
7202 承包商-电力电信行业 Contractors and supervisors, electrical trades and telecommunications occupations


7202 承包商和监督员--电力和电信行业 Contractors and supervisors, electrical trades and telecommunications occupations NOC - LEVEL B


This unit group includes telecommunications and electrical trade contractors who own and operate their own businesses. This group also includes supervisors who supervise and co-ordinate the activities of workers classified in the following unit groups: Electricians (7241), Industrial Electricians (7242), Power System Electricians (7243), Electrical Power Line and Cable Workers (7244), Telecommunications Line and Cable Workers (7245), Telecommunications Installation and Repair Workers (7246) and Cable Television Service and Maintenance Technicians (7247). They are employed in a wide range of establishments; places of employment are indicated in the above unit group descriptions.

7202 承包商和监督员--电力和电信行业头衔范例

电业承办商 electrical contractor

领班/男/女,Cablevision公司的技术人员 foreman/woman, cablevision technicians

领班/男/女,建筑电工 foreman/woman, construction electricians

领班/男/女,工业电工 foreman/woman, industrial electricians

领班/男/女,电源线和电缆工人 foreman/woman, power line and cable workers

领班/男/女,电源系统,电工 foreman/woman, power system electricians

领班/男/女,电信安装和维修工人 foreman/woman, telecommunications installation and repair workers

监事,电缆的维护和修理 supervisor, cable maintenance and repair

监事,工厂电工 supervisor, plant electricians

监事,住宅电工 supervisor, residential electricians

7202 承包商和监督员--电力和电信行业主要职责


Supervise, co-ordinate and schedule the activities of workers who install, repair and maintain electrical wiring, fixtures and control devices, power systems, telecommunication systems and cablevision systems


Establish methods to meet work schedules and co-ordinate work activities with other departments or subcontractors


Requisition materials and supplies


Resolve work problems and recommend work measures to improve productivity


Train or arrange for training of workers


Recommend personnel actions such as hirings and promotions


Ensure standards for safe working conditions are observed


Prepare work progress reports


May manage the operations of their own companies


May also supervise, co-ordinate and schedule the activities of related apprentices, helpers and labourers.

7202 承包商和监督员--电力和电信行业任职要求


Completion of secondary school is usually required.


Several years of experience as a qualified tradesperson in a relevant trade are required.


Journeyman/woman trade certification in a relevant trade is required.

7202 承包商和监督员--电力和电信行业附加信息


There is some mobility between jobs within a specific trade; however, there is little or no intertrade mobility.

7202 承包商和监督员--电力和电信行业其他分类

男/女工长 电气力学(承包商和主管,机械行业)Foreman/woman of electrical mechanics (in [7301](7301) Contractors and supervisors, mechanic trades )

7202 承包商和监督员--电力和电信行业职称头衔

电缆安装和维修领班/男/女 - 电信 cable installation and repair foreman/woman – telecommunications

电缆安装承包商 cable installation contractor

电缆安装工长/男/女 cable installation foreman/woman

电缆安装主管 cable installation supervisor

电缆安装及维修领班/男/女 - 电信 cable installers and repairers foreman/woman – telecommunications

电缆维护和维修主管 cable maintenance and repair supervisor

电缆捻接器领班/男/女 - 电信 cable splicers foreman/woman – telecommunications

光缆熔接领班/男/女 - 电信 cable splicing foreman/woman – telecommunications

有线电视系统的安装和维修领班/男/女 cable television system installers and repairers foreman/woman

电缆工人一线监督员 cable workers front line supervisor

Cablevision公司技术员领班/男/女 cablevision technicians foreman/woman

首席电工 chief electrician

通信工长/男/女 communications foreman/woman

建筑电工和维修领班/男/女 construction electricians and repairers foreman/woman

建筑电工工长/男/女 construction electricians foreman/woman

建筑电工主管 construction electricians supervisor

承包商,电气安装 contractor, electrical installation

电气系统承包商, contractor, electrical systems

承包商,电气线路安装 contractor, electrical wiring installation

承包商,电信 contractor, telecommunications

承包商电工 contractor-electrician

电表安装工长/男/女 electric meter installers foreman/woman

电表安装主管 electric meter installers supervisor

电器安装领班/男/女 electrical appliances installation foreman/woman

建筑电气承办商 electrical construction contractor

电气施工工长/男/女 electrical construction foreman/woman

电业承办商 electrical contractor

电气承包商,建筑 electrical contractor, construction

电气设备的安装和维修领班/男/女 electrical equipment installation and repair foreman/woman

电气工长/男/女 electrical foreman/woman

电力督察人员和测试人员主管 electrical power inspector and tester supervisor

电气主管 - 钻机 electrical supervisor – drilling rig

电气系统承包商 electrical systems contractor

电气布线督察监督员 electrical wiring inspector supervisor

电气布线安装承包商 electrical wiring installation contractor

电工工长/男/女 electrician foreman/woman

电工承包商 electrician-contractor

电工主管 electricians supervisor

应急队伍领班/男/女 - 电信 emergency team foreman/woman – telecommunications

领班/男/女,电缆安装 foreman/woman, cable installations

领班/男/女,电缆连接工具 - 电信 foreman/woman, cable splicers – telecommunications

领班/男/女,有线电视系统安装及维修 foreman/woman, cable television system installers and repairers

领班/男/女,Cablevision公司的技术人员 foreman/woman, cablevision technicians

领班/男/女,建筑电工 foreman/woman, construction electricians

领班/男/女,建筑电工和维修工人 foreman/woman, construction electricians and repair workers

领班/男/女,电器安装 foreman/woman, electrical appliances installations

领班/男/女,建筑电器 foreman/woman, electrical construction

领班/男/女,电气设备的安装和维修 foreman/woman, electrical equipment installation and repair

领班/男/女,电工 foreman/woman, electricians

领班/男/女,工业电工 foreman/woman, industrial electricians

领班/男/女,安装人员和维修 - 电信 foreman/woman, installers and repairers – telecommunications

领班/男/女,线,电缆安装 foreman/woman, line and cable installation

领班/男/女,线,电缆安装 foreman/woman, line and cable installers

领班/男/女,线,电缆维修 - 电源线 foreman/woman, line and cable repairers – power lines

领班/男/女,维修电工 foreman/woman, maintenance electricians

领班/男/女,海洋电工 foreman/woman, marine electricians

领班/男/女,电表安装及维修 foreman/woman, meter installers and repairers

领班/男/女,电源线和电缆工人 foreman/woman, power line and cable workers

领班/男/女,电源线维修 foreman/woman, power line repairers

领班/男/女,电源线技术员 foreman/woman, power line technician

领班/男/女,电源系统,电工 foreman/woman, power system electricians

领班/男/女,信号系统安装 foreman/woman, signaling system installation

领班/男/女,通信电缆安装 foreman/woman, telecommunication cable installation

领班/男/女,电信安装及维修 foreman/woman, telecommunication installers and repairers

领班/男/女,电信线路的安装,维修和测试 foreman/woman, telecommunication line installation, repair and testing

领班/男/女,电信线路安装 foreman/woman, telecommunication line installers

领班/男/女,电信线路安装,维修和测试人员 foreman/woman, telecommunication line installers, repairers and testers

领班/男/女,电信线路维护 foreman/woman, telecommunication line maintenance

领班/男/女,电信线路维修 foreman/woman, telecommunication line repairers

领班/男/女,电信服务 foreman/woman, telecommunication service

领班/男/女,电信安装和维修工人 foreman/woman, telecommunications installation and repair workers

领班/男/女,电话安装 foreman/woman, telephone installation

领班/男/女,地下电力管道 foreman/woman, underground electrical conduits

一线主管 - 电源线维修 front line supervisor – power line maintenance

一线主管,电缆工人 front line supervisor, cable workers

头办公室装修监事的 head-office repair supervisor

工业电气设备领班/男/女 industrial electrical systems foreman/woman

工业电工工长/男/女 industrial electricians foreman/woman

工业电工主管 industrial electricians supervisor

安装工长/男/女 - 电信 installation foreman/woman – telecommunications

安装和维修领班/男/女 - 电信 installers and repairers foreman/woman – telecommunications

线和电缆承包商 line and cable contractor

线和电缆的安装与维修主管 line and cable installation and maintenance supervisor

线和电缆安装领班/男/女 line and cable installation foreman/woman

线和电缆安装工长/男/女 line and cable installers foreman/woman

线和电缆职工监事 line and cable workers supervisor

线领班/男/女 - 电源线 line foreman/woman – power lines

线领班/男/女 - 电信的 line foreman/woman – telecommunications

维修电工工长/男/女 maintenance electricians foreman/woman

维修电工主管 maintenance electricians supervisor

维修主管,电信线路 maintenance supervisor, telecommunication lines

海洋电工工长/男/女 marine electricians foreman/woman

电表安装和维修领班/男/女 meter installers and repairers foreman/woman

微波系统领班/男/女 microwave system foreman/woman

电源线和电缆工人领班/男/女 power line and cable workers foreman/woman

电源线维修工人一线监督员 power line maintenance workers front line supervisor

电源线维修领班/男/女 power line repair foreman/woman

电力线维修领班/男/女 power line repairers foreman/woman

电源线服务领班/男/女 power line service foreman/woman

电源线技术员领班/男/女 power line technician foreman/woman

电力架线工/电缆的安装主管 power linemen/women and cable installers supervisor

电力系统电工主管 power system electricians supervisor

电源系统,电工主管 power systems electricians supervisor

维修领班/男/女,电源线 repair foreman/woman, power lines

维修领班/男/女,电信线路 repair foreman/woman, telecommunication lines

服务领班/男/女,电源线 service foreman/woman, power lines

服务主管,电信线路 service supervisor, telecommunication lines

信号系统安装领班/男/女 signaling system installation foreman/woman

监事,电缆安装 supervisor, cable installation

监事,电缆的维护和修理 supervisor, cable maintenance and repair

监事,Cablevision公司的技术人员 supervisor, cablevision technicians

监事,建筑电工 supervisor, construction electricians

监事,电气安装 supervisor, electrical installation

监事,电力负荷测试仪 supervisor, electrical load testers

监事,电力督察人员和测试人员 supervisor, electrical power inspectors and testers

监事,电气布线督察 supervisor, electrical wiring inspectors

主管,电工 supervisor, electricians

监事,工厂电工 supervisor, factory electricians

监事,工业电工 supervisor, industrial electricians

主管,线和电缆的安装和维护 supervisor, line and cable installation and maintenance

监事,线和电缆的工人 supervisor, line and cable workers

监事,维修电工 supervisor, maintenance electricians

监事,工厂电工 supervisor, plant electricians

监事,电力架线工/电缆安装 supervisor, power linemen/women and cable installers

监事,电源系统,电工 supervisor, power system electricians

监事,电力系统电工 supervisor, power systems electricians

监事,住宅电工 supervisor, residential electricians

监事,电信 supervisor, telecommunications

监事,电话安装 supervisor, telephone installation

电信电缆安装工长/男/女 telecommunication cable installation foreman/woman

电信线路的安装,维修及测试领班/男/女 telecommunication line installation, repair and testing foreman/woman

电信线路的安装,维修和测试主管 telecommunication line installation, repair and testing supervisor

电信线路安装工长/男/女 telecommunication line installers foreman/woman

电信线路的安装,维修和测试人员领班/男/女 telecommunication line installers, repairers and testers foreman/woman

电信线路维修领班/男/女 telecommunication line maintenance foreman/woman

电信线路维修主管 telecommunication line maintenance supervisor

电信线路维修领班/男/女 telecommunication line repairers foreman/woman

电信在线服务主管 telecommunication line service supervisor

电信服务领班/男/女 telecommunication service foreman/woman

电信系统的安装和维修领班/男/女 telecommunication system installers and repairers foreman/woman

电信承包商 telecommunications contractor

电信主管 telecommunications supervisor

电话设备安装工长/男/女 telephone equipment installers foreman/woman

电话安装工长/男/女 telephone installation foreman/woman

电话安装主管 telephone installation supervisor

麻烦领班/男/女 - 电信 trouble foreman/woman – telecommunications

疑难解答领班/男/女 - 电信 troubleshooter foreman/woman – telecommunications

地下电力管道领班/男/女 underground electrical conduit foreman/woman













7203 承包商和主管,管道安装工 Contractors and supervisors, pipefitting trades NOC

7203 承包商和主管,管道安装工 Contractors and supervisors, pipefitting trades NOC - LEVEL B


This unit group includes plumbing and other pipefitting trade contractors who own and operate their own businesses. This group also includes supervisors who supervise and co-ordinate the activities of workers classified in the following unit groups: Plumbers [7251](7251), Steamfitters, Pipefitters and Sprinkler System Installers [7252](7252) and Gas Fitters [7253](7253). They are employed by construction companies, mechanical, plumbing and pipefitting trade contractors and maintenance departments of industrial, commercial and manufacturing establishments.

7203 承包商和主管,管道安装工头衔范例

承包商,水喉全科技 contractor, pipefitting

承包商,管道 contractor, plumbing

领班/男/女,气体钳工 foreman/woman, gas fitters

领班/男/女,管道装配 foreman/woman, pipefitters

领班/男/女,水管工 foreman/woman, plumbers

领班/男/女,自动喷水灭火系统安装 foreman/woman, sprinkler system installers

领班/男/女,steamfitters foreman/woman, steamfitters

主管,气体钳工 supervisor, gas fitters

主管,水暖工 supervisor, plumbers

主管,蒸汽管道工人 supervisor, steamfitters

7203 承包商和主管,管道安装工主要职责


Supervise, co-ordinate and schedule the activities of workers who install, repair and maintain piping systems used for the transmission of steam, heat, water, oil and other liquids and gases in residential, commercial, industrial and other installations


Establish methods to meet work schedules and co-ordinate work activities with other departments


Requisition materials and supplies


Resolve work problems and recommend measures to improve productivity


Train or arrange for training of workers


Recommend personnel actions such as hirings and promotions


Ensure standards for safe working conditions are observed


Prepare schedules and other reports


May manage the operations of their own companies


May supervise, co-ordinate and schedule the activities of related apprentices, helpers and labourers.

7203 承包商和主管,管道安装工任职要求


Completion of secondary school is usually required.


Several years of experience as a qualified tradesperson in a relevant trade are required.


Journeyman/woman trade certification in a relevant trade is required.

7203 承包商和主管,管道安装工附加信息


There is little or no intertrade mobility among the supervisors in this unit group.

7203 承包商和主管,管道安装工其他分类

承包商及主管,其他建筑业,安装,维修和服务商 Contractors and supervisors, other construction trades, installers, repairers and servicers [7205](7205)

7203 承包商和主管,管道安装工职称头衔

承包商,水喉全科技 contractor, pipefitting

承包商,管道 contractor, plumbing

领班/男/女,消防设备安装 foreman/woman, fire protection equipment installers

领班/男/女,气体钳工 foreman/woman, gas fitters

领班/男/女,燃气服务 foreman/woman, gas service

领班/男/女,船用管钳工 foreman/woman, marine pipe fitters

领班/男/女,海洋管道装配 foreman/woman, marine pipefitters

领班/男/女,管道装配 foreman/woman, pipefitters

领班/男/女,水管工 foreman/woman, plumbers

领班/男/女,自动喷水灭火系统安装 foreman/woman, sprinkler system installers

领班/男/女,steamfitters foreman/woman, steamfitters

气体钳工领班/男/女 gas fitters foreman/woman

气体钳工主管 gas fitters supervisor

行气钳工领班/男/女 gas line fitters foreman/woman

燃气服务领班/男/女 gas service foreman/woman

燃气服务主管 gas service supervisor

船用管钳工领班/男/女 marine pipe fitters foreman/woman

管道装配领班/男/女 pipefitters foreman/woman

管道安装主管 pipefitters supervisor

管道安装承包商 pipefitting contractor

水暖工工头/男/女 plumber foreman/woman

管道工主管 plumbers supervisor

管道和暖气承包商 plumbing and heating contractor

水暖承包商 plumbing contractor

洒水车钳工领班/男/女 sprinkler fitters foreman/woman

自动喷水灭火系统承办商 sprinkler system contractor

自动喷水灭火系统安装工长/男/女 sprinkler system installer foreman/woman

自动喷水灭火系统安装主管 sprinkler system installers supervisor

自动喷水灭火系统承包商 sprinkler systems contractor

steamfitter领班/男/女 steamfitter foreman/woman

蒸汽管道工人上司 steamfitters supervisor

主管,气体钳工 supervisor, gas fitters

主管,煤气服务 supervisor, gas service

主管,管钳工 supervisor, pipe fitters

主管,水暖工 supervisor, plumbers

主管,自动喷水灭火系统安装 supervisor, sprinkler system installers

主管,蒸汽管道工人 supervisor, steamfitters












7204 承包商和监督员--木工行业 Contractors and supervisors, carpentry trades NOC

7204 承包商和监督员--木工行业 Contractors and supervisors, carpentry trades NOC - LEVEL B


This unit group includes carpentry and cabinetmaking trade contractors who own and operate their own businesses. This group also includes supervisors who supervise and co-ordinate the activities of workers classified in the following unit groups: Carpenters (7271) and Cabinetmakers (7272). They are employed by construction companies, carpentry contractors, maintenance departments of industrial establishments, and custom furniture and fixture manufacturing or repair companies.

7204 承包商和监督员--木工行业头衔范例

柜子承建商 cabinetmaking contractor

木工承包商 carpentry contractor

领班/男/女,成品木匠 foreman/woman, finish carpenters

领班/男/女,形式建设者 foreman/woman, form builders

领班/男/女,成帧器 foreman/woman, framers

领班/男/女,维护木匠 foreman/woman, maintenance carpenters

主管,木匠 supervisor, carpenters

7204 承包商和监督员--木工行业主要职责


Supervise, co-ordinate and schedule the activities of carpenters who construct, renovate and maintain structures of wood and other building materials and build and install interior finishing in residential, commercial and industrial buildings; and of cabinetmakers who construct and repair custom wooden cabinets, furniture, fixtures and related products


Establish methods to meet work schedules and co-ordinate work activities with other departments


Requisition materials and supplies


Resolve work problems and recommend work measures to improve productivity


Train or arrange for training of workers


Recommend personnel actions such as hirings and promotions


Ensure standards for safe working conditions are observed


Prepare schedules and other reports


May manage the operations of their own companies


May also supervise, co-ordinate and schedule the activities of related apprentices, helpers and labourers.

7204 承包商和监督员--木工行业任职要求


Completion of secondary school is usually required.


Several years of experience as a qualified carpenter or cabinetmaker are required.


Journeyman/woman trade certification as a carpenter or cabinetmaker is usually required.

7204 承包商和监督员--木工行业附加信息 Additional information


There is some mobility among jobs within a specific trade; however, there is little or no intertrade mobility.

7204 承包商和监督员--木工行业其他分类

建筑经理 Construction managers [0711](0711)

家居建材和装修经理 Home building and renovation managers [0712](0712)

监事,家具及装设品制造业 Supervisors, furniture and fixtures manufacturing [9224](9224)

7204 承包商和监督员--木工行业职称头衔

橱柜领班/男/女 cabinetmakers foreman/woman

柜子承建商 cabinetmaking contractor

木匠主管 carpenter supervisor

木匠商 carpenter-contractor

木匠工头/男/女 carpenters foreman/woman

木工承包商 carpentry contractor

木工领班/男/女 carpentry foreman/woman

木工主管 carpentry supervisor

具体形式建设者领班/男/女 - 木工 concrete form builders foreman/woman – carpentry

承包商,柜子 contractor, cabinetmaking

承包商,木工 contractor, carpentry

承包商木匠 contractor-carpenter

完成木匠工头/男/女 finish carpenters foreman/woman

完成加入者领班/男/女 finish joiners foreman/woman

领班/男/女,橱柜 foreman/woman, cabinetmakers

领班/男/女,木匠 foreman/woman, carpenters

领班/男/女,木工 foreman/woman, carpentry

领班/男/女的具体形式建设者 - 木工 foreman/woman, concrete form builders – carpentry

领班/男/女,完成木匠 foreman/woman, finish carpenters

领班/男/女,完成加入者 foreman/woman, finish joiners

领班/男/女,形式建设者 foreman/woman, form builders

领班/男/女,成帧器 foreman/woman, framers

领班/男/女,一般木匠 foreman/woman, general carpenters

领班/男/女,维护木匠 foreman/woman, maintenance carpenters

工头/男/女,住宅的建设 foreman/woman, residential construction

领班/男/女,船舶加入者 foreman/woman, ship joiners

领班/男/女,楼梯建设者 foreman/woman, stair builders

领班/男/女,木材的打样 foreman/woman, wood patternmakers

形式建设者领班/男/女 form builders foreman/woman

成帧器领班/男/女 framers foreman/woman

一般木工领班/男/女 general carpenters foreman/woman

一般领班/男/女 - 建筑 general foreman/woman – building construction

总工长/男/女,住宅的建设 general foreman/woman, residential construction

一般上司 - 建筑 general supervisor – building construction

一般导师 - 住宅建筑 general supervisor – residential construction

维护木匠工头/男/女 maintenance carpenters foreman/woman

住宅建筑工头/男/女 residential construction foreman/woman

住宅建筑主管 residential construction supervisor

船舶加入者领班/男/女 ship joiners foreman/woman

楼梯建设者领班/男/女 stair builders foreman/woman

主管,木匠 supervisor, carpenters

监事,木工 supervisor, carpentry

监事,住宅建筑 supervisor, residential construction

木框架建筑工头/男/女 wood frame building foreman/woman

木制模型领班/男/女 wood patternmakers foreman/woman












7205 承包商和监事,其他建设行业,安装工,维修工和服务商 Contractors and supervisors, other construction trades, installers, r

7205 承包商和监事,其他建设行业,安装工,维修工和服务商 Contractors and supervisors, other construction trades, installers, repairers and servicers NOC


This unit group includes roofing, masonry, painting and other construction trade contractors, not elsewhere classified, who own and operate their own business. Supervisors in this unit group supervise and co-ordinate the activities of various tradespersons, installers, repairers and servicers classified in the following minor groups: Masonry and Plastering Trades (728), Other Construction Trades (729) and Other Installers, Repairers and Servicers (744). They are employed by a wide range of establishments; places of employment are indicated in the unit group descriptions. This unit group also includes prefabricated product installation and service contractors and proprietors of some repair and service establishments.

7205 承包商和监事,其他建设行业,安装工,维修工和服务商头衔范例

砌砖承包商 bricklaying contractor

水泥承包商 cement finishing contractor

领班/男/女,玻璃工 foreman/woman, glaziers

领班/男/女,绝缘子 foreman/woman, insulators

领班/男/女,泥水匠 foreman/woman, plasterers

绘画承包商 painting contractor

病虫害防治主管 pest control supervisor

屋面承包商 roofing contractor

监事,自行车修理店 supervisor, bicycle repair shop

监事,画家和装饰工 supervisor, painters and decorators

监事,砖瓦工 supervisor, tilesetters

7205 承包商和监事,其他建设行业,安装工,维修工和服务商主要职责


Supervise, co-ordinate and schedule the activities of construction workers engaged in bricklaying, roofing, cement finishing, tilesetting, plastering, drywall installation, glazing, insulating and painting, and workers who install and service prefabricated products in residential and commercial properties, as well as workers who repair a wide variety of products, such as musical instruments, sports equipment, vending machines, bicycles and cameras


Establish methods to meet work schedules and co-ordinate work activities with other subcontractors


Resolve work problems and recommend measures to improve productivity and product quality


Requisition materials and supplies


Train workers in job duties, safety procedures and company policies


Recommend personnel actions such as hirings and promotions


Prepare work progress reports


May manage the operations of own company


May also supervise, co-ordinate and schedule the activities of related apprentices, helpers and labourers.

7205 承包商和监事,其他建设行业,安装工,维修工和服务商任职要求


Completion of secondary school is usually required.


Several years of experience in the trade or in the work area superviseds are usually required.


Journeyman/woman trade certification may be required for some occupations in this unit group.

7205 承包商和监事,其他建设行业,安装工,维修工和服务商附加信息


There is little or no mobility among supervisors in this unit group.

7205 承包商和监事,其他建设行业,安装工,维修工和服务商其他分类

承包商和监事,木工行业 Contractors and supervisors, carpentry trades [7204](7204)

承包商和监督员,管道安装工 Contractors and supervisors, pipefitting trades [7203](7203)

电气电工(承包商和监督员,电力行业和电信行业的承包商和监事) Electrical contractors and supervisors of electricians (in [7202](7202) Contractors and supervisors, electrical trades and telecommunications occupations )

铁件承建商及铁工监事(承包商和监督员,机械加工,金属成形,塑造和树立行业及相关行业的) Ironwork contractors and supervisors of ironworkers (in [7201](7201) Contractors and supervisors, machining, metal forming, shaping and erecting trades and related occupations )

7205 承包商和监事,其他建设行业,安装工,维修工和服务商职称头衔

沥青屋顶工领班/男/女 asphalt roofers foreman/woman

沥青屋面承包商 asphalt roofing contractor

沥青屋面领班/男/女 asphalt roofing foreman/woman

自行车修理店主管 bicycle repair shop supervisor

锅炉和管道保温专家领班/男/女 boiler and pipe insulation specialists foreman/woman

锅炉和管道绝缘子领班/男/女 boiler and pipe insulators foreman/woman

分行主管,病虫害防治 branch supervisor, pest control

砖和石匠领班/男/女 brick and stone masons foreman/woman

砖混承包商 brick masonry contractor

瓦工领班/男/女 bricklayer foreman/woman

瓦工导师 bricklayer supervisor

瓦工商 bricklayer-contractor

砌砖砌体承包商 bricklaying and masonry contractor

砌砖承包商 bricklaying contractor

桥画家领班/男/女 bridge painters foreman/woman

建筑保温材料安装工长/男/女 building insulation material installation foreman/woman

建筑保温专家领班/男/女 building insulation specialists foreman/woman

建筑绝缘子领班/男/女 building insulators foreman/woman

建设维护主管 building maintenance supervisor

相机维修店主管 camera repair shop supervisor

水泥装订领班/男/女 cement finisher foreman/woman

巩固整理承包商 cement finishing contractor

水泥抹光领班/男/女 cement smoother foreman/woman

混凝土和水泥的选手领班/男/女 concrete and cement finishers foreman/woman

混凝土和水泥整理承包商 concrete and cement finishing contractor

具体的选手领班/男/女 concrete finishers foreman/woman

混凝土精领班/男/女 concrete finishing foreman/woman

建筑油漆工领班/男/女 construction painters foreman/woman

建设画家主管 construction painters supervisor

沥青屋面承包商, contractor, asphalt roofing

承包商,瓦工 contractor, bricklaying

承包商,瓦工和砖石 contractor, bricklaying and masonry

承包商,水泥整理 contractor, cement finishing

承包商,混凝土和水泥整理 contractor, concrete and cement finishing

承包商,装饰 contractor, decorating

承包商,石膏板的应用 contractor, drywall application

承包商,drywalling contractor, drywalling

承包商,安装eavestrough; contractor, eavestrough installation

承包商,击剑 contractor, fencing

承包商,地板覆盖物 contractor, floor covering

承包商,玻璃的安装和维修 contractor, glass installation and repair

承包商,施釉 contractor, glazing

承包商,热水器安装 contractor, hot water heater installation

承包商,绝缘 contractor, insulating

承包商,绝缘 contractor, insulation

承建商,环环相扣的铺路石 contractor, interlocking paving stones

承包商,大理石和水磨石设置 contractor, marble and terrazzo setting

承包商,绘画 contractor, painting

承包商,油漆和墙纸 contractor, painting and wallpapering

承包商,裱糊 contractor, paperhanging

承包商,抹灰 contractor, plastering

承包商,抹灰和石膏板应用 contractor, plastering and drywall application

承包商,抹灰和drywalling contractor, plastering and drywalling

承包商,屋面 contractor, roofing

承包商,屋面钣金屋顶除外 contractor, roofing (except sheet metal roofs)

承包商,化粪池系统 contractor, septic systems

承包人,木瓦屋顶 contractor, shingle roofing

承包商,壁板 contractor, siding

承包商,石匠 contractor, stonemasonry

游泳池安装承包商, contractor, swimming pool installation

承包商,水磨石整理 contractor, terrazzo finishing

承包商,瓷砖,水磨石,大理石设置 contractor, tile, terrazzo and marble setting

承包商,tilesetting contractor, tilesetting

承包商,木瓦屋顶 contractor, wood shingle roofing

承包商地板防尘罩的 contractor-floor coverer

承包商玻璃工 contractor-glazier

承包商泥水匠 contractor-plasterer

承包商抛光,水磨石 contractor-polisher, terrazzo

承包商盖屋顶除金属屋顶 contractor-roofer (except metal roofs)

客服主管 - 住房建设 customer service supervisor – housing construction

装潢承包商 decorating contractor

装修工头/男/女 - 建设 decorating foreman/woman – construction

装饰领班/男/女 decorators foreman/woman

部门主管,病虫害防治 division supervisor, pest control

石膏板应用承包商 drywall application contractor

石膏板喷头领班/男/女 drywall applicators foreman/woman

石膏板承建商 drywall contractor

石膏板商 drywaller-contractor

檐沟承包商 eavestrough contractor

剿杀服务主管 exterminating service supervisor

围栏承包商 fence contractor

玻璃纤维绝缘专家领班/男/女 fibre glass insulation specialists foreman/woman

光纤绝缘子领班/男/女 fibre insulators foreman/woman

防火抹灰领班/男/女 fireproofing plastering foreman/woman

地板和墙壁覆盖安装工长/男/女 floor and wall covering installers foreman/woman

地板防尘罩商 floor coverer-contractor

地板覆盖承包商 floor covering contractor

地板覆盖领班/男/女 floor covering foreman/woman

地板覆盖监督员 floor covering supervisor

泡沫保温领班/男/女 foam insulation foreman/woman

泡沫绝缘体领班/男/女 foam insulators foreman/woman

领班/男/女,沥青屋顶工 foreman/woman, asphalt roofers

领班/男/女,锅炉和管道保温专家 foreman/woman, boiler and pipe insulation specialists

领班/男/女,锅炉和管道绝缘子 foreman/woman, boiler and pipe insulators

领班/男/女,砖和石匠 foreman/woman, brick and stone masons

领班/男/女,瓦工 foreman/woman, bricklayer

领班/男/女,桥梁画家 foreman/woman, bridge painters

领班/男/女,建筑保温专家 foreman/woman, building insulation specialists

领班/男/女,建筑绝缘子 foreman/woman, building insulators

领班/男/女,水泥选手 foreman/woman, cement finishers

领班/男/女,混凝土和水泥选手 foreman/woman, concrete and cement finishers

领班/男/女,混凝土选手 foreman/woman, concrete finishers

领班/男/女,施工画家 foreman/woman, construction painters

领班/男/女,装饰 foreman/woman, decorators

领班/男/女,石膏板喷头 foreman/woman, drywall applicators

领班/男/女,玻璃纤维保温专家 foreman/woman, fibre glass insulation specialists

领班/男/女,纤维绝缘 foreman/woman, fibre insulation

领班/男/女,光纤绝缘子 foreman/woman, fibre insulators

领班/男/女,防火泥水工 foreman/woman, fireproofing plasterers

领班/男/女,地板和墙壁覆盖安装 foreman/woman, floor and wall covering installers

领班/男/女,地板革 foreman/woman, floor covering

领班/男/女,泡沫绝缘体 foreman/woman, foam insulators

领班/男/女,玻璃installators的 foreman/woman, glass installators

领班/男/女,玻璃安装 foreman/woman, glass installers

领班/男/女,玻璃工 foreman/woman, glaziers

领班/男/女,温室安装 foreman/woman, greenhouse installers

领班/男/女,温室安装 foreman/woman, hothouse installers

领班/男/女,保温专家 foreman/woman, insulation specialists

领班/男/女,绝缘子 foreman/woman, insulators

领班/男/女,适当的泡沫 foreman/woman, lathers

领班/男/女,大理石制定者 foreman/woman, marble setters

领班/男/女,画家 - 建设 foreman/woman, painters – construction

领班/男/女,画家和装饰 foreman/woman, painters and decorators

领班/男/女,paperhangers foreman/woman, paperhangers

领班/男/女,泥水匠 foreman/woman, plasterers

领班/男/女,耐火材料瓦工 foreman/woman, refractory bricklayers

领班/男/女,制冷和空调装支柱绝缘子 foreman/woman, refrigeration and air conditioning equipment insulators

领班/男/女,屋顶工 foreman/woman, roofers

领班/男/女,盖屋顶钣金屋顶除外 foreman/woman, roofers (except sheet metal roofs)

领班/男/女,染色玻璃安装 foreman/woman, stain glass installers

领班/男/女,彩绘玻璃玻璃工 foreman/woman, stained glass glaziers

石匠领班/男/女, foreman/woman, stonemasons

领班/男/女,粉刷泥水工 foreman/woman, stucco plasterers

领班/男/女,水磨石制定者 foreman/woman, terrazzo setters

领班/男/女,tilesetters foreman/woman, tilesetters

领班/男/女,waterproofers foreman/woman, waterproofers

领班/男/女,木瓦屋顶工 foreman/woman, wood shingle roofers

玻璃安装和维修承包商 glass installation and repair contractor

玻璃安装工长/男/女 glass installation foreman/woman

玻璃安装工长/男/女 glass installers foreman/woman

玻璃工监事 glazier supervisor

玻璃工商 glazier-contractor

玻璃工领班/男/女 glaziers foreman/woman

玻璃承建商 glazing contractor

玻璃监督员 glazing supervisor

温室安装工长/男/女 greenhouse installers foreman/woman

热水器安装承包商 hot water heater installation contractor

温室安装工长/男/女 hothouse installers foreman/woman

绝缘承包商 insulating contractor

绝缘承建商 insulation contractor

绝缘领班/男/女 insulation foreman/woman

保温专家领班/男/女 insulation specialists foreman/woman

绝缘主管 insulation supervisor

绝缘子领班/男/女 insulators foreman/woman

环环相扣的铺路石承包商 interlocking paving stone contractor

适当的泡沫领班/男/女 lathers foreman/woman

适当的泡沫导师 lathers supervisor

大理石和水磨石承包商二传手的 marble and terrazzo contractor-setter

大理石和水磨石二传手商的 marble and terrazzo setter-contractor

大理石和水磨石设定承包商的 marble and terrazzo setting contractor

大理石制定者领班/男/女 marble setters foreman/woman

大理石设置领班/男/女 marble setting foreman/woman

画家领班/男/女 - 建设 painter foreman/woman – construction

画家和装饰工长/男/女 painters and decorators foreman/woman

画家和装饰监督员 painters and decorators supervisor

油漆和墙纸承包 painting and wallpapering contractor

绘画承包商 painting contractor

绘画主管 - 建设 painting supervisor – construction

裱糊工人领班/男/女 paperhangers foreman/woman

裱糊承包商 paperhanging contractor

裱糊领班/男/女 paperhanging foreman/woman

病虫害防治分行主管 pest control branch supervisor

病虫害防治部门主管 pest control division supervisor

病虫害防治主管 pest control supervisor

泥水匠领班/男/女 plasterer foreman/woman

泥水匠商 plasterer-contractor

抹灰和石膏板应用承包商 plastering and drywall application contractor

的抹灰和drywalling承包商 plastering and drywalling contractor

抹灰承包商 plastering contractor

抹灰主管 plastering supervisor

游泳池和庭院承包商 pool and patio contractor

耐火瓦工领班/男/女 refractory bricklayer foreman/woman

制冷与空调装支柱绝缘子领班/男/女 refrigeration and air conditioning equipment insulators foreman/woman

屋顶墙面板主管 roof shinglers supervisor

盖屋顶承包商金属屋顶除外 roofer-contractor (except metal roofs)

屋顶工金属板屋顶除外领班/男/女 roofers (except sheet metal roofs) foreman/woman

屋顶工和墙面板主管 roofers and shinglers supervisor

屋顶工领班/男/女 roofers foreman/woman

屋面承包商 roofing contractor

屋顶承包商钣金屋顶除外 roofing contractor (except sheet metal roofs)

屋面主管 roofing supervisor

化粪池系统承建商 septic system contractor

木瓦屋顶承包商 shingle roofing contractor

壁板承建商 siding contractor

染色玻璃安装工长/男/女 stain glass installers foreman/woman

彩色玻璃玻璃工领班/男/女 stained glass glaziers foreman/woman

石匠领班/男/女 stonemason foreman/woman

石匠承建商 stonemasonry contractor

粉刷泥水工领班/男/女 stucco plasterers foreman/woman

管理者,赛道维修 superintendent, race track maintenance

监事瓦工 supervisor bricklaying

主管水泥整理 supervisor cement finishing

监事,自行车修理店 supervisor, bicycle repair shop

监事,瓦工 supervisor, bricklayer

监事,建筑保温 supervisor, building insulation

监事,相机维修店 supervisor, camera repair shop

监事,建设画家 supervisor, construction painters

监事,石膏板安装 supervisor, drywall installers

监事,消灭服务 supervisor, exterminating service

监事,地板覆盖物 supervisor, floor covering

监事,玻璃工 supervisor, glazier

监事,施釉 supervisor, glazing

监事,泡沫 supervisor, latherers

监事,画家和装饰 supervisor, painters and decorators

监事,病虫害防治 supervisor, pest control

监事,抹灰 supervisor, plastering

监事,屋顶叠瓦 supervisor, roof shingling

监事,屋顶工和shinglers supervisor, roofers and shinglers

监事,屋面 supervisor, roofing

监事,砖瓦工 supervisor, tilesetters

监事,砖瓦设置 supervisor, tilesetting

游泳池承包商 swimming pool contractor

水磨石整理承包商 terrazzo finishing contractor

水磨石抛光商 terrazzo polisher-contractor

水磨石抛光承包商 terrazzo polishing contractor

水磨石制定者领班/男/女 terrazzo setters foreman/woman

瓷砖和大理石承办商 tile and marble contractor

瓷砖,水磨石,大理石设定承包商 tile, terrazzo and marble setting contractor

砖瓦工领班/男/女 tilesetters foreman/woman

砖瓦工主管 tilesetters supervisor

砖瓦工承包商 tilesetting contractor

砖瓦工主管 tilesetting supervisor

防水工领班/男/女 waterproofers foreman/woman

防水领班/男/女 waterproofing foreman/woman

木瓦屋顶工领班/男/女 wood shingle roofers foreman/woman

木瓦屋顶承包商 wood shingle roofing contractor












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