
4168 独特的政府项目官员 Program officers unique to government NOC


4168 独特的政府项目官员 Program officers unique to government NOC - LEVEL A


Program officers in this unit group are primarily concerned with the administration and operation of government institutions, such as Parliament, and activities unique to the operations of government, such as international relations, federal-provincial affairs, elections and tribunals.

4168 独特的政府项目官员头衔范例

武官 attach

选举官 elections officer

联邦与省政府关系人员 federal-provincial relations officer

外国服务人员 foreign service officer

政府间事务主任 intergovernmental affairs officer

官员,议长办公室 officer, office of the Speaker

官员,皇家委员会 officer, royal commission

官员,站立或专责委员会 officer, standing or select committee

礼宾官 protocol officer

选举主任 returning officer

调查主任 tribunal officer

4168 独特的政府项目官员主要职责


Advise politicians or diplomats on the social, economic and political effects of government decisions on other governments in Canada or abroad


Plan intergovernmental meetings and conferences with officers of other municipal, provincial or federal governments


Co-ordinate the logistics and administration of elections within constituencies and ensure that electoral and voting procedures are followed


Co-ordinate administrative support services for legislative committees, royal commissions or tribunals


Participate as a member of a board or tribunal


Plan logistics and oversee diplomatic protocol of official visits to Canada by foreign politicians and dignitaries


Explain Canadian foreign and domestic policies to governments and nationals of foreign countries, and act on behalf of Canada abroad.

4168 独特的政府项目官员任职要求


A bachelors degree is usually required.


A masters degree may be required.


Several years of experience as a researcher, consultant or program administrator may be required.


Foreign service officers are accepted on the basis of competitive examination.

4168 独特的政府项目官员其他分类

行政人员 Administrative officers [1221](1221)

法院人员和治安法官 Court officers and justices of the peace [1227](1227)

经济学家和经济政策研究人员和分析师 Economists and economic policy researchers and analysts [4162](4162)

就业保险,移民,边境服务和收入人员 Employment insurance, immigration, border services and revenue officers [1228](1228)

行政助理 Executive assistants [1222](1222)

社会政策研究人员,顾问和项目官员 Social policy researchers, consultants and program officers [4164](4164)

4168 独特的政府项目官员职称头衔

原住民土地声称联络官 Aboriginal land claims liaison officer

武官 attach

董事会成员 - 政府服务 board member – government services

回国人员 deputy returning officer

外交官 diplomat

选举委员会官员 election commission officer

选举官 elections officer

extraparliamentary佣金人员 extraparliamentary commission officer

联邦和政府间事务的研究人员 - 政府服务 federal and intergovernmental affairs research officer – government services

联邦与省政府关系人员 federal-provincial relations officer

第一秘书,外国的服务 first secretary, foreign service

外国服务人员 foreign service officer

政府官员 government official

卫生监督董事会成员 health authority board member

众议院下议院委员会主任 House of Commons committee officer

众议院下议院人员 House of Commons officer

政府间事务主任 intergovernmental affairs officer

立法委员会主任 legislative committee officer

联络官员,原住民土地要求 liaison officer, Native land claims

故土声称联络官 Native land claims liaison officer

官员,选举委员会 officer, election commission

官员,联邦与省政府关系 officer, federal-provincial relations

官员,外国服务 officer, foreign service

官员,下议院 officer, House of Commons

官员,下议院委员会 officer, House of Commons committee

官员,政府间事务 officer, intergovernmental affairs

官员,劳资关系委员会 officer, labour relations commission

官员,立法委员会 officer, legislative committee

官员,立法会 officer, legislative council

官员,议长办公室 officer, office of the Speaker

官员,下议院议长办公室 officer, Office of the Speaker of the House of Commons

人员,官方语言佣金 officer, official languages commission

官员,总理办公室(省政府) officer, Premiers Office (provincial government)

官员,总理办公室(联邦政府) officer, Prime Ministers Office (federal government)

枢密院办公室官员, officer, Privy Council Office

官员,协议 - 政府服务 officer, protocol – government services

人员,公共查询 officer, public inquiries

官员,区域委员会 - 政府服务 officer, regional committee – government services

官员,区域市政局 officer, regional council

官员,皇家委员会 officer, royal commission

官员,参议院委员会 officer, Senate committee

主任,常委 officer, standing committee

官员,站立或专责委员会 officer, standing or select committee

专案组人员 officer, task force

人员,领土议会 officer, territorial council

人员,仲裁庭 officer, tribunal

官方语言推广人员 official languages promotion officer

假释委员会成员 parole board member

礼宾官 protocol officer

难民董事会成员 refugee board member

研究人员 - 联邦和政府间事务 research officer – federal and intergovernmental affairs

选举主任 returning officer

皇家委员会官员 royal commission officer

副书记,外国的服务 second secretary, foreign service

选择委员会主任 select committee officer

参议院委员会主任 Senate committee officer

常委人员 standing committee officer

专案组人员 task force officer

领土议会官员 territorial council officer

三等秘书,外国的服务 third secretary, foreign service

审裁处主席 tribunal chairperson

审裁处成员 tribunal member

调查主任 tribunal officer

法庭人员 - 政府服务 tribunal officer – government services













4164 社会政策研究人员,顾问和项目官员 Social policy researchers, consultants and program officers NOC

4164 社会政策研究人员,顾问和项目官员 Social policy researchers, consultants and program officers NOC - LEVEL A


Social policy researchers, consultants and program officers conduct research, develop policy and implement or administer programs in areas such as consumer affairs, employment, home economics, immigration, law enforcement, corrections, human rights, housing, labour, family services, foreign aid and international development. They are employed by government departments and agencies, industry, hospitals, educational institutions, consulting establishments, professional associations, research institutes, non-government organizations and international organizations or they may be self-employed.

4164 社会政策研究人员,顾问和项目官员头衔范例

土著问题游说家 Aboriginal issues lobbyist

儿童福利政策分析师 child welfare policy analyst

社区社会发展官 community social development officer

消费顾问 consumer advisor

家庭经济学家 home economist

住房政策分析师 housing policy analyst

人权官员 human rights officer

国际援助和发展项目官员 international aid and development project officer

劳工政策分析师 labour policy analyst

移民政策分析师 policy analyst, immigration

政策顾问,就业权益 policy consultant, employment equity

节目顾问,社区警务 program consultant, community policing

社会政策研究员 social policy researcher

社会服务策划者 social services planner

社会调查研究者(统计学家除外) social survey researcher (except statistician)

4164 社会政策研究人员,顾问和项目官员主要职责


Social policy researchers develop social programs, social legislation, or proposals based on demographic, social and economic analysis and the evaluation of pilot projects.


Home economists conduct research, advise consumers on the selection and proper use of food products, textiles and other consumer goods and teach household management skills. They may also provide consultative services in the areas of development and promotion of new food products, retail buying, social program administration and small business endeavours.


Housing policy analysts identify and assess economic, demographic, and social developments and report on their implications for housing policy.


International aid and development project officers plan, organize and administer foreign aid and international development policies and programs.


Social survey researchers develop questionnaires, co-ordinate and conduct surveys, analyse data, and compile and interpret statistics on social issues and policy areas.


Social services planners conduct research, develop social programs, assess, co-ordinate and develop awareness of existing social services, and ensure that duplication of services is avoided. They may also work with land use planners to determine the impact of major land use plans for transportation, housing and recreational facilities projects.

4164 社会政策研究人员,顾问和项目官员任职要求


A bachelors degree or college diploma in a social science or related discipline, or in business administration is usually required.


A masters degree in a social science or related discipline or in business administration may be required.


Home economists require a bachelors degree in home economics, home economics education, human ecology, nutrition and food sciences or family and consumer studies.


Registration is available, but voluntary, for home economists but the use of the designation "Professional Home Economist" is regulated in New Brunswick, Ontario, Manitoba and Alberta, and "Registered Professional Home Economist" in British Columbia.


Certified immigration consultants must be registered members of the Canadian Society of Immigration Consultants.

4164 社会政策研究人员,顾问和项目官员附加信息


Progression to managerial positions is possible with experience.

4164 社会政策研究人员,顾问和项目官员其他分类

商业发展主任及营销研究人员和顾问 Business development officers and marketing researchers and consultants [4163](4163)

经济学家和经济政策研究人员和分析师 Economists and economic policy researchers and analysts [4162](4162)

政府经营者 - 卫生和社会政策的制定和计划管理 Government managers - health and social policy development and program administration [0411](0411)

卫生政策研究人员,顾问和项目官员 Health policy researchers, consultants and program officers [4165](4165)

家政教师(中学教师) Home economics teachers (in [4031](4031) Secondary school teachers )

社会政策(经理在社会,社区和惩教服务的非政府管理者) Non-government managers in social policy (in [0423](0423) Managers in social, community and correctional services )

社会和社区服务工作者 Social and community service workers [4212](4212)

社会工作者 Social workers [4152](4152)

4164 社会政策研究人员,顾问和项目官员职称头衔

原住民事务发展官 Aboriginal affairs development officer

原住民事务官员 Aboriginal affairs officer

原住民就业政策官员的 Aboriginal employment policy officer

原住民就业方案人员 Aboriginal employment program officer

土著问题游说 Aboriginal issues lobbyist

通过项目主任 adoption project officer

顾问为一体的残疾人 adviser for the integration of persons with disabilities

顾问,公共援助 adviser, public assistance

肯定行动顾问 affirmation action advisor

分析师,职业供求 analyst, occupational supply

分析师,社会政策 analyst, social policies

儿童照顾牌官 child care licensing officer

儿童福利政策分析师 child welfare policy analyst

儿童保健计划策划主任 child-care programs planning officer

托儿服务联络官 child-care services liaison officer

公民官 citizenship officer

社区组织者 community organizer

社区治安计划顾问 community policing program consultant

社区社会发展官 community social development officer

社会政策顾问, consultant, social policy

顾问,社会服务 consultant, social services

顾问,社会服务规划 consultant, social services planning

消费顾问 consumer advisor

统筹,公共权利 co-ordinator, public rights

统筹,妇女庇护程序 co-ordinator, womens shelter program

矫正康复计划统筹 correction rehabilitation program co-ordinator

惩教服务的政策顾问 correctional service policy consultant

的就业公平顾问 - 社会政策 employment equity adviser – social policy

公平就业顾问 employment equity consultant

公平就业政策分析师 employment equity policy analyst

就业举措统筹 employment initiatives co-ordinator

就业保险政策分析人员 employment insurance policy analysis officer

就业保险分析师 employment insurance policy analyst

就业保险服务顾问 employment insurance services adviser

就业标准专家 employment standards specialist

评估人员,创造就业机会和就业服务 evaluation officer, job creation and employment services

实验家庭经济学家 experimental home economist

扩展家庭经济学家 extension home economist

家庭暴力预防计划顾问 family violence prevention program adviser

现场代表 - 住房 field representative – housing

美食顾问 - 家政 food consultant – home economics

家庭经济顾问 home economics consultant

家庭经济学家 home economist

家庭的经济学家 - 消费者协会 home economist – consumer association

住房人员,公共住房 housing officer, public housing

住房政策分析师 housing policy analyst

人权委员会主任 Human Rights Commission officer

人权委员会官员主管 Human Rights Commission officers supervisor

人权官员 human rights officer

人权官员 - 政府服务 human rights officer – government services

人权专家 human rights specialist

移民安置联络官 immigrant settlement liaison officer

移民和人口分析人员 immigration and demographic analysis officer

移民顾问 immigration consultant

移民政策顾问 immigration policy advisor

移民政策分析师 immigration policy analyst

移民政策顾问 - 非政府 immigration policy consultant – non-government

移民解决医生 immigration settlement practitioner

收入维修项目官员 income maintenance program officer

国际援助和发展项目官员 international aid and development project officer

国际援助和发展研究员 international aid and development researcher

国际关系专家 international relations specialist

创造就业机会和就业服务,评估人员 job creation and employment services evaluation officer

劳工事务主任 - 劳工政策 labour affairs officer – labour policy

劳动力市场分析师 labour market analyst

劳动力市场信息官 labour market information officer

劳动力市场政策官员 labour market policy officer

劳动力流动的政策顾问 labour mobility policy consultant

劳工政策分析师 labour policy analyst

劳工政策官员 labour policy officer

劳工标准分析师 labour standards analyst

联络官,托儿服务 liaison officer, child-care services

说客,原住民问题 lobbyist, Aboriginal issues

说客,原住民问题 lobbyist, Native issues

多元文化项目官员 multiculturalism project officer

原住民事务人员 Native affairs officer

本地就业计划的人员 Native employment program officer

原住民问题游说 Native issues lobbyist

职业供求分析师 occupational supply analyst

人员,原住民就业计划 officer, Aboriginal employment program

人员,就业保险保单分析 officer, employment insurance policy analysis

官员,人权 officer, human rights

官员,人权委员会 officer, Human Rights Commission

人员,移民和人口分析 officer, immigration and demographic analysis

人员,社会福利计划 officer, social programs

和平活动家 peace activist

和平研究员 peace researcher

策划主任,儿童保健方案 planning officer, child-care programs

政策分析员,儿童福利 policy analyst, child welfare

政策分析师,住房 policy analyst, housing

移民政策分析师, policy analyst, immigration

政策分析师,妇女首长的状态 policy analyst, status of womens directorate

政策顾问,校正服务 policy consultant, correction services

政策顾问,就业权益 policy consultant, employment equity

劳动力流动政策顾问, policy consultant, labour mobility

政策顾问,妇女就业 policy consultant, womens employment

政策官员,劳工 policy officer, labour

政策官员,少数可见 policy officer, visible minorities

政治组织者 political organizer

民意测验专家 pollster

贫困研究员 poverty researcher

方案顾问,预防家庭暴力 program adviser, family violence prevention

节目顾问,社区警务 program consultant, community policing

程序人员,收入维护 program officer, income maintenance

程序人员,原住民就业 program officer, Native employment

项目官员,难民事务 program officer, refugee affairs

节目策划,社会服务 program planner, social services

项目官员,国际援助和发展 project officer, international aid and development

项目官员,多元文化 project officer, multiculturalism

心理学助理(大学除外) psychology assistant (except university)

公共援助顾问 public assistance adviser

公屋人员 public housing officer

公共住房政策分析师 public housing policy analyst

民意调查研究员 public opinion survey researcher

统筹公权 public rights co-ordinator

种族关系主任 race relations officer

难民事务项目官员 refugee affairs program officer

研究家庭经济学家 research home economist

研究人员,社会福利 research officer, social welfare

研究员,国际援助和发展 researcher, international aid and development

结算辅导员 settlement counsellor

结算联络官 settlement liaison officer

结算医生 settlement practitioner

社会及社区照顾牌照主任 social and community care licensing officer

社会援助顾问 social assistance advisor

社会救助政策分析师 social assistance policy analyst

社会发展官 social development officer

社会问题研究员 social issues researcher

社会政策顾问 social policy advisor

社会政策分析师 social policy analyst

社会政策顾问 social policy consultant

社会政策规划顾问 social policy planning consultant

社会政策研究员 social policy researcher

社会项目官员 social program officer

社会研究员 social researcher

社会科学研究员 social science researcher

社会服务计划人员 social service program officer

社会服务顾问 social services consultant

社会服务策划者 social services planner

社会服务规划顾问 social services planning consultant

社会服务计划人员主管 social services program officers supervisor

社会服务节目策划 social services program planner

社会调查研究者(统计学家除外) social survey researcher (except statistician)

社会调查研究主管 social survey researchers supervisor

社会福利顾问 social welfare advisor

社会福利研究人员 social welfare research officer

社会经济研究和规划人员 socio-economic research and planning officer

专科,就业标准 specialist, employment standards

妇女首长策略分析师状态 status of womens directorate policy analyst

主管,人权委员会官员 supervisor, Human Rights Commission officers

主管,社会服务计划人员 supervisor, social services program officers

主管,社会调查研究 supervisor, social survey researchers

主管,福利政策分析员 supervisor, welfare policy analysts

纺织和服装顾问 - 家政 textile and clothing consultant – home economics

可见少数民族政策官员 visible minorities policy officer

福利政策分析师主管 welfare policy analysts supervisor

妇女的就业政策顾问 womens employment policy consultant

妇女问题的说客 womens issues lobbyist

妇女的节目统筹 womens program co-ordinator

妇女庇护所计划统筹 womens shelter program co-ordinator

妇女地位的政策顾问 womens status policy consultant

工人赔偿人员 workers compensation officer

工人补偿政策分析师 workers compensation policy analyst













4165 卫生政策研究人员,顾问和项目官员 Health policy researchers, consultants and program officers NOC

4165 卫生政策研究人员,顾问和项目官员 Health policy researchers, consultants and program officers NOC - LEVEL A


Health policy researchers, consultants and program officers conduct research, produce reports and administer health care policies and programs. They are employed by government departments and agencies, consulting establishments, universities, research institutes, hospitals, community agencies, educational institutions, professional associations, non-governmental organizations and international organizations.

4165 卫生政策研究人员,顾问和项目官员头衔范例

顾问,吸毒和酗酒 consultant, drug and alcohol abuse

保健顾问 consultant, health care

顾问,心理健康计划 consultant, mental health programs

卫生保健规划师 health care planner

健康促进项目官员 health promotion program officer

卫生服务研究员 health services researcher

规划人员,儿童保健计划 planning officer, child health care programs

政策制定人员,养老院 policy development officer, nursing homes

研究分析师,健康政策 research analyst, health policy

4165 卫生政策研究人员,顾问和项目官员主要职责


Assist in developing government health policy by reviewing relevant literature, conducting interviews, collecting and analysing statistical data, and providing advice to senior managers and officials on issues such as health promotion, regulation, standards and financing


Design and implement health projects or programs


Maintain, update and manage health information databases


Compile and analyse statistical information provided by private and public health care institutions and organizations and produce reports


Monitor and evaluate health care programs operated by government departments and agencies or private organizations


Assess compliance with health standards and identify remedial action if necessary


Conduct evaluations and assessments of health projects and programs


Provide consulting services to clients in private establishments or government departments or agencies


Respond to internal and external program and policy information requests


Produce newsletters, magazines and other documents to provide information to association or organization members or the general public


Present the views of an association or organization to politicians, government officials, the media or the general public.


Health policy researchers, consultants and program officers may specialize in a particular area of health policy development, research or program administration such as addiction research.

4165 卫生政策研究人员,顾问和项目官员任职要求


A bachelors degree or college diploma in health science, public administration, recreation administration or hospital administration, or a bachelors degree in social science, is required.


A graduate degree in health, social science or an administrative discipline may be required.


Several years of experience in the health field as a health care professional or as a community or social service worker are usually required.

4165 卫生政策研究人员,顾问和项目官员附加信息


Progression to managerial positions is possible with experience.

4165 卫生政策研究人员,顾问和项目官员其他分类

教育政策研究人员,顾问和项目官员 Education policy researchers, consultants and program officers [4166](4166)

政府经营者 - 卫生和社会政策的制定和计划管理 Government managers - health and social policy development and program administration [0411](0411)

经理在医疗保健 Managers in health care [0311](0311)

社会和社区服务工作者 Social and community service workers [4212](4212)

社会政策研究人员,顾问和项目官员 Social policy researchers, consultants and program officers [4164](4164)

4165 卫生政策研究人员,顾问和项目官员职称头衔

评审人员,卫生和社会服务机构 accreditation officer, health and social services institution

儿童保健方案规划人员 child health care programs planning officer

临床研究联营公司 clinical research associate

临床研究项目经理 clinical research program manager

临床试验协调员 clinical trials co-ordinator

顾问,吸毒和酗酒 consultant, drug and alcohol abuse

保健顾问 consultant, health care

顾问,健康护理计划 consultant, health care planning

顾问,家庭护理计划 consultant, home-care programs

顾问,劳动力规划 - 卫生部门 consultant, labour force planning – health sector

顾问,心理健康计划 consultant, mental health programs

验尸官 coroner

牙齿健康顾问 dental health consultant

药物和酒精滥用顾问 drug and alcohol abuse consultant

卫生和社会服务机构认证官 health and social services institution accreditation officer

卫生和社会服务联络官 health and social services liaison officer

保健协会项目官员 health care association program officer

保健顾问 health care consultant

卫生保健规划师 health care planner

卫生保健规划顾问 health care planning consultant

卫生保健规划人员 health care planning officer

保健计划行政主任 health care program administration officer

保健研究员 health care researcher

健康教育 health educator

卫生政策开发人员 health policy development officer

卫生政策研究分析师 health policy research analyst

健康计划信息分析师 health program information analyst

健康促进项目官员 health promotion program officer

健康研究人员 health research officer

卫生服务顾问 health services consultant

健康服务方案顾问 health services program consultant

卫生服务研究人员 health services research officer

卫生服务研究员 health services researcher

家庭护理计划顾问 home-care programs consultant

劳动力规划顾问 - 卫生部门 labour force planning consultant – health sector

联络官,卫生和社会服务 liaison officer, health and social services

长期护理计划顾问 long-term care program consultant

心理健康课程顾问 mental health programs consultant

养老院指引开发人员 nursing home guidelines development officer

养老院的策略开发官 nursing home policy development officer

主任,卫生保健规划 officer, health care planning

主任,卫生政策发展 officer, health policy development

规划师,保健 planner, health care

规划顾问,医疗保健 planning consultant, health care

统筹规划,区卫生局程序 planning co-ordinator, district health council program

规划人员,儿童保健计划 planning officer, child health care programs

规划人员,医疗保健 planning officer, health care

政策制定主任,卫生 policy development officer, health

政策制定人员,养老院 policy development officer, nursing homes

预防人员 - 职业健康和安全 prevention officer – occupational health and safety

保健协会项目官员 program officer, health care association

程序人员,促进健康 program officer, health promotion

研究分析师健康政策 research analyst, health policy

研究人员,卫生服务 research officer, health services

研究员,医疗保健; researcher, health care

健康顾问 wellness consultant

健康统筹 wellness co-ordinator

健康计划统筹 wellness program co-ordinator












0012 政府高级管理人员和政府官员 Senior government managers and officials NOC

0012 政府高级管理人员和政府官员 Senior government managers and officials NOC - LEVEL 0


Senior government managers and officials plan, organize, direct, control and evaluate, through middle managers, the major activities of municipal or regional governments or of provincial, territorial or federal departments, boards, agencies or commissions. They establish the direction to be taken by these organizations in accordance with legislation and policies made by elected representatives or legislative bodies.

0012 政府高级管理人员和政府官员头衔范例

副部长 assistant deputy minister

人权委员会主席 chairperson, Human Rights Commission

行政人员 - 区域直辖市 chief administrative officer – regional municipality

首席统计员 - 政府服务 chief statistician – government services

城市管理员 city administrator

副部长 deputy minister

总干事 - 政府服务 director general – government services

执行董事 - 政府服务 executive director – government services

高级专员 high commissioner

0012 政府高级管理人员和政府官员主要职责


Establish objectives for the organization in accordance with government legislation and policy, formulate or approve and evaluate programs and procedures alone or in conjunction with senior government committees


Advise elected representatives on policy questions and refer major policy matters to these representatives for final decision


Recommend, review, evaluate and approve documents, briefs and reports submitted by middle managers and senior staff members


Ensure appropriate systems and procedures are developed and implemented to provide budgetary control


Co-ordinate department activities with other senior government managers and officials


Make presentations to legislative and other government committees regarding policies, programs or budgets.

0012 政府高级管理人员和政府官员的任职要求


A university degree or college diploma is usually required.


A graduate degree in a related field may be required.


Several years of managerial experience in the public or private sector are required.

0012 政府高级管理人员和政府官员附加信息


There is mobility among senior management occupations.

0012 政府高级管理人员和政府官员其他分类

立法会议员 Legislators [0011](0011)

政府中层管理人员(041经理在公共行政)Middle managers in government (in [041](041) Managers in public administration )

0012 政府高级管理人员和政府官员职称头衔

大使 ambassador

助理首席统计学家 - 政府服务 assistant chief statistician – government services

副部长 assistant deputy minister

副部长 - 政府服务 assistant deputy minister – government services

助理执行董事 - 政府服务 assistant executive director – government services

总经理助理董事 - 政府服务 assistant general director – government services

助理副国务卿 assistant undersecretary of state

乐队经理 - 联合国 band manager – First Nations

董事长/女人 - 政府服务 chairman/woman – government services

主席 - 政府服务 chairperson – government services

人权委员会主席 chairperson, Human Rights Commission

首席 - 灾害管理 chief – disaster management

行政人员 - 政府服务 chief administrative officer – government services

行政人员 - 区域直辖市 chief administrative officer – regional municipality

总选举事务主任 chief electoral officer

首席统计员 - 政府服务 chief statistician – government services

城市管理员 city administrator

市政府店员 city hall clerk

城市管理者 city manager

城市管理者 city superintendent

业务员下议院 clerk of the House of Commons

枢密院书记 Clerk of the Privy Council

专员 - 政府服务 commissioner – government services

查询处长 commissioner of inquiries

专员查询 - 政府服务 commissioner of inquiries – government services

专员,领土 commissioner, territorial

加拿大总审计长 comptroller general of Canada

领事 consul

会议秘书 - 政府服务 council secretary – government services

县委书记 county clerk

副处长 - 政府服务 deputy commissioner – government services

副部长 deputy minister

副部长 - 政府服务 deputy minister – government services

副市级书记 deputy municipal clerk

副省委书记 - 政府服务 deputy provincial secretary – government services

总干事 - 政府服务 director general – government services

就业保险上诉委员会主席 employment insurance appeals board chairperson

就业保险业监理专员 employment insurance commissioner

执行管理者 - 政府机构 executive administrator – government agency

行政管理员 - 政府部门 executive administrator – government department

执行董事 - 应急准备 executive director – emergency preparedness

执行董事 - 政府服务 executive director – government services

消防元帅 fire marshal

第一民族乐队经理 First Nations band manager

总经理 - 政府服务 general manager – government services

总书记 - 政府服务 general secretary – government services

政府机构专员 government agency commissioner

政府机构总裁 government agency president

政府机构高级管理员 government agency senior administrator

粮食专员 grain commissioner

卫生专员 health commissioner

高级专员 high commissioner

公路专员 highway commissioner

人权委员会主席 Human Rights Commission chairperson

金融机构的监察长 inspector general of financial institutions

白酒专员 liquor commissioner

地方政府经理 local government manager

经理 - 第一民族 manager – First Nations

市政管理员 municipal administrator

监察员 - 政府服务 ombudsperson – government services

男/女假释委员会主席 parole board chairman/woman

总统 - 政府服务 president – government services

铁路专员 railroad commissioner

加拿大接收器一般 receiver general for Canada

区域直辖市总导演 regional municipality general director

市政局秘书 - 政府服务 secretary to the council – government services

高级管理者,政府机构 senior administrator, government agency

警卫官,下议院 sergeant-at-arms, House of Commons

对金融机构的管理者 superintendent of financial institutions

领土专员 territorial commissioner

镇书记 town clerk

乡镇书记 township clerk

欧盟贸易专员 trade commissioner

副国务卿 undersecretary of state

副领事 vice-consul

副总裁 - 政府服务 vice-president – government services












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