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7611 建筑行业佣工和劳动者

7611 建筑行业佣工和劳动者 Construction trades helpers and labourers NOC - LEVEL D


Construction trades helpers and labourers assist skilled tradespersons and perform labouring activities at construction sites, in quarries and in surface mines. They are employed by construction companies, trade and labour contractors, and surface mine and quarry operators.

7611 建筑行业佣工和劳动者头衔范例

沥青撒布者 asphalt spreader

瓦工帮手 bricklayer helper

木匠帮手 carpenter helper

混凝土搅拌机帮手 concrete mixer helper

施工帮手 construction helper

建筑工人 construction labourer

拆迁工人 demolition worker

钻井帮手 - 地表采矿 driller helper – surface mining

石膏板砂光者 drywall sander

旗手/男/女 flagman/woman

玻璃工帮手 glazier helper

劳动者,混凝土铺路 labourer, concrete paving

劳动者,开挖 labourer, excavation

管道芯棒操作者 pipeline mandrel operator

水暖工帮手 plumber helper

盖屋顶帮手 roofer helper

锥子手 - 管道建设 stabber – pipeline construction

7611 建筑行业佣工和劳动者主要职责


Load and unload construction materials, and move materials to work areas


Erect and dismantle concrete forms, scaffolding, ramps, catwalks, shoring and barricades required at construction sites


Mix, pour and spread materials such as concrete and asphalt


Assist tradespersons such as carpenters, bricklayers, cement finishers, roofers and glaziers in construction activities


Assist heavy equipment operators to secure special attachments to equipment, signal operators to guide them in moving equipment and provide assistance in other activities


Assist in aligning pipes and perform related activities during oil and gas pipeline construction


Assist in drilling and blasting rock at construction sites


Assist miners in excavating and in setting up and operating various drills and other surface mining machinery


Level earth to fine grade specifications using rake and shovel


Assist in demolishing buildings using prying bars and other tools, and sort, clean and pile salvaged materials


Remove rubble and other debris at construction sites using rakes, shovels, wheelbarrows and other equipment


Operate pneumatic hammers, vibrators and tampers as directed


Tend or feed machines or equipment used in construction such as mixers, compressors and pumps


Clean up chemical spills and other contaminants, and remove asbestos and other hazardous materials


Oil and grease hoists and similar equipment


Direct traffic at or near construction sites


Perform other activities at construction sites, as directed.

7611 建筑行业佣工和劳动者任职要求


Some experience as a general construction labourer may be required for construction trade helpers.


Some pipeline workers, such as stabbers, mandrel operators and pre-heater tenders, usually require one season of experience in oil and gas pipeline construction.


Flagmen/women may require a traffic control certificate.

7611 建筑行业佣工和劳动者附加信息


Mobility is possible among workers in this unit group.

7611 建筑行业佣工和劳动者其他分类

其他行业佣工和劳动者 Other trades helpers and labourers [7612](7612)

公共工程和维护劳动者 Public works and maintenance labourers [7621](7621)

7611 建筑行业佣工和劳动者职称头衔

地板安装助手 access floor installer helper

空气断路器操作员 air breaker operator

空气枪操作员 air gun operator

空气锤运营商 - 建筑 air hammer operator – construction

锁气看管者 air lock tender

气动工具运营商 air tool operator

空中轨道钻操作帮手 air track drill operator helper

石棉纤维编制者 asbestos fibre preparer

石棉搬运工 asbestos remover

石棉工人 - 建设 asbestos worker – construction

沥青冷补节工 asphalt cold patcher

沥青搅拌机 asphalt mixer

沥青厂工人 - 建设 asphalt plant labourer – construction

沥青耙手 asphalt raker

沥青路华帮手 asphalt roofer helper

沥青撒布者 asphalt spreader

沥青工人-道路 asphalt worker – road

雨篷安装助手 awning installer helper

倾斜版安装者 batterboard setter

折弯机操作员 - 管道 bending machine operator – pipelines

法案海报张贴者 bill poster

沥青铺路工人 bituminous paving labourer

沥青摊铺机操作员 bituminous paving machine operator

柏油路耙工 blacktop raker

柏油路撒播者 blacktop spreader

鼓风机的操作员,绝缘 blower operator, insulation

砖清洁工 brick cleaner

瓦工帮手 bricklayer helper

泥水匠助手 brickmasons helper

桥帮工人 - 建设 bridge gang worker – construction

建设和房子清障工 building and house wrecker

建筑画家帮手 building painter helper

建设清障车 building wrecker

木匠的助手 cabinetmakers helper

木匠帮手 carpenter helper

地毯层帮手 carpet layer helper

地毯力学帮手 carpet mechanics helper

施工敛缝工人 - caulker – construction

敛缝工人,预制混凝土 caulker, precast concrete

水泥和混凝土输送泵看管者 cement and concrete pump tender

水泥装订帮手 cement finisher helper

水泥枪嘴运营商 cement gun nozzle operator

水泥枪操作员 cement gun operator

水泥搅拌车运营商 - 建筑 cement mixer operator – construction

水泥泵操作员 cement pump operator

丈量员/男/女,打桩 chainman/woman, pile driving

翻腾水井钻机操作员帮手 - churn drill operator helper – water well

接线员 - 建设 clamper – construction

冷补丁工人,沥青 cold patcher, asphalt

混凝土砌块倾倒者 concrete block pourer

混凝土破碎工 concrete breaker

混凝土装订帮手 concrete finisher helper

混凝土浮法倾倒者 concrete float pourer

混凝土前帮手 concrete former helper

混凝土枪操作员 concrete gun operator

混凝土搅拌机帮手 concrete mixer helper

混凝土搅拌车运营商 - 建筑 concrete mixer operator – construction

混凝土搅拌机操作帮手 - 公路建设 concrete mixer operator helper – highway construction

混凝土摊铺机操作帮手 concrete paver operator helper

混凝土摊铺劳动者 concrete paving labourer

混凝土倾倒者 - 建设 concrete pourer – construction

混凝土泵操作员 concrete pump operator

混凝土吊具运营商 concrete spreader operator

混凝土振动器运营商,说明书 concrete vibrator operator, manual

混凝土防水材料工 - 建筑 concrete waterproofer – construction

施工工艺劳动者 construction craft labourer

建筑电工帮手 construction electrician helper

施工帮手 construction helper

建筑工人 construction labourer

建筑工人和帮手 construction labourer and helper

建筑行业帮手 construction trades helper

建筑工人 construction worker

起重机猎 crane chaser

起重机妓女 crane hooker

冲天喷reliner的 cupola spray reliner

遏制建设者,说明书 curb builder, manual

防潮工人帮手 dampproofer helper

甲板工 deck worker

拆迁工人 demolition worker

金刚石钻帮手 - 表面采矿 diamond driller helper – surface mining

施工挖掘工 - digger – construction

挖掘工,下水道 digger, sewers

沟清洁工人 - 建设 ditch cleaner – construction

门框安装工 door frame installer

掺杂机器操作员 - 管道 dope machine operator – pipelines

吊斗铲操作帮手 dragline operator helper

疏通工人 dredge worker

钻帮手 - 地表采矿 driller helper – surface mining

石膏板和声学安装助手 drywall and acoustical installer helper

石膏板砂光工 drywall sander

内土方劳动者 - 建筑 earthworks labourer – construction

安装工人,公路标志 erector, highway signs

安装工人,脚手架 erector, scaffold

挖掘劳动者 excavation labourer

挖掘工人 excavation worker

外部cladder帮手 exterior cladder helper

整理工帮手,水磨石 finisher helper, terrazzo

耐火砖层帮手 firebrick layer helper

钳工帮手 - 建设 fitter helper – construction

旗手/男/女 flagman/woman

旗手/男/女 - 建设 flagman/woman – construction

地板防尘罩帮手 floor coverer helper

地板层的帮手 floor layers helper

地板砂光工和装订帮手 floor sander and finisher helper

地板安装助手 floorcovering installer helper

地板机械帮手 floorcovering mechanic helper

样式搬迁者-建筑 form remover – construction

样式安装工,金属 - 建设 form setter, metal – construction

脱模工-建筑 form stripper – construction

地基防潮工帮手 foundation dampproofer helper

基础钻机操作员帮手 foundation drill operator helper

基础形式工作者 foundation form worker

基础防水工,建筑 foundation waterproofer, construction

成帧器帮手 - 建设 framer helper – construction

气吊管工人 - 建设 gas pipelayer – construction

一般建筑工人 general construction labourer

玻璃安装者帮手 glass setter helper

玻璃工人帮手 - 建设 glass worker helper – construction

玻璃工帮手 glazier helper

级篡改 - 建设 grade tamper – construction

地面工人,打桩 ground worker, pile driving

灌浆机操作员 grout machine operator

灌浆泵运营商 grout pump operator

grouter grouter

喷浆混频者 - 建设 gunite mixer – construction

施工给喷浆 - guniter – construction

帮手,空中轨道钻操作 helper, air track drill operator

帮手,沥青盖屋顶 helper, asphalt roofer

帮手,雨篷安装 helper, awning installer

帮手,瓦工 helper, bricklayer

帮手, brickmason helper, brickmason

帮手,建筑画家 helper, building painter

帮手,木匠 helper, cabinetmaker

帮手,木匠 helper, carpenter

帮手,地毯层 helper, carpet layer

帮手,地毯技工 helper, carpet mechanic

帮手,水泥装订 helper, cement finisher

帮手,冲击钻水井运营商 - helper, churn drill operator – water well

帮手,混凝土整理工 helper, concrete finisher

帮手,混凝土前 helper, concrete former

帮手,混凝土搅拌机操作员 helper, concrete mixer operator

帮手,混凝土摊铺机操作 helper, concrete paver operator

帮手,建设 helper, construction

帮手,建筑电工 helper, construction electrician

帮手,建筑行业 helper, construction trades

帮手,吊铲运营商 - 起重机操作 helper, dragline operator – crane operation

帮手,石膏板和吸音板安装 helper, drywall and acoustical board installer

帮手,钳工 - 建筑 helper, fitter – construction

帮手,地板防尘罩 helper, floor coverer

帮手,地板砂光机和装订 helper, floor sander and finisher

帮手,地板安装 helper, floorcovering installer

帮手,地板技工 helper, floorcovering mechanic

帮手,玻璃二传手 helper, glass setter

帮手,玻璃 - 建筑工人 helper, glass worker – construction

帮手,玻璃工 helper, glazier

帮手,公路混凝土搅拌机操作员 helper, highway concrete mixer operator

帮手,绝缘hoseman的 helper, insulation hoseman

帮手,绝缘体 helper, insulator

帮手,内外墙竖 helper, interior and exterior wall erector

帮手,内墙整理工 helper, interior wall finisher

帮手,避雷针竖 helper, lightning rod erector

帮手,大理石二传手 helper, marble setter

石匠帮手, helper, mason

帮手,金属盖屋顶 - 建筑 helper, metal roofer – construction

帮手,金属镶边竖 helper, metal trim erector

帮手,摩尔运营商 - 建筑 helper, mole operator – construction

帮手,油燃烧器安装 helper, oil burner installer

帮手,装饰铁竖 helper, ornamental iron erector

观赏金属工人帮手, helper, ornamental metal worker

帮手,画家 - 建设 helper, painter – construction

帮手,画家和装饰 helper, painter and decorator

帮手,施工paperhanger - helper, paperhanger – construction

帮手,路面线画家 helper, pavement line painter

帮手,打桩机操作员 - 起重机操作 helper, pile driver operator – crane operation

帮手,打桩铅砂矿 helper, pile-driving lead placer

帮手,泥水匠 helper, plasterer

帮手,板钳工 - 建设 helper, plate fitter – construction

帮手,水暖工 helper, plumber

帮手,电铲操作 helper, power shovel operator

辅助工,起重工 - 建筑 helper, rigger – construction

帮手,路调音台操作员 helper, road mixer operator

帮手,盖屋顶 helper, roofer

帮手,钣金工 - 建设 helper, sheet metal worker – construction

考虑帮手, helper, sider

帮手,喷洒车 helper, spray truck

帮手,蒸汽钳工 - 建设 helper, steam fitter – construction

帮手,钢架工 helper, steel erector

帮手,钢模板二传手 helper, steel form setter

帮手,结构板钳工 - 建设 helper, structural plate fitter – construction

帮手,水磨石装订 helper, terrazzo finisher

帮手,水磨石层 helper, terrazzo layer

帮手,水磨石技工 helper, terrazzo mechanic

帮手,水磨石打蜡机 helper, terrazzo polisher

帮手,瓷砖二传手 helper, tile setter

帮手,行业 - 建筑 helper, trades – construction

帮手,掘进机操作员 - 建筑 helper, tunnelling machine operator – construction

防水剂的帮手, helper, waterproofer

帮手,焊工,钳工 - 建设 helper, welder-fitter – construction

公路混凝土搅拌机操作帮手 highway concrete mixer operator helper

公路养护工人 highway maintenance worker

公路标志竖 highway sign erector

水平土掘进机帮手 horizontal earth-boring machine helper

软管喷水工 /男/女保温的帮手 hoseman/woman insulation helper

软管喷水工 /男/女,绝缘 hoseman/woman, insulation

工业烟囱造车石匠帮手 industrial chimney repairer-mason helper

安装助手,遮阳篷 installer helper, awnings

安装助手,面盆和厨房碗柜 installer helper, vanities and kitchen cupboards

安装,座椅 - 建设 installer, seats – construction

绝缘鼓风机 insulation blower

绝缘鼓风机帮手 insulation blower helper

保温风机运营商 insulation blower operator

绝缘体帮手 insulator helper

内外墙竖帮手 interior and exterior wall erector helper

室内装订帮手 interior finisher helper

铁工帮手 ironworker helper

手持式凿岩机操作员 - 建设 jackhammer operator – construction

木匠施工帮手 - joiner helper – construction

劳动者,沥青厂 - 建设 labourer, asphalt plant – construction

劳动者,沥青铺路 labourer, bituminous paving

劳动者,混凝土铺路 labourer, concrete paving

劳动者,建设 labourer, construction

劳动者,土方工程 - 建设 labourer, earthworks – construction

劳动者,开挖 labourer, excavation

劳动者,摊铺作业 labourer, paving operations

劳动者,管道 labourer, pipeline

劳动者,采石场 labourer, quarry

劳动者,岸疏浚; labourer, shore dredging

避雷针竖帮手 lightning rod erector helper

衬垫安装,管道 liner installer, pipelines

维修木匠帮手 maintenance carpenter helper

手动式混凝土振动器运营商 manual concrete vibrator operator

大理石安装者帮手 marble setter helper

砖石结构的指针,并刻岛 masonry pointer and caulker

泥水匠帮手 masons helper

测量工人 measurer

金属形式安装工 - 建筑 metal form setter – construction

金属盖屋顶施工帮手 - metal roofer helper – construction

金属脚手架建造者 metal scaffold erector

金属镶边竖帮手 metal trim erector helper

搅拌机,喷浆 - 建设 mixer, gunite – construction

摩尔运营商帮手 - 建设 mole operator helper – construction

竖碑者 monument erector

纪念碑安装者 monument setter

泥插孔运营商 mud jack operator

喷嘴工人 - 打桩 nozzle worker – pile driving

运营商,空气断路器 operator, air breaker

操作员,水泥枪 operator, cement gun

运营商,手持式凿岩机 - 建设 operator, jackhammer – construction

运营商,管道芯棒 operator, pipeline mandrel

运营商,篡改 operator, tamper

观赏铁安装工人帮手 ornamental iron erector helper

观赏金属工人帮手 ornamental metal worker helper

画家和装饰帮手 painter and decorator helper

画家帮手 - 建设 painter helper – construction

画家,路面线 painter, pavement lines

纸latcher - 建设 paper latcher – construction

裱糊工人帮手 paperhanger helper

路面线路画家 pavement line painter

路面线路画家帮手 pavement line painter helper

路面划线工 pavement striper

摊铺作业的劳动者 paving operations labourer

桩机操作的助手 pile driver operators helper

打桩丈量工/男/女 pile driving chainman/woman

打桩地面工人 pile driving ground worker

管对准工 - 管道建设 pipe aligner – pipeline construction

管掺杂装置 - 建设 pipe doper – construction

管道清洗和覆盖机器操作员 pipe-cleaning and covering machine operator

管工帮手 - 建设 pipefitter helper – construction

吊管工 pipelayer

施工吊管工 - pipelayer – construction

吊管工 - 排水系统 pipelayer – drainage systems

吊管工 - 灌溉 pipelayer – irrigation

吊管工,燃气 - 建筑 pipelayer, gas – construction

管道敛缝工人 pipeline caulker

管道工人 pipeline labourer

管道芯棒操作者 pipeline mandrel operator

管道焊工帮手 pipeline welder helper

管道工人 - 建设 pipeline worker – construction

管道内衬安装工 pipeline-liner installer

坑底工人 pit bottom worker

泥水匠助手 plasterer helper

板钳工帮手 - 建设 plate fitter helper – construction

水暖工帮手 plumber helper

风钻运营商 - 建筑 pneumatic drill operator – construction

气锤运营商 - 建筑 pneumatic hammer operator – construction

柱孔钻工 post hole driller

电力curber看管者 power curber tender

动力铲运营商帮手 power shovel operator helper

预制混凝土敛缝工人 precast concrete caulker

预热器看管者 - 管道 preheater tender – pipelines

看管者,水泥及混凝土泵 pump tender, cement and concrete

采石场转储服务员 quarry dump attendant

采石场工人 quarry labourer

耙工,沥青 raker, asphalt

难治瓦工帮手 refractory bricklayer helper

加强丝网工人 reinforcing wire mesh worker

木匠装修帮手 renovation carpenter helper

起重工的助手 - 建设 riggers helper – construction

砂矿抛石工 rip-rap placer

道路形式安装员 road form setter

道路搅拌机操作员助手 road mixer operator helper

道路喷洒车帮手 road spray truck helper

盖屋顶帮手 roofer helper

盖屋顶的帮手,沥青 roofer helper, asphalt

旋挖钻机水井帮手 - rotary driller helper – water well

砂光工,石膏板 sander, drywall

砂光工,墙板 sander, wallboards

脚手架竖立者 scaffold erector

敛缝工人 - 建设 seam caulker – construction

座椅安装工 - 建设 seat installer – construction

安装员,纪念碑 setter, monuments

安装员,垫木 setter, skids

污水吊管工 sewage pipelayer

下水道挖掘工 sewer digger

包装工帮手 sheather helper

钣金工帮手 - 建设 sheet metal worker helper – construction

岸上疏浚工 shore dredging labourer

支持者帮手 sider helper

签署安装工人,公路 sign erector, highways

防滑安装工- 管道建设 skid setter – pipeline construction

吊物工人 - 建设 slinger – construction

滑模路边机看管者 slip form curb machine tender

冶炼厂衬板工 smelter liner

垫片工 - 管道建设 spacer – pipeline construction

喷洒车帮手 spray truck helper

吊具箱看管者 spreader box tender

锥子 stabber

锥子 - 管道建设 stabber – pipeline construction

蒸汽管道的帮手 - 建设 steam fitters helper – construction

钢竖帮手 steel erector helper

钢形式设置工人 steel form setting worker

钢形成安装员帮手 steel forms setter helper

石吊具运营商,手动 stone spreader operator, manual

结构板钳工助手-建设 structural plate fitter helper – construction

结构钢竖帮手 structural steel erector helper

捣棒操作员 - 建设 tamper operator – construction

坦克建设者帮手 tank builder helper

看管者,空气锁 tender, air lock

看管者,水泥和混凝土输送泵 tender, cement and concrete pump

看管者,电力curber ; tender, power curber

看管者,吊具箱 - 建筑 tender, spreader box – construction

水磨石装订帮手 terrazzo finisher helper

水磨石磨床工,手动 terrazzo grinder, manual

水磨石层帮手 terrazzo layer helper

水磨石机粉碎工 terrazzo machine grinder

水磨石机械帮手 terrazzo mechanic helper

水磨石抛光帮手 terrazzo polisher helper

瓷砖层帮手 tile layer helper

瓷砖二传手助手 tile setter helper

锡匠帮手 - 建设 tinsmith helper – construction

墓碑建立者 tombstone erector

墓碑安装员 tombstone setter

行业帮手 - 建设 trades helper – construction

沟槽挖掘工 trench digger

掘进机操作员帮手 - 建设 tunnelling machine operator helper – construction

地下劳动者 - 建设 underground labourer – construction

浮华和厨房橱柜安装助手 vanity and kitchen cupboard installer helper

振动压路机操作员 vibrator roller operator

振动压路机操作员 vibratory compactor operator

墙板砂光者 wallboard sander

自来水管安装工 water pipe installer

水井钻机帮手 water well driller helper

防水工-建筑 waterproofer – construction

防水材料帮手 waterproofer helper

窗户敛缝工人 window caulker

丝网安装员 wire mesh setter

清障工,建筑 wrecker, buildings

清障工,建筑和房屋 wrecker, buildings and houses












7612 其他行业佣工及劳动者

7612 其他行业佣工及劳动者 Other trades helpers and labourers NOC - LEVEL D


This unit group includes trade helpers and labourers, not elsewhere classified, who assist skilled tradespersons and perform labouring activities in the installation, maintenance and repair of industrial machinery, refrigeration, heating and air conditioning equipment, in the maintenance and repair of transportation and heavy equipment, in the installation and repair of telecommunication and power cables and in other repair and service work settings. They are employed by a wide variety of manufacturing, utility and service companies.

7612 其他行业佣工及劳动者头衔范例

空中喷洒助理 aerial spraying assistant

飞机机械师帮手 aircraft mechanic helper

电缆安装助手 cable installer helper

柴油机械帮手 diesel mechanic helper

地面工人 - 电信 ground worker – telecommunications

技工的助手 - 汽车 mechanics helper – automotive

技工帮手 millwright helper

制冷机械帮手 refrigeration mechanic helper

捻接器助手 - 电信 splicer helper – telecommunications

测量员助手 surveyor helper

7612 其他行业佣工及劳动者主要职责


Move tools, equipment and other materials to and from work areas


Assist in splicing overhead and underground communications and electric power transmission cables


Assist in repairing, maintaining and installing industrial machinery and equipment


Assist in repairing, maintaining and installing refrigeration, heating and air conditioning equipment


Assist in repairing, maintaining and installing elevators


Assist in repairing and maintaining stationary electric power generating and distribution equipment


Assist in mechanical, electrical and body repairs of aircraft, railway cars, automobiles, trucks, buses, heavy equipment and motorcycles


Assist in repairing electrical appliances, small engines or other similar equipment


Mix fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides and load mixture into airplane for aerial spraying


Assist in land surveying activities, such as holding or moving stakes and rods, clearing brush and debris from line of survey and transporting surveying tools to work area


Perform other labouring and elemental tasks as required.

7612 其他行业佣工及劳动者任职要求


Some secondary school education may be required.


On-the-job training is provided.

7612 其他行业佣工及劳动者附加信息


There is little or no mobility between occupations in this unit group.

7612 其他行业佣工及劳动者其他分类

建筑行业佣工和劳动者 Construction trades helpers and labourers [7611](7611)

7612 其他行业佣工及劳动者职称头衔

空中喷洒助理 aerial spraying assistant

空中喷洒线路工人/男/女 aerial spraying lineman/woman

空调修理工帮手 air conditioning mechanic helper

飞机仪表修理工帮手 aircraft instrument mechanic helper

飞机机械师帮手 aircraft mechanic helper

车身造车帮手 automobile body repairer helper

汽车保险杠矫直人员 automobile bumper straightener

汽车电工帮手 automotive electrician helper

汽车修理工帮手 automotive mechanic helper

体造车帮手,汽车 body repairer helper, automobile

电缆安装和维修帮手 - 电信 cable installation and repair helper – telecommunications

电缆安装助手 cable installer helper

电缆造车帮手 cable repairer helper

电缆造车帮手 - 电信 cable repairer helper – telecommunications

电缆接线帮手 cable splicer helper

电缆工 /男/女帮手 cableman/woman helper

丈量员/男/女 chainman/woman – land surveying

化工过程设备机械帮手 chemical process equipment mechanic helper

商用空调技工帮手 commercial air conditioning mechanic helper

罗盘工人 /男/女 - 土地测量 compassman/woman – land surveying

建筑设备机械帮手 construction equipment mechanic helper

履带造车帮手 crawler track repairer helper

柴油机械帮手 diesel mechanic helper

潜水员帮手 diver helper

电缆网络安装帮手 electric cable network installer helper

电力电缆接线帮手 electric cable splicer helper

电动马达造车帮手 electric motor repairer helper

电力线通信劳动者 electric power and wire communications labourer

电气机械帮手 electrical mechanic helper

电工助手,汽车 electrician helper, automotive

电工助手,重地 electrician helper, powerhouse

电梯构造帮手 elevator constructor helper

电梯技工帮手 elevator mechanic helper

发动机钳工帮手 engine fitter helper

工厂维修技工帮手 factory maintenance mechanic helper

现场机械帮手 field mechanic helper

消防器材的服务帮手 fire equipment servicer helper

炉造车帮手 furnace repairer helper

燃气表造车帮手 gas meter repairer helper

地面的手 - 电信 ground hand – telecommunications

地面工人 - 电源线 ground worker – power lines

地面工人 - 电信 ground worker – telecommunications

手工切割者,泥炭藓 hand cutter, peat moss

手泥炭藓切割者 hand peat moss cutter

暖气和空调技工帮手 heating and air conditioning mechanic helper

加热和冷却机械师助手 heating and cooling mechanic helper

重型设备机械帮手 heavy equipment mechanic helper

帮手,汽车电工 helper, automotive electrician

帮手,汽车修理工 helper, automotive mechanic

帮手,电缆的安装和维修 - 电信 helper, cable installation and repair – telecommunications

帮手,电缆接线 helper, cable splicer

帮手,商用空调技工 helper, commercial air conditioning mechanic

潜水员帮手, helper, diver

帮手,电梯技工 helper, elevator mechanic

帮手,发动机钳工 helper, engine fitter

助手,炉造车; helper, furnace repairer

帮手,加热和冷却技工 helper, heating and cooling mechanic

帮手,工业技工 helper, industrial mechanic

帮手,机械师 helper, mechanic

帮手,技工 helper, millwright

帮手,机动车车身造车 helper, motor vehicle body repairer

帮手,机动车辆维修技工 helper, motor vehicle mechanic

帮手,油燃烧器修理工 helper, oil burner mechanic

帮手,油燃烧技术人员 helper, oil burner technician

帮手,厂房电工 helper, powerhouse electrician

帮手,发动机机械师 helper, small-engine mechanic

工业仪器造车帮手 industrial instrument repairer helper

工业机械加油工 industrial machinery oiler

工业机械帮手 industrial mechanic helper

安装助手 - 电信 installer helper – telecommunications

安装帮手,电力电缆系统 installer helper, power cable systems

劳动者,电力和电线通信 labourer, electric power and wire communications

线路工人/男/女帮手 lineman/woman helper

线路工人/男/女帮手 - 电力和通信线路 lineman/woman helper – power and communication lines

内衬替代者 - 选矿设备 liner replacer – ore-processing equipment

线路工人帮手 lineworker helper

机工,钳工帮手 machine mechanic-fitter helper

维修技工帮手,工厂或工厂 maintenance mechanic helper, factory or mill

海洋电工帮手 marine electrician helper

机械师助手 mechanic helper

机械帮手,空调 mechanic helper, air conditioning

机械师帮手,重型设备 mechanic helper, heavy equipment

机械帮手,公用事业仪器 mechanic helper, utilities instruments

技工钳工帮手的 mechanic-fitter helper

技工的助手 - 汽车 mechanics helper – automotive

磨机械帮手 mill mechanic helper

技工帮手 millwright helper

移动设备造车帮手 mobile equipment repairer helper

移动机械帮手 mobile mechanic helper

机动车车身造车帮手 motor vehicle body repairer helper

机动车辆维修技工帮手 motor vehicle mechanic helper

机工/男/女 - 海上钻井平台 motorman/woman – offshore drilling rig

油燃烧器保持帮手 oil burner maintainer helper

油燃烧器机械帮手 oil burner mechanic helper

油燃烧技术人员帮手 oil burner technician helper

油商,工业机械 oiler, industrial machinery

油商,固定式发动机 oiler, stationary engines

选矿设备修理工帮手 ore-processing equipment repairer helper

泥炭挖掘工 peat digger

管工帮手 - 造船 pipefitter helper – shipbuilding

电力电缆系统安装助手 power cable system installer helper

供电机或拖曳机造车帮手 - 建设 powered-machine or towed-machine repairer helper – construction

重地电工帮手 powerhouse electrician helper

重地机械造车帮手 powerhouse mechanical repairer helper

重地油商 powerhouse oiler

保护信号服务商帮手 protective signal servicer helper

泵安装和造车帮手 pump-installer and repairer helper

铁路车载造车帮手 railway car repairer helper

制冷机械帮手 refrigeration mechanic helper

造车帮手,铁路车辆 repairer helper, railway cars

钻机机械帮手 rig mechanic helper

标尺手/男/女 - 土地测量 rodman/woman – land surveying

缝纫机机械帮手 sewing machine mechanic helper

缝纫机造车帮手 sewing machine repairer helper

船舶机械安装助手 ship machinery installer helper

造船电工帮手 shipbuilding electrician helper

造船厂电工帮手 shipyard electrician helper

小排量的机械帮手 small-engine mechanic helper

捻接器辅助人员 - 电信 splicer helper – telecommunications

吱吱,嘎嘎和泄漏定位者 squeak, rattle and leak locator

男/女 - 打桩工 /土地测量 stakeman/woman – land surveying

打桩工 - 详图 staker – detailer

固定式发动机的油商 stationary engine oiler

测量和光学仪器造车帮手 surveying and optical instruments repairer helper

测量员助手 surveyor helper

的扳道/男/女帮手 - 电信 switchman/woman helper – telecommunications

电话电缆接线帮手 telephone cable splicer helper

地下电缆帮手 underground cable helper

地下电缆接线帮手 underground cable splicer helper

公用事业仪表机械帮手 utilities instrument mechanic helper

电线杆安装工 utility pole installer

窗式空调器修理工帮手 window air conditioner repairer helper头衔范例 Example Titles

沥青撒布者 asphalt spreader

瓦工帮手 bricklayer helper

木匠帮手 carpenter helper

混凝土搅拌机帮手 concrete mixer helper

施工帮手 construction helper

建筑工人 construction labourer

拆迁工人 demolition worker

钻井帮手 - 地表采矿 driller helper – surface mining

石膏板砂光者 drywall sander

旗手/男/女 flagman/woman

玻璃工帮手 glazier helper

劳动者,混凝土铺路 labourer, concrete paving

劳动者,开挖 labourer, excavation

管道芯棒操作者 pipeline mandrel operator

水暖工帮手 plumber helper

盖屋顶帮手 roofer helper

锥子手 - 管道建设 stabber – pipeline construction












7621 公共工程和维护劳动者

7621 公共工程和维护劳动者 Public works and maintenance labourers - LEVEL D


Public works and maintenance labourers perform a variety of labouring activities to maintain sidewalks, streets, roads and similar areas. They are employed by public works departments in all levels of government or by private contractors under contract to governments.

7621 公共工程和维护劳动者头衔范例

帮手 - 垃圾收集 helper – garbage collection

市政工人 municipal labourer

停车收费表的收税员 parking meter collector

公共工程劳动者 public works labourer

道路维修工人 road maintenance worker

下水道维修工人 sewer maintenance worker

人行道清洁工 sidewalk cleaner

7621 公共工程和维护劳动者主要职责


Clean and maintain sidewalks, streets, roads and public grounds of municipality and other areas, working as member of crew


Sweep debris and remove snow from streets, sidewalks, building grounds and other areas, and load snow and debris into carts or trucks


Shovel cement and other materials into cement mixers, spread concrete and asphalt on road surfaces using shovels, rakes and hand tampers, and perform other activities to assist in maintenance and repair of roads


Spread sand or salt on sidewalks for snow and ice control


Dig ditches and trenches using shovels and other hand tools


Operate jackhammers and drills to break up pavement


Load and unload trucks with supplies and equipment


Collect money from coin boxes of parking meters along established route


Collect and load refuse on garbage trucks


Assist equipment operators to secure attachments to equipment or trucks


Assist in routine maintenance and repair of equipment


Assist skilled tradespersons such as carpenters, plumbers and mechanics


May operate mobile sidewalk-cleaning equipment.

7621 公共工程和维护劳动者任职要求


Several weeks of on-the-job training are provided.

7621 公共工程和维护劳动者附加信息


Progression to supervisory positions or to public works maintenance equipment operator positions is possible with experience.

7621 公共工程和维护劳动者其他分类

建筑工人( 建筑行业佣工和劳动者) Construction labourers (in [7611](7611) Construction trades helpers and labourers )

园林绿化和场地维护劳动者 Landscaping and grounds maintenance labourers [8612](8612)

公园维修工人( 园林绿化和场地维护劳动者的) Park maintenance labourers (in [8612](8612) Landscaping and grounds maintenance labourers )

公共工程维修设备运营商及有关人员 Public works maintenance equipment operators and related workers [7522](7522)

铁路和汽车运输工人 Railway and motor transport labourers [7622](7622)

公共工程维护劳动者和职工主管( 7302承包商和监督员,重型设备操作人员) Supervisors of public works maintenance labourers and workers (in [7302](7302) Contractors and supervisors, heavy equipment operator crews )

7621 公共工程和维护劳动者职称头衔

临时工 - 公共工程 casual worker – public works

转储人/男/女 dumpman/woman

垃圾容器的维护者 garbage receptacle maintainer

垃圾卡车装载工 garbage truck loader

普通劳动者 - 公共工程 general labourer – public works

帮手 - 垃圾收集 helper – garbage collection

公路线画家 highway line painter

劳动者 - 卫生服务 labourer – sanitary service

劳动者船员的领导者 - 公共工程 labourer crew leader – public works

画行机器操作员 - 公路和道路 line-painting machine operator – highways and roads

维护劳动者 - 公共工程 maintenance labourer – public works

手动清洁工,下水道 manual cleaner, sewer pipes

手动清洁工,人行道 manual cleaner, sidewalks

手动下水管道清洁剂 manual sewer pipe cleaner

手动清洁人行道 manual sidewalk cleaner

手动街道清洁工 manual street cleaner

手动清扫街道 manual street sweeper

城市元素工作者 municipal elemental worker

市级一般劳动者 municipal general labourer

市政工人 municipal labourer

停车收费表的收藏家 parking meter collector

操场维护工人/男/女 playground maintenance man/woman

公共工程劳动者 public works labourer

道路维修工人 road maintenance worker

道路维修工人 - 公共工程 road maintenance worker – public works

卫生男人/女人 sanitation man/woman

环卫工人 sanitation worker

季节工 - 公共工程 seasonal worker – public works

下水道维修工人 sewer maintenance worker

下水道系统维护工人 sewer system maintenance worker

人行道清洁工 sidewalk cleaner

人行道铲雪车运营商 sidewalk snowplough operator

人行道清洗设备操作员 sidewalk-cleaning equipment operator

除雪操作员,人行道 snowplough operator, sidewalk












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