
加拿大技术移民 NOC 0823 水产养殖经理


0823 水产养殖经理 Managers in aquaculture NOC - LEVEL 0


Managers in aquaculture manage operations of facilities which cultivate and harvest fish, shellfish or marine plants for replenishment of wildlife stocks or for commercial sale. They are employed by public or private fish hatcheries and commercial aquatic farms, or they may be self-employed.

0823 水产养殖经理头衔范例

水产养殖经理 aquaculture manager

水产养殖经营者 aquaculture operator

鱼类养殖场经营者 fish farm operator

养鱼户 fish farmer

鱼苗孵化场经理 fish hatchery manager

鱼孵化场经营者 fish hatchery operator

树势贻贝种植者 mussel grower

牡蛎种植者 oyster grower

鲑鱼养殖者 salmon grower

鳟鱼承包户 trout farmer

0823 水产养殖经理主要职责


Manage the overall operation of a fish hatchery, fish farm or other aquatic farm


Identify requirements of the species and select and oversee preparation of site for species cultivation


Co-ordinate selection and maintenance of brood stock


Determine food requirements and structure feeding regimes


Monitor environment and maintain optimum conditions


Conduct and supervise stock examination to identify disease or parasites, and apply prescribed medicinal substances to control and prevent infection


Operate and maintain cultivating and harvesting equipment


Collect and record growth and production data


Manage and train aquaculture and fish hatchery support workers and supervise technicians and technologists


Maintain financial records and establish market strategies, inventory and quality control methods


May scuba dive to inspect sea farm operations


May design and construct pens, floating stations and collector strings or fences for sea farms.

0823 水产养殖经理任职要求


Completion of secondary school is usually required.


A college diploma in aquaculture or a related field


Several years of experience in fishing or aquaculture operations are usually required.


A commercial aquaculture or fish hatchery licence, permit or lease is required for self-employed aquaculture managers.

0823 水产养殖经理其他分类

水产养殖支持工人(水产养殖和海洋收获劳动者)Aquaculture support workers (in [8613](8613) Aquaculture and marine harvest labourers )

水产养殖技术员(生物技术专家和技术人员)Aquaculture technicians (in [2221](2221) Biological technologists and technicians )

0823 水产养殖经理职称头衔

水产养殖经理 aquaculture manager

水产养殖经营者 aquaculture operator

鳗鱼农民 eel farmer

养鱼经理 fish culture manager

养鱼运营商 fish culture operator

养鱼场的经理 fish farm manager

鱼类养殖场经营者 fish farm operator

养鱼户 fish farmer

鱼苗孵化场经理 fish hatchery manager

鱼孵化场经营者 fish hatchery operator

龙虾农民 lobster farmer

经理,养鱼 manager, fish culture

经理,养鱼场 manager, fish farm

经理,鱼苗孵化场 manager, fish hatchery

贻贝农民 mussel farmer

树势贻贝养殖户 mussel grower

运营商,养鱼 operator, fish culture

运营商,养鱼场 operator, fish farm

运营商,鱼苗孵化场 operator, fish hatchery

牡蛎农民 oyster farmer

牡蛎种植者 oyster grower

鲑鱼的农民 salmon farmer

鲑鱼养殖户 salmon grower

鳟鱼养殖户 trout farmer













加拿大技术移民 NOC 0111财务经理

0111 财务经理 Financial managers NOC - LEVEL 0


Financial managers plan, organize, direct, control and evaluate the operation of financial and accounting departments. They develop and implement the financial policies and systems of establishments. Financial managers establish performance standards and prepare various financial reports for senior management. They are employed in financial and accounting departments in companies throughout the private sector and in government.

0111 财务经理头衔范例

主记员 - 金融服务 controller – financial services

董事 - 金融服务 director – financial services

会计主任 director of accounting

财务总监 finance director

财务管理员 financial administrator

经理,财务控制 manager, financial control

经理,财务规划和分析 manager, financial planning and analysis

经理,内部审计服务 manager, internal audit services

出纳员 treasurer

0111 财务经理主要职责


Plan, organize, direct, control and evaluate the operation of an accounting, audit or other financial department


Develop and implement the financial policies, systems and procedures of an establishment


Prepare or co-ordinate the preparation of financial statements, summaries, and other cost-benefit analyses and financial management reports


Co-ordinate the financial planning and budget process, and analyze and correct estimates


Supervise the development and implementation of financial simulation models


Evaluate financial reporting systems, accounting procedures and investment activities and make recommendations for changes to procedures, operating systems, budgets and other financial control functions to senior managers and other department or regional managers


Recruit, organize, train and manage staff


Act as liaison between the organization and its shareholders, the investing public and external financial analysts


Establish profitability standards for investment activities and handle mergers and/or acquisitions


Notify and report to senior management concerning any trends that are critical to the organizations financial performance.

0111 财务经理任职要求


A bachelors degree in business administration, economics, commerce or a related field is required.


A masters degree in business administration (concentration in finance), or another masters level management program may be required.


Several years of experience in accounting, auditing, budgeting, financial planning and analysis or other financial activities are required.

会计和审计经理可能需要会计资格认证,例如 CA,CMA,CGA

Accounting and audit managers may require a recognized accounting designation (CA, CMA or CGA).

0111 财务经理附加信息


Progression to senior management positions, such as vice-president of finance, is possible with experience.

0111 财务经理其他分类

银行,信贷和其他投资管理 Banking, credit and other investment managers [0122](0122)

会计和审计公司管理(0125 其它商业服务经理)Managers of accounting and auditing firms (in [0125](0125) Other business services managers)

高级经理-财务,通讯和其他商业服务 Senior managers - financial, communications and other business services [0013](0013)

0111 财务经理职称头衔

会计及财务控制主管 accounting and financial control chief

会计和财务控制总监 accounting and financial control director

会计部经理 accounting department manager

会计主任 accounting director

会计经理 accounting manager

会计经理 - 金融服务部门 accounting manager – financial services department

会计办公室经理 accounting office manager

管理员,养老金计划 administrator, pension plans

分配首席会计师 assigned public accountants chief

助理会计经理 assistant accounting manager

助理司库 - 财政 assistant treasurer – finances

审计及合规总监 audit and compliance director

审计部门经理 auditing department manager

科长,会计及财务控制 chief, accounting and financial control

藏品部经理 collections department manager

控制器 - 金融服务 controller – financial services

企业预算编制和分析经理 corporate budgeting and analysis manager

企业融资经理 corporate financing manager

企业风险部门经理 corporate risk department manager

部门经理,集合 department manager, collections

董事 - 金融服务 director – financial services

会计主任 director of accounting

董事,会计及财务控制 director, accounting and financial control

董事,审计与合规 director, audit and compliance

董事,预算和部门的盈利能力 director, budget and sectoral profitability

董事,财务 director, finance

董事,财务评估 director, financial evaluations

董事,财务规划和报告 director, financial planning and reporting

董事,融资和管理 director, financing and administration

主任司库 - 金融服务 director-treasurer – financial services

金融和控制经理 finance and control manager

首席财务长 finance chief

财务总监 finance director

财务经理 finance manager

财务管理员 financial administrator

财务审计部经理 financial audit manager

财务控制经理 financial control manager

财务总监 financial controller

财务总监 financial director

财务评估总监 financial evaluations director

财务经理 financial manager

财务策划及咨询服务部经理 financial planning and advisory service manager

财务规划和分析经理 financial planning and analysis manager

财务规划和报告主管 financial planning and reporting director

财务规划和报告管理 financial planning and reporting manager

金融资源服务统筹 financial resources service co-ordinator

融资及行政总监 financing and administration director

集团会计经理 group accounting manager

独立公共会计师首席 independent public accountants chief

内部审计经理 internal audit manager

内部审计服务经理 internal audit services manager

投资研究总监 investments research director

会计部门经理 manager of accounting department

审计部经理 manager of auditing department

经理,会计 manager, accounting

经理,审计部部长; manager, auditing department

经理,收集 manager, collection

经理,企业的预算编制和分析 manager, corporate budgeting and analysis

经理,企业融资 manager, corporate financing

企业风险部门经理, manager, corporate risk department

经理,财务 manager, finance

经理,财务控制 manager, financial control

经理,财务规划和分析 manager, financial planning and analysis

经理,财务规划和报告 manager, financial planning and reporting

经理,内部审计服务 manager, internal audit services

经理,内部审计 manager, internal audits

经理,养老服务 manager, pension services

退休金计划管理员 pension plans administrator

养老服务经理 pension services manager

区域财务总管 - 金融服务 regional controller – financial services

研究总监,投资 research director, investments

收入核算会计和控制科科长 revenue accounting and controls section chief

司库 treasurer

司库和主计长- 财政 treasurer and controller – finances












加拿大技术移民 NOC 0601 公司销售经理

0601 公司销售经理 Corporate sales managers NOC - LEVEL 0


Corporate sales managers plan, organize, direct, control and evaluate the activities of establishments and departments involved in commercial, industrial, institutional, e-business and wholesale and retail sales. They are employed by commercial, industrial and wholesale and retail trade establishments.

0601 公司销售经理头衔范例

公司销售经理 corporate sales manager

经理,贸易扩展 manager, trade expansion

全国客户经理 - 销售 national accounts manager – sales

区域销售经理 regional sales manager

0601 公司销售经理主要职责

公司销售经理执行部分或全部下列职责:Corporate sales managers perform some or all of the following duties:


Plan direct and evaluate the activities of sales departments in commercial, industrial, wholesale and retail and other establishments


Organize regional and divisional sales operations


Establish organizational policies and procedures in relation to sales


Determine strategic planning related to new product lines


Lead sales team in building relationships with business clients and manage negotiations of sales contracts


Recruit, organize, train and manage staff


May work with the marketing department to understand and communicate marketing messages to the field.

0601 公司销售经理任职要求


A university degree or college diploma in business or in a related field with a specialization in sales



Several years of experience as a sales representative or in a related occupation are usually required.

0601 公司销售经理附加信息


Progression to senior management positions is possible with experience.

0601 公司销售经理其他分类

广告,市场营销和公共关系经理 Advertising, marketing and public relations managers [0124](0124)

零售和批发贸易经理 Retail and wholesale trade managers [0621](0621)

高级管理人员 - 贸易,广播和其他业务,NEC Senior managers - trade, broadcasting and other services, n.e.c. [0015](0015)

监事的技术销售人员(技术销售专家 - 批发贸易) Supervisors of technical salespersons (in [6221](6221) Technical sales specialists - wholesale trade )

0601 公司销售经理职称头衔

客户经理 - 销售 account manager – sales

区域销售经理 area sales manager

商业客户经理 commercial accounts manager

公司销售经理 corporate sales manager

分销经理 - 销售 distribution manager – sales

区域经理,零售 district manager, retail

区经理,销售(除保险和房地产) district manager, sales (except insurance and real estate)

部门销售经理 divisional sales manager

电子商务(电子商务)销售经理 e-commerce (electronic commerce) sales manager

出口销售经理 export sales manager

现场销售经理 field sales manager

关键客户经理 - 销售 key accounts manager – sales

经理,企业销售 manager, corporate sales

经理,出口销售 manager, export sales

经理,现场销售 manager, field sales

经理,旅行团销售 manager, package tour sales

经理,销售及分销 manager, sales and distribution

经理,销售规划 manager, sales planning

经理,贸易扩张 manager, trade expansion

全国客户经理 - 销售 national accounts manager – sales

全国销售经理 national sales manager

旅行团销售经理 package tour sales manager

产品经理 product manager

区域总监,销售 regional director, sales

区域经理 - 销售 regional manager – sales

区域销售总监 regional sales director

区域销售经理 regional sales manager

零售区经理 retail district manager

销售管理员 sales administrator

销售及分销经理 sales and distribution manager

销售总监(零售和批发除外) sales director (except retail and wholesale)

销售区域经理(除保险和房地产) sales district manager (except insurance and real estate)

销售经理(零售和批发除外) sales manager (except retail and wholesale)

销售经理,电子商务(电子商务) sales manager, e-commerce (electronic commerce)

销售经理,旅行团 sales manager, package tours

销售策划经理 sales planning manager

地区经理 - 销售 territory manager – sales

贸易扩张经理 trade expansion manager












加拿大技术移民 NOC 0112 人力资源经理

0112 人力资源经理 Human resources managers - NOC - LEVEL 0


Human resources managers plan, organize, direct, control and evaluate the operations of human resources and personnel departments, and develop and implement policies, programs and procedures regarding human resource planning, recruitment, collective bargaining, training and development, occupation classification and pay and benefit administration. They represent management and participate actively on various joint committees to maintain ongoing relations between management and employees. Human resources managers are employed throughout the private and public sectors.

0112 人力资源经理头衔范例

人力资源管理员 administrator, human resources

经理,雇主和雇员的关系 manager, employer-employee relations

经理,就业权益 - 人力资源 manager, employment equity – human resources

人力资源经理 manager, human resources

经理,劳资关系 manager, industrial relations

经理,职业健康和安全 manager, occupational health and safety

经理,工资和福利 manager, pay and benefits

经理,人事 manager, personnel

经理,人事服务 manager, personnel services

经理,人员的培训和发展 manager, personnel training and development

经理,招聘 manager, recruiting

经理,员工关系 manager, staff relations

0112 人力资源经理主要职责


Plan, organize, direct, control and evaluate the operations of human resources or personnel departments


Plan human resource requirements in conjunction with other departmental managers


Co-ordinate internal and external training and recruitment activities


Develop and implement labour relations policies and procedures and negotiate collective agreements


Administer employee development, language training and health and safety programs


Advise and assist other departmental managers on interpretation and administration of personnel policies and programs


Oversee the classification and rating of occupations


Organize and conduct employee information meetings on employment policy, benefits and compensation and participate actively on various joint committees


Direct the organizations quality management program


Ensure compliance with legislation such as the Pay Equity Act.

0112 人力资源经理任职要求


A bachelors degree in a field related to personnel management, such as business administration, industrial relations, commerce or psychology


or Completion of a professional development program in personnel administration is required.


Several years of experience as a personnel officer or human resource specialist are required.

0112 人力资源经理附加信息


Progression to senior management positions is possible with experience.


Other joint committees led by human resources managers may focus on issues such as alcohol or drug addiction.

0112 人力资源经理其他分类

人力资源和招聘人员 Human resources and recruitment officers [1223](1223)

人力资源专业人员 Human resources professionals [1121](1121)

0112 人力资源经理职称头衔

人力资源管理员 administrator, human resources

福利经理 benefits manager

科长,分类和补偿 chief, classification and compensation

主管,就业平等 chief, employment equity

主管 官方语言 chief, official languages

人事主管 chief, personnel

主管,员工关系 chief, staff relations

科长,员工培训及发展 chief, staff training and development

主管,员工 chief, staffing

培训主管 chief, training

分类和补偿主管 classification and compensation chief

薪酬经理 compensation manager

协调者,人员培训 co-ordinator, staff training

董事,雇员福利 director, employee benefits

董事,就业权益 - 人力资源 director, employment equity – human resources

人力资源总监 director, human resources

董事,人力资源开发 director, human resources development

董事,人力资源的发展和规划 director, human resources development and planning

董事,人力资源管理 director, human resources management

主任,劳动关系 director, labour relations

董事,语言培训 director, language training

董事,职业培训 - 人力资源 director, occupational training – human resources

董事,薪酬和福利 director, pay and benefits

董事,薪酬服务 - 人力资源 director, pay services – human resources

董事,薪酬处理部门 - 政府服务 director, pay-processing division – government services

人事主任, director, personnel

董事,人事和劳资关系 director, personnel and industrial relations

主任,人事服务 director, personnel services

董事,招募 director, recruiting

董事,职业培训 - 人力资源 director, vocational training – human resources

雇员福利主管 employee benefits director

雇员福利经理 employee benefits manager

雇主和雇员的关系经理 employer-employee relations manager

就业平等的首席 employment equity chief

就业平等总监 - 人力资源 employment equity director – human resources

就业平等经理 - 人力资源 employment equity manager – human resources

就业经理 employment manager

健康和安全统筹 health and safety co-ordinator

人力资源管理员 human resources administrator

人力资源开发与规划总监 human resources development and planning director

人力资源发展部主任 human resources development director

人力资源总监 human resources director

人力资源管理总监 human resources management director

人力资源经理 human resources manager

人力资源规划经理 human resources planning manager

工业关系经理 industrial relations manager

岗位评价和薪酬研究经理 job evaluation and salary research manager

劳动关系总监 labour relations director

劳资关系经理 labour relations manager

语言训练总监 language training director

经理,福利 manager, benefits

经理,补偿 manager, compensation

经理,残疾管理计划 manager, disability management program

经理,雇员福利 manager, employee benefits

经理,雇主和雇员的关系 manager, employer-employee relations

经理,就业 manager, employment

经理,就业权益 - 人力资源 manager, employment equity – human resources

人力资源经理, manager, human resources

经理,人力资源规划 manager, human resources planning

经理,劳资关系 manager, industrial relations

经理,工作评价和薪水的研究 manager, job evaluation and salary research

经理,劳资关系 manager, labour relations

经理,职业健康和安全 manager, occupational health and safety

经理,官方语言 manager, official languages

经理,工资和福利 manager, pay and benefits

经理,退休金和福利 manager, pensions and benefits

经理,人事 manager, personnel

经理,人事管理 manager, personnel administration

经理,人事服务 manager, personnel services

经理人员的培训和发展 manager, personnel training and development

经理,招聘 manager, recruiting

经理,工资科研和管理 manager, salary research and administration

经理,员工关系 manager, staff relations

经理,员工培训及发展 manager, staff training and development

经理,培训和发展 manager, training and development

经理,工资和薪金管理 manager, wage and salary administration

职业健康与安全经理 occupational health and safety manager

职业培训主管 - 人力资源 occupational training director – human resources

官方语言主管 official languages chief

官方语言经理 official languages manager

薪酬和福利主任 pay and benefits director

薪酬和福利经理 pay and benefits manager

支付服务总监 - 人力资源 pay services director – human resources

付费处理部门总监 - 政府服务 pay-processing division director – government services

养老金和福利管理 pensions and benefits manager

人事行政经理 personnel administration manager

人员和工业关系部主任 personnel and industrial relations director

人事科长 personnel chief

人事主管 personnel director

人事经理 personnel manager

人事服务主任 personnel services director

人事服务部经理 personnel services manager

人员培训和发展经理 personnel training and development manager

招聘负责人 recruiting director

招聘经理 recruiting manager

薪酬研究及行政经理 salary research and administration manager

员工关系主管 staff relations chief

员工关系经理 staff relations manager

员工培训及发展首席 staff training and development chief

员工培训及发展经理 staff training and development manager

员工培训统筹 staff training co-ordinator

员工首席 staffing chief

培训和发展经理 training and development manager

培训负责人 training chief

职业培训主管 - 人力资源 vocational training director – human resources

工资和薪金的行政经理 wage and salary administration manager2147 计算机工程师,不包括软件工程师及设计师












8613 水产养殖和海洋收获劳动者

8613 水产养殖和海洋收获劳动者 Aquaculture and marine harvest labourers NOC - LEVEL D


This occupational group includes aquaculture support workers, marine plant gatherers, shellfish diggers and other labourers in aquaculture and fishing. Aquaculture support workers are employed by public or private fish hatcheries and commercial aquatic farms. Marine plant gatherers and shellfish harvesters may be self-employed.

8613 水产养殖和海洋收获劳动者头衔范例

水产养殖支持工人 aquaculture support worker

蛤蜊挖掘工 clam digger

红皮藻采集工 dulse gatherer

养鱼场的帮手 fish farm helper

鱼类加标签者 fish tagger

炒标记工 fry marker

海洋植物收集者 marine plant gatherer

牡蛎选择者 oyster picker

海农场服务员 sea farm attendant

海藻采集工 seaweed gatherer

贝类收获者 shellfish harvester

8613 水产养殖和海洋收获劳动者主要职责

水产养殖支持工人执行部分或全部下列职责Aquaculture support workers perform some or all of the following duties:


Assist aquaculture technicians in the operation of fish hatcheries or other aquatic farms


Feed aquaculture stocks, vaccinate stocks, perform culling and marking or banding techniques and report any observed irregularities in stocks


Operate, maintain and clean pumps, filters, tanks and other aquaculture equipment and clean and maintain aquaculture enclosures


Keep daily records of water flow and fish samples


Grade and weigh aquaculture stocks


Prepare aquaculture stocks for market


May operate boats aquaculture operations.

海洋植物收集者执行部分或全部下列职责Marine plant gatherers perform some or all of the following duties:


Rake seaweed, dulse or Irish moss from beach, rocks or shallow water and load into a cart, wagon or other receptacles


Spread gatherings to dry and remove foreign objects


Transport gatherings to processing plant.

贝类收割工执行部分或全部下列职责Shellfish harvesters perform some or all of the following duties:


Dig clams from beds with spades, forks or other instruments, or collect oysters


Clean, sort and transport shellfish to market.

8613 水产养殖和海洋收获劳动者任职要求


Some secondary school education is usually required.


Shellfish harvesters require commercial fishing licences.

8613 水产养殖和海洋收获劳动者其他分类

渔民/男/女 Fishermen/women [8262](8262)

渔船渔工 Fishing vessel deckhands [8441](8441)

经理水产养殖 Managers in aquaculture [0823](0823)

8613 水产养殖和海洋收获劳动者职称头衔

水产养殖支持工人 aquaculture support worker

水产养殖工人 aquaculture worker

服务员,龙虾一斤 attendant, lobster pound

蛤蜊挖掘工 clam digger

红皮藻采集者 dulse gatherer

养鱼场的帮手 fish farm helper

养鱼场工人 fish farm worker

鱼孵化场服务员 fish hatchery attendant

鱼孵化场加标签者 fish hatchery tagger

鱼苗孵化场工人 - 水产养殖 fish hatchery worker – aquaculture

鱼加标签者 fish tagger

炒标记 fry marker

鱼苗标记 - 钓鱼 fry marker – fishing

炒加标签者 fry tagger

孵化帮手 hatchery helper

孵化场的工人 - 水产养殖 hatchery worker – aquaculture

爱尔兰苔采集者 Irish moss gatherer

龙虾磅服务员 lobster pound attendant

海洋植物收集者 marine plant gatherer

贻贝养殖场工人 mussel farm labourer

贻贝收获工 mussel harvester

牡蛎收割工 oyster harvester

牡蛎选择者 oyster picker

牡蛎选择器剥壳工 oyster picker-shucker

圆蛤类挖掘工 quahog digger

海农场服务员 sea farm attendant

海农场工人 sea farm worker

海藻采集者 seaweed gatherer

贝类床服务员 shellfish bed attendant

贝类收获工 shellfish harvester












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