
0822 园艺经理 Managers in horticulture NOC


0822 园艺经理 Managers in horticulture NOC - LEVEL 0


Managers in horticulture plan, organize, direct and control the activities of nursery and greenhouse staff who grow and market trees, shrubs, flowers and plants.

0822 园艺经理头衔范例

圣诞树农场运营商 Christmas tree farm operator

花农 flower grower

温室经理 greenhouse manager

温室运营商 greenhouse operator

苗圃经理 nursery manager

苗圃运营商 nursery operator

植物种植者 - 苗圃 plant grower – nursery

0822 园艺经理主要职责


Plan, organize, direct and control the operations of nurseries and greenhouses


Establish the environmental conditions required to grow trees, shrubs, flowers and plants, and design planting and care schedules accordingly


Determine type and quantity of stock to grow


Supervise staff in planting, transplanting, feeding and spraying stock


Identify and control insect, disease and weed problems


Develop marketing plans


Provide information to customers on gardening and on the care of trees, shrubs, flowers, plants and lawns


Order materials such as fertilizer, garden and lawn care equipment, and other nursery and greenhouse related accessories


Hire and manage staff, oversee training and set work schedules


Maintain records on stock, finances and personnel.

0822 园艺经理任职要求


Completion of a college program in horticulture is usually required.


Experience as a nursery or greenhouse supervisor is required.

0822 园艺经理其他分类

苗圃和温室工人 Nursery and greenhouse workers [8432](8432)

草地农民(农业经理)Turf farmer (in [0821](0821) Managers in agriculture )

0822 园艺经理职称头衔

圣诞树农场运营商 Christmas tree farm operator

常绿树种植户 evergreen grower

花农 flower grower

温室经理 greenhouse manager

温室运营商 greenhouse operator

种植者,常青树 grower, evergreens

种植者,花 grower, flower

种植者,温室里的花朵 grower, hothouse flowers

种植者,植物 - 苗圃 grower, plants – nursery

种植者,玫瑰 grower, roses

种植者,灌木 grower, shrubs

种植者,树木 - 苗圃 grower, trees – nursery

园艺温室运营商 horticultural greenhouse operator

温室花农 hothouse flower grower

水培温室运营商 hydroponic greenhouse operator

水培种植大户 hydroponics grower

水培运营商 hydroponics operator

经理,温室 manager, greenhouse

经理,苗圃 manager, nursery

苗圃经理 nursery manager

苗圃运营商 nursery operator

种苗工/男/女 nurseryman/woman

运营商,温室 operator, greenhouse

运营商,园艺温室 operator, horticultural greenhouse

运营商,水培温室 operator, hydroponic greenhouse

运营商,托儿所 operator, nursery

运营商,苗圃; operator, tree nursery

植物种植者 - 苗圃 plant grower – nursery

玫瑰种植者 rose grower

树势灌木种植者 shrub grower

树种植者 - 苗圃 tree grower – nursery

苗圃经营者 tree nursery operator













0821 农业经理 Managers in agriculture NOC

0821 农业经理 Managers in agriculture NOC - LEVEL 0


Managers in agriculture plan, organize, direct, control and evaluate the operations and functions of farms. They are responsible for growing crops, raising and breeding livestock, poultry and other animals and marketing farm products. Managers in this unit group usually own and operate their own establishment.

0821 农业经理头衔范例

养蜂家 apiarist

苹果种植者 apple grower

饲养员,家畜 breeder, domestic animals

鸡农 chicken farmer

奶农 dairy farmer

果农 fruit farmer

生猪饲养员 hog breeder

马饲养员 horse breeder

枫糖浆生产商 maple syrup producer

市场园丁 market gardener

土豆的农民 potato farmer

农场工人 rancher

种子种植者 seed grower

草皮农民 sod farmer

菜农 vegetable grower

葡萄园经理 vineyard manager

葡萄栽培 viticulturist

种小麦的农民 wheat farmer

0821 农业经理主要职责


Manage the overall operations of a farm, ranch or orchard


Determine the amount and kinds of crops to be grown and livestock to be raised


Organize and co-ordinate planting, cultivating and crop harvesting activities; raising and breeding of livestock and poultry


Hire and manage farm personnel


Establish a marketing program


Develop and keep financial and production records


Purchase farm machinery, livestock, seed, feed and other supplies


Maintain farm machinery, equipment and buildings


Perform farming duties.


Managers in agriculture manage farms of various sizes which may specialize in particular crops such as wheat, apples or potatoes or raise particular livestock such as beef cattle, hogs or chickens.

0821 农业经理任职要求


Extensive farming experience, obtained as a farm supervisor or specialized crop or livestock worker or by working on a farm, is usually required.


A university degree or college diploma in agricultural management or other field related to crop or livestock production may be required.

0821 农业经理其他分类

农业服务承包商,农场监事和专门的畜牧工作者 Agricultural service contractors, farm supervisors and specialized livestock workers [8252](8252)

园艺经理 Managers in horticulture [0822](0822)

0821 农业经理职称头衔

动物饲养员 animal breeder

动物饲养户 animal farmer

养蜂家 apiarist

养蜂家 apiculturist

苹果种植者 apple grower

苹果生产 apple producer

豆芽农民 bean sprout farmer

豆芽种植者 bean sprout grower

肉牛农民 beef cattle farmer

牛肉生产商 beef producer

养蜂人 beekeeper

鸟类饲养员 bird breeder

饲养员,狗 breeder, dogs

饲养员,家畜 breeder, domestic animals

饲养员,山羊 breeder, goat

饲养员,野鸡 breeder, pheasant

饲养员,兔 breeder, rabbit

肉鸡生产商 broiler chicken producer

肉鸡生产商 broiler producer

猫饲养员 cat breeder

牧场主 cattle rancher

谷物和油籽种植者 cereal and oilseed grower

谷物和油籽生产商 cereal and oilseed producer

谷物农场经理 cereal farm manager

谷物种植者 cereal grower

谷物生产商 cereal producer

鸡农 chicken farmer

牛小腿运营商 cow-calf operator

作物农民 crop farmer

奶牛饲养员 dairy cattle breeder

奶牛场经理 dairy farm manager

奶农 dairy farmer

狗饲养员 dog breeder

国内动物饲养员 domestic animal breeder

鸡蛋生产商 egg producer

农场经理 farm manager

农民(幼儿园和养鱼场除外) farmer (except nursery and fish farm)

农民,肉牛 farmer, beef cattle

农民,谷物和油籽 farmer, grain and oilseed

农民,生猪 farmer, hog

农民,家禽 - 鸡蛋生产 farmer, poultry – egg production

农民,羊 farmer, sheep

农民,甜菜 farmer, sugar beet

饲养场农民 feedlot farmer

饲草料作物的农民 forage crop farmer

水果电场运营商 fruit farm operator

果农 fruit farmer

果农 fruit grower

水果生产商 fruit producer

毛皮农民 fur farmer

毛皮动物饲养 fur-bearing-animal farmer

人参种植者 ginseng grower

山羊饲养员 goat breeder

谷物和油籽农民 grain and oilseed farmer

谷物和油籽种植者 grain and oilseed grower

谷物和油籽生产商 grain and oilseed producer

粮食农场经理 grain farm manager

粮食电场运营商 grain farm operator

粮农民 grain farmer

粮食种植者 grain grower

粮食生产国 grain producer

葡萄种植者 grape grower

葡萄生产商 grape producer

种植者,人参 grower, ginseng

种植者,啤酒花 grower, hop

孵化场经理 hatchery manager

孵化经营者 hatchery operator

生猪饲养员 hog breeder

生猪农民 hog farmer

生猪生产者 hog producer

啤酒花种植者 hop grower

啤酒花生产商 hop producer

马饲养员 horse breeder

犬舍运营商 kennel operator

畜牧业农民 livestock farmer

经理,农场 manager, farm

枫糖浆生产商 maple syrup producer

市场园丁 market gardener

混合农民 mixed farmer

蘑菇栽培 mushroom grower

蘑菇生产商 mushroom producer

有机种植者 organic grower

种土豆的农民 potato farmer

马铃薯种植者 potato grower

马铃薯生产 potato producer

家禽饲养员 poultry breeder

家禽饲养员 - 鸡蛋生产 poultry breeder – egg production

家禽养殖场经理 poultry farm manager

家禽饲养员 - 禽蛋产量 poultry farmer – egg production

家禽生产商 poultry producer

家禽饲养员 producer, poultry

兔子饲养员 rabbit breeder

农场工人 rancher

农场工人/男/女 ranchman/woman

啮齿动物饲养员 rodent breeder

灭鼠专业户 rodent raiser

种子的农民 seed farmer

种子种植者 seed grower

种子生产商 seed producer

羊场运营商 sheep farm operator

羊农民 sheep farmer

草皮农民 sod farmer

甜菜的农民 sugar beet farmer

糖槭种植者 sugar maple grower

烟农 tobacco farmer

番茄种植者 tomato grower

热带鱼饲养员 tropical fish breeder

草皮农民 turf farmer

火鸡生产商 turkey producer

蔬菜园丁 vegetable gardener

菜农 vegetable grower

葡萄园经理 vineyard manager

葡萄栽培者 viticulturist

种小麦的农民 wheat farmer

小麦种植者 wheat grower

小麦生产商 wheat producer












0211 工程经理(0211 Engineering managers)NOC

0211 工程经理(0211 Engineering managers)NOC - LEVEL 0


Engineering managers plan, organize, direct, control and evaluate the activities of an engineering department, service or firm. They are employed by a wide range of private sector and government establishments and by consulting engineering and scientific research companies.

0211 加拿大工程经理头衔范例

主管,工程研究和发展 director, engineering research and development

电气工程服务经理 electrical engineering service manager

工程部经理 engineering department manager

工程经理 engineering manager

经理,通信工程服务 manager, telecommunications engineering service

生产工程经理 production engineering manager

0211 工程经理主要职责


Plan, organize, direct, control and evaluate the activities and operations of an engineering department, service or firm


Develop and implement policies, standards and procedures for the engineering and technical work performed in the department, service, laboratory or firm


Consult and negotiate with clients to prepare specifications, explain proposals and present engineering reports and findings


Assign, co-ordinate and review the technical work of the department or project teams


Recruit personnel and oversee development and maintenance of staff competence in required areas


May participate directly in the design, development and inspection of technical projects or in the engineering work of the department

0211 工程经理任职要求

工程专业学士学位 A bachelors degree in engineering is usually required.

在工程规范方面,包括工程监督方面有广泛的经验 Extensive experience in an engineering discipline, including supervisory experience, is required.

拥有省级或者国家颁发的职业工程师证书 Registration as a Professional Engineer (P. Eng.) by a provincial or territorial association of professional engineers is usually required.

0211 工程经理附加信息


Mobility to other technical managerial positions, or to research or senior management positions is possible with experience.

0211 工程经理其他分类

建筑和科学经理 Architecture and science managers ([0212](0212))

计算机信息系统经理 Computer and information systems managers ([0213](0213))

施工经理 Construction managers([0711](0711))

工程师和高级工程师 Engineers and supervisors of engineers (in 21 Professional occupations in natural and applied sciences )

交通经理 Managers in transportation ([0731](0731))

制造经理 Manufacturing managers ([0911](0911))

公用设施经理 Utilities managers ([0912](0912))

0211 工程经理职称头衔

航空工程服务经理 aerospace engineering service head

土木工程部门经理 civil engineering division manager

主管,工程服务,质量保证 director engineering service, quality assurance

主管,工程服务,安全服务 director engineering service, safety service

主管,工程研发 director, engineering research and development

主管,工程服务质量控制部门 director, engineering service quality control department

电气工程服务经理 electrical engineering service manager

工程交付首席 engineering delivery chief

工程部经理 engineering department manager

工程经理 engineering manager

工程研发主管 engineering research and development director

工程服务小组经理 engineering service group manager

工程服务经理 engineering service manager

工程服务项目经理 engineering service project manager

工程服务质保主管 engineering service quality assurance director

工程服务质保经理 engineering service quality assurance manager

工程服务质量控制部门主管 engineering service quality control department director

工程服务质量控制经理 engineering service quality control manager

工程服务质量系统经理 engineering service quality system manager

工程服务安全服务主管 engineering service safety service director

工程服务负责人 engineering service superintendent

工业工程部经理 industrial engineering department manager

经理,工程服务,质保 manager engineering service, quality assurance

经理,土木工程方向 manager, civil engineering division

经理,电气工程服务 manager, electrical engineering service

经理,工程 manager, engineering

经理,工程部门 manager, engineering department

经理,工程服务 manager, engineering service

经理,工程服务部门 manager, engineering service group

经理,工程服务质量控制 manager, engineering service quality control

经理,工业工程部门 manager, industrial engineering department

经理,机械工程服务 manager, mechanical engineering service

经理,生产工程 manager, production engineering

经理,通信工程服务 manager, telecommunications engineering service

经理,交通工程服务-通信 manager, traffic engineering service – telecommunications

机械工程服务经理 mechanical engineering service manager

生产工程经理 production engineering manager

主管,工程服务 superintendent, engineering service

通信工程服务经理 telecommunications engineering service manager

交通工程服务经理-通信 traffic engineering service manager – telecommunications












0131 电信运营经理 Telecommunication carriers managers -NOC

0131 电信运营经理 Telecommunication carriers managers -NOC - LEVEL 0


This unit group includes managers who plan, organize, direct, control and evaluate the operations of a telecommunications establishment, department or facility. They are employed by wired, wireless, satellite and other telecommunications carriers.

0131 电信运营经理头衔范例

设施经理,电信 facilities manager, telecommunications

安装经理,电信 installation manager, telecommunications

经理,电信服务 manager, telecommunications services

微波设备经理 - 电信 microwave facilities manager – telecommunications

网络安装经理 - 电信 network installation manager – telecommunications

网络运营经理 - 电信 network operations manager – telecommunications

网络服务经理 - 电信 network services manager – telecommunications

操作和传输服务经理 - 电信 operations and transmission services manager – telecommunications

区域经理 - 电信系统 regional manager – telecommunications system

交换系统主管 - 电信 switching systems director – telecommunications

电信经理 telecommunications manager

电话公司的区域经理 telephone company district manager

0131 电信运营经理主要职责


Plan, organize, direct, control and evaluate the operations of a telecommunications establishment, department or facility


Consult with senior managers to establish policies concerned with the development, operation and maintenance of telecommunications services


Direct and control telecommunications traffic volume and flow within assigned areas, through subordinate supervisors and technical staff


Analyze and evaluate telecommunications installation, operation and maintenance services and make recommendations for improvement


Ensure compliance with telecommunications regulations and directives of government regulatory agencies


Liaise with representatives of related or connecting companies to resolve joint telecommunications problems and ensure efficient telecommunications system operations


Recruit personnel and oversee their training.

0131 电信运营经理任职要求


A university degree in science, electrical engineering or a related field is usually required.


Several years of experience in a related technical profession, including supervisory experience, are usually required.

0131 电信运营经理任职要求附加信息


Progression to senior management positions in telecommunications is possible with experience.

0131 电信运营经理其他分类

广播经理(经理 - 出版,电影,广播和表演艺术)Broadcasting managers (in [0512](0512) Managers - publishing, motion pictures, broadcasting and performing arts )

高级管理人员 - 财务,通信和其他商业服务 Senior managers - financial, communications and other business services [0013](0013)

0131 电信运营经理职称头衔

公关经理 - 电信 communications manager – telecommunications

统筹技术服务 - 电信 co-ordinator of technical services – telecommunications

标度盘工厂经理 - 电信 dial plant manager – telecommunications

标度盘厂长 - 电信 dial plant superintendent – telecommunications

区域经理 - 电信 district manager – telecommunications

区域经理,电话公司 district manager, telephone company

地球站经理 - 电信 earth station manager – telecommunications

设备科长 - 电信 equipment chief – telecommunications

设施经理,电信 facilities manager, telecommunications

安装管理者,电信 installation manager, telecommunications

安装管理者 - 电信 installation superintendent – telecommunications

经理,地球站 - 电信 manager, earth station – telecommunications

经理,网络安装 - 电信 manager, network installation – telecommunications

经理,网络 - 电信 manager, networks – telecommunications

经理,空间方案 - 电信 manager, space programs – telecommunications

经理,电信服务 manager, telecommunications services

微波设备管理者 - 电信 microwave facilities manager – telecommunications

网络行为中心经理助理 network conduct centre assistant manager

网络安装管理者 - 电信 network installation manager – telecommunications

网络运营经理 - 电信 network operations manager – telecommunications

网络服务经理 - 电信 network services manager – telecommunications

网络流量管理器 - 电信 network traffic manager – telecommunications

网络经理 - 电信 networks manager – telecommunications

操作和传输服务经理 - 电信 operations and transmission services manager – telecommunications

业务经理 - 电信 operations manager – telecommunications

生产经理 - 电信 production manager – telecommunications

区域经理 - 电信系统 regional manager – telecommunications system

空间项目经理 - 电信 space programs manager – telecommunications

监控经理 - 电信 surveillance manager – telecommunications

交换系统主管 - 电信 switching systems director – telecommunications

技术服务统筹 - 电信 technical services co-ordinator – telecommunications

技术服务经理 technical services manager

电信经理 telecommunications manager

电信服务经理 telecommunications services manager

电话公司的区域经理 telephone company district manager

交通局长 - 电信 traffic chief – telecommunications

流量管理者 - 电缆系统 traffic manager – cable systems

流量管理者 - 电话系统 traffic manager – telephone system

传输流量管理者 - 电信 transmission traffic manager – telecommunications












0731 运输业务经理 Managers in transportation NOC

0731 运输业务经理 Managers in transportation NOC - LEVEL 0


Managers in transportation operations plan, organize, direct, control and evaluate the operations of transportation companies such as railways, airlines, bus lines, municipal transit systems, shipping lines and trucking companies, under the direction of a general manager or other senior manager. Managers in transportation freight traffic plan, organize, direct, control and evaluate companies or departments responsible for the transportation and movement of goods, under the direction of a general manager or other senior manager. They are employed by transportation, freight forwarding and shipping companies and by transportation departments of companies in retail and manufacturing sectors and utilities.

0731 运输业务经理头衔范例

公交公司经理 bus company manager

分发经理 - 物流 distribution manager – logistics

飞行运营经理 flight operations manager

货运经理 freight forwarding manager

海事主管 marine superintendent

铁路货运经理 railway freight manager

管理者,铁路运营 superintendent, rail operations

流量管理 - 交通 traffic manager – transportation

运输部门经理 transport department manager

运输经理 transportation manager

城市公交系统的管理者 urban transit system manager

0731 运输业务经理主要职责

运输业务经理执行部分或全部下列职责Managers in transportation operations perform some or all of the following duties:


Plan, organize, direct, control and evaluate the operations of a transportation company


Set operations policies and standards, including determination of safety procedures for the handling of dangerous goods, and ensure compliance with transport regulations


Oversee dispatch of vehicles, vessels or aircraft


Control the company or departmental budget, including acquisitions


Monitor companys or departments performance, prepare reports for senior management, and plan for changes to schedules and policies


Recruit personnel and oversee their training.

运输货运量经理执行部分或全部下列职责Managers in transportation freight traffic perform some or all of the following duties:


Plan, organize, direct, control and evaluate the activities of companies or departments responsible for co-ordinating, arranging and monitoring the transportation and movement of goods


Arrange for shipping documentation and oversee the scheduling and dispatching of goods and the tracking and tracing of goods in transit


Set performance goals, oversee the setting of transportation service rates and monitor revenue


Develop plans and procedures for the transportation and storage of goods


Negotiate with carriers, warehouse operators and insurance company representatives for services and preferential rates


Control the departmental budget


Recruit personnel and oversee their training.

0731 运输业务经理任职要求

运输业务经理 Managers in transportation operations


A bachelors degree in business administration or engineering is usually required.


Several years of experience in transportation operations are usually required, including supervisory experience.


Extensive experience as a supervisor and operator in a particular transport mode, such as a pilot, train engineer, vessel master or truck driver, may substitute for formal education.


Certification as an operator of a particular mode of transportation, such as commercial pilot, vessel master or truck driver, is usually required.

运输货运量经理 Managers in transportation freight traffic


Completion of secondary school is required.


A college diploma or university degree in business or transportation administration may be required.


Several years of clerical, operational or administrative experience related to freight traffic are required.

0731 运输业务经理附加信息


There is little or no mobility between managers in transportation operations and managers in transportation freight traffic.


There is little or no mobility between transportation managers of land, sea and air transportation operations.

0731 运输业务经理其他分类

机场经理,港口主管和其他交通设施经理(基金操作和维护经理和其他管理人员) Airport managers, harbour masters and other managers of transportation facilities (in [0714](0714) Facility operation and maintenance managers )

交通高级经理(高级经理 - 建筑,交通运输,生产和公用事业) Senior transportation managers (in [0016](0016) Senior managers - construction, transportation, production and utilities )

0731 运输业务经理职称头衔

空运经理 air freight manager

航空部门经理 airline division manager

航空部门管理者 airline division superintendent

航空快递经理 airline express manager

航空公司机队运营经理 airline fleet operations manager

航空公司的航班时刻表设计经理 airline flight schedule design manager

航空公司经理 airline manager

航空公司的管理者 airline superintendent

区域负责人,铁路运输 area manager, railway transport

总经理助理代理 - 铁路 assistant general agent – railway

经理助理,交通运输 assistant manager, traffic and transportation

助理总监 - 铁路 assistant superintendent – railway

交通助理经理 - 运输 assistant traffic manager – transportation

运输经理助理 assistant transportation manager

公交公司经理 bus company manager

搬运公司经理 cartage company manager

交通企业管理者 - 运输 corporate traffic manager – transportation

公司运输经理 corporate transportation manager

目前的日程规划经理 - 航空公司 current schedule planning manager – airline

物流 - 运输主任 director of logistics – transportation

运营总监,交通运输 director of operations, transportation

交通 - 运输主任 director of traffic – transportation

运输主任 director of transportation

董事,分布 director, distribution

董事,飞行操作 director, flight operations

主任,物流 - 运输 director, logistics – transportation

主任,交通运输管理 director, transportation management

配送和仓储经理 distribution and warehousing manager

分销总监 distribution director

分销经理 - 物流 distribution manager – logistics

分销业务经理 - 物流 distribution operations manager – logistics

配送服务经理 distribution services manager

部门管理者,航空公司 division superintendent, airline

铁路部门管理者 division superintendent, railway

出口流量管理 export traffic manager

渡轮业务经理 ferry operations manager

渡轮管理者 ferry superintendent

运输车队经理 fleet manager, transportation

车队运营经理,航空公司 fleet operations manager, airline

飞行运营总监 flight operations director

飞行运营经理 flight operations manager

航班时刻表的设计经理,航空公司 flight schedule design manager, airline

飞行调度经理 flight schedulers manager

货运代理,货运 forwarder, freight

货运公司经理 freight company manager

货运部经理 freight division manager

货运代理 freight forwarder

货运经理 freight forwarding manager

货运量经理 freight traffic manager

一般代理,铁路运输 general agent, railway transport

交通管理 - 运输 general traffic manager – transportation

一般运输经理 general transportation manager

进口流量管理 import traffic manager

综合物流经理 integrated logistics manager

国际运输经理 international traffic manager

物流总监 - 运输 logistics director – transportation

物流经理 - 运输 logistics manager – transportation

经理,空运 manager, air freight

经理,航空公司 manager, airline

经理,航空快递 manager, airline express

公交公司经理, manager, bus company

搬运公司经理, manager, cartage company

经理,企业交通 - 交通 manager, corporate traffic – transportation

经理,公司运输 manager, corporate transportation

经理,目前的日程规划 - 航空公司 manager, current schedule planning – airline

经理,销售 - 物流 manager, distribution – logistics

经理,配送和仓储 manager, distribution and warehousing

经理,配送服务 manager, distribution services

经理,出口流量; manager, export traffic

货运部门经理, manager, freight division

经理,货运交通 manager, freight traffic

经理,进口流量 manager, import traffic

经理,综合物流 manager, integrated logistics

经理,国际交通 manager, international traffic

经理,物流 - 运输 manager, logistics – transportation

经理,汽车运输 manager, motor transport

经理,搬家公司 manager, moving company

经理,海运 manager, ocean freight

经理,铁路运输 manager, rail transport

船行经理, manager, ship line

经理,航运服务 manager, shipping services

经理,交通 - 交通 manager, traffic – transportation

经理,转移公司 manager, transfer company

经理,运输部 manager, transport department

管理器,运输 manager, transportation

经理,运输和交通 manager, transportation and traffic

经理,旅游和拆迁部门 manager, travel and relocation department

城市公交系统的经理, manager, urban transit system

经理,水路运输; manager, water transport

海洋业务经理 marine operations manager

海洋经营管理者 marine operations superintendent

海事主管 marine superintendent

海运业务经理 marine transportation operations manager

汽车运输经理 motor transport manager

搬家公司经理 moving company manager

海运经理 ocean freight manager

运营总监,交通运输 operations director, transportation

业务经理,海洋运输 operations manager, marine transportation

业务经理,船舶管理 operations manager, ship management

铁路客运业务经理, passenger operations manager, railway

端口队长 - 水路运输 port captain – water transport

铁路运营管理者 rail operations superintendent

铁路运输经理 rail transport manager

铁路部门管理者 railway division superintendent

铁路货运经理 railway freight manager

铁路经理 railway manager

铁路客运业务经理 railway passenger operations manager

铁路运输区域经理 railway transport area manager

铁路运输总代理 railway transport general agent

斜坡经理 - 航空公司 ramp manager – airline

跑道经理 runway manager

船行经理 ship line manager

船舶管理业务经理 ship management operations manager

运输和仓储服务经理 shipping and warehousing service manager

航运服务经理 shipping services manager

岸边的队长 - 水上运输 shore captain – water transport

交通管理者 superintendent of transportation

管理者,航空公司 superintendent, airline

管理者,海洋作业 superintendent, marine operations

管理者,铁路运营 superintendent, rail operations

交通运输经理助理 traffic and transportation assistant manager

流量管理器 - 运输 traffic manager – transport

流量管理 - 交通 traffic manager – transportation

流量管理器 - 水上运输 traffic manager – water transport

转让公司经理 transfer company manager

运输部门经理 transport department manager

运输和交通经理 transportation and traffic manager

运输主任 transportation director

运输车队经理 transportation fleet manager

运输物流经理 transportation logistics manager

运输管理主任 transportation management director

运输经理 transportation manager

交通主管 transportation superintendent

旅行和搬迁的部门经理 travel and relocation department manager

城市公交系统的管理 urban transit system manager

水路运输经理 water transport manager












0911 制造业经理 Manufacturing managers  NOC

0911 制造业经理 Manufacturing managers NOC - LEVEL 0


Manufacturing managers plan, organize, direct, control and evaluate the operations of a manufacturing establishment or of a production department within a manufacturing establishment, under the direction of a general manager or other senior manager. They are employed by manufacturing companies.

0911 制造业经理头衔范例

汽车生产经理 automobile production manager

服装厂厂长 clothing factory manager

乳品厂经理 dairy plant manager

酒厂经理 distillery manager

工厂管理者 factory superintendent

铸造经理 foundry manager

制造经理 manufacturing manager

业务经理,制造 operations manager, manufacturing

工厂经理,制造 plant manager, manufacturing

印刷厂经理 printing plant manager

生产经理 - 制造 production manager – manufacturing

纺织厂经理 textile mill manager

轮胎厂经理 tire plant manager

0911 制造业经理主要职责


Plan, organize, direct, control and evaluate the operations of a manufacturing establishment or the operations or production department of a manufacturing establishment


Develop and implement plans to efficiently use materials, labour and equipment to meet production targets


Plan and manage the establishment of departmental budget


Develop production schedules and maintain an inventory of raw materials and finished products


Plan and implement changes to machinery and equipment, production systems and methods of work


Direct quality control inspection system and develop production reporting procedures


Develop equipment maintenance schedules and recommend the replacement of machines


Hire, supervise and train or oversee training of employees in the use of new equipment or production techniques.

0911 制造业经理任职要求


Completion of a college or university program in engineering or business administration is usually required.


Five to ten years of supervisory experience in manufacturing are required.

0911 制造业经理附加信息

* 随着经验积累,有可能晋升为高级管理岗位。

Progression to senior management positions is possible with experience.

0911 制造业经理其他分类

设备操作和维修经理 Facility operation and maintenance managers [0714](0714)

运输经理人 Managers in transportation [0731](0731)

高级管理人员 - 建筑,交通运输,生产和公用事业 Senior managers - construction, transportation, production and utilities [0016](0016)

公用事业管理者 Utilities managers [0912](0912)

0911 制造业经理职称头衔

汽车内饰件生产经理 automobile interior fittings production manager

汽车生产经理 automobile production manager

酿酒师 brewmaster

业务经理 - 制造 business manager – manufacturing

罐头厂经理 cannery manager

服装厂厂长 clothing factory manager

集装箱制造经理 container manufacturing manager

协调员,生产计划 co-ordinator, production planning

乳品厂经理 dairy plant manager

运营总监,制造 director of operations, manufacturing

酒厂经理 distillery manager

酿酒师 enologist

工厂管理者 factory superintendent

总监 - 制造 field director – manufacturing

鱼类加工工厂经理 fish-processing plant manager

面粉厂经理 flour mill manager

食品和饮料生产经理 food and beverage production manager

食品生产经理 food production manager

食品加工厂经理 food-processing plant manager

铸造经理 foundry manager

家具厂经理 furniture factory manager

工业和制造业生产经理 industrial and manufacturing production manager

物流经理 - 制造 logistics manager – manufacturing

木材厂经理 lumber mill manager

经理,酒厂 manager, distillery

面粉厂经理, manager, flour mill

经理,制造 manager, manufacturing

制造公司经理, manager, manufacturing company

经理,制造业 manager, manufacturing industry

经理,金属制品厂制造 manager, metalworks fabrication

经理,磨 manager, mill

经理,运营 - 制造 manager, operations – manufacturing

管理器,造纸厂 manager, paper mill

经理,厂房及设备 manager, plant

经理,印刷 manager, printing

经理,生产运营 manager, production operations

经理,质量控制服务 manager, quality-control services

铁路机车车辆生产经理, manager, railway rolling stock production

经理,钢厂 manager, steel mill

经理,纺织厂 manager, textile mill

经理,纺织纺纱厂 manager, textile spinning mill

经理,纺织纺纱厂 manager, textile spinning plant

经理,轮胎厂 manager, tire plant

刀具生产部经理, manager, tool production department

制造公司经理 manufacturing company manager

制造业经理 manufacturing industry manager

制造经理 manufacturing manager

制造业务经理 manufacturing operations manager

制造工厂经理 manufacturing plant manager

生产厂长 manufacturing plant superintendent

金属工程制造经理 metal works fabrication manager

工厂经理 mill manager

纺织纺纱工厂经理, mill manager, textile spinning

磨管理者 mill superintendent

汽车组装厂经理 motor vehicle assembly plant manager

酿酒师 oenologist

业务经理 - 制造 operations manager – manufacturing

业务经理 - 公用事业 operations manager – public utilities

业务经理,制造 operations manager, manufacturing

包装制造工厂经理 packaging manufacturing plant manager

造纸厂经理 paper mill manager

酸洗工厂经理 pickling plant manager

工厂经理助理 plant assistant manager

工厂经理 plant manager

工厂经理,制造 plant manager, manufacturing

汽车组装厂经理, plant manager, motor vehicle assembly

工厂经理,包装制造 plant manager, packaging manufacturing

工厂经理,酸洗 plant manager, pickling

工厂经理,塑料制品制造 plant manager, plastic products manufacturing

工厂经理,印刷 plant manager, printing

工厂经理,橡胶制品制造 plant manager, rubber products manufacturing

纺织纺纱厂经理, plant manager, textile spinning

厂长,制造 plant superintendent, manufacturing

塑料制品生产厂经理 plastic products-manufacturing plant manager

印刷经理 printing manager

印刷厂经理 printing plant manager

生产科长 production chief

生产主管 production head

生产经理 - 制造 production manager – manufacturing

生产经理 - 印刷 production manager – printing

生产部经理,汽车内饰件 production manager, automobile interior fittings

生产经理,铁路车 production manager, railway cars

生产部经理,铁路机车车辆 production manager, railway rolling stock

生产运营经理 production operations manager

生产计划商 production planner

生产规划协调员 production planning co-ordinator

生产规划经理 production planning manager

生产高级协调员 production senior co-ordinator

生产主管 production superintendent

纸浆和造纸厂经理 pulp and paper mill manager

质量控制服务经理 quality-control services manager

铁路车辆生产经理 railway car production manager

铁路机车车辆生产经理 railway rolling stock production manager

炼厂总监 refinery superintendent

橡胶制品生产厂经理 rubber products-manufacturing plant manager

钢厂经理 steel mill manager

管理者,工厂 superintendent, factory

管理者,磨 superintendent, mill

管理者,生产 superintendent, production

管理者,炼油厂 superintendent, refinery

纺织厂经理 textile mill manager

纺织纺纱工厂经理的 textile spinning-mill manager

纺织纺纱厂经理 textile spinning-plant manager

轮胎厂经理 tire plant manager

刀具生产部经理 tool production department manager

酒厂经理 winery manager












0311 医疗保健经理 Managers in health care  NOC

0311 医疗保健经理 Managers in health care NOC - LEVEL 0


This unit group includes managers who plan, organize, direct, control and evaluate the delivery of health care services, such as diagnosis and treatment, nursing and therapy, within institutions, and in other settings, that provide health care services. They are employed in hospitals, medical clinics, nursing homes and other health care organizations.

0311 医疗保健经理头衔范例 Example Titles

麻醉科科长 chief of anesthesia

急诊医学主任 chief of emergency medicine

医疗科长 chief of medical staff

临床医学主任 director of clinical medicine

营养学主任 director of dietetics

实验室医学主任 director of laboratory medicine

护理部主任 - 医疗服务 director of nursing – medical services

职业治疗主任 director of occupational therapy

理疗主任 director of physiotherapy

外科主任 director of surgery

主任,康复服务 director, rehabilitation services

家居照顾服务总监 - 医疗服务 home care services director – medical services

医疗门诊部主任 medical clinic director

心理健康住宅护理项目经理 mental health residential care program manager

0311 医疗保健经理主要职责 Main duties


Plan, organize, direct, control and evaluate the delivery of health care services within a department of a health care institution, or in other settings where health care services are provided


Consult with boards of directors and senior managers to maintain and establish standards for the provision of health care services


Develop evaluation systems to monitor the quality of health care given to patients


Monitor the use of diagnostic services, in-patient beds and facilities to ensure effective use of resources


Develop and implement plans for new programs, special projects, new material and equipment acquisitions and future staffing levels in their department or establishment


Plan and control departmental or establishment budget


Represent the department or establishment at meetings with government officials, the public, the media and other organizations


Supervise health care supervisors and professionals


Recruit health care staff of the department or establishment.


Managers in health care specialize in administering the provision of specific health care services such as dietetics, clinical medicine, laboratory medicine, nursing, physiotherapy or surgery.

0311 医疗保健经理任职要求 Employment requirements


Administrators of departments such as surgery, clinical medicine or laboratory medicine are usually required to have the education and training of a specialist physician.


Administrators of other departments, such as nursing, dietetics or physiotherapy, are usually required to have the education and training of the medical professionals in that department.


Several years of experience in the relevant profession, including supervisory experience, are usually required.


Certification in the relevant profession is required.

0311 医疗保健经理附加信息 Additional information


There is little or no mobility between departments in different medical specializations.


Progression to senior management positions in health care services is possible with experience.

0311 医疗保健经理其他分类 Classified elsewhere

政府经营者 - 卫生和社会政策的制定和项目管理 Government managers - health and social policy development and program administration [0411](0411)

高级管理人员 - 卫生,教育,社会和​​社区服务及会员组织 Senior managers - health, education, social and community services and membership organizations [0014](0014)

0311 医疗保健经理职称头衔 All titles

管理员,血库 administrator, blood bank

管理员,牙科保健服务 administrator, dental health services

管理员,护理单元 administrator, nursing unit

管理员,治疗服务 administrator, therapeutic services

招生主任 - 医疗保健 admissions director – health care

麻醉,科长 anesthesia, chief of

护理管理员助理 assistant administrator for nursing

助理管理员,护理服务 assistant administrator, nursing services

护理部主任助理 assistant director of nursing

护理服务助理主任 assistant director of nursing services

助理护理服务管理员 assistant nursing services administrator

听力和言语语言病理学,首席 audiology and speech language pathology, chief of

听力和言语语言病理学主任 audiology and speech language pathology, director of

行为治疗服务主任 behaviour therapy services director

首席营养师 chief dietitian

首席病理解剖 chief of anatomical pathology

麻醉科科长 chief of anesthesia

听力和言语语言病理学主任 chief of audiology and speech language pathology

生物医学工程首席服务 chief of biomedical engineering service

心脏科主任 chief of cardiology

皮肤科主任 chief of dermatology

首席影像诊断 chief of diagnostic imaging

首席放射诊断 chief of diagnostic radiology

急诊医学主任 chief of emergency medicine

内分泌科主任 chief of endocrinology

首席胃肠病学 chief of gastro-enterology

首席血液学 chief of hematology

首席住房活动 chief of housing activities

首席传染病 chief of infectious diseases

实验室医学主任 chief of laboratory medicine

医疗参谋长 chief of medical staff

内科主任 chief of medicine

肾脏科主任 chief of nephrology

神经内科主任 chief of neurology

妇产科主任 chief of obstetrics and gynecology

首席职业治疗 chief of occupational therapy

首席经营面积 chief of operating area

眼科主任 chief of ophthalmology

首席病理 chief of pathology

儿科主任 chief of pediatrics

药房主任 chief of pharmacy

首席物理治疗 chief of physiotherapy

精神科主任 chief of psychiatry

首席心理学 chief of psychology

放射肿瘤学主任 chief of radiation oncology

呼吸科主任 chief of respirology

首席风湿病 chief of rheumatology

参谋长 - 医院 chief of staff – hospital

外科主任 chief of surgery

泌尿科主任 chief of urology

首席放射技师 chief radiology technologist

临床医学主任 clinical medicine, director of

临床服务经理 clinical services manager

牙齿健康服务管理员 dental health services administrator

牙科实验室常务监事 dental laboratory managing supervisor

皮肤科主任 dermatology, chief of

影像诊断,首席 diagnostic imaging, chief of

放射诊断,科长 diagnostic radiology, chief of

听力和言语语言病理学主任 director of audiology and speech language pathology

临床医学主任 director of clinical medicine

营养学主任 director of dietetics

实验室医学主任 director of laboratory medicine

护理部主任 - 医疗服务 director of nursing – medical services

职业治疗主任 director of occupational therapy

理疗主任 director of physiotherapy

专业服务总监 - 医疗服务 director of professional services – medical services

心理学主任 - 医疗保健 director of psychology – health care

外科主任 director of surgery

董事,行为治疗服务 director, behaviour therapy services

董事,急救服务 director, first aid services

主任,医疗 director, medical

主任,医疗诊所 director, medical clinic

董事,护理服务 - 医疗服务 director, nursing services – medical services

董事,职业健康服务 director, occupational health services

董事,药房 director, pharmacy

董事,心理学 - 医疗保健 director, psychology – health care

董事,公共健康护理服务 director, public health nursing services

董事,康复服务 director, rehabilitation services

董事,康复服务 - 医疗服务 director, rehabilitation services – medical services

董事,治疗服务 - 精神病医院 director, therapeutic services – psychiatric hospital

急诊医学,科长 emergency medicine, chief of

内分泌科,科长 endocrinology, chief of

急救服务总监 first aid services director

胃肠病学,首席 gastro-enterology, chief of

血液科,主任 hematology, chief of

家居照顾服务总监 - 医疗服务 home care services director – medical services

首席传染病 infectious diseases, chief of

实验室医学主任 laboratory medicine, chief of

实验室医学主任 laboratory medicine, director of

经理,护理 - 医疗服务 manager, nursing care – medical services

经理,护理服务 - 医疗服务 manager, nursing services – medical services

常务监事,牙科实验室 managing supervisor, dental laboratory

医疗门诊部主任 medical clinic director

医疗主任 medical director

医药,科长 medicine, chief of

心理健康住宅的护理项目经理 mental health residential care program manager

肾脏科,科长 nephrology, chief of

神经科,科长 neurology, chief of

护理经理 - 医疗服务 nursing care manager – medical services

护理服务管理员 nursing services administrator

护理服务助理管理员 nursing services assistant administrator

护理服务主任 - 医疗服务 nursing services director – medical services

护理服务经理 - 医疗服务 nursing services manager – medical services

护理单元管理员 nursing unit administrator

妇产科首席 obstetrics and gynecology, chief of

职业健康服务总监 occupational health services director

职业治疗师,首席 occupational therapy, chief of

职业治疗主任 occupational therapy, director of

眼科主任 ophthalmology, chief of

病理学首席 pathology, chief of

小儿科主任 pediatrics, chief of

药剂科主任 pharmacy director

药房,科长 pharmacy, chief of

理疗,科长 physiotherapy, chief of

理疗主任 physiotherapy, director of

足病诊疗经理 podiatric clinic manager

精神病学,首席 psychiatry, chief of

心理学主任 - 医疗保健 psychology director – health care

心理学,首席 psychology, chief of

公共健康护理服务总监 public health nursing services director

放射肿瘤学首席 radiation oncology, chief of

红十字会急救董事的 Red Cross first aid director

康复服务主任 - 医疗服务 rehabilitation services director – medical services

呼吸科主任 respirology, chief of

风湿病,首席 rheumatology, chief of

手术,首席 surgery, chief of

外科主任, surgery, director of

治疗服务管理员 therapeutic services administrator

治疗服务总监 therapeutic services director

治疗服务总监 - 精神病医院 therapeutic services director – psychiatric hospital

泌尿外科首席 urology, chief of












0632 住宿服务经理 Accommodation service managers NOC

0632 住宿服务经理 Accommodation service managers NOC - LEVEL 0


Accommodation service managers plan, organize, direct, control and evaluate the operations of an accommodation establishment or of a department within such an establishment. They are employed by hotels, motels, resorts, student residences and other accommodation establishments, or they may be self-employed.

0632 住宿服务经理头衔范例

经理助理,酒店 assistant manager, hotel

床和早餐经营者 bed and breakfast operator

前台经理 - 住宿服务 front desk manager – accommodation services

招待所经营者 guest-house operator

酒店总监 hotel director

酒店经理 hotel manager

汽车旅馆经理 motel manager

预订经理 reservations manager

季节性度假村经理 seasonal resort manager

滑雪场经理 ski resort manager

旅游家运营商 tourist home operator

0632 住宿服务经理主要职责


Accommodation service managers perform some or all of the following duties:


Develop, implement and evaluate policies and procedures for the operation of the department or establishment


Prepare budgets and monitor revenues and expenses


Participate in the development of pricing and promotional strategies


Negotiate with suppliers for the provision of materials and supplies


Negotiate with clients for the use of facilities for conventions, banquets, receptions and other functions


Recruit and supervise staff, oversee training and set work schedules


Resolve customer complaints.

0632 住宿服务经理任职要求


A university degree or college diploma in hotel management or other related discipline is usually required for managers employed by hotel chains or large accommodation establishments.


Several years of experience within the accommodation industry are usually required and may substitute for formal educational requirements.

0632 住宿服务经理其他分类

广告,市场营销和公共关系经理 Advertising, marketing and public relations managers [0124](0124)

行政管家 Executive housekeepers [6312](6312)

设备操作和维修经理 Facility operation and maintenance managers [0714](0714)

餐馆和食品服务经理 Restaurant and food service managers [0631](0631)

零售和批发贸易经理 Retail and wholesale trade managers [0621](0621)

0632 住宿服务经理职称头衔

住宿服务经理 accommodation services manager

住宿经理 accommodations manager

经理助理,酒店 assistant manager, hotel

床和早餐经理 bed and breakfast manager

床和早餐经营 bed and breakfast operator

公寓管家 boarding house keeper

宿舍管理员 boarding house manager

营地经理 camp manager

露营地经理 campground manager

露营地运营商 campground operator

独木舟营地运营商 canoe camp operator

乡村旅馆运营商 country inn operator

董事,酒店 director, hotel

钓鱼的营房运营商 fishing camp operator

酒店前台经理 front desk hotel manager

前台经理 - 住宿服务 front desk manager – accommodation services

酒店前台经理 front desk manager, hotel

前台办公室经理,酒店 front office manager, hotel

宾客服务经理 guest services manager

招待所经营 guest-house operator

宿舍管理员 hostel manager

酒店经理助理 hotel assistant manager

酒店总监 hotel director

酒店前台经理 hotel front desk manager

酒店前厅部经理 hotel front office manager

酒店经理 hotel manager

酒店运营商 hotel operator

狩猎和捕鱼小屋经理 hunting and fishing lodge manager

狩猎营地运营商 hunting camp operator

旅馆经理 inn manager

旅店运营商 inn operator

旅馆老板 innkeeper

宿舍经理 lodging house manager

经理,住宿服务 manager, accommodation services

经理,床和早餐 manager, bed and breakfast

经理,宿舍 manager, boarding house

经理,营 manager, camp

经理,露营地 manager, campground

经理,酒店 manager, hotel

经理,酒店前台 manager, hotel front desk

酒店前台办公室经理, manager, hotel front office

旅馆经理, manager, inn

经理,住宿的房子; manager, lodging house

经理,休闲露营地 manager, recreational campground

经理,预订 manager, reservations

经理,度假 manager, resort

经理,季节性度假村 manager, seasonal resort

经理,学生宿舍 manager, student residence

经理,大学宿舍 manager, university residence

经理,青年旅馆 manager, youth hostel

汽车旅馆经理 motel manager

休闲营地经理 recreational campground manager

预定经理 reservations manager

度假露营地经理 resort campground manager

度假村经理 resort manager

客房部主任 rooms division director

客房经理 - 住宿服务 rooms manager – accommodation services

季节性度假村经理 seasonal resort manager

滑雪场经理 ski resort manager

学生宿舍管理员 student residence manager

旅游之家运营商 tourist home operator

大学宿舍管理员 university residence manager

青年旅馆经理 youth hostel manager












0912 公用事业经理 Utilities managers NOC

0912 公用事业经理 Utilities managers NOC - LEVEL 0


This unit group includes managers who plan, organize, direct, control and evaluate the operations of utility companies or services of heating fuel distribution companies. The services provided include treatment of water and waste, distribution of water, electricity, natural gas and heating oil to residential, commercial and industrial consumers, waste disposal and waste recycling. Utilities managers are employed in public and private sector utilities and in heating fuel distribution companies.

0912 公用事业经理头衔范例

废物管理主任 director of waste management

水污染控制总监 director of water pollution control

董事,分销系统 - 实用工具 director, distribution systems – utilities

董事,电力传输业务 director, electrical power transmission operations

董事,供水 director, water supply

销售经理,精炼石油产品 distribution manager, refined petroleum products

电厂经理 electric power plant manager

液体废物设施经理 liquid waste facility manager

经理,发电机厂 manager, electric generating plant

经理,供气业务 manager, gas supply operations

经理,污水处理厂 manager, sewage treatment plant

水过滤厂经理 water filtration plant manager

0912 公用事业经理主要职责


Water supply managers manage water filtration, purification processes and pumping operations, schedule and oversee the maintenance of plant equipment and prepare reports on water supply and water quality.


Electrical power distribution managers manage the operations of electrical power distribution systems including generating stations, transmission stations and distribution networks. They may also plan and direct the distribution activities of a municipal electrical power establishment.


Natural gas supply managers manage the delivery of gas to consumers, monitor supply inventories and control the recording of injections and withdrawals.


Petroleum product distribution managers plan and direct the distribution of heating oil products to retail distributors and regional storage sites.


Water pollution control managers manage the operations of a sewage treatment plant, schedule and direct maintenance of plant equipment, and prepare reports on water quality.


Waste systems managers manage solid or liquid waste collection and disposal systems, train drivers in how to handle waste and ensure safe operation of disposal facilities.

0912 公用事业经理任职要求


A bachelors degree or college diploma in an appropriate discipline is required. For example, electrical engineering is required for managers of transmission lines, and water resource technology for water supply managers.


Several years of experience as a supervisor in a related utilities operations department are required.


Professional engineer certification is usually required for managers of utility operations involved in the transmission and distribution of electrical power, and natural gas and heating oil.

0912 公用事业经理附加信息


Progression to senior management positions in the utility industry is possible with experience.

0912 公用事业经理其他分类

设备操作员和维修经理 Facility operation and maintenance managers [0714](0714)

高级管理人员 - 建筑,交通运输,生产和公用事业 Senior managers - construction, transportation, production and utilities [0016](0016)

0912 公用事业经理职称头衔

堆肥设施经理 compost facility manager

压缩机站经理 compressor station manager

废物管理主任 director of waste management

水污染控制总监 director of water pollution control

董事,分销网络 - 实用工具 director, distribution network – utilities

董事,分销系统 - 实用工具 director, distribution systems – utilities

董事,电力传输业务 director, electrical power transmission operations

董事,水力发电生产厂 director, hydro-electric power production plant

主任,水力发电站 director, hydro-electric power station

董事,污水处理系统 director, sewage treatment system

董事,传输业务 - 公用事业 director, transmission operations – utilities

董事,废水处理系统 director, waste water treatment system

水利部门主任 director, water department

董事,供水 director, water supply

分销经理,气体 distribution manager, gas

销售经理,精炼石油产品 distribution manager, refined petroleum products

分销网络​​总监 - 实用工具 distribution network director – utilities

分销业务经理 - 实用工具 distribution operations manager – utilities

配电系统主任 - 实用工具 distribution systems director – utilities

区域经理,灌溉 district manager, irrigation

部门经理 - 石油分布 division manager – petroleum distribution

电动发电机工厂经理 electric generating plant manager

电发电站经理 electric generating station manager

电厂经理 electric power plant manager

电力服务经理 electric power services manager

电力传输运营总监 electrical power transmission operations director

燃气分销经理 gas distribution manager

供气经理 gas supply manager

燃气供应业务经理 gas supply operations manager

水力发电生产厂长 hydro-electric power production plant director

水力发电派出所所长 hydro-electric power station director

灌溉区经理 irrigation district manager

垃圾填埋场经理 landfill manager

液体废物设施经理 liquid waste facility manager

经理,压缩机站 manager, compressor station

经理,配送,精炼石油产品 manager, distribution, refined petroleum products

经理,发电机厂 manager, electric generating plant

经理,电发电站 manager, electric generating station

管理者,电厂 manager, electric power plant

经理,电力服务 manager, electric power services

经理,供气业务 manager, gas supply operations

经理,液体废物处理设施 manager, liquid waste facility

经理,公用事业 manager, public utilities

经理,卫生下水道服务 manager, sanitary sewer service

经理,污水处理; manager, sewage disposal

经理,污水处理厂; manager, sewage plant

经理,污水处理厂 manager, sewage treatment plant

管理器,传输线 manager, transmission lines

经理,水厂 manager, waterworks

核废料经理 nuclear waste manager

业务经理,管道 operations manager, pipelines

石油产品经销经理 petroleum distribution manager

管道运营经理 pipelines operations manager

工厂经理,污水处理 plant manager, sewage treatment

公用事业经理 public utilities manager

精炼石油产品分销经理 refined petroleum products distribution manager

下水道服务经理 sanitary sewer service manager

污水处理经理 sewage disposal manager

污水处理厂经理 sewage plant manager

污水处理厂经理 sewage treatment plant manager

污水处理系统主任 sewage treatment system director

固体废物加工区经理 solid waste processing district manager

固体废物处理经理 solid waste processing manager

固体废物处理业务,企划部经理 solid waste processing operations planning manager

传输线经理 transmission lines manager

传输运营总监 - 实用工具 transmission operations director – utilities

废物管理中心主任 waste management director

废水处理系统董事 waste water treatment system director

水主管部门 water department director

配水经理 water distribution manager

水过滤厂经理 water filtration plant manager

水体污染控制主任 water pollution control director

水务主任 waterworks director

水务经理 waterworks manager

水务总监 waterworks superintendent












0212 建筑与科学经理 architecture and science managers NOC

0212 建筑与科学经理 architecture and science managers NOC - LEVEL 0


Architecture and science managers plan, organize, direct, control and evaluate the activities of an architecture, landscape architecture, scientific or statistical department, service or firm. They are employed by a wide range of private sector and government establishments as well as by architectural firms and scientific research companies.

0212 建筑与科学经理头衔范例

建筑经理 architectural manager

首席精算师 chief actuary

林业研究主任 - director of research – forestry

研究主任 - 制造 director of research – manufacturing

研究主任 - 采矿 director of research – mining

董事,农业化学分支 director, agricultural chemistry branch

园林建筑经理 landscape architecture manager

生命科学项目经理, manager, life sciences program

石油地质部门经理, manager, petroleum geology department

科研部门经理 scientific research department manager

统计服务经理 statistical service manager

0212 建筑与科学经理主要职责


Plan, organize, direct, control and evaluate the activities and operations of an architecture, landscape architecture, scientific research and development laboratory or quality control department, service or firm


Develop and implement policies, standards and procedures for the architectural, scientific and technical work performed in the department, service, laboratory or firm


Assign, co-ordinate and review the technical work of the department or project teams


Recruit personnel and oversee development and maintenance of staff competence in required areas


May participate directly in the design, development and inspection of technical projects or in the theoretical or applied scientific work of the department


May consult and negotiate with clients to prepare specifications, explain proposals or present architectural or scientific research reports and findings.

0212 建筑与科学经理任职要求


Architecture managers require a degree in architecture, registration as a professional architect and several years of experience as an architect.


Landscape architecture managers require a degree in landscape architecture, licensing as a professional landscape architect and several years of experience as a landscape architect.


Science and other managers in this unit group require a masters or doctoral degree in a scientific discipline and several years of experience in a related scientific discipline.

0212 建筑与科学经理附加信息 Additional information

* 可能晋升至各自领域内有经验的高级管理职位

Progression to senior management positions in the respective fields is possible with experience.

0212 建筑与科学经理其他分类

计算机和信息系统经理 Computer and information systems managers [0213](0213)

工程经理 Engineering managers [0211](0211)

天然资源生产和捕鱼经理 Managers in natural resources production and fishing [0811](0811)

科学专家和科学专业监理(自然和应用科学的21个专业职位)Science professionals and supervisors of science professionals (in 21 Professional occupations in natural and applied sciences)

0212 建筑与科学经理职称头衔

精算部经理 actuarial department manager

农业化学分会理事 agricultural chemistry branch director

农业代表董事 agricultural representatives director

农业代表区域经理 agricultural representatives regional manager

建筑经理 architectural manager

建筑服务经理 architectural service manager

副主任,城市规划和发展 - 政府服务 assistant director, urban planning and development – government services

生物研究部门首席 biological research department chief

化工经理 chemical manager

化学研究部经理 chemical research division manager

首席精算师 chief actuary

科长,生物研究部门 chief, biological research department

临床项目经理 clinical projects manager

架构总监 director of architecture

林业研究主任 - director of research – forestry

研究主任 - 制造 director of research – manufacturing

研究主任 - 采矿 director of research – mining

董事,农业化学分支 director, agricultural chemistry branch

董事,农业代表 director, agricultural representatives

实验室主任, director, laboratory

数学系的主任, director, mathematics department

董事,海洋学研究 director, oceanographic research

董事,质量控制 - 化学 director, quality control – chemistry

统计部门主任, director, statistical department

董事,城市规划和发展 - 政府服务 director, urban planning and development – government services

董事,城市规划和重建 - 政府服务 director, urban planning and renewal – government services

董事,动物园 director, zoological garden

动物园主任, director, zoological park

生态研究经理 ecological research manager

生态经理 ecology manager

环境科学经理 environmental science manager

实验农场管理者 experimental farm superintendent

地球化学经理 geochemical manager

地质经理 geological manager

地球物理经理 geophysical manager

实验室主任 laboratory director

实验室经理 laboratory manager

园林建筑经理 landscape architecture manager

生命科学项目经理 life sciences program manager

畜牧业发展经理 livestock development manager

畜牧业生产计划经理 livestock production programs manager

家畜程序开发经理 livestock program development manager

精算部经理, manager, actuarial department

经理,建筑服务 manager, architectural service

化学研究部经理, manager, chemical research division

经理,生态研究 manager, ecological research

经理,生态学 manager, ecology

经理,环境科学 manager, environmental science

经理,园林建筑 manager, landscape architecture

生命科学项目经理, manager, life sciences program

经理,畜牧业发展 manager, livestock development

经理,畜牧业生产计划 manager, livestock production programs

经理,家畜程序开发 manager, livestock program development

经理,数学服务 manager, mathematical services

经理,数学程序 manager, mathematics program

经理,自然科学计划 manager, natural sciences program

石油地质部门经理, manager, petroleum geology department

经理,物理科学计划 manager, physical sciences program

经理,质量控制 - 药品 manager, quality control – pharmaceutical products

经理,农村发展 manager, rural development

经理,农村发展计划 manager, rural development program

经理,科研 manager, scientific research

科研部门经理, manager, scientific research department

经理,统计服务 manager, statistical service

制造业研究总监 manufacturing research director

数学服务经理 mathematical services manager

数学部主任 mathematics department director

数学项目经理 mathematics program manager

挖掘研究总监 mining research director

自然科学项目经理 natural sciences program manager

海洋学研究总监 oceanographic research director

石油地质部门经理 petroleum geology department manager

物理科学项目经理 physical sciences program manager

项目管理首席 - 科学事务 project management chief – scientific affairs

质量控制总监 - 化学 quality control director – chemistry

质量控制经理 - 医药产品 quality control manager – pharmaceutical products

区域经理,农业代表 regional manager, agricultural representatives

研究和开发经理 research and development manager

研究总监 - 林业 research director – forestry

研究总监 - 制造 research director – manufacturing

研究总监 - 采矿 research director – mining

农村发展部经理 rural development manager

农村发展项目经理 rural development program manager

科研部门经理 scientific research department manager

科研主任 scientific research director

科研管理器 scientific research manager

统计部门主任 statistical department director

统计服务经理 statistical service manager

管理者,实验农场 superintendent, experimental farm

城市规划和发展助理主任 - 政府服务 urban planning and development assistant director – government services

城市规划和发展总监 - 政府服务 urban planning and development director – government services

城市规划和重建董事 - 政府服务 urban planning and renewal director – government services

动物园主任 zoological garden director

动物园主任 zoological park director












0125 其他业务服务经理 Other business services managers NOC

0125 其他业务服务经理 Other business services managers NOC - LEVEL 0


Managers in this unit group plan, organize, direct, control and evaluate the operations of establishments that provide services to business, and ensure the quality of those services and client satisfaction. They work in fields such as management consulting, market research, personnel and payroll services, contact centre services and security services.

0125 其他业务服务经理头衔范例

会计师事务所经理 accounting firm manager

联络中心经理 contact centre manager

就业机构经理 employment agency manager

能源资产的合资企业经理 energy asset joint venture manager

律师事务所经理 legal firm manager

经理,管理咨询服务 manager, management consulting service

经理,市场调研服务 manager, market research service

经理,护理注册表 manager, nursing registry

薪资服务经理 payroll service manager

人事代理经理 personnel agency manager

专业服务经理 - 业务服务 professional services manager – business services

安全服务部经理 security service manager

0125 其他业务服务经理主要职责


Plan, organize, direct, control and evaluate the operations of establishments that provide services to business such as management consulting, market research, personnel and payroll services, contact centre services and security services


Plan, develop and organize the policies and procedures of these establishments


Develop action plans, provide expertise in response to client needs, and support and advise project teams


Direct and advise staff in the development and implementation of service quality assessment strategies


Plan, administer and control budgets for client projects, contracts, equipment and supplies


Represent the company within various economic and social organizations


Assist staff with administrative or technical problems


Hire, train and supervise staff.

0125 其他业务服务经理任职要求


A bachelors degree or college diploma in a field related to the business service provided is usually required.


Several years of experience in a field related to the business service provided are usually required.


Licences, certificates or registration may be required for some business services managers. For example, accounting firm managers usually require accounting certification.


University studies in business administration may be required.

0125 其他业务服务经理其他分类

广告,市场营销和公共关系经理 Advertising, marketing and public relations managers [0124](0124)

建筑和科学经理 Architecture and science managers [0212](0212)

银行,信贷和其他投资经理 Banking, credit and other investment managers [0122](0122)

计算机和信息系统经理 Computer and information systems managers [0213](0213)

工程经理 Engineering managers [0211](0211)

保险,房地产和金融的经纪经理 Insurance, real estate and financial brokerage managers [0121](0121)

高级管理人员 - 财务,通信和其他商业服务 Senior managers - financial, communications and other business services [0013](0013)

0125 其他业务服务经理职称头衔

会计师事务所经理 accounting firm manager

会计师事务所经理 - 业务服务 accounting firm manager – business services

审计师事务所经理 audit firm manager

审计事务所经理 auditing firm manager

呼叫中心经理 call centre manager

会议发展经理 conference development manager

会议服务经理 conference services manager

联络中心经理 contact centre manager

海关经理 - 商务服务 customs manager – business services

侦探社经理 detective agency manager

主任,组织方法分析 director, organizational methods analysis

主任,组织方法分析 - 业务服务 director, organizational methods analysis – business services

主任,组织规划和发展 director, organizational planning and development

就业机构经理 employment agency manager

就业办公室经理 employment office manager

能源资产的合资企业经理 energy asset joint venture manager

领导,管理服务部门 - 商务服务 head, management services division – business services

领导,组织服务 head, organizational services

土地承包经理 land contracts manager

律师事务所经理 legal firm manager

管理咨询服务经理 management consulting service manager

经理,会计师事务所 manager, accounting firm

经理,审计师事务所 manager, auditing firm

经理,侦探社 manager, detective agency

经理,就业机构 manager, employment agency

就业办公室经理, manager, employment office

经理,律师事务所 manager, legal firm

经理,管理咨询服务 manager, management consulting service

经理,市场调研服务 manager, market research service

经理,方法和程序 manager, methods and procedures

经理,矿产土地及合同 manager, mineral land and contracts

经理,护理注册表 manager, nursing registry

经理,薪资服务 manager, payroll service

经理,人事代理 manager, personnel agency

经理,人事咨询服务 manager, personnel consulting service

经理,配售代理 manager, placement agency

经理,安置办公室 manager, placement office

经理,私人调查和安全服务 manager, private investigation and security service

经理,安全服务 manager, security service

经理,表面土地管理 manager, surface land administration

经理,调查研究服务 manager, survey research service

市场研究服务部经理 market research service manager

方法和程序管理者 methods and procedures manager

矿产土地行政经理 mineral land administration manager

护理注册经理 nursing registry manager

组织方法分析主任 organizational methods analysis director

组织方法分析总监 - 商务服务 organizational methods analysis director – business services

组织方法分析经理 organizational methods analysis manager

组织策划及发展总监 organizational planning and development director

薪资服务经理 payroll service manager

人事代理经理 personnel agency manager

人事咨询服务经理 personnel consulting service manager

安置机构经理 placement agency manager

就业办公室经理 placement office manager

私人调查和安全服务经理 private investigation and security service manager

专业服务经理 - 业务服务 professional services manager – business services

安全服务部经理 security service manager

调查研究服务经理 survey research service manager

健康和设施资产经理 well and facilities asset manager












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上一篇:6232 地产代理及销售人员 Real estate agents and salespersons NOC

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