
7362 铁路指挥官和列车机务员


7362 铁路指挥官和列车机务员/男/女 Railway conductors and brakemen/women NOC - LEVEL B


Railway conductors co-ordinate and supervise the activities of passenger and freight train crew members. Brakemen check train brakes and other systems and equipment prior to train run, and assist railway conductors in activities en route. They are employed by railway transport companies.

7362 铁路指挥官和列车机务员/男/女头衔范例

司闸员/男/女 brakeman/woman

指挥官 - 交换站场 conductor – switching yard

货运列车的列车长 freight train conductor

前端司闸员/男/女 front-end brakeman/woman

客运列车的列车长 passenger train conductor

铁路指挥官 railway conductor

公路货运司闸员/男/女 road freight brakeman/woman

尾部司闸员/男/女 tail-end brakeman/woman

7362 铁路指挥官和列车机务员/男/女主要职责

铁路指挥官执行部分或全部下列职责Railway conductors perform some or all of the following duties:

监督和协调客运和货运列车机组人员的活动(机车工程师除外) ,以确保列车运营与时间表,列车顺序和运行规则 代码保持一致。

Supervise and co-ordinate the activities of passenger and freight train crew members (except locomotive engineers) to ensure train operations are in accordance with schedule, train orders and code of operating rules


Receive train orders and explain orders to brakemen/women, locomotive engineer and other crew members


Communicate with train crew members by radio, signals or by other means to give and receive train operation information


Collect fares on board passenger trains, announce approaching train stops and answer passenger enquiries


Prepare train run reports.

列车机务员/男/女执行部分或全部下列职责Brakemen/women perform some or all of the following duties:


Check train systems and equipment such as air conditioning and heating systems, brakes and brake hoses prior to train run


Communicate with train crew members by radio, signals or by other means to aid in the movement and operation of train


Receive orders from traffic controllers, observe signals and track conditions and open and close track switches


Set and release hand brakes and connect air brake hoses to couple and switch passenger or freight cars, making minor repairs to couplings, air hoses and wheel-bearing boxes as required


Assist in collecting fares and helping passengers on and off train.

7362 铁路指挥官和列车机务员/男/女任职要求


Completion of secondary school is usually required.


Experience as a brakeman/woman is required for conductors.


Experience as a railway worker is usually required for brakemen/women.


Railway conductors require a Canadian Rail Operating Rules certificate.


Brakemen/women require a Canadian Rail Operating Rules certificate.

7362 铁路指挥官和列车机务员/男/女附加信息


With experience, brakemen/women may progress to railway conductors.


With experience, railway conductors may progress to locomotive engineers.

7362 铁路指挥官和列车机务员/男/女其他分类

铁路和站场机车工程师 Railway and yard locomotive engineers [7361](7361)

主管,铁路运输业务 Supervisors, railway transport operations [7304](7304)

7362 铁路指挥官和列车机务员/男/女职称头衔

制动工人 - 调车场 brake worker – switching yard

司闸员/男/女 brakeman/woman

司闸员/男/女 - 铁路 brakeman/woman – railway

司闸员/男/女 - 铁路站场 brakeman/woman – railway yard

司闸员/男/女 - 调车场 brakeman/woman – switching yard

指挥官 - 铁路站场 conductor – railway yard

指挥官 - 公路货运 conductor – road freight

指挥官 - 交换码 conductor – switching yard

指挥官,客运列车 conductor, passenger train

指挥官,铁路 conductor, railway

货运列车司闸员/男/女 freight train brakeman/woman

货运列车的列车长 freight train conductor

前端司闸员/男/女 front-end brakeman/woman

头司闸员/男/女 head brakeman/woman

客运列车司闸员/男/女 passenger train brakeman/woman

客运列车的列车长 passenger train conductor

普尔曼指挥官 pullman conductor

铁路指挥官 railway conductor

公路货运司闸员/男/女 road freight brakeman/woman

睡车厢列车员 sleeping car conductor

尾部司闸员/男/女 tail-end brakeman/woman

火车售票员 train conductor













7622 铁路和汽车运输工人

7622 铁路和汽车运输工人 Railway and motor transport labourers NOC - LEVEL D


Railway and motor transport labourers perform a variety of tasks to assist track maintenance workers and railway yard workers, or motor transport operators. They are employed by railway transport companies and motor transport companies.

7622 铁路和汽车运输工人头衔范例

铁路车检查员 car checker, railway

送货卡车帮手 delivery truck helper

家具发帮手 furniture mover helper

先行者帮手 mover helper

铁路工人 railway labourer

信号团伙帮手 signal gang helper

清洁工 - 卡车运输 swamper – truck transport

卡车司机帮手 truck driver helper

7622 铁路和汽车运输工人主要职责

铁路工人执行部分或全部下列职责Railway labourers perform some or all of the following duties:


Transport tools and equipment on push or hand car and perform other duties to assist railway track maintenance workers to lay, maintain and repair railway tracks


Cut vegetation growth from railway tracks using scythes and mowers


Check freight cars for physical damage and cleanliness.

汽车运输工人执行部分或全部下列职责Motor transport labourers perform some or all of the following duties:


Assist truck and delivery drivers to load and unload vehicles


Perform labouring duties in warehouses.

7622 铁路和汽车运输工人任职要求


Some secondary school education is usually required.

7622 铁路和汽车运输工人附加信息


With experience, railway labourers may progress to railway track maintenance workers or railway yard workers.

7622 铁路和汽车运输工人其他分类

材料处理员 Material handlers [7452](7452)

轨道车油工和加油工(铁路堆场养路工人)Rail car oilers and greasers (in [7531](7531) Railway yard and track maintenance workers )

7622 铁路和汽车运输工人职称头衔

汽车检查员 - 铁路运输 car checker – railway transport

铁路车检查员 car checker, railway

汽车过秤员 - 铁路 car weigher – railway

电车的车长/男/女帮手 - 铁路 carman/woman helper – railway

冷藏检验员 cold-storage checker – transport

铁路交叉服务员 - crossing attendant – railway

十字路口门卫/男/女 - 铁路运输 crossing gateman/woman – railway transport

投递者帮手 deliverer helper

送货司机帮手 delivery truck driver helper

送货卡车帮手 delivery truck helper

司机帮手 driver helper

工程师的助手 engineers assistant

检查员 - 铁路货车 freight car checker – railway

货运汽车过秤员 freight car weigher

燃料和沙子的运营商 - 铁路运输 fuel and sand operator – railway transport

燃料卡车司机助手 fuel truck driver helper

家具发帮手 furniture mover helper

门卫/男/女 - 铁路运输 gateman/woman – railway transport

帮手,车长/男/女 helper, carman/woman

帮手,运货卡车 helper, delivery truck

劳工,部门 - 铁路 labourer, section – railway

劳动者,站场 - 铁路运输 labourer, yard – railway transport

汽车运输工人 motor transport labourer

先行者帮手 mover helper

移动面包车帮手 moving van helper

轨道润滑工 rail lubricator

铁路车贴花施放工人 railway car decal applier

铁路汽车过秤员 railway car weigher

铁路工人 railway labourer

铁路道班工 railway track labourer

铁路养路工人 railway track maintenance labourer

铁路站场劳动者 railway yard labourer

路由驱动帮手 route driver helper

部分劳动者 - 铁路 section labourer – railway

壁板检查信使 - 铁路运输 siding checker-messenger – railway transport

信号团伙帮手 signal gang helper

清洁工 - 卡车运输 swamper – truck transport

轨道加油机 - 铁路 track greaser – railway

铁路道班工 track labourer, railway

轨道清扫车 - 铁路 track sweeper – railway

卡车司机帮手 truck driver helper

过秤员,货运车 weigher, freight cars

过秤员,铁路车 weigher, railway car












9436 木材定级员等木材加工检查员和定级员

9436 木材定级员等木材加工检查员和定级员 Lumber graders and other wood processing inspectors and graders NOC - LEVEL C


Lumber graders and other wood processing inspectors and graders inspect and grade lumber, shingles, veneer, waferboard and similar wood products to identify defects, ensure conformance to company specifications and classify products according to industry standards. They are employed by sawmills, planing mills, wood treatment plants, waferboard plants and other wood processing companies.

9436 木材定级员等木材加工检查员和定级员头衔范例

定级员 - 木材加工 - grader – wood processing

定级理货员/男/女 - 木材加工 grader tallyman/woman – wood processing

木材定级员 lumber grader

刨花板定级员 - 木材加工 particleboard grader – wood processing

胶合板定级员 plywood grader

胶合板督察 plywood inspector

单板定级员 veneer grader

木材测量员 wood measurer

9436 木材定级员等木材加工检查员和定级员主要职责

木材定级员执行部分或全部下列职责Lumber graders perform some or all of the following duties:


Examine lumber visually for knots, holes, splits and other defects and sort for further drying, trimming or remanufacturing


Measure lumber using callipers, gauges and tape measures to ensure specified thickness, length and width


Classify and sort lumber according to industry standards and stamp lumber to indicate grade, wood type, moisture level and other characteristics


Tally lumber


Complete and maintain reports.

其他木材加工检查员和定级员执行部分或全部下列职责Other wood processing inspectors and graders perform some or all of the following duties:


Inspect plywood panels, veneer sheets, panelboards, shingles and similar wood products visually for knots, holes, splits, straightness and other defects


Mark defects and sort for repair or reprocessing


Measure wood products to ensure conformance to specifications using standard measuring instruments


Grade and label wood products according to quality standards


Complete and maintain inspection and grading reports.

9436 木材定级员等木材加工检查员和定级员任职要求


Completion of secondary school is usually required.


On-the-job training and up to two weeks of classroom training are provided for lumber graders.


Previous experience as a sawmill machine operator, other wood processing operator or as a labourer in wood processing is usually required for graders and inspectors in this unit group.


Lumber graders require a lumber graders licence issued by a provincial lumber association.

9436 木材定级员等木材加工检查员和定级员附加信息 Additional information


There is some mobility between employers processing similar wood products.

9436 木材定级员等木材加工检查员和定级员任职要求其他分类

林产品技术人员( 化学技师和技术员) Forest products technologists (in [2211]2211 Chemical technologists and technicians )

木材定标员(林业技术人员和技术人员) Log scalers (in [2223](2223) Forestry technologists and technicians )

锯木厂的生产技术人员(工业工程与制造技师和技术员) Production technologists in sawmills (in [2233](2233) Industrial engineering and manufacturing technologists and technicians )

主管,林产品加工 Supervisors, forest products processing [9215](9215)

9436 木材定级员等木材加工检查员和定级员职称头衔

板材定级员 - 木材加工 board grader – wood processing

地板定级员 - 木材加工 flooring grader – wood processing

定级员 - 木材加工 - grader – wood processing

定级理货员/男/女 - 木材加工 grader tallyman/woman – wood processing

定级员,电路板 - 木材加工 grader, board – wood processing

定级员,木材 grader, lumber

定级员,刨花板 - 木材加工 grader, particleboards – wood processing

定级员,胶合板 - 木材加工 grader, plywood – wood processing

定级员,单板 - 木材加工 grader, veneer – wood processing

定级员,单板和胶合板 - 木材加工 grader, veneer and plywood – wood processing

定级员,木材加工 grader, wood processing

绿色木材定级员 green lumber grader

检查员 - 木材加工 inspector – wood processing

督察,胶合板 - 木材加工 inspector, plywood – wood processing

巡视员,奶昔 - 木材加工 inspector, shakes – wood processing

督察,处理极 - 木材加工 inspector, treated poles – wood processing

木材定级员 lumber grader

木材检查员 lumber inspector

木材标记员 lumber marker

标记员,木材 marker, lumber

面板检查员 - 木材加工 panel inspector – wood processing

刨花板定级员 - 木材加工 particleboard grader – wood processing

刨床定级员 - 木材加工 planer grader – wood processing

龙门刨铣定级员 - 木材加工 planer mill grader – wood processing

胶合板及单板匹配员 - 木材加工 plywood and veneer matcher – wood processing

胶合板定级员 plywood grader

胶合板定级员 - 木材加工 plywood grader – wood processing

胶合板督察 plywood inspector

胶合板检查员 - 木材加工 plywood inspector – wood processing

极检查员 - 木材加工 pole inspector – wood processing

摇检查员 - 木材加工 shake inspector – wood processing

瓦检查员 - 木材加工 shingle inspector – wood processing

股权定级员 - 木材加工 stake grader – wood processing

领带和木材检查员 tie and timber inspector

处理极测试员 - 木材加工 treated pole tester – wood processing

单板和胶合板定级员 - 木材加工 veneer and plywood grader – wood processing

单板定级员 veneer grader

单板定级员 - 木材加工 veneer grader – wood processing

木材标记员 - 木材加工 wood marker – wood processing

木材测量员 wood measurer

木材测量员 - 木材加工 wood measurer – wood processing

木材加工定级员 wood processing grader

木材加工巡视员 wood processing inspector













7361 铁路和堆场机车工程师

7361 铁路和堆场机车工程师 Railway and yard locomotive engineers NOC - LEVEL B


Railway locomotive engineers operate railway locomotives to transport passengers and freight. They are employed by railway transport companies. Yard locomotive engineers operate locomotives within yards of railway, industrial or other establishments. They are employed by railway transport companies and industrial or commercial users of rail transport.

7361 铁路和堆场机车工程师头衔范例

铁路机车工程师 locomotive engineer – railway

铁路工程师 railway engineer

开关工程师 - 铁路 switch engineer – railway

车辆维修工 - 铁路 transfer hostler – railway

站场工程师 - 铁路 yard engineer – railway

7361 铁路和堆场机车工程师主要职责

铁路机车工程师执行部分或全部下列职责Railway locomotive engineers perform some or all of the following duties:


Operate locomotives to transport passengers and freight on railways


Operate communication systems to communicate with train crews and traffic controllers to ensure safe operation and scheduling of trains


Inspect assigned locomotives and test operating controls and equipment.

堆场机车工程师执行部分或全部下列职责Yard locomotive engineers perform some or all of the following duties:


Operate locomotives to switch, couple and uncouple cars for loading and unloading


Perform switching operations according to written switching orders or dispatched instructions


Inspect locomotives, replenish fuel or perform routine maintenance on locomotives.

7361 铁路和堆场机车工程师任职要求


Completion of secondary school is usually required.


Experience as a conductor is required for railway locomotive engineers and may be required for yard locomotive engineers.

7361 铁路和堆场机车工程师附加信息


Mobility between railway transport companies or between establishments employing locomotive engineers may be limited due to seniority provisions of collective agreements.

7361 铁路和堆场机车工程师其他分类

地铁,轻轨交通营办商( 巴士司机,地铁运营及其他交通营办商) Subway and light rail transit operators (in [7512](7512) Bus drivers, subway operators and other transit operators )

主管,铁路运输业务 Supervisors, railway transport operations [7304](7304)

列车调度员( 铁路交通管制员和海上交通监管部门) Train dispatchers (in [2275](2275) Railway traffic controllers and marine traffic regulators )

7361 铁路和堆场机车工程师职称头衔

工程师 - 铁路内燃机车 diesel locomotive engineer – railway

见习工程师,铁路 engineer trainee, railway

工程师,客运火车机车 engineer, passenger train locomotive

工程师,铁路机车 engineer, railway locomotives

货运列车工程师 freight train engineer

维修工,铁路 hostler, railway

工业机车工程师 industrial locomotive engineer

机车工程师 locomotive engineer – railway

机车维修工 locomotive hostler

客运列车工程师 passenger train engineer

铁路工程师 railway engineer

铁路工程师实习生 railway engineer trainee

铁路维修工 railway hostler

铁路机车工程师 railway locomotive engineer

开关工程师 - 铁路 switch engineer – railway

火车工程师 train engineer

转移维修工 - 铁路 transfer hostler – railway

院子里工程师 - 铁路 yard engineer – railway

堆场机车工程师 - 铁路 yard locomotive engineer – railway












5231 播音员和其他广播员 Announcers and other broadcasters NOC

5231 播音员和其他广播员 Announcers and other broadcasters NOC - LEVEL B


Announcers and other broadcasters read news, sports, weather, commercial and public service messages and host entertainment and information programs for broadcast on radio or television. They are primarily employed by radio and television stations and networks and by commercial firms that produce advertisements for radio or television.

5231 播音员和其他广播员头衔范例

播音员 announcer

广播员 broadcaster

唱片操作员 - 广播 disc jockey – broadcast

新闻播报员 news reader

无线电主持/男/女 radio host/hostess

体育节目的播音员 sports announcer

脱口秀主持/男/女 talk show host/hostess

电视主持/男/女 television host/hostess

交通记者 traffic reporter

天气记者 weather reporter

5231 播音员和其他广播员主要职责


Select and introduce music, videos and other entertainment material for broadcast, and make commercial and public service announcements


Act as host/hostess or master of ceremonies, introduce and interview guests and conduct proceedings of shows or programs


Read news, sports and weather for radio and television


Report on weather conditions using information provided by weather forecasting services


Report on traffic conditions by maintaining contact with external sources of information or by observing traffic from air or land vehicle


May present own material or material prepared by others.

5231 播音员和其他广播员任职要求


Completion of a college radio or television arts program is usually required.


Practical training, such as work at a college radio station, may be required.


Talent and ability, as demonstrated during an audition, are important hiring criteria.


Membership in a guild or union related to the occupation or type of performance may be required.

5231 播音员和其他广播员附加信息


Movement to occupations in journalism is possible for those with an educational background in journalism or a related field.

5231 播音员和其他广播员其他分类

广播记者-准备并提交自己的报告(新闻工作者) Broadcast journalists who prepare and present their own reports (in [5123](5123) Journalists )

支持职业-电影,广播,摄影和表演艺术 Support occupations in motion pictures, broadcasting, photography and the performing arts [5227](5227)

5231 播音员和其他广播员职称头衔

播音员 announcer

播音员,P.A. (公网地址)系统 announcer, P.A. (public address) system

播音员,公共广播系统(P.A.“) announcer, public address (P.A.) system

播音员制片人,国际服务 announcer-producer, international service

广播员 broadcaster

马戏团的驯兽师 circus ringmaster

评论员,时装秀 commentator, fashion show

商业播音员 commercial announcer

唱片骑师 - 广播 disc jockey – broadcast

DJ(唱片骑师) - 广播 DJ (disc jockey) – broadcast

时装秀评论员 fashion show commentator

自由播音员 freelance announcer

游戏节目主持人/男/女 game show host/hostess

主持/男/女 - 电视或电台 host/hostess – television or radio

主持/男/女,游戏节目 host/hostess, game show

主持/男/女,脱口秀 host/hostess, talk show

国际服务播音员制片 international service announcer-producer

司仪(MC) master of ceremonies (MC)

MC(司仪) MC (master of ceremonies)

移动唱片骑师 mobile disc jockey

广播主持人 - moderator – broadcasting

新闻播报员 news reader

新闻主播 newscaster

P.A.“(公网地址)系统播音员 P.A. (public address) system announcer

公共地址系统(P.A.“)播音员 public address (P.A.) system announcer

竞猜高手 - 电台和电视台 quiz master – radio and television

电台播音员 radio announcer

无线电主持/男/女 radio host/hostess

记者,交通 reporter, traffic

记者,天气 reporter, weather

体育节目的播音员 sports announcer

体育评论员 sports commentator

解说员 sportscaster

员工播音员 staff announcer

脱口秀主持/男/女 talk show host/hostess

电视主持/男/女 television host/hostess

电视新闻主播 television newscaster

交通记者 traffic reporter

音乐节目主持人(VJ) - 电视广播 video jockey (VJ) – television broadcast

VJ(音乐节目主持人) - 电视广播 VJ (video jockey) – television broadcast

天气记者 weather reporter












1312 保险理算员和索赔审查员 Insurance adjusters and claims examiners NOC

1312 保险理算员和索赔审查员 Insurance adjusters and claims examiners NOC - LEVEL B


Insurance adjusters investigate insurance claims and determine the amount of loss or damages covered by insurance policies. They are employed in claims departments of insurance companies or as independent adjusters. Insurance claims examiners examine claims investigated by insurance adjusters and authorize payments. They are employed at head offices or branches of insurance companies.

1312 保险理算员和索赔审查员头衔范例

理算员 adjuster

索赔审查员 claims examiner

索赔代表 claims representative

保险理算员 insurance adjuster

1312 保险理算员和索赔审查员主要职责

保险理算员执行部分或全部下列职责:Insurance adjusters perform some or all of the following duties:


Investigate circumstances surrounding insurance claims to determine validity of claim


Inspect automobile, home or other property damage


Take statements and consult with claimants, accident witnesses, doctors and other relevant individuals and examine records or reports


Determine amount of loss or damages covered by insurance policies


Negotiate settlement of claims


Prepare adjustment reports.

保险索赔检查员执行部分或全部下列职责Insurance claims examiners perform some or all of the following duties:


Review, examine, calculate and authorize insurance claims investigated by insurance adjusters


Examine adjusters reports and similar insurance claims or precedents to determine extent of insurance coverage


Ensure claims are valid and settlements are made according to company practices and procedures


Consult lawyers, doctors or other relevant individuals to discuss insurance claims


Approve automobile, fire, life, disability, dental or other insurance claims.

1312 保险理算员和索赔审查员任职要求


Completion of secondary school is required.


A bachelors degree, college diploma or some post-secondary education


Several years of experience as a clerk in the claims department or other general insurance experience are required.


Several years of on-the-job training and completion of insurance industry courses and training programs are required.


Independent adjusters require a provincial licence issued by the Superintendent of Insurance in the province or territory of employment.

1312 保险理算员和索赔审查员附加信息


Completion of educational programs through the Insurance Institute of Canada or its provincial counterparts entitles insurance adjusters and claims examiners to professional recognition as a Chartered Insurance Professional (CIP), and with additional university courses, as a Fellow Chartered Insurance Professional (FCIP).

1312 保险理算员和索赔审查员其他分类

主管,金融和保险工作人员 Supervisors, finance and insurance office workers [1212](1212)

1312 保险理算员和索赔审查员职称头衔

理算员 adjuster

理算员 - 保险 adjuster – insurance

见习理算员 - 保险 adjuster trainee – insurance

汽车索赔技术理算员 automobile claims technical adjuster

意外伤害保险理算员 casualty insurance adjuster

理赔 - 保险 claims adjuster – insurance

索赔审批 - 保险 claims approver – insurance

理赔顾问 claims consultant

索赔审查员 claims examiner

索赔审查员 - 保险 claims examiner – insurance

理赔调查员 claims investigator

理赔调查员 - 保险 claims investigator – insurance

代表 claims representative

保险代表 claims representative – insurance

伤残索赔检查员 - 保险 disability claims examiner – insurance

救灾理赔 - 保险 disaster relief claims adjuster – insurance

现场理算员 - 保险 field adjuster – insurance

火灾保险公估 fire insurance adjuster

货运理算员 - 保险 freight adjuster – insurance

团体寿险索赔审查员 - 保险 group life claims examiner – insurance

健康和牙科的索赔审查员 - 保险 health and dental claims examiner – insurance

保险理算员 insurance adjuster

保险巡视员 insurance inspector

负债理算员 - 保险 liability adjuster – insurance

损失检查员 - 保险 loss examiner – insurance

海洋理赔员 - 保险 marine claims adjuster – insurance

船舶保险公估 marine insurance adjuster

医疗估损 - 保险 medical claims assessor – insurance

机动车辆理赔 - 保险 motor vehicle claims adjuster – insurance

产品检查员 production examiner

物业理算员 - 保险 property adjuster – insurance

公共理算员 - 保险 public adjuster – insurance

铁路理赔员 - 保险 railroad claims adjuster – insurance

结算管理联营公司 settlement management associate

结算专家 settlement specialist

人员理算员 - 保险 staff adjuster – insurance

电话理算员 - 保险 telephone adjuster – insurance

见习理算员 - 保险 trainee adjuster – insurance

工人补偿理算员 - 保险 workers compensation adjuster – insurance












加拿大技术移民 NOC 9521 飞机装配员和飞机装配检查员

9521 飞机装配员和飞机装配检查员 Aircraft assemblers and aircraft assembly inspectors NOC - LEVEL C


Aircraft assemblers assemble, fit and install prefabricated parts to manufacture fixed wing or rotary wing aircraft or aircraft subassemblies. Aircraft assembly inspectors inspect aircraft assemblies for adherence to engineering specifications. They are employed by aircraft and aircraft subassembly manufacturers.

9521 飞机装配员和飞机装配检查员头衔范例

飞机装配员 aircraft assembler

飞机检查员,装配 aircraft inspector, assembly

机身装配员 airframe assembler

工作台和结构装配员 bench and structural assembler

工作台钳工技师 - 飞机总装 bench fitter mechanic – aircraft assembly

装配工 - 飞机总装 rigger – aircraft assembly

机翼油箱机械师 - 飞机总装 wing tank mechanic – aircraft assembly

9521 飞机装配员和飞机装配检查员主要职责

飞机装配工执行部分或全部下列职责Aircraft assemblers perform some or all of the following duties:


Read and interpret aircraft assembly diagrams


Assemble and fit pre-fabricated parts to form subassemblies, working at benches or directly on an aircraft structure


Assemble, fit and install pre-fabricated parts and subassemblies such as aircraft skins, flight controls, rigging, hydraulics and other mechanical systems.

飞机装配检查员执行部分或全部下列职责Aircraft assembly inspectors perform some or all of the following duties:


Inspect aircraft assemblies, using measuring and testing equipment, for adherence to engineering specifications


Inspect assemblies for alignment, symmetry, dimensions, fit and quality of workmanship


Complete detailed inspection documentation.

9521 飞机装配员和飞机装配检查员任职要求


Completion of secondary school is required.


Completion of a college or other program in aviation or aeronautical technology, with emphasis in aircraft manufacturing, may be required.


Aircraft assemblers receive several months of on-the-job and classroom training.


Aircraft assembly inspectors require experience as an aircraft assembler.

9521 飞机装配员和飞机装配检查员附加信息


Aircraft assemblers and assembly inspectors may progress to supervisory positions with experience.

9521 飞机装配员和飞机装配检查员其他分类

飞机发动机装配工( 机械钳工) Aircraft engine assemblers (in [7316](7316) Machine fitters )

飞机机械师和飞机检查员 Aircraft mechanics and aircraft inspectors [7315](7315)

飞机画家( 工业画家,镀膜机,金属整理过程中运营商) Aircraft painters (in [9536](9536) Industrial painters, coaters and metal finishing process operators )

航空电子设备和飞机的电子设备安装工( 飞机仪表,电气和航空电子设备技工,技师和检查员) Avionics and aircraft electronic equipment installers (in [2244](2244) Aircraft instrument, electrical and avionics mechanics, technicians and inspectors )

主管飞机装配检查员( 主管,其他机械和金属制品制造业) Supervisors of aircraft assemblers or inspectors (in [9226](9226) Supervisors, other mechanical and metal products manufacturing )

9521 飞机装配员和飞机装配检查员职称头衔

副翼钳工 - 飞机总装 aileron fitter – aircraft assembly

飞机装配员 aircraft assembler

飞机装配检查员 aircraft assembly inspector

飞机组装装配工 aircraft assembly rigger

飞机工作台装配员 aircraft bench assembler

飞机制造巡视员 aircraft fabrication inspector

飞机最终组装检查员 aircraft final assembly inspector

飞机钳工装配员 - 飞机总装 aircraft fitter-assembler – aircraft assembly

飞机检查员,装配工和安装工 aircraft inspector, assemblies and installations

飞机检查员,装配 aircraft inspector, assembly

飞机零件钳工 - 飞机总装 aircraft parts fitter – aircraft assembly

飞机的动力装置安装装配员 aircraft power plant assembler-installer

飞机装配工 - 飞机总装 aircraft rigger – aircraft assembly

飞机操纵和控制机械师 - 飞机总装 aircraft rigging and controls mechanic – aircraft assembly

飞机封口工 - 飞机总装 aircraft sealer – aircraft assembly

飞机结构和表面装配员 aircraft structure and surface assembler

飞机结构装配员 aircraft structure assembler

飞机测试员 - 飞机总装 aircraft tester – aircraft assembly

机身装配员 airframe assembler

机身装配员 - 飞机总装 airframe assembler – aircraft assembly

机身钳工 - 飞机总装 airframe fitter – aircraft assembly

机身组装工 airframe subassembler

机身单元装配员 airframe unit assembler

装配员,飞机 assembler, aircraft

装配员,飞机结构及表面 assembler, aircraft structures and surfaces

装配员,机身 - 飞机总装 assembler, airframes – aircraft assembly

装配员,电厂 - 飞机总装 assembler, power plants – aircraft assembly

飞机装配检查员 assembly inspector, aircraft

工作台和结构装配员 bench and structural assembler

工作台和结构装配员 - 飞机总装 bench and structural assembler – aircraft assembly

工作台装配员,飞机 bench assembler, aircraft

工作台钳工 - 飞机总装 bench fitter – aircraft assembly

工作台钳工技师 - 飞机总装 bench fitter mechanic – aircraft assembly

控制装配员,飞机 control assembler, aircraft

详细装配员 - 飞机总装 detail assembler – aircraft assembly

详细检查 - 飞机总装 detail inspector – aircraft assembly

发展技工 - 飞机总装 development mechanic – aircraft assembly

钻头和铰技工 - 飞机总装 drill and ream mechanic – aircraft assembly

织物安装维修工 - 飞机总装 fabric installer-repairer – aircraft assembly

总装检查员 - 飞机总装 final-assembly inspector – aircraft assembly

最终飞机装配检查员 final-assembly inspector, aircraft

钳工,副翼 - 飞机总装 fitter, ailerons – aircraft assembly

钳工,钳工 - 飞机总装 fitter, bench – aircraft assembly

钳工测试工,焊接总成 - 飞机总装 fitter-tester, welded assembly – aircraft assembly

机身装配员 fuselage assembler

机身钳工 - 飞机总装 fuselage fitter – aircraft assembly

液压装置 - 飞机总装 hydraulic installation – aircraft assembly

液压系统安装员 - 飞机总装 hydraulic system installer – aircraft assembly

检查员,飞机总装 inspector, aircraft assembly

检查员,飞机制造 inspector, aircraft fabrication

安装技工,发电厂 - 飞机总装 installation mechanic, power plants – aircraft assembly

安装,液压 - 飞机总装 installation, hydraulic – aircraft assembly

机械师,电厂安装 - 飞机总装 mechanic, power plant installation – aircraft assembly

机械师,翼结婚 - 飞机总装 mechanic, wing marry-up – aircraft assembly

机械师,机翼油箱 - 飞机总装 mechanic, wing tanks – aircraft assembly

电厂装配员 - 飞机总装 power plant assembler – aircraft assembly

电厂安装技工 - 飞机总装 power plant installation mechanic – aircraft assembly

电厂技工 - 飞机总装 power plant mechanic – aircraft assembly

压力室封口机和测试仪 - 飞机总装 pressure compartment sealer and tester – aircraft assembly

螺旋桨机械师 - 飞机总装 propeller mechanic – aircraft assembly

装配员 - 飞机总装 rigger – aircraft assembly

起重工机械师,飞机控制 rigger mechanic, aircraft controls

起重工,飞机 - 飞机总装 rigger, aircraft – aircraft assembly

起重工,飞机总装 rigger, aircraft assembly

封口工 - 飞机总装 sealer – aircraft assembly

封口工和测试员,加压舱 - 飞机总装 sealer and tester, pressurized compartments – aircraft assembly

封口工,飞机 - 飞机总装 sealer, aircraft – aircraft assembly

钣金装配员 - 飞机总装 sheet metal assembler – aircraft assembly

皮肤钳工 - 飞机总装 skin fitter – aircraft assembly

晶石装配员 - 飞机总装 spar assembler – aircraft assembly

结构装配员,工作台 - 飞机总装 structural assembler, bench – aircraft assembly

组装工 - 飞机总装 subassembler – aircraft assembly

焊接装配钳工测试仪 - 飞机总装 welded assemblies fitter-tester – aircraft assembly

翼装配员,飞机 wing assembler, aircraft

翼巡视员 - 飞机总装 wing inspector – aircraft assembly

联翼机械师 - 飞机总装 wing marry-up mechanic – aircraft assembly

机翼油箱机械师 - 飞机总装 wing tank mechanic – aircraft assembly













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