



答案是肯定的,此时申请人的身份就属于Implied Status, 目前还没有统一的翻译,姑且叫做“含蓄身份”好了。



1. 学签持有人在递交学签续签申请之后,即使原来的身份过期,也可以继续学习,依据IRPR 189;

189. A foreign national who has made an application under subsection 217(1) is authorized to study without a study permit until a decision is made on the application if they have remained in Canada since the expiry of their study permit and continue to comply with the conditions, other than the expiry date, set out on the expired study permit.

2. 工签持有人在递交工签续签申请之后,即使原来的身份过期,也可以继续工作,依据的是IRPR 186(u);

186. A foreign national may work in Canada without a work permit

(u) until a decision is made on an application made by them under subsection 201(1), if they have remained in Canada after the expiry of their work permit and they have continued to comply with the conditions set out on the expired work permit, other than the expiry date;

3. 学生毕业申请毕业后工签期间不仅可以合法工作,而且即使学签失效了,毕业后工签没有下来,依然可以合法工作,依据的是IRPR 186(w).

186. A foreign national may work in Canada without a work permit

(w) if they are or were the holder of a study permit who has completed their program of study and

(i) they met the requirements set out in paragraph (v), and

(ii) they applied for a work permit before the expiry of that study permit and a decision has not yet been made in respect of their application.

关于加拿大身份的问题非常严肃,所以引用了移民法来支持这些观点,事实上CIC网站也很容易找到关于Implied Status的解释。

对于一般的境内续签申请,我们建议申请人及早递交。晚交虽然原先的加拿大身份失效后还有Implied Status,但是一旦新的申请被拒签,申请人在加拿大的身份就立刻失效了,只能申请恢复身份。反之如果被拒签时申请人原来的身份依然有效,只用重新递交一份新的续签申请就好。




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