操作员 colour separation electronic scanning machine operator

分色运营商 colour separation operator

颜色编辑码头运营商 - 印刷 colour-editing terminal operator – printing

电脑辅助文字书写雕刻师 computer-assisted letterer-engraver

联系印刷工 contact printer

铜雕刻师 - 摄像头和制版 copper engraver – camera and platemaking

铜照片雕刻师 copper photoengraver

铜版照片雕刻师 copperplate photoengraver

圆柱雕刻师,印刷 cylinder engraver, printing

缸画家 - 印刷 cylinder painter – printing

缸编制者 - 印刷 cylinder preparer – printing

气缸的编制者,碳素纸 - 打印 cylinder preparer, carbon tissue – printing

缸impresser算子 cylinder-impresser operator

数码印刷技师 digital printing technician

点刻蚀机 dot etcher

点刻蚀机 - 印刷 dot etcher – printing

电子雕刻机 electronic engraver

电子印前技师 electronic prepress technician

电子扫描机器操作员,分色 electronic scanning machine operator, colour separation

电镀槽招标 electroplating tank tender

静电摄像机操作 electrostatic camera operator

印electrotyper - electrotyper – printing

electrotyper和制版机 electrotyper and platemaker

雕刻师,图片 - 印刷 engraver, pictures – printing

雕刻师,印刷滚筒 engraver, printing cylinders

雕刻师,印刷板 engraver, printing plates

雕刻师,模板 engraver, templates

雕刻师文字书写 engraver-letterer

雕刻传送器 engraver-transferrer

刻蚀师 - 打印 etcher – printing

刻蚀师,照相制版 - 印刷 etcher, photoengraving – printing

刻蚀师,制版 etcher, platemaking

蚀刻校正工 etching corrector

文件编制的操作员 file preparation operator

电影汇编 film assembler

电影分级机 film sizer

胶片剥离 film stripper

膜剥离和布局专家 - 印刷 film stripper and layout specialist – printing

专家 - 印刷胶片剥离 film stripper specialist – printing

膜剥离汇编 film stripper-assembler

胶片剥离汇编 - 印刷 film stripper-assembler – printing

柔性板雕刻机 flexible plate engraver

柔性版印刷板裱装工 flexible printing plate mounter

柔性板手雕刻师 flexible-plate hand engraver

柔印裱装工-打样工 flexographic mounter-proofer

柔版印刷滚筒安装员 flexographic printing cylinder assembler

图形艺术摄像机操作员 graphic arts camera operator

凹印机 - 印前 gravure printer – prepress

运营商 - 印刷色调相机 halftone camera operator – printing

图像处理操作者 image processing operator

图象再现机器操作员 image reproduction machine operator

图像安装员运营商 image setter operator

图像处理系统的操作员 image-processing system operator

激光束彩色扫描仪操作员 laser beam colour scanner operator

阵容检查员 - 印刷 lineup examiner – printing

平版编制者 lithographic plate preparer

平版制版机 lithographic platemaker

单色板膜剥离 monochrome plate film stripper

负数合并 negative merger

负去污剂 - 印刷 negative spotter – printing

胶印版材的编制者 offset plate preparer

偏移制版机 offset platemaker

胶印版材的编制者 offset printing plate preparer

opticopy打孔机打孔运营商 - 印刷 opticopy keypunch operator – printing

opticopy机器操作员 - 印刷 opticopy machine operator – printing

opticopy离线编程者 - 印刷 opticopy offline programmer – printing

的opticopy程序磁带的编制者 - 印刷 opticopy program tape preparer – printing

受电弓安装员 pantograph setter

印刷 - 缩放工 pantographer – printing

纸板制造商 paper-plate maker

印刷 - 图像雕刻师 photoengraver – printing

刻蚀工 - 印刷制版 photoengraving etcher – printing

制版整理者 photoengraving finisher

图像刻蚀制版工 photoengraving platemaker

润色工 - 印刷制版 photoengraving retoucher – printing

照相摄像机操作员 - 印刷 photogravure camera operator – printing

感光树脂制版机 photopolymer platemaker

图片雕刻机 - 印刷 picture engraver – printing

板装订 - 印刷 plate finisher – printing

画木纹者 - 印刷 plate grainer – printing

印刷板处理者 - plate processor – printing

运营商 - 印刷板处理器 plate processor operator – printing

板木纹机管理者 plate-graining machine tender

制版工 platemaker

制版工 - 印刷 platemaker – printing

制版蚀刻机 platemaking etcher

飞行前的运营商 - 印刷 pre-flight operator – printing

印前技术人员 prepress technician

预印本涂布机管理员 preprint-coating machine tender

打印辊维修工 print roller repairer

打印传送工 - 印刷 print transferrer – printing

印刷滚筒雕刻师 printing cylinder engraver

印刷板雕刻师 printing plate engraver

印刷板成型工 printing plate moulder

印刷板presensitizer管理者 printing plate presensitizer tender

过程摄像机操作员 process camera operator

处理工 - 印刷 processor – printing

proofmaker proofmaker

印刷proofmaker - proofmaker – printing

润色,照相制版 - 印刷 retoucher, photoengraving – printing

印刷辊雕刻师 - roller engraver – printing

凹版滚筒技术人员 rotogravure cylinder technician

凹版印刷机技师 rotogravure press technician

扫描仪操作员 - 印刷 scanner operator – printing

扫描机操作员,色彩校正 scanning machine operator, colour corrections

屏幕制造商 screenmaker

印siderographer - siderographer – printing

丝网安装员 - 印刷 silkscreen assembler – printing

登台者 - 印刷 stager – printing

模板的编制者 stencil preparer

摄像机操作步骤和重复 step and repeat camera operator

铸版工人 stereotyper

剥离工 - 印刷 stripper – printing

剥离器安装员,膜 - 印刷 stripper-assembler, film – printing

剥离器形象汇编 - 印刷 stripper-image assembler – printing

剥离器布局打印专家 - stripper-layout specialist – printing

工作室图像处理系统操作员 studio-image-processing system operator

模板雕刻师 template engraver

示踪剂传送工 tracer-transferrer

传送工 transferrer













1434 银行,保险和其他财务人员 Banking, insurance and other financial clerks NOC

1434 银行,保险和其他财务人员 Banking, insurance and other financial clerks NOC - LEVEL C


Banking, insurance and other financial clerks compile, process and maintain banking, insurance and other financial information. They are employed by banks, credit companies, private and public insurance establishments, investment firms and other financial establishments throughout the private and public sectors.

1434 银行,保险和其他财务人员头衔范例

精算职员 actuarial clerk

银行职员 bank clerk

信贷业务员 credit clerk

牙科索赔职员的 dental claims clerk

股息计算职员 dividend calculation clerk

保险业务员 - 金融业 insurance clerk – financial sector

保险评价者 insurance rater

总账控制业务员 ledger control clerk

贷款业务员 - 金融业 loan clerk – financial sector

按揭职员 mortgage clerk

溢价评价者 - 保险 premium rater – insurance

房地产业务员 real estate clerk

证券业务员 - 金融业 securities clerk – financial sector

1434 银行,保险和其他财务人员主要职责

银行职员执行部分或全部下列职责Bank clerks perform some or all of the following duties:


Compile records of deposits, withdrawals, loan and mortgage payments, cheques and purchase, sale and exchange of securities


Process loan and mortgage applications, loan and mortgage payments, retirement savings plan applications, term deposits, drafts and money orders


Verify and balance automatic teller machine transactions and ledger entries, calculate service charges and interest payments and notify customers regarding account discrepancies and captured bank cards


Answer enquiries and provide information on banking products, policies and services


May sell drafts, money orders, travellers cheques and foreign currency, rent safety deposit boxes and open and close savings, chequing and other accounts.

保险办事员执行部分或全部下列职责Insurance clerks perform some or all of the following duties:


Process enrolments, cancellations, claims transactions, policy changes and premium payments


Review insurance applications and verify insurance coverage, premiums paid and other insurance information


Calculate insurance premiums, pension benefits and annuity payments


Compile and maintain claims data, rates and insurance data and records


Answer enquiries and provide information on insurance products, policies and services.

本单元组的其他财务人员执行部分或全部下列职责Other financial clerks in this unit group perform some or all of the following duties:


Compile and maintain rental, sale and other real estate listings


Compile and maintain stock, bond and other securities listings


Sort, verify and process real estate, securities and other financial transactions


Answer enquiries and reply to correspondence.

1434 银行,保险和其他财务人员任职要求


Completion of secondary school is required.


A business college diploma may be required.


On-the-job training and short-term training courses or programs specific to the financial establishment are usually required.

1434 银行,保险和其他财务人员附加信息


Progression to supervisory positions is possible with experience.

1434 银行,保险和其他财务人员其他分类

会计技师和簿记 Accounting technicians and bookkeepers [1311](1311)

客户服务代表 - 金融机构 Customer services representatives - financial institutions [6551](6551)

主管,金融和保险的上班族 Supervisors, finance and insurance office workers [1212](1212)

1434 银行,保险和其他财务人员职称头衔

会计文员 - 金融业 accounts clerk – financial sector

账户代表 - 金融业 accounts representative – financial sector

精算职员 actuarial clerk

申请评审员 - 保险 application reviewer – insurance

ATM(自动取款机)职员 ATM (automatic teller machine) clerk

自动取款机(ATM)职员 automatic teller machine (ATM) clerk

银行职员 bank clerk

福利和权利秘书 - 保险 benefits and entitlement clerk – insurance

经纪业务员 brokerage clerk

计算业务员 - 保险 calculation clerk – insurance

索赔员 - 保险 claims clerk – insurance

职员 - 金融业 clerk – financial sector

合同职员 - 金融业 contract clerk – financial sector

控制员 - 金融业 control clerk – financial sector

信贷申请办事员 - 金融部门 credit application clerk – financial sector

信用评估员 credit assessment clerk

信贷授权职员 credit authorization clerk

信贷业务员 credit clerk

信贷寄存器职员 credit register clerk

死亡福利职员 death benefits clerk

牙科索赔职员的 dental claims clerk

伤残津贴保险业务员 - disability benefits clerk – insurance

折扣业务员 - 金融业 discount clerk – financial sector

股息计算职员 dividend calculation clerk

的股息计算业务员 - 金融部门 dividend calculation clerk – financial sector

雇员保险业务员 employee insurance clerk

汇率职员 - 金融业 exchange rate clerk – financial sector

金融职员 - 金融业 financial clerk – financial sector

外币账户调整 - 金融业 foreign currency accounts adjuster – financial sector

外汇业务员 - 金融业 foreign exchange clerk – financial sector

国外汇款的职员 - 金融业 foreign remittance clerk – financial sector

团体保险业务员 group insurance clerk

医院保险业务员 hospital insurance clerk

保险业务员 - 金融业 insurance clerk – financial sector

保险评价者 insurance rater

利息职员 interest clerk

总账控制业务员 ledger control clerk

总账控制业务员 - 金融业 ledger control clerk – financial sector

统制官 - 金融业 ledger control officer – financial sector

责任职员 - 金融业 liability clerk – financial sector

贷款业务员 - 金融业 loan clerk – financial sector

保证金计算办事员 - 金融部门 margin calculation clerk – financial sector

按揭职员 mortgage clerk

养老管理员 - 保险公司 pension administrator – insurance company

退休金计划职员 - 保险 pension plans clerk – insurance

个人信贷额度职员 personal credit lines clerk

个人线员 - 保险 personal lines clerk – insurance

职员 - 保险政策变化 policy change clerk – insurance

政策职员 - 保险 policy clerk – insurance

职员 - 保险政策信息 policy information clerk – insurance

溢价评价者 - 保险 premium rater – insurance

证明业务员 - 金融业 proof clerk – financial sector

物业及设备保险业务员 property and equipment insurance clerk

物业职员 property clerk

评价者,保险 rater, insurance

房地产业务员 real estate clerk

房地产业务员 realty clerk

和解员 - 金融业 reconciliation clerk – financial sector

更新职员 - 金融业 renewal clerk – financial sector

储量计算职员 - 金融业 reserves calculation clerk – financial sector

保险箱职员 safety deposit box clerk

储蓄账户职员 - 金融业 savings accounts clerk – financial sector

证券业务员 - 金融业 securities clerk – financial sector

高级索赔职员 senior claims clerk

特别签注业务员 - 保险 special endorsement clerk – insurance

养老金书记 - 金融业 superannuation clerk – financial sector

手术医疗报销业务员 - 保险 surgical-medical claims clerk – insurance

估值职员 - 金融业 valuation clerk – financial sector

库服务员 - 金融业 vault attendant – financial sector












6552 其他客户和信息服务代表 Other customer and information services representatives NOC 

6552 其他客户和信息服务代表 Other customer and information services representatives NOC


This unit group includes customer and information services representatives who answer enquiries and provide information regarding an establishments goods, services and policies and who provide customer services such as receiving payments and processing requests for services. They are employed by retail establishments, contact centres, insurance, telephone and utility companies and other establishments throughout the private and public sectors.

6552 其他客户和信息服务代表头衔范例

账户信息店员 accounts information clerk

公交信息员 bus information clerk

投诉业务员 - 客户服务 complaints clerk – customer service

联络中心代理 - 客户服务 contact centre agent – customer service

礼貌前台服务员 courtesy desk clerk

客户服务代表 - 呼叫中心 customer service representative – call centre

查询业务员 enquiries clerk

信息秘书 - 客户服务 information clerk – customer service

失物招领处办事员 lost-and-found clerk

订货处代理 order desk agent

公共关系店员 public relations clerk

旅游信息员 tourist information clerk

6552 其他客户和信息服务代表主要职责

零售场所的客户服务代表当面或电话回答客户查询,并调查有关机构的商品,服务和政策投诉; 安排退回商品的退税,外汇和信贷事宜; 接收帐户支付; 接收信贷和就业应用。

Customer service representatives in retail establishments answer, in person or on the phone, enquiries from customers and investigate complaints regarding the establishments goods, services and policies; arrange for refunds, exchange and credit for returned merchandise; receive account payments; and receive credit and employment applications.


Contact centre agents take customer orders for goods or services; promote goods or services; respond to enquiries and emergencies; investigate complaints and update accounts.

保险,电话,公用事业和类似的公司客户服务代表解释提供服务的类型和成本,订购服务,提供有关索赔或账户信息; 更新账户; 开始计费和处理赔付; 接收服务费用。

Customer service representatives in insurance, telephone, utility and similar companies explain the type and cost of services offered; order services; provide information about claims or accounts; update accounts; initiate billing and process claim payments; and receive payment for services.


Information services representatives provide information to customers and the public concerning goods, services, schedules, rates, regulations and policies in response to telephone and in-person enquiries.

6552 其他客户和信息服务代表任职要求


Completion of secondary school is usually required.


Completion of some college or other post-secondary programs may be required.


Clerical or sales experience may be required.

6552 其他客户和信息服务代表附加信息


Progression to supervisory positions is possible with experience.

6552 其他客户和信息服务代表其他分类

客户和信息服务,主管 Customer and information services supervisors [6314](6314)

在银行及其他金融机构的客户服务代表(客户服务代表 - 金融机构) Customer service representatives in banks and other financial institutions (in [6551](6551) Customer services representatives - financial institutions )

普通票和信息代理(机票和服务代理) General ticket and information agents (in [6523](6523) Airline ticket and service agents )

接待员 Receptionists [1414](1414)

零售售货员 Retail salespersons [6421](6421)

票务信息员(除航空)(地面和水上运输票务代理,货运服务代表及相关文员) Ticket and information clerks (except airline) (in [6524](6524) Ground and water transport ticket agents, cargo service representatives and related clerks )

6552 其他客户和信息服务代表职称头衔

账户信息店员 accounts information clerk

调整店员 adjustment clerk

服务员,旅游展台 attendant, tourist booth

服务员,旅游信息办公室 attendant, tourist information office

汽车经销服务代表 automobile dealerships service representative

法案投诉调查员 bill complaints investigator

公交信息员 bus information clerk

公交站牌信息店员 bus schedule information clerk

公交服务信息员 bus service information clerk

商务办公服务代表 - 电信 business office service representative – telecommunications

呼叫中心代理 - 客户服务 call centre agent – customer service

索赔文员,丢失或损坏的货物 claim clerk, lost or damaged goods

文员,客户服务 clerk, customer service

店员,维修服务 clerk, maintenance service

客户服务店员 client service clerk

补偿剂 compensation agent

投诉调节员 complaints adjuster

投诉业务员 - 客户服务 complaints clerk – customer service

投诉业务员 - 电话系统 complaints clerk – telephone system

投诉专员 - 客户服务 complaints specialist – customer service

联络中心代理 - 客户服务 contact centre agent – customer service

柜位查询店员 counter enquiries clerk

礼貌前台服务员 courtesy desk clerk

客户信息服务的店员 - 保险 customer information service clerk – insurance

客户信息服务代表 - 零售 customer information service representative – retail

客户关系店员 customer relations clerk

顾客满意代表 customer satisfaction representative

客户服务顾问 customer service adviser

客户服务代理 customer service agent

客户服务助理 customer service assistant

客户服务店员 customer service clerk

客户服务监督员 - 电话系统 customer service monitor – telephone system

客户服务运营商 - 电话系统 customer service operator – telephone system

客户服务代表 - 呼叫中心 customer service representative – call centre

客户服务代表 - 保险 customer service representative – insurance

百货信息店员 department store information clerk

查询业务员 enquiries clerk

快递和货运信息员 express and freight information clerk

医院信息员 hospital information clerk

酒店信息员 - 联络中心 hotel information clerk – contact centre

呼入客户服务代表 - 联络中心 inbound customer service representative – contact centre

信息秘书 - 客户服务 information clerk – customer service

研究者,账单投诉 investigator, bill complaints

亭信息员 kiosk information clerk

失去索赔店员 lost claims clerk

丢失或损坏的货物要求店员 lost or damaged goods claim clerk

失物招领处办事员 lost-and-found clerk

失物招领处的前台服务员 lost-and-found desk clerk

维修服务店员 maintenance service clerk

商品交换店员 merchandise exchange clerk

为了业务员 - 客户服务 order clerk – customer services

订货处代理 order desk agent

出站的客户服务代表 - 联络中心 outbound customer service representative – contact centre

价格信息员 price information clerk

公共关系店员 public relations clerk

公路运输终端服务员 road transport terminal attendant

路由供水和回水店员 route supply and return clerk

服务顾问 service adviser

服务顾问 - 汽车维修 service advisor – auto repair

服务顾问 - 汽车维修 service consultant – auto repair

服务代表,商务办公 - 电信 service representative, business office – telecommunications

服务作家 - 汽车维修 service writer – auto repair

供应和返回店员 supply and return clerk

电话查询业务员 telephone enquiries clerk

旅游解说员 tourist booth attendant

旅游信息员 tourist information clerk

旅游信息办公室服务员 tourist information office attendant

旅游信息官 tourist information officer












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